Source code for schrodinger.application.desmond.remd

Utilities for REMD.

Copyright Schrodinger, LLC. All rights reserved.


# Contributors: Yujie Wu

import collections
import copy
import math
from past.utils import old_div
from typing import List

import numpy

import schrodinger.application.desmond.cms as cms
from schrodinger.application.desmond.constants import CT_TYPE

    import scipy.special as scipy_special
    erf = scipy_special.erf

    def erf(x):
        Returns error function at x.
        # constants
        a1 = 0.254829592
        a2 = -0.284496736
        a3 = 1.421413741
        a4 = -1.453152027
        a5 = 1.061405429
        p = 0.3275911

        # Saves the sign of x.
        sign = 1 if (x >= 0) else -1
        x = abs(x)

        # A & S 7.1.26
        t = old_div(1.0, (1.0 + p * x))
        y = 1.0 - ((((
            (a5 * t + a4) * t) + a3) * t + a2) * t + a1) * t * math.exp(-x * x)

        return sign * y

# Energy units in kcal/mol
A1 = 0.0181501
B1 = 0.0032194
D0 = 0.2791587
D1 = 0.0007113
KB = 1.9872131E-3

[docs]def is_water(site, constraint): """ """ # Checks the constraint block. if (len(constraint) == 1): if (constraint[1].funct == "HOH"): return True # Checks the sites block. num_o, num_h = 0, 0 for e in site: if (e.mass > 0): if (int(abs(e.mass - 16.0) + 0.01) == 0): num_o += 1 elif (int(abs(e.mass - 1.0) + 0.01) == 0): num_h += 1 else: return False if (num_o == 1 and num_h == 1): return True return False
[docs]def get_nonduplicated_atom(ct): """ """ atom = [] for e in ct.fepio.atommap: if ( < 0): atom.append(e.aj) return atom
[docs]def get_num_wateratom(model, selected_atom): """ """ num_selected = 0 num_unselected = 0 num_total = 0 for sa, ct in zip(selected_atom, model.comp_ct): atom_total = ct.atom_total if (ct.hasFepio()): nonduplicated_atom = get_nonduplicated_atom(ct) atom_total = len(nonduplicated_atom) sa = set(sa) & set(nonduplicated_atom) if (is_water(, ct.ffio.constraint)): num_selected += len(sa) num_unselected += atom_total - num_selected num_total += atom_total return num_selected, num_unselected, num_total
[docs]def get_num_nonwateratom(model, selected_atom): """ """ num_selected = 0 num_unselected = 0 num_total = 0 for sa, ct in zip(selected_atom, model.comp_ct): atom_total = ct.atom_total if (ct.hasFepio()): nonduplicated_atom = get_nonduplicated_atom(ct) atom_total = len(nonduplicated_atom) sa = set(sa) & set(nonduplicated_atom) if (not is_water(, ct.ffio.constraint)): num_selected += len(sa) num_unselected += atom_total - num_selected num_total += atom_total return num_selected, num_unselected, num_total
[docs]def get_num_constraint(model, selected_atom): """ """ def accumulate_constraint(i, j, sa, shift, num_constraint): atom_pair = set([ i + shift, j + shift, ]) if (atom_pair <= sa): num_constraint += 1 num_constraint = 0 for sa, ct, unroll in zip(selected_atom, model.comp_ct, model._unroll): num_constraint_of_this_ct = 0 sa = set(sa) for i in range(unroll): shift = i * ct.atom_total / unroll for e in ct.ffio.constraint: if (e.funct == "HOH"): accumulate_constraint(, e.aj, sa, shift, num_constraint_of_this_ct) accumulate_constraint(e.aj, e.ak, sa, shift, num_constraint_of_this_ct) accumulate_constraint(, e.ak, sa, shift, num_constraint_of_this_ct) elif (e.funct == "AH1"): accumulate_constraint(, e.aj, sa, shift, num_constraint_of_this_ct) elif (e.funct == "AH2"): accumulate_constraint(, e.aj, sa, shift, num_constraint_of_this_ct) accumulate_constraint(, e.ak, sa, shift, num_constraint_of_this_ct) elif (e.funct == "AH3"): accumulate_constraint(, e.aj, sa, shift, num_constraint_of_this_ct) accumulate_constraint(, e.ak, sa, shift, num_constraint_of_this_ct) accumulate_constraint(,, sa, shift, num_constraint_of_this_ct) elif (e.funct == "AH4"): accumulate_constraint(, e.aj, sa, shift, num_constraint_of_this_ct) accumulate_constraint(, e.ak, sa, shift, num_constraint_of_this_ct) accumulate_constraint(,, sa, shift, num_constraint_of_this_ct) accumulate_constraint(,, sa, shift, num_constraint_of_this_ct) elif (e.funct == "AH5"): accumulate_constraint(, e.aj, sa, shift, num_constraint_of_this_ct) accumulate_constraint(, e.ak, sa, shift, num_constraint_of_this_ct) accumulate_constraint(,, sa, shift, num_constraint_of_this_ct) accumulate_constraint(,, sa, shift, num_constraint_of_this_ct) accumulate_constraint(,, sa, shift, num_constraint_of_this_ct) else: raise SyntaxError("unknown type of constraint: %s" % e.funct) num_constraint += num_constraint_of_this_ct return num_constraint
[docs]def get_degrees_of_freedom(model, selected_atom): """ """ selected_wateratom, unselected_wateratom, total_wateratom = get_num_wateratom( model, selected_atom) selected_nonwateratom, unselected_nonwateratom, total_nonwateratom = get_num_nonwateratom( model, selected_atom) num_constraint = get_num_constraint(model, selected_atom) return (selected_wateratom + selected_nonwateratom) * 3 - num_constraint
[docs]def get_rest_params(model, asl): """ Returns parameters that are required for temperature ladder prediction :type model: `schrodinger.application.desmond.cms.Cms` :type asl: str :return: the tuple with the following values: degrees of freedom, number of selected waters, number of selected non-waters, number of constraints. :rtype: tuple(int, int, int, int) """ selected_atom = model.select_atom_comp(asl) if not sum(selected_atom, []): raise Exception(f"No atoms selected by ASL expression: {asl}") ndf = get_degrees_of_freedom(model, selected_atom) nw = old_div(get_num_wateratom(model, selected_atom)[0], 3) np = get_num_nonwateratom(model, selected_atom)[0] nc = get_num_constraint(model, selected_atom) return ndf, nw, np, nc
[docs]def predict_temperature_ladder(temperature, exchange_probability, model, asl, should_fix=True, floaty=False): """ :param temperature: a tuple (t0, t1) temperature range in Kelvin :type temperature: tuple(float, float) :type exchange_probability: float :type model: `schrodinger.application.desmond.cms.Cms` :type asl: str :param should_fix: ??? :type should_fix: bool :param floaty: ??? :type floaty: bool :return: returns a tuple with two lists. First list is a temperature profile, second list is probability profile. :rtype: tuple(list of floats, list of floats) """ ndf, nw, np, nc = get_rest_params(model, asl) return _predict_temperature_ladder(temperature, exchange_probability, ndf, nw, np, nc, should_fix, floaty)
