Source code for schrodinger.application.desmond.simulation_block_data

Block data calculation script.

For a MD Simulation, calculates properties from log, energy and simbox files
Calculates block averages of properties in energy file.

Copyright Schrodinger, LLC. All rights reserved.


# Contributors: Pranav Dalal

import optparse
import os
import re
import shlex
import sys
from past.utils import old_div

import numpy as n

from schrodinger.utils import sea

def _debug_print(s):
    Prints the string 's' if 'is_debugging' is True.
    if (is_debugging):

[docs]class Array_Prop(object): """ """ prop_value = []
[docs] def __init__(self): """ """ = "" self.fname = "" self.units = "" self.start_line = -1 self.stop_line = -1 self.column = -1 self.prop_value = []
[docs] def get_prop_value(self): if (self.column == -1): raise ValueError("Column is not set \n") if (self.start_line == -1): raise ValueError("Start line for parsing property is not set \n") if (self.stop_line != -1 & self.stop_line < self.start_line): raise ValueError( "Stop line for parsing property is less than start line\n") if (not raise ValueError("Property name is not set \n") if (not self.fname): raise ValueError("File name is not set \n") try: prop_file = open(self.fname, "r") prop_content = prop_file.readlines() prop_file.close() except: raise IOError("Cannot open/read file %s \n" % self.fname) if self.stop_line == -1: self.stop_line = len(prop_content) for x in range(self.start_line + 1, self.stop_line): #print shlex.split(prop_content[x])[self.column] self.prop_value.append(shlex.split(prop_content[x])[self.column])
[docs]def calc_block_average(ene_fname, prop_list, sba_fname, start_line, time_column=0, start_time=0.0, block_length=10.0): if (len(prop_list) == 0): raise ValueError("Property list for block averaging is not defined\n") if (start_line == -1): raise ValueError("Start line for parsing property is not set \n") try: prop_file = open(ene_fname, "r") prop_content = prop_file.readlines() except: raise IOError("Cannot open/read file %s \n" % ene_fname) finally: prop_file.close() stop_line = len(prop_content) if (stop_line == 0): raise ValueError("Ene file is empty\n") if (stop_line < start_line): raise ValueError( "Stop line for parsing property is less than start line\n") prop_unit = {} prop_name = {} # Initialize data for each property column for prop_column, prop in enumerate(prop_list): name_unit = shlex.split(prop_list[prop_column].replace("(", " (")) name = name_unit[0] unit = name_unit[1].replace("(", "").replace(")", "") prop_unit[prop_column] = unit prop_name[prop_column] = name time_list = [] time_init = 0.0 block_count = 0 averaging = 0 data = [] idx = 0 # Get the data from ene file and store it into arrays for x in range(start_line + 1, stop_line): if not len(prop_content[x].strip()): continue data.append(shlex.split(prop_content[x])) idx += 1 time = float(shlex.split(prop_content[x])[time_column]) # Time to do averaging? if ((time - time_init) > block_length): averaging = 1 block_count += 1 time_list.append(idx) time_init = block_count * block_length data_arr = n.array(data).astype(float) # Redefine total energy E as E_p + E_k. This assumes that these three # values always appear in columns 1,2 and 3 in the *.ene file. Also # redefine first data point of E_k if it is zero if data_arr[0, 3] == 0.0: data_arr[0, 3] = data_arr[1, 3] data_arr[:, 1] = data_arr[:, 2] + data_arr[:, 3] data_list = n.split(data_arr, time_list) avg_data = [] for x in range(len(data_list) - 1): # Calculate Averages avg_data.append(data_list[x].mean(0)) # Write out block average data try: sba_file = open(sba_fname, "a") except: raise IOError("Cannot open/read file %s \n" % sba_fname) for i in range(0, len(prop_name)): sba_file.write("Block: %s\n" % (prop_name[i])) sba_file.write("Time(ps) " + prop_name[i] + "(" + prop_unit[i] + ")\n") for j in range(0, len(avg_data)): sba_file.write("%7.3f %7.3f \n" % (avg_data[j][0], avg_data[j][i])) sba_file.write("End_Block \n\n") sba_file.close()
