Source code for schrodinger.application.desmond.multisim.parser

Functions to parse MSJ files

Copyright Schrodinger, LLC. All rights reserved.

import contextlib
from typing import Tuple

from schrodinger.application.desmond import arkdb
from schrodinger.utils import sea

def _canonicalize_key(key: str) -> str:
    key = key.strip()
    if key[0] == "[":
        return "stage" + key
    if key[:5] != "stage":
        return "stage[i]." + key
    return key

[docs]class Msj(arkdb.ArkDb): """ The use of this class is very similar to `arkdb.ArkDb`. Some terminologies and syntax defined in `arkdb.ArkDb` are not repeated here. So if you are unfamiliar with `arkdb.ArkDb`, you are encouraged to read the docstrings there. Below are examples to demonstrate and explain the use of this class:: msj = parse(msj_fname) # 1. To read the `time` setting in stage 3: msj.get("stage[2].simulate.time") msj.get("stage[-1].simulate.time") # - `stage[2]` in the key corresponds to stage 3 because the stage index in # the code is always zero based. # - Negative stage indices are supported and are of the same meaning as in # Python. # - The stage type (here it is `simulate`) is always needed in the key. This # is good for preventing some kind of index errors, and is very useful # when you do NOT care about the index (see below). # 2. To read the `time` setting in the first `lambda_hopping` stage: msj.get("stage[i].lambda_hopping.time") # 3. Default value for non-existing setting: msj.get("stage[i].lambda_hopping.phony_setting", 1000) # 4. To change the value of a setting: msj.put("stage[i].lambda_hopping.time", 1000) # 5. To append a new stage `fep_analysis` and use the stage's default # settings: msj.put("stage[$].fep_analysis", {}) # 6. To insert a new stage `build_geometry` to be the 2nd stage: msj.put("stage[@]1.build_geometry", {}) # 7. To insert a new stage `assign_forcefield` with custom settings:: msj.put("stage[@]2.assign_forcefield", sea.Map(``` hydrogen_mass_repartition = off make_alchemical_water = on```)) # Note that it's necessary to convert the settings in the form of a string # into a `sea.Map`. # 8. To delete the first "simulate" stage: msj.delete("stage[i].simulate") # 9. To delete the "simulate" stage whose title reads "production": msj.delete("stage[i].simulate", matches="title=production") # 10. To delete all "simulate" stages: msj.delete("stage[*].simulate") # 11. To access a particular stage, use the syntax: # `msj.stage[<index>].<stage-name>.<setting>`: msj.stage[10].simulate.time.val += 1000 # 12. Support for shorthand keys: msj.put("lambda_hopping.phony_setting", 2000) msj.get("lambda_hopping.phony_setting") msj.put("[@]1.build_geometry", {}) # - If the key starts with the stage type name, it will be assumed to be # prefixed with 'stage[i].'. In other words, the first instance of the # stage type will be operated on. # - The key can start with '[i]', '[*]', '[@]', and '[$]', and it will be # automatically prefixed with 'stage'. # 13. Find the index of the first "simulate" stage: first_simulate_index = msj.find_stage("simulate")[0].STAGE_INDEX # - `find_stage` always returns a tuple of the found stages, that's why # `[0]` is used to get the first and the only found "simulate" stage. # - `STAGE_INDEX` gives the stage's index in the MSJ file. Note that the # index is one-based. # 13. Find the index of the last "trim" stage: last_trim_index = msj.find_stage("[*].trim")[-1].STAGE_INDEX # - Here we use the key "[*].trim" to find all "trim" stages and then select # the last one with `[-1]`. # - We don't use the key "trim" (remember it's a short hand of "[i].trim"), # because it means to get the first "trim" from the beginning of the stage # list. # 14. Find the index of the second "simulate" stage: second_simulate_index = msj.find_stage("[*].simulate")[1].STAGE_INDEX # 15. Find the index of the "simulate" stage whose "title" parameter is set # to "production".:: production_index = msj.find_stage("[*].simulate.title" picker=lambda title: (title.parent() if title.val == "production" else None) )[0].STAGE_INDEX # - With the key "[*].simulate.title", we find the titles of all simulate # stages, then we use a lambda function as the `picker` to select the # stage whose title is "production". Note that the "parent" of the "title" # parameter is the stage, which is what `title.parent()` gives. (Feel free to add more examples) """
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): arkdb.ArkDb.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self._reset_stage_indices()
@contextlib.contextmanager def _ensure_valid_stage_indices(self): num_stages_before = len(self.stage) try: yield num_stages_before finally: if num_stages_before != len(self.stage): self._reset_stage_indices() def _reset_stage_indices(self): for i, stg in enumerate(self.stage): # `stg` has one and only one key-value pair. stg_param = stg.values()[0] setattr(stg_param, "STAGE_INDEX", i + 1) def __str__(self): s = [] for stage in self._db.stage: # `stage` (`sea.Map`) has a single key-value pair. ((stg_name, stg_setting),) = stage.key_value() s.append("%s {\n%s}\n" % (stg_name, stg_setting.__str__(ind=" "))) return "\n".join(s) @property def stage(self): return self._db.stage
[docs] def get(self, key: str, *args, **kwargs): return arkdb.ArkDb.get(self, _canonicalize_key(key), *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def put(self, key: str, *args, **kwargs): with self._ensure_valid_stage_indices(): return arkdb.ArkDb.put(self, _canonicalize_key(key), *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def delete(self, key: str, *args, **kwargs): with self._ensure_valid_stage_indices(): arkdb.ArkDb.delete(self, _canonicalize_key(key), *args, **kwargs) # When we delete a stage like this: `msj.delete("[*].simulate")`, # `ArkDb.delete` will remove all "simulate" key-value pairs, but # leave empty `sea.Map` objects in the `self.stage` list. We need to # delete these empty objects. empty_map_indices = [] for i, stage in enumerate(self._db.stage): if len(stage.values()) == 0: empty_map_indices.append(i) for i in reversed(empty_map_indices): del self._db.stage[i]
[docs] def find(self, key: str, *args, **kwargs): return arkdb.ArkDb.find(self, _canonicalize_key(key), *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def find_stages(self, key: str, *args, **kwargs) -> Tuple[sea.Map]: """ Similar to `find`, but to return a tuple of found stages. If no stages are found, this function returns an empty tuple. Examples:: # To get all simulate stages: simulate_stages = msj.find_stages("[*].simulate") for stage in simulate_stages: print(stage.STAGE_INDEX) # To get the first simulate stage: first_simulate_stage = msj.find_stages("simulate")[0] print(first_simulate_stage.STAGE_INDEX) # To get the first simulate stage with "time = 200":: simulate = msj.find_stages( "[*].simulate.time", picker=\ lambda x: (x.parent() if x.val == 200 else None))[0] print(simulate.STAGE_INDEX) `STAGE_INDEX` gives the index of the stage in the MSJ file. Note that the index is one based. Also, `STAGE_INDEX` is an attribute (as opposed to a key-value pair) of the returned `sea.Map` objects. """ return tuple(arkdb._db for arkdb in self.find(key, *args, **kwargs))
def _pre_parse(string: str) -> str: msj = sea.Map("stage = [ %s ]" % string).stage # User might set a stage like: "stagename = {...}" by mistake. # Raises an exception for this type of errors. for s in msj: if isinstance(s, sea.Atom) and s.val == "=": raise SyntaxError( "Stage name must not be followed by the assignment symbol: '='") s = [("{%s = {%s}}" % (stage_name, stage_settings)) \ for stage_name, stage_settings in zip(msj[::2], msj[1::2])] return "stage = [%s]" % "\n".join(s)
[docs]def parse(fname=None, string=None) -> Msj: """ Parses a file or a string, and returns an `Msj` object. Either `fname` or `string` must be set, but not both. """ assert bool(fname) ^ bool(string), \ "Either `fname` and `string` must be specified." if fname: with open(fname) as fh: string = return Msj(string=_pre_parse(string))