[docs]def get_prob_from_temp_ladder(temp_ladder: List[float], model: cms.Cms, asl: str) -> List[float]: """ Return the probability given the temperature ladder `temp_ladder` and the corresponding cms `model` and asl `asl` for the hot atoms. """ ndf, nw, np, nc = get_rest_params(model, asl) ps = [] for t1, t2 in zip(temp_ladder, temp_ladder[1:]): max_t = max([t1, t2]) min_t = min([t1, t2]) ps.append(_calc_probability(max_t, min_t, ndf, nw, np, nc)) return ps
def _calc_probability(t1: float, t2: float, ndf: int, nw: int, np: int, nc: int): """ Note that t1 should be greater than or equal to t2 (t1>=t2) :param t1: high temperature (in Kelvin) :type t1: float :param t2: low temperature (in Kelvin) :type t2: float :param ndf: degrees of freedom :param nw: number of selected waters :param np: number of selected non-waters :param nc: number of constraints :rtype: float """ assert t1 >= t2 try: c = (((1 / t1) - (1 / t2)) / KB) except ZeroDivisionError: c = (-((1 / t1)) / KB) mu12 = (t1 - t2) * (A1 * nw + B1 * np - KB * nc / 2.0) sigma12 = math.sqrt(ndf * (D1**2 * (t2**2 + t1**2) + 2 * D1 * D0 * (t2 + t1) + 2 * D0**2)) part1 = ((1 + erf(-mu12 / sigma12 / 1.414)) / 2.0) part_ = (mu12 + c * sigma12 * sigma12) / sigma12 / 1.414 part_ = 1 + erf(part_) if abs(part_) < 1E-10: return part1 exp_ = numpy.exp(c * mu12 + c**2 * sigma12**2 / 2.0) part2 = exp_ * part_ / 2.0 return part1 + part2 def _predict_temperature_ladder(temperature, exchange_probability, ndf, nw, np, nc, should_fix, floaty): """ Backend calculation for predicting temperature ladder """ def find_t2(t1, t2_guess, t2_bottom, t2_top): if (abs(t2_guess - t2_top) < 0.1): if (floaty): t2_top += t2_top - t1 else: return t2_top, _calc_probability(t2_top, t1, ndf, nw, np, nc) p = _calc_probability(t2_guess, t1, ndf, nw, np, nc) if (p + 1E-2 < exchange_probability): return find_t2(t1, (t2_guess + t2_bottom) * 0.5, t2_bottom, t2_guess) elif (p - 1E-2 > exchange_probability): return find_t2(t1, (t2_guess + t2_top) * 0.5, t2_guess, t2_top) return t2_guess, p temp_low = float(min(temperature)) temp_high = float(max(temperature)) temp_profile = [temp_low] prob_profile = [] t2 = temp_low while (t2 + 1E-2 < temp_high): t1 = temp_profile[-1] t2_guess = (t1 + temp_high) * 0.5 t2, p = find_t2(t1, t2_guess, t1, temp_high) temp_profile.append(t2) prob_profile.append(p) if (should_fix and prob_profile[-1] > 2 * exchange_probability and len(prob_profile) > 2): delta_temp = [] for i, temp in enumerate(temp_profile[1:]): delta_temp.append(temp - temp_profile[i]) ratio = [] for dt in delta_temp[:-1]: ratio.append(old_div(dt, delta_temp[0])) s = sum(ratio) x = old_div(delta_temp[-1], s) delta_temp = delta_temp[:-1] for i, t in enumerate(delta_temp): delta_temp[i] += ratio[i] * x tp = [temp_profile[0]] for dt in delta_temp: tp.append(tp[-1] + dt) pp = [] for i, t in enumerate(tp[:-1]): p = _calc_probability(tp[i + 1], t, ndf, nw, np, nc) pp.append(p) temp_profile = tp prob_profile = pp return temp_profile, prob_profile
[docs]def predict_with_temp_and_exch(temp, exchange_probability, model, asl): """ Given temperature range and exchange_probability, predicts the number of replica and returns the temperature ladder. """ return predict_temperature_ladder(temp, exchange_probability, model, asl)