[docs]def get_listof_props_ene(ene_fname): """ Given a .ene file, parse the ]header and get a list of properties. """ prop_list = [] try: ene_file = open(ene_fname, "r") ene_content = ene_file.readlines() ene_file.close() except: raise IOError("Cannot open/read file %s \n" % ene_file) props = "" line_num = -1 prop_list = [] prop_line_pattern = re.compile(r"#\s+0:time") for k, line in enumerate(ene_content): if prop_line_pattern.match(line): line_num = k props = line prop_pattern = re.compile(r"\d+:([^\s]+)\s+(\([^\)]+\))") for p in prop_pattern.findall(props): prop_list.append(p[0] + p[1]) return line_num, prop_list
[docs]def get_print_simbox_data(simbox_fname, sba_fname): """ Given a simbox.dat file, parse the file and print simulation box details in the sba file. """ try: box_file = open(simbox_fname, "r") box_content = box_file.readlines() box_file.close() except: raise IOError("Cannot open/read file %s \n" % simbox_fname) try: sba_file = open(sba_fname, "a") except: raise IOError("Cannot open sba file %s \n" % sba_fname) simbox_data = [] indx = -1 for k, item in enumerate(box_content): tok = shlex.split(item) if (len(tok) > 0 and tok[0] != "#"): indx = indx + 1 simbox_data.append([float(tok[0])]) for i in range(1, 9): simbox_data[indx].append(float(tok[i])) sba_file.write("Block: Simulation_Box\n") sba_file.write("Time(ps) Box_Dimensions(A) \n") for i in range(0, len(simbox_data)): for k in range(0, len(simbox_data[i])): sba_file.write(" %7.3f " % simbox_data[i][k]) sba_file.write("\n") sba_file.write("End_Block\n\n") sba_file.close()
[docs]def get_top_level_props(ene_fname): """ Given a .ene file, parse the header and get top level props. Print those in sba file. """ try: ene_file = open(ene_fname, "r") ene_content = ene_file.readlines() ene_file.close() except: raise IOError("Cannot open()/read file %s \n" % ene_fname) hash_pattern = re.compile('#') equal_pattern = re.compile('=') n_atoms = -1 n_dof = -1 ene_time = -1 for line in ene_content: if (hash_pattern.match(line)): if ( if (line[1:].partition('=')[0].strip() == 'N atoms'): n_atoms = int(line[1:].partition('=')[2]) if (line[1:].partition('=')[0].strip() == 'N dof'): n_dof = int(line[1:].partition('=')[2].split()[0]) ene_time = float(ene_content[-1].split()[0]) return n_atoms, n_dof, ene_time
[docs]def get_ensemble_from_cfg(cfg_fname): """ Given a cfg filename, get the ensemble class from it. :param cfg_fname: cfg filename to be parsed. :type cfg_fname: str :return: The parsed ensemble class :rtype: str """ with open(cfg_fname, 'r') as fh: cfg_contents = cfg_map = sea.Map(cfg_contents) # Some ensembles are written as dictionaries in the cfg, and some are # written as strings. Here we handle both cases. See MATSCI-12599. ensemble = cfg_map['ORIG_CFG'].ensemble if isinstance(ensemble, sea.Atom): return ensemble.val else: return ensemble.class_.val
[docs]def get_log_props(log_fname): """ Given a .log file, parse the header and determine if it completed okay. """ try: log_file = open(log_fname, "r") log_content = log_file.readlines() log_file.close() except: raise IOError("Cannot open/read file %s \n" % log_fname) normal_pat = re.compile(r'::: finished :::') temp_pat = re.compile(r"temperature = \[{") temp_pat_next = re.compile(r"T_ref =") temp_pat_1 = re.compile(r"temperature = \{") temp_pat_1_next = re.compile(r"T_ref =") press_pat = re.compile(r"P_ref=\[") quote_pat = re.compile('"') status = "Incomplete" temp_str = "" press_str = "" time_str = "" time = -1.0 particles = 0 temperature = -1.0 pressure = -1.0 for indx, line in enumerate(log_content): if len(line) == 0 or line[0] == '#' or line[0] == "\n": continue if status = "Normal" if for indx2, line2 in enumerate(log_content[indx:]): if temp_str = quote_pat.split(line2)[-2] temperature = float(temp_str) if if[indx + 1]): temp_str = quote_pat.split(log_content[indx + 1])[-2] temperature = float(temp_str) if press_str = quote_pat.split(line)[-2] pressure = float(press_str) if line[0:13] == 'Chemical time': time_str = line if (line.find('Injected') != -1 and line.find('particles') != -1): if line[0] == '[': particles = int(line.split()[2]) else: particles = int(line.split()[1]) time = float(time_str.split()[2]) return status, time, temperature, pressure, particles
