Source code for schrodinger.application.desmond.packages.viparr1.viparr.viparr_merge

import future.utils
import glob
import json as simplejson
import os
import os.path
import random
import shutil
import stat

from .viparr_plugins_util import parse_json

simplejson.encoder.ESCAPE_DCT['/'] = '/'

[docs]def merge_rules(file1, file2): # file1 = dest # file2 = src if not os.path.exists(file1): shutil.copy2(file2, file1) # src, dest else: rules1 = parse_json(file1) rules2 = parse_json(file2) if rules1['vdw_comb_rule'] != rules2['vdw_comb_rule']: raise AssertionError('vdw_comb_rule not compatible') if rules1['es_scale'] != rules2['es_scale']: raise AssertionError('es_scale not compatible') if rules1['lj_scale'] != rules2['lj_scale']: raise AssertionError('lj_scale not compatible') # info rules1['info'].extend(rules2.get('info', [])) # plugins # assumes "atoms" is last in both lists d = dict(rules1['plugins']) for x in rules2['plugins']: val = d.get(x[0]) if val == x[1]: pass elif val == None: # this is a new key rules1['plugins'].insert(0, x) else: raise AssertionError('plugins not compatible') # write rules file os.remove(file1) print(simplejson.dumps(rules1, indent=3), file=open(file1, 'w'))
[docs]def merge_lists(file1, file2): '''Load two files, concatenate the two lists, and store result in file1. If file1 does not exist initially, then a simple copy is made. file1 = generally the built-in force field file2 = takes precedence in case of conflicts; generally the new force field ''' if not os.path.exists(file1): shutil.copy2(file2, file1) # src, dest else: list1 = parse_json(file1) list2 = parse_json(file2) # this method of determining number of keys may not work for new files num = len([x for x in list1[0] if type(x) == type('string')]) d = dict() # dictionary of what is in list2 for item in list2: d[tuple(item[:num])] = item # traverse list1 and incrementally create new list newlist = list() for item in list1: val = d.get(tuple(item[:num])) if val == None: # this is a new key in list1 that is not in list2 newlist.append(item) elif val == item: #print 'Ignoring identical parameters:', val pass else: print(item, 'is being overridden by', val) # now add items that are in list2 newlist.extend(list2) # write list os.remove(file1) print(simplejson.dumps(newlist, indent=3), file=open(file1, 'w'))
[docs]def update_templates(templates, filename): t = parse_json(filename) for key in future.utils.viewkeys(t): if key in templates: print('Template <%s>: template in <%s> taking precedence' % (key, filename)) templates.update(t)
# same as above, but fail on any identical template names
[docs]def update_templates_strict(templates, filename): t = parse_json(filename) for key in future.utils.viewkeys(t): if key in templates: raise AssertionError( 'Template <%s>: template in <%s> is a duplicate' % (key, filename)) templates.update(t)
[docs]def merge(dir1, dir2): '''Merge force fields in directories dir1 and dir2 and return name of directory with merged force field. dir1 = generally the built-in force field dir2 = takes precedence in case of conflicts; generally the new force field ''' if not os.path.isdir(dir1): raise AssertionError('Not a directory: %s' % dir1) if not os.path.isdir(dir2): raise AssertionError('Not a directory: %s' % dir2) # make destdir; assumes you don't have a ridiculous number of files in your /tmp while True: destdir = str(random.randrange(10000, 100000)) destdir = os.path.join('/tmp', 'viparr_' + destdir) if not os.path.exists(destdir): break # copy all files from dir1 to destdir, but not the templates shutil.copytree(dir1, destdir) # following chmod is needed in case dir1 and thus destdir are not writable # (but this may not work on Windows) os.chmod(destdir, stat.S_IRWXU) for filename in glob.glob(os.path.join(destdir, 'templates*')): os.remove(filename) # loop over templates in dir1 templates = {} for filename in glob.glob(os.path.join(dir1, 'templates*')): update_templates(templates, filename) # loop over all files in dir2 # and decide what to do with each one for filename in os.listdir(dir2): print('*****Merging:', filename) if filename == 'rules': merge_rules(os.path.join(destdir, filename), os.path.join(dir2, filename)) elif filename == 'cmap': # if cmap already exists, we're going to override it if os.path.exists(os.path.join(destdir, filename)): os.remove(os.path.join(destdir, filename)) print('Warning: using cmap file in <%s> and not in <%s>' % (dir2, dir1)) shutil.copy2(os.path.join(dir2, filename), os.path.join(destdir, filename)) elif filename.startswith('templates'): update_templates(templates, os.path.join(dir2, filename)) else: merge_lists(os.path.join(destdir, filename), os.path.join(dir2, filename)) # write the templates file print(simplejson.dumps(templates, indent=3), file=open(os.path.join(destdir, 'templates'), 'w')) return destdir