[docs]def predict_with_nreplica_and_exch(n_replica, exchange_probability, base_temp, model, asl): """ Given the base temperature, number of replicas, and exchange_probability, predicts the top temperature and returns the temperature ladder. :type n_replica: int :type exchange_probability: float :type base_temp: float :type model: `schrodinger.application.desmond.cms.Cms` :type asl: str :return: a list of temperatures in Kelvin (length n_replica) and exchange a list of corresponding exchange probabilities (length n_replica-1) :rtype: (list of floats, list of floats) """ high, low = base_temp + 20.0, base_temp trial_temp = high ndf, nw, np, nc = get_rest_params(model, asl) temp_profile, prob_profile = \ _predict_temperature_ladder((base_temp, trial_temp), exchange_probability, ndf, nw, np, nc, should_fix=True, floaty=True) while (len(temp_profile) != n_replica): if (len(temp_profile) < n_replica): if (trial_temp == high): tmp = high high += (high - low) * 2 low = tmp trial_temp = high else: low = trial_temp trial_temp += (high - low) * 0.5 else: high = trial_temp trial_temp -= (high - low) * 0.5 temp_profile, prob_profile = \ _predict_temperature_ladder((base_temp, trial_temp), exchange_probability, ndf, nw, np, nc, should_fix=True, floaty=True) return temp_profile, prob_profile
[docs]def predict_with_temp_and_nreplica(temperature, n_replica, model, asl): """ Given the temperature range and number of replicas, predicts the exchange probability and returns the temperature ladder. :param temperature: a tuple of (min, max) temperatures, in Kelvin :type temperature: tuple(float, float) :type exchange_probability: float :type base_temp: float :type model: `schrodinger.application.desmond.cms.Cms` :type asl: str :return: a list of temperatures (length n_replica) and exchange a list of corresponding exchange probabilities (length n_replica-1) :rtype: (list of floats, list of floats) """ exchange_probability = 0.95 temp_profile, prob_profile = predict_temperature_ladder( temperature, exchange_probability, model, asl) delta_exchange_probability = 0.1 n = len(temp_profile) while (n > n_replica): exchange_probability -= delta_exchange_probability temp_profile, prob_profile = predict_temperature_ladder( temperature, exchange_probability, model, asl) n = len(temp_profile) if (n < n_replica): n = 1000000000 exchange_probability += delta_exchange_probability delta_exchange_probability *= 0.5 return temp_profile, prob_profile
[docs]def split_ct(ct, selected_atom): """ """ for a in ct.atom:["i_des_remd_orig_index"] = int(a) ct0 = ct # `ct0' will contain only the non-selected atoms. ct1 = ct.copy() # `ct1' will contain only the selected atoms. ct1._ffh = # Gets molecule indices. mol0 = set(range(1, ct0.mol_total + 1)) mol1 = set() ct0.mol_total for i_atom in selected_atom: mol1.add(ct0.atom[i_atom].molecule_number) mol0 -= mol1 mol0 = list(mol0) mol1 = list(mol1) mol0.sort() mol1.sort() # Resets restrain block in. rb = cms.Ffio.get_restrain_block(ct0) restrained_atom = set(list(rb)) restrained_atom0 = restrained_atom - selected_atom restrained_atom1 = restrained_atom & selected_atom ct0.deleteAtoms(selected_atom) ct1.deleteAtoms(set(range(1, ct1.atom_total + 1)) - selected_atom) index_map0 = {} index_map1 = {} for a in ct0.atom: index_map0[["i_des_remd_orig_index"]] = int(a) for a in ct1.atom: index_map1[["i_des_remd_orig_index"]] = int(a) rb0 = cms.RestrainBlock() rb1 = cms.RestrainBlock() for i_atom in restrained_atom0: rb0[index_map0[i_atom]] = rb[i_atom] for i_atom in restrained_atom1: rb1[index_map1[i_atom]] = rb[i_atom] cms.Ffio.set_restrain_block(ct0, rb0) cms.Ffio.set_restrain_block(ct1, rb1) # Resets the pseudo block. pseudo = cms.Ffio.get_pseudo_block(ct0) if (len(pseudo) > 0): pseudo0 = [] pseudo1 = [] for i in mol0: pseudo0.append(pseudo[i - 1]) for i in mol1: pseudo1.append(pseudo[i - 1]) ct0.pseudo = pseudo0 ct1.pseudo = pseudo1 return ct0, ct1
[docs]def set_freezing_atommass(model, mass_scale): """ """ for ct, site_block in zip(model.comp_ct, model._site_block): if (ct.frozen_atom is not None): if (ct.frozen_atom == -1): # All atom sites will be set with the new mass. for site in site_block: site.mass *= mass_scale else: # Only some atom sites will be set with the new mass. for i in ct.frozen_atom: site_block[i - 1].mass *= mass_scale cms.Ffio.set_site_block(ct, site_block)["r_des_frozenatommass_threshold"] = mass_scale
[docs]def freeze_atom(model, asl, frozen_atom_mass_threshold=FROZEN_ATOM_MASS_THRESHOLD): """ """ free_atom = model.select_atom_comp(f"(not {asl} and atom.{CT_TYPE} '{CT_TYPE.VAL.SOLUTE}') or " \ f"(fillmol(not {asl} and not atom.{CT_TYPE} '{CT_TYPE.VAL.SOLUTE}'))" % (asl, asl,)) frozen_atom = [] for ct, selected_atom in zip(model.comp_ct, free_atom): total = set(range(1, ct.atom_total + 1)) free = set(selected_atom) frozen_atom.append(total - free) new_ct = [] for ct, unroll, selected_atom in zip(model.comp_ct, model._unroll, frozen_atom): num_selected_atom = len(selected_atom) if (unroll == 1): ct.frozen_atom = None if (num_selected_atom == 0) else selected_atom new_ct.append(ct) else: if (num_selected_atom == ct.atom_total): ct.frozen_atom = -1 # Value `-1' means all atoms will be frozen. new_ct.append(ct) elif (num_selected_atom == 0): ct.frozen_atom = None # Value `None' means none of atoms will be frozen. new_ct.append(ct) else: free_ct, frozen_ct = split_ct(ct, selected_atom) free_ct.frozen_atom = None # Value `None' means none of atoms will be frozen. frozen_ct.frozen_atom = -1 new_ct.extend([ free_ct, frozen_ct, ]) model.comp_ct = new_ct model.synchronize_fsys_ct() model.get_site_block() set_freezing_atommass(model, frozen_atom_mass_threshold) # Deals with pseudo atoms. pseudo_ct_index = [] for i, ct in enumerate(new_ct): try: a = ct.pseudo pseudo_ct_index.append(i + 1) except AttributeError: pass if (pseudo_ct_index != []): s = model.write_to_string() struc = [ model._raw_fsys_ct, ] + model.comp_ct for i in pseudo_ct_index: ah =[i].handle), "ffio_ff", 1), "ffio_pseudo") s = model.write_to_string() model = cms.Cms(string=s) for i in pseudo_ct_index: pseudo = new_ct[i - 1].pseudo ffh = model.comp_ct[i - 1]._ffh, len(pseudo)) for j, p in enumerate(pseudo):, j + 1, p.x), j + 1, p.y), j + 1, p.z) return model
[docs]def write_ff_solute_tempering(model, out_fname, asl, scaling_factor, should_scale_torsion=True): """ write cms.Cms to a file with scaled force field terms :type model: cms.Cms :param model: input cms.Cms :type out_fname: str :param out_fname: output file name :type asl: str :param asl: ASL expression to define rest atoms :type scaling_factor: float :param scaling_factor: T_ref/T_hot :type should_scale_torsion: Boolean :param should_scale_torsion: whether to scale dihedral terms """ rescaled_model = rescale_ff_solute_tempering(model, asl, scaling_factor, should_scale_torsion) rescaled_model.write(out_fname)