[docs]def parse_sba(sba_fname): """ Given name of a sba file name find all blocks except time and job details and return their average, sd and slope. """ unused_properties = ['Job_Details', 'time'] try: inp_file = open(sba_fname, "r") inp_content = inp_file.readlines() inp_file.close() except: raise IOError("Cannot open/read file %s \n" % sba_fname) block_res = {} results = {} start_index = -1 stop_index = -1 for k, line in enumerate(inp_content): if (line[0:7] == 'Block: '): start_index = k property = line.split()[1] if (unused_properties.count(property) > 0): start_index = -1 if (line[0:9] == 'End_Block'): stop_index = k if ((start_index > 0) & (stop_index > 0) & (start_index < stop_index)): block_res = get_block_summary(inp_content, start_index, stop_index) results.update(block_res) start_index = -1 stop_index = -1 block_res = {} return results
[docs]def get_block_summary(inp_content, start_index, stop_index): """ From block content get averages, sd, slope and units. Return them as dictionary. """ from math import sqrt property = inp_content[start_index].split()[1] unit_cont = inp_content[start_index + 1] unit_list = unit_cont.split() time_unit = unit_list[0][unit_list[0].find('(') + 1:unit_list[0].find(')')] prop_unit = unit_list[1][unit_list[1].find('(') + 1:unit_list[1].find(')')] block_data = inp_content[start_index + 2:stop_index] block_data_list = [] x = {} start = start_index for data in block_data: ind_list = [] for ind_data in shlex.split(data): ind_list.append(float(ind_data)) #if ind_list[0] > start: x[ind_list[0]] = ind_list[1] block_data_list.append(ind_list) try: mean = old_div(sum(x.values()), len(x)) except: raise ValueError( "Error calulating mean from the block, most probably no data is available. \n" ) n = len(x) var = 0.0 sumx = 0.0 sumy = 0.0 sumx2 = 0.0 sumxy = 0.0 for key in list(x): var += (x[key] - mean)**2.0 sumx += key sumy += x[key] sumx2 += (key * key) sumxy += key * x[key] average = mean variance = old_div(var, (len(x) - 1)) slope = old_div(((n * sumxy) - (sumx * sumy)), ((n * sumx2) - (sumx * sumx))) sd = sqrt(variance) res = {} avg_str = property + '.avg' sd_str = property + '.sd' slope_str = property + '.slope' unit_str = property + '.units' time_str = property + '.time_unit' block_str = property + '.block' res[avg_str] = average res[sd_str] = sd res[slope_str] = slope res[unit_str] = prop_unit res[time_str] = time_unit res[block_str] = x return res
[docs]def write_sba_file(ene, log, cfg_fname, sbafile, simboxfile=None, block_len=10.0): """ Write the sba file from specified `*.ene`, `*.log` and `*.cfg` files. """ try: sba_file = open(sbafile, "w") except: raise IOError("Cannot open/read file %s \n" % sbafile) sba_file.write("Calculating Block Averages \n") sba_file.write(" Version: %s \n" % "1.0") sba_file.write(" Energy_File: %s \n" % ene) sba_file.write(" Log_File: %s \n" % log) sba_file.write(" Cfg_File: %s \n" % cfg_fname) if simboxfile: sba_file.write(" Simbox File: %s \n" % simboxfile) sba_file.write("Block: Job_Details\n") simulation_summary = {} simulation_summary['Job_name'] = ene.partition('.')[0] try: status, time, temperature, pressure, particles = get_log_props(log) except: raise IOError("Cannot get job details from log file to %s \n" % log) try: ensemble = get_ensemble_from_cfg(cfg_fname) except (ValueError, KeyError) as err: raise IOError(f" Could not parse ensemble from {cfg_fname}: {err}") simulation_summary['Status'] = status simulation_summary['Duration'] = old_div(time, 1000) simulation_summary['Temperature'] = temperature simulation_summary['Particles'] = particles simulation_summary['Ensemble'] = ensemble try: n_atoms, n_dof, ene_time = get_top_level_props(ene) except: raise IOError("Cannot get job details from ene file to %s \n" % ene) simulation_summary['Atoms'] = n_atoms simulation_summary['Degrees_of_freedom'] = n_dof if (ene_time != time): simulation_summary['Energy_file_duration'] = old_div(ene_time, 1000) for key in list(simulation_summary): sba_file.write(" %s = %s \n" % (key, simulation_summary[key])) sba_file.write("End_Block \n\n") sba_file.close() line_num, prop_list = get_listof_props_ene(ene) """ #Changing the code to improve speed # To determine if it can be used without sacrificng speed for prop_column, prop in enumerate(prop_list): print prop z = Array_Prop() z.start_line = line_num name_unit = shlex.split(prop_list[prop_column].replace("("," (")) = name_unit[0] z.unit = name_unit[1].replace("(","").replace(")","") z.fname = ene z.column = prop_column """ calc_block_average(ene, prop_list, sbafile, line_num, block_length=block_len) if simboxfile: get_print_simbox_data(simboