Source code for schrodinger.application.desmond.repair_cms

Collection of functions to repair structures to be used for desmond simulation

Copyright Schrodinger, LLC. All rights reserved.

import os
import numpy

from typing import Optional
from typing import List
from typing import Tuple

from schrodinger.application.desmond import smarts
from schrodinger.infra import mm
from schrodinger import structure
from schrodinger.structutils.analyze import evaluate_asl
from schrodinger.application.desmond import constants

    "DPPC", "DPPE", "DPPS", "POPC", "POPE", "POPS", "DOPC", "DOPE", "DOPS",
    "DMPC", "PIP"

[docs]def create_cms_from_mae(input_fname: str, output_fname: str, membrane_asl: str, solvent_asl: str, cosolvent_asl: str): """ This function reads in a structure file which can be either a single full-system CT or a list of component CTs. If the input is a full- system CT, then we woud pass it directly to `decompose_to_comp_ct()`. However, if the inputs are a list of component CTs, we would generate a full-system CT and then and then pass it to `decomopse_to_comp_ct()`. """ if os.path.exists(output_fname): os.remove(output_fname) streader = structure.StructureReader(input_fname) full_st = None st_list = [] for st in streader: if constants.CT_TYPE) == constants.CT_TYPE.VAL.FULL_SYSTEM: full_st = st break else: st_list.append(st) if full_st: if constants.NUM_COMPONENT in del[constants.NUM_COMPONENT] else: full_st = structure.create_new_structure() for st in st_list: full_st.extend(st) for st in decompose_to_comp_ct(full_st, membrane_asl, solvent_asl, cosolvent_asl): st.append(output_fname)
[docs]def create_full_system_from_comp(input_fname, output_fname): streader = structure.StructureReader(input_fname) st_list = [] for st in streader: if (constants.CT_TYPE in and[constants.CT_TYPE] == constants.CT_TYPE.VAL.FULL_SYSTEM): continue else: st_list.append(st) full_st = structure.create_new_structure() for st in st_list: full_st.extend(st)[constants.CT_TYPE] = constants.CT_TYPE.VAL.FULL_SYSTEM full_st.write(output_fname) for st in st_list: st.append(output_fname)
[docs]def decompose_to_comp_ct(st: structure.Structure, membrane_asl: str = "", solvent_asl: str = "", cosolvent_asl: str = "") -> List[structure.Structure]: """ Decompose st to component cts, solute, membrane, cosolvent, solvent (if exists any). :param st: Structure object representing a full-system CT :return: list of non-empty structures that would comprize a CMS: [full_system, membrane_st, ..., water_st] """ repair_box_vector(st) membrane_atoms, membrane_st = _extract_membrane(st, membrane_asl) ion_atoms, ion_st = _extract_ion(st) water_atoms, water_st = _extract_water(st, solvent_asl) cosolvent_atoms, cosolvent_st = _extract_cosolvent(st, cosolvent_asl) atoms_to_delete = membrane_atoms + ion_atoms + water_atoms + cosolvent_atoms if len(atoms_to_delete) != len(set(atoms_to_delete)): raise ValueError("Selection ASLs matched the same atoms. Please " "make sure that all selections matches are unique.") solute_st = st.copy() solute_st.deleteAtoms(atoms_to_delete)[constants.CT_TYPE] = constants.CT_TYPE.VAL.SOLUTE # add atom group for biasing potential on the waters if membrane exists if membrane_st and water_st: for a in water_st.atom:[constants.FEP_ABSOLUTE_ENERGY] = 1 full_st = solute_st.copy() if solute_st else structure.Structure() st_list = [solute_st] for comp_st in [membrane_st, ion_st, cosolvent_st, water_st]: if comp_st: full_st.extend(comp_st) st_list.append(comp_st)[constants.CT_TYPE] = constants.CT_TYPE.VAL.FULL_SYSTEM return [full_st] + st_list