[docs]def rescale_ff_solute_tempering(model, asl, scaling_factor, should_scale_torsion=True): """ return cms.Cms with scaled force field terms :type model: cms.Cms :param model: input cms.Cms :type asl: str :param asl: ASL expression to define rest atoms :type scaling_factor: float :param scaling_factor: T_ref/T_hot :type should_scale_torsion: Boolean :param should_scale_torsion: whether to scale dihedral terms :rtype: cms.Cms :return: rescaled cms.Cms """ rescaled_model = copy.copy(model) hot_atoms = model.select_atom_comp(asl) for ct, atom_list in zip(rescaled_model.comp_ct, hot_atoms): rescale_ff(ct, atom_list, scaling_factor, should_scale_torsion) return rescaled_model
[docs]def rescale_ff(ct, rest_atoms, scaling_factor, should_scale_torsion=True): """ scales force field terms for rest atoms :type ct: ffiostructure.FFIOStructure :param ct: input/output structure handle :type rest_atoms: list of int :param rest_atoms: sequence of atom indices in rest region :type scaling_factor: float :param scaling_factor: T_ref/T_hot :type should_scale_torsion: Boolean :param should_scale_torsion: whether to scale dihedral terms """ _rescale_charge(ct, rest_atoms, scaling_factor) _rescale_vdw(ct, rest_atoms, scaling_factor) if should_scale_torsion: _rescale_dihedral(ct, rest_atoms, scaling_factor)
def _rescale_charge(ct, rest_atoms, scaling_factor): """ scales rest atom charge :type ct: ffiostructure.FFIOStructure :param ct: input/output structure handle :type rest_atoms: list of int :param rest_atoms: sequence of atom indices in rest region :type scaling_factor: float :param scaling_factor: T_ref/T_hot Charge scaling in place:: q_i *= sf_i where sf_i = sqrt(scaling_factor) when i is a rest atom otherwise sf_i = 1.0 """ sqrt_scaling_factor = math.sqrt(scaling_factor) for i_site in rest_atoms: site =[i_site] site.charge *= sqrt_scaling_factor # Scale virtual site when its parent atom is in rest region for virtual in ct.ffio.virtual: if in rest_atoms: virtual_site =[virtual.virtual_index] virtual_site.charge *= sqrt_scaling_factor def _rescale_vdw(ct, rest_atoms, scaling_factor): """ scales vdwtype and creates new vdwtype by appending _S for rest atoms :type ct: ffiostructure.FFIOStructure :param ct: input/output structure handle :type rest_atoms: list of int :param rest_atoms: sequence of atom indices in rest region :type scaling_factor: float :param scaling_factor: T_ref/T_hot vdw.t1 = scaling_factor """ vdwtype_dict = { vdw for vdw in ct.ffio.vdwtype} vdwcombined_name1 = collections.defaultdict(list) vdwcombined_name2 = collections.defaultdict(list) vdw_combined_scaled = {} for vdw in ct.ffio.vdwtypescombined: vdwcombined_name1[vdw.name1].append(vdw) vdwcombined_name2[vdw.name2].append(vdw) new_to_old = {} old_to_new = {} for i_site in rest_atoms: s =[i_site] old_vdwtype = s.vdwtype new_vdwtype = s.vdwtype + '_S' s.vdwtype = new_vdwtype new_to_old[new_vdwtype] = old_vdwtype old_to_new[old_vdwtype] = new_vdwtype if new_vdwtype not in vdwtype_dict: old_vdw = vdwtype_dict[old_vdwtype] new_vdw = ct.ffio.addVdwtype() = new_vdwtype new_vdw.c1 = old_vdw.c1 new_vdw.c2 = old_vdw.c2 new_vdw.funct = old_vdw.funct if == 'OPLS_2005': new_vdw.c2 *= scaling_factor else: new_vdw.t1 = scaling_factor vdwtype_dict[new_vdwtype] = new_vdw for v in vdwcombined_name1.get(old_vdwtype, []): if v.name1 != new_vdwtype: if not (v.name1, v.name2) in vdw_combined_scaled: vdw_combined_scaled[(v.name1, v.name2)] = (v.c1, v.c2, v.funct) # both names get scaled, make sure (new, old), (old, new) # are perserved if v.name2 in new_to_old: vdw_combined_scaled[(new_vdwtype, new_to_old[v.name2])] = (v.c1, v.c2, v.funct) v.c2 *= scaling_factor v.name1 = new_vdwtype for v in vdwcombined_name2.get(old_vdwtype, []): if v.name2 != new_vdwtype: if not (v.name1, v.name2) in vdw_combined_scaled: vdw_combined_scaled[(v.name1, v.name2)] = (v.c1, v.c2, v.funct) # both names get scaled, make sure (new, old), (old, new) # are perserved if v.name1 in new_to_old: vdw_combined_scaled[(new_to_old[v.name1], new_vdwtype)] = (v.c1, v.c2, v.funct) v.c2 *= scaling_factor v.name2 = new_vdwtype for k, v in vdw_combined_scaled.items(): new_combo = ct.ffio.addVdwtypescombined() new_combo.name1, new_combo.name2 = k new_combo.c1, new_combo.c2, new_combo.funct = v def _rescale_dihedral(ct, rest_atoms, scaling_factor): """ scales dihedral terms :type ct: ffiostructure.FFIOStructure :param ct: input/output structure handle :type rest_atoms: list of int :param rest_atoms: sequence of atom indices in rest region :type scaling_factor: float :param scaling_factor: T_ref/T_hot Dihedral scaling:: d.t1 = sf_i * sf_l where d.t1 = scaling factor for a dihedral term with i, j, k, l atoms sf_i = sqrt(scaling_factor) when i is a rest atom sf_l = sqrt(scaling_factor) when l is a rest atom otherwise sf_i = sf_l = 1.0 """ sqrt_scaling_factor = math.sqrt(scaling_factor) for dihedral in ct.ffio.dihedral: if == 'OPLS_2005': opls_scaling_factor = 1.0 if in rest_atoms: opls_scaling_factor *= sqrt_scaling_factor if in rest_atoms: opls_scaling_factor *= sqrt_scaling_factor dihedral.c0 *= opls_scaling_factor dihedral.c1 *= opls_scaling_factor dihedral.c2 *= opls_scaling_factor dihedral.c3 *= opls_scaling_factor dihedral.c4 *= opls_scaling_factor dihedral.c5 *= opls_scaling_factor dihedral.c6 *= opls_scaling_factor else: dihedral.t1 = 1.0 if in rest_atoms: dihedral.t1 *= sqrt_scaling_factor if in rest_atoms: dihedral.t1 *= sqrt_scaling_factor if ("__main__" == __name__): def test_get_num_wateratom(model): print(get_num_wateratom(model)) def test_get_num_nonwateratom(model): print(get_num_nonwateratom(model)) def test_get_num_constraint(model): print(get_num_constraint(model)) def test_get_degrees_of_freedom(model): print(get_degrees_of_freedom(model)) def test_predict_temperature(model): print(predict_temperature_ladder(( 300.0, 340.0, ), 0.3, model, "solute")) def test_freeze_atom(model): model = freeze_atom(model, "atom.num 2600-2700") model.write("splitted_ct.cms") def test_predict_with_nreplica_and_exch(model): print(predict_with_nreplica_and_exch(5, 0.3, 300.0, model, "solute")) def test_predict_with_temp_and_nreplica(model): print( predict_with_temp_and_nreplica(( 300.0, 340.0, ), 10, model, "solute")) model = cms.Cms(file="test.cms") #test_predict_with_temp_and_nreplica( model ) test_predict_with_nreplica_and_exch(model) #model = cms.Cms( file = "desmond_job_restrained.cms" ) # test_get_num_wateratom ( model ) # test_get_num_nonwateratom ( model ) # test_get_num_constraint ( model ) # test_get_degrees_of_freedom( model ) #test_freeze_atom ( model )