Source code for schrodinger.application.desmond.autopartition

A module to provide multiset partition, combination and processor topology

Copyright Schrodinger, LLC. All rights reserved.

# Contributors: Teng Lin

import copy
from math import sqrt
from past.utils import old_div

import numpy

def _next_multiset_comb(m, state):
    @todo: convert it to a generator.
    finished = False
    changed = False
    k = len(state)
    n = len(m)
    i = k - 1
    if i >= 0:
        while not finished and not changed:

            if state[i] < m[i + n - k]:
                j = 0
                while m[j] <= state[i]:
                    j += 1
                state[i] = m[j]
                if i < k - 1:
                    l = i + 1  # noqa: E741
                    j = j + 1
                    while l < k:
                        state[l] = m[j]
                        l += 1  # noqa: E741
                        j += 1
                changed = True

            if i == 0:
                finished = True
                finished = False
            i -= 1
    return changed

def _multicomb(m, k):
    :type m: list of integer
    :param m: multiset.

    :type k: int
    :param k: the total number of element that will show up in the combination.

    :return the combination in an integer number array.


        for i in _multicomb([0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2], 7):
            print i

    The above statement will generate below combinations::

        [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2]
        [0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 2]
        [0, 0, 0, 2, 2, 2, 2]
        [0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2]
        [0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2]
        [0, 0, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2]
        [0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2]
        [0, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2]
        [1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2]

    @todo: provide a mapping function
    # state will be changed in _next_multiset_comb
    # therefore its copy is yeild in the generator
    state = copy.copy(m[:k])
    yield state[:]
    while _next_multiset_comb(m, state):
        yield state[:]

def _list2array(m, n):
    c = numpy.zeros(n, dtype='int')
    for i in m:
        c[i] += 1
    return c

def _array2list(m):
    t = []
    for i, j in enumerate(m):
        t.extend([i] * j)
    return t

[docs]def all_multicomb(m): """ Return all combinations for multiset m :type m: list of integer :param m: the array contains the maximum number of individual unique element in the multiset. """ lst = _array2list(m) for i in range(0, len(lst) + 1): for q in _multicomb(lst, i): yield _list2array(q, len(m))
[docs]def get_next_partition(factors): """ A partition generator :type factors: list of integer :param factors: a list of prime numbers :return: a three element tuple that represent the partition @todo: this algorithm is still not very efficient due to the generation of duplicate combination. A vector partition function with restricted growth order will be a better option. """ # count and separate unique prime numbers d = {} for e in factors: if e not in d: d[e] = 0 d[e] += 1 items = list(d.items()) items.sort() f = numpy.array([k for k, v in items], dtype='int') m = numpy.array([v for k, v in items], dtype='int') s = set() all_prod =**m) for s1 in all_multicomb(m): p1 =**s1) s2_s3 = m - s1 for s2 in all_multicomb(s2_s3): p2 =**s2) p3 = all_prod / p1 / p2 p = [p1, p2, p3] p.sort() p = tuple(p) # do not yield duplicate combination if p not in s: s.add(p) yield p
[docs]def next_prime(n): """ A prmie number generator that generates prime number less than or equal to n :type n: int :param n: :return prime number """ yield 2 primes = [] for m in range(3, n + 1, 2): if all(m % p for p in primes): primes.append(m) yield m
[docs]def get_prime_factors(n): """ A function to generate all factorizations of a given integer n. :type n: int :param n: an integer to be factorized :return a list of prime factors. """ factors = [] for prime in next_prime(int(sqrt(n)) + 1): if prime is None or sqrt(n) + 1 < prime: break while not n % prime: n /= prime factors.append(prime) if n != 1: factors.append(n) return factors
[docs]def auto_partition(dims, nproc): """ A function to calculate best cpu partition based on dimension and number of processor. The object function to optimize: :type dims: list of integer :param dims: simulation box :type nproc: int :param nproc: number of cores :return an three element integer array that represents the best partition. """ def calc_g(n1, n2, n3, d1, d2, d3): """ calculate object function """ return (old_div(n2, n1) - old_div(d2, d1))**2 + (old_div(n3, n1) - old_div(d3, d1))**2 + (old_div(n3, n2) - old_div(d3, d2))**2 + \ (old_div(n1, n2) - old_div(d1, d2))**2 + (old_div(n1, n3) - old_div(d1, d3))**2 + (old_div(n2, n3) - old_div(d2, d3))**2 if nproc == 1: return [1, 1, 1] # calculate factors of nproc factors = get_prime_factors(nproc) dims = numpy.array(dims, dtype='int') # calculate normalized dimension normalized_dims = old_div(dims, min(dims)) order = numpy.array(normalized_dims).argsort() # sort dimensions in ascending order normalized_dims.sort() d1, d2, d3 = normalized_dims partition_dict = {} for n1, n2, n3 in get_next_partition(factors): if (n1, n2, n3) not in partition_dict: partition_dict[(n1, n2, n3)] = calc_g(float(n1), float(n2), float(n3), d1, d2, d3) # locate partition with minimum object function g = [v for v in partition_dict.values()] i = numpy.array(g).argmin() min_g = g[i] p = [k for k in partition_dict.keys()][i] partition = numpy.zeros(len(p), dtype='int') for i, o in enumerate(order): partition[o] = p[i] return partition
if __name__ == '__main__': factors = get_prime_factors(2 * 3**2 * 5**3) for n1, n2, n3 in get_next_partition(factors): print(n1, n2, n3)