Source code for schrodinger.application.desmond.measurement

A class for simple arithmetic with uncertainty.

Copyright Schrodinger, LLC. All rights reserved.


# Contributors: Yujie Wu

import math
from past.utils import old_div

NAN = float('nan')

def _is_equal(a, b):
    if isinstance(a, float) or isinstance(b, float):
        # Check whether both values are NAN, which does not compare equal to
        # itself
        if a != a and b != b:
            return True

        # Does floating number comparison when either argument is a `float`.
        # Hard-code the tolerance (relative error) to 1E-6,
        # likely nobody would ever care to customize it.
        c = max(abs(a), abs(b))
        return abs(a - b) <= (1E-6 * c)
    # Otherwise, we require that the == operator is defined for `a` and `b`.
    return a == b

[docs]class Measurement(object): r""" Basic method for uncertainty propagation: Say we have a few measurements: x1, x2, x3, ..., and they each has a uncertainty: d1, d2, d3, ..., respectively. Now we have a function: f( x1, x2, x3, ... ), we want to get the value of this function with given measurements x1, x2, x3, ... and also the uncertainty of the result of f. A way to do this is the following: 1. We need to get the contribution to the uncertainty of f result due to each measurement: fd1, fd2, fd3, ... This can be given by the following equations:: fd1 = df / dx1 * d1 fd2 = df / dx2 * d2 fd3 = df / dx3 * d3 ... where `df / dx1` is a partial derivative of f with respect to x1. 2. With fd1, fd2, fd3, ..., we can get the uncertainty of f using this equation: fd = math.sqrt( fd1 * fd1 + fd2 * fd2 + fd3 * fd3 + ... ) """
[docs] def __init__(self, value, uncertainty=NAN): """ """ self.val = float(value) self.unc = float(uncertainty)
def __repr__(self): """ """ return "Measurement( %g, %g )" % ( self.val, self.unc, ) def __eq__(self, rhs): if not isinstance(rhs, Measurement): return False else: return _is_equal(self.val, rhs.val) and _is_equal(self.unc, rhs.unc) def __str__(self): """ """ # FIXME: Extra digits after the first significant figure in uncertainty should be dropped, for example, # instead of writing "5.345+-0.212", we should write "5.3+-0.2". # FIXME: For scientific notation, make sure the value and the uncertainty use the same power of 10, for example, # instead of writing "5.34E-7+-3E-9", we should write "(5.34+-0.03)E-7". return "%g+-%g" % ( self.val, self.unc, ) def __float__(self): """ """ return self.val def __int__(self): """ """ return int(self.val) def __tuple__(self): """ """ return ( self.val, self.unc, ) def __add__(self, rhs): """ """ if (isinstance(rhs, tuple)): rhs = Measurement(rhs[0], rhs[1]) if (isinstance(rhs, Measurement)): val = self.val + rhs.val unc = math.sqrt(self.unc * self.unc + rhs.unc * rhs.unc) return Measurement(val, unc) else: return Measurement(self.val + rhs, self.unc) def __radd__(self, lhs): """ """ return self.__add__(lhs) def __sub__(self, rhs): """ """ return self.