[docs]def repair_box_vector(st: structure.Structure): """ repair box vectors when they are corrupted. create box vectors based on system size """ for name in constants.SIM_BOX: if name not in print(f"WARNING: Property {name} is missing. Generating box " "vectors based on system dimension.") break else: return for name in constants.SIM_BOX:[name] = 0.0 atom_xyz_array = st.getXYZ(copy=False) xmin, ymin, zmin = numpy.min(atom_xyz_array, 0) xmax, ymax, zmax = numpy.max(atom_xyz_array, 0) vals = (xmax - xmin, ymax - ymin, zmax - zmin) for prop, val in zip(constants.SIM_BOX_DIAGONAL, vals):[prop] = val
def _extract_water( st: structure.Structure, asl: str = "") -> Tuple[List[int], Optional[structure.Structure]]: """ Extract water molecules from full-system structure. :return: a tuple of atom indices corresponding to full-system CT, followed by an extracted Structure object. """ atoms = evaluate_asl(st, asl) if asl else \ smarts.evaluate_net_smarts(st, constants.WATER_SMARTS, constants.ZOB_WATER_SMARTS) if not atoms: return [], None tmp_st = st.extract(atoms, True) # reorder atoms such that each all atoms in the same molecule # are together atom_order = [0] + [a.index for m in tmp_st.molecule for a in m.atom] new_st = tmp_st.copy() mm.mmct_ct_reorder(new_st, tmp_st, atom_order) res_name = new_st.atom[1].pdbres new_st.title = res_name + " water box"[constants.CT_TYPE] = constants.CT_TYPE.VAL.SOLVENT[constants.NUM_COMPONENT] = 1 # overwrite residue # with molecule # # viparr fails when two or more molecules have same residue # for a in new_st.atom: a.resnum = a.molecule_number return atoms, new_st def _extract_membrane( st: structure.Structure, asl: str = "") -> Tuple[List[int], Optional[structure.Structure]]: """ Extract Membrane lipids from full-system st. assign reference custom charges for lipid molecules found at 'system_builder/data/lipid_charge.mae' :return: a tuple of atom indices corresponding to full-system CT, followed by an extracted Structure object. """ if not asl: asl = 'res.ptype ' for r in LIPIDS_PDB_TYPE: asl += f'\"{r}\" ' atoms = evaluate_asl(st, asl) if not atoms: return [], None membrane_st = st.extract(atoms, True) resname = membrane_st.atom[1].pdbres membrane_st.title = resname + " bilayer"[constants.CT_TYPE] = constants.CT_TYPE.VAL.MEMBRANE homogeneous = set(a.pdbres for a in membrane_st.atom) if len(homogeneous) == 1:[constants.NUM_COMPONENT] = 1 return atoms, membrane_st def _extract_ion( st: structure.Structure ) -> Tuple[List[int], Optional[structure.Structure]]: """ Extract monatomic ions from full-system st :return: a tuple of atom indices corresponding to full-system CT, followed by an extracted Structure object. """ atoms = evaluate_asl(st, constants.MONATOMIC_IONS_ASL) if not atoms: return [], None new_st = st.extract(atoms, True) res_name = new_st.atom[1].pdbres new_st.title = res_name[constants.CT_TYPE] = constants.CT_TYPE.VAL.ION # overwrite residue # with molecule # # viparr fails when two or more molecules have same residue # for a in new_st.atom: a.resnum = a.molecule_number return atoms, new_st def _extract_cosolvent( st: structure.Structure, asl: str = "") -> Tuple[List[int], Optional[structure.Structure]]: """ Extract cosolvent atoms from full-system st :return: a tuple of atom indices corresponding to full-system CT, followed by an extracted Structure object. """ if not asl: return [], None atoms = evaluate_asl(st, asl) if not atoms: return [], None cosolvent_st = st.extract(atoms, True) cosolvent_st.title = cosolvent_st.atom[1].pdbres.strip()[constants.CT_TYPE] = constants.CT_TYPE.VAL.COSOLVENT # overwrite residue # with molecule # # viparr fails when two or more molecules have same residue # for a in cosolvent_st.atom: a.resnum = a.molecule_number return atoms, cosolvent_st