Source code for schrodinger.application.desmond.ana

Desmond analyses

Copyright Schrodinger, LLC. All rights reserved.
from bisect import bisect
from bisect import bisect_left

from schrodinger.application.desmond.packages import analysis
from schrodinger.application.desmond.packages import topo
from schrodinger.application.desmond.packages import traj

    "angle": analysis.Angle,
    "dihedral": analysis.Torsion,
    "distance": analysis.Distance,

[docs]def calc_time_series(requests, model_fname, traj_fname): """ :type requests: `list` of requests where each request is a `list` of quantity name, arguments, and (optional) time selection. Examples:: [['dihedral', 1, 2, 3, 4], ['dihedral', 1, 2, 3, 4, {'begin':0, 'end':24.001}],] :return: `list` of analysis results """ if not requests: return [] models = list(topo.read_cms(model_fname)) tr = traj.read_traj(traj_fname) sim_times = [fr.time for fr in tr] analyzers, times = [], [] for req in requests: has_opt = isinstance(req[-1], dict) args = models + (req[1:-1] if has_opt else req[1:]) times.append(req[-1] if has_opt else None) analyzers.append(QUANTITY_CLASS_MAP[req[0]](*args)) results = analysis.analyze(tr, *analyzers) # FIXME: this is to undo the special treatment of analysis.analyze() when # there is only one analyzer if len(analyzers) == 1: results = [results] answer = [] for res, time_sel in zip(results, times): if time_sel: left = bisect_left(sim_times, time_sel['begin']) right = bisect(sim_times, time_sel['end']) answer.append(list(zip(sim_times[left:right], res[left:right]))) else: answer.append(list(zip(sim_times, res))) return answer
[docs]def calc_prob_profile(data, bin_width, min, max, is_periodic=False): """ FIXME: To be added. """ num_bin = int(float(max - min) / bin_width) bin = [0] * num_bin range = max - min for e in data: while (e > max): e -= range while (e < min): e += range i_bin = int((e - min) / bin_width + 0.5) if (i_bin >= num_bin): i_bin = i_bin - num_bin if (is_periodic) else num_bin - 1 elif (i_bin < 0): i_bin = i_bin + num_bin if (is_periodic) else 0 bin[i_bin] += 1 result = [] num_data = len(data) for i, e in enumerate(bin): result.append((i * bin_width + min, float(e) / num_data)) return result