__add__(-rhs) def __rsub__(self, lhs): """ """ return (-self) + lhs def __neg__(self): """ """ return Measurement(-self.val, self.unc) def __pos__(self): """ """ return Measurement(self.val, self.unc) def __abs__(self): """ """ return Measurement(abs(self.val), self.unc) def __mul__(self, rhs): """ """ if (isinstance(rhs, tuple)): rhs = Measurement(rhs[0], rhs[1]) if (isinstance(rhs, Measurement)): val = self.val * rhs.val unc = math.sqrt(self.val * self.val * rhs.unc * rhs.unc + self.unc * self.unc * rhs.val * rhs.val) return Measurement(val, unc) else: return Measurement(self.val * rhs, math.fabs(self.unc * rhs)) def __rmul__(self, lhs): """ """ return self * lhs def __div__(self, rhs): """ """ if (isinstance(rhs, tuple)): rhs = Measurement(rhs[0], rhs[1]) if (isinstance(rhs, Measurement)): val = old_div(self.val, (rhs.val * rhs.val)) unc = old_div(1.0, rhs.val) unc = math.sqrt(val * val * rhs.unc * rhs.unc + unc * unc * self.unc * self.unc) return Measurement(old_div(self.val, rhs.val), unc) else: return Measurement(old_div(self.val, rhs), math.fabs(old_div(self.unc, rhs))) def __rdiv__(self, lhs): """ """ return Measurement(1.0, 0.0) / self * lhs def __truediv__(self, rhs): return self.__div__(rhs)
[docs] def to_string(self, num_digits): """ Convert `Measurement` to string with given `num_digits` decimal places """ fmt = '{{:.{0}f}}+-{{:.{0}f}}'.format(num_digits) return fmt.format(self.val, self.unc)
[docs] @classmethod def from_string(cls, s): """ Convert string (e.g: "5.0+-0.3") to `Measurement` """ i = s.find("+-") value = float(s[:i]) uncertainty = float(s[i + 2:]) return cls(value, uncertainty)
[docs]def string2measurement(s): """ Convert string (e.g: "5.0+-0.3") to `Measurement` This method is deprecated in favor of Measurement.from_string """ return Measurement.from_string(s)
def __test(): """ """ print("Testing `Measurement' class:") a = Measurement(30.0, 0.5) b = Measurement(20.0, 0.8) print("a =", a) print("b =", b) print("float( a ) =", float(a)) print("int ( a ) =", int(a)) print("-a =", -a) print("+b =", +b) print("abs( -a ) =", abs(-a)) print("a + 1 =", a + 1) print("a - 1 =", a - 1) print("a + b =", a + b) print("a - b =", a - b) print("a + (20.0, 0.8) =", a + (20.0, 0.8)) print("a - (20.0, 0.8) =", a + (20.0, 0.8)) print("1 + a =", 1 + a) print("1 - a =", 1 - a) print("(20.0, 0.8) + a =", (20.0, 0.8) + a) print("(20.0, 0.8) - a =", (20.0, 0.8) - a) print("a * 2 =", a * 2) print("a / 2 =", old_div(a, 2)) print("a * b =", a * b) print("a / b =", old_div(a, b)) print("a * (20.0, 0.8) =", a * (20.0, 0.8)) print("a / (20.0, 0.8) =", old_div(a, (20.0, 0.8))) print("2 * a =", 2 * a) print("2 / a =", old_div(2, a)) print("(20.0, 0.8) * a =", (20.0, 0.8) * a) print("(30.0, 0.5) / b =", old_div((30.0, 0.5), b)) print("(a + b) * (a - b) =", (a + b) * (a - b)) print("(a - b) / (a + b) =", old_div((a - b), (a + b))) a = string2measurement("1.2+-0.3") print("1.2+-0.3 =", a) # Correct results: # # a = Measurement( 30.0, 0.5 ) # b = Measurement( 20.0, 0.8 ) # # a = 30+-0.5 # b = 20+-0.8 # float( a ) = 30.0 # int ( a ) = 30 # -a = -30+-0.5 # +b = 20+-0.8 # abs( -a ) = 30+-0.5 # a + 1 = 31+-0.5 # a - 1 = 29+-0.5 # a + b = 50+-0.943398 # a - b = 10+-0.943398 # a + (20.0, 0.8) = 50+-0.943398 # a - (20.0, 0.8) = 50+-0.943398 # 1 + a = 31+-0.5 # 1 - a = -29+-0.5 # (20.0, 0.8) + a = 50+-0.943398 # (20.0, 0.8) - a = -10+-0.943398 # a * 2 = 60+-1 # a / 2 = 15+-0.25 # a * b = 600+-26 # a / b = 1.5+-0.065 # a * (20.0, 0.8) = 600+-26 # a / (20.0, 0.8) = 1.5+-0.065 # 2 * a = 60+-1 # 2 / a = 0.0666667+-0.00111111 # (20.0, 0.8) * a = 600+-26 # (30.0, 0.5) / b = 1.5+-0.065 # (a + b) * (a - b) = 500+-48.1041 # (a - b) / (a + b) = 0.2+-0.0192416 if (__name__ == "__main__"): __test()