Source code for schrodinger.application.desmond.picklejar

Facilities for pickling objects that are otherwise uneasy to pickle, e.g.,
class attributes.

Copyright Schrodinger, LLC. All rights reserved.


# Contributors: Yujie Wu

import pickle

_BASE_PATH = 'schrodinger.application.desmond.'
_STAGE_PATH = _BASE_PATH + 'stage'

_relative_unpickle_map = {
    'restraint.restraint_stage': 'stage.prepare.forcefield',
    'fragment_linking.stage': '',
    'mxmd.mxmd_stage': '',
    'absolute_binding.stage': ''

_absolute_unpickle_map = {
    _BASE_PATH + k: _BASE_PATH + v for (k, v) in _relative_unpickle_map.items()

# We need a user defined object in order to be able to set attributes when
# unpickling
class _UserDefinedObject:

    def __setstate__(self, _):
        # Fix "UnpicklingError: state is not a dictionary"

_unpickle_deprecated_names = {
    'Trajectory', 'GCMC', 'SolvatePocketBase', 'Minimize', 'McproStageBase',
    'McproSystemBuilder', 'McproSimulate', 'FepAnalysis2', 'WaterMap',
    'RetryTimer', 'BindingPoseFepPrimer'

_unpickle_deprecated_modules = {

[docs]class CustomUnpickler(pickle.Unpickler):
[docs] def find_class(self, module, name): remapped_module = _absolute_unpickle_map.get(module, module) try: return super().find_class(remapped_module, name) except AttributeError: # check this after trying super in case someone defines a new # class with an old name if name in _unpickle_deprecated_names: return _UserDefinedObject raise except ModuleNotFoundError: if remapped_module in _unpickle_deprecated_modules: return _UserDefinedObject raise
[docs]class PickleJar(object): """ """ jar = {} @staticmethod def _update_data(): """ """ jar = PickleJar.jar for k in jar: for dn in jar[k]: jar[k][dn] = k.__dict__[dn]
[docs] @staticmethod def serialize(fh): """ """ PickleJar._update_data() pickle.dump(PickleJar.jar, fh)
[docs] @staticmethod def deserialize(fh): """ """ unpickler = CustomUnpickler(fh) jar = unpickler.load() for k in jar: for dn in jar[k]: setattr(k, dn, jar[k][dn])
[docs]class PicklableMetaClass(type):
[docs] def __init__(cls, name, bases, dict): PickleJar.jar[cls] = {} jar = PickleJar.jar[cls] for k in dict: v = dict[k] if (isinstance(v, tuple)): try: if (v[1] == Picklable): setattr(cls, k, v[0]) jar[k] = None except IndexError: pass
[docs]class Picklable(object, metaclass=PicklableMetaClass): pass
[docs]class PickleState(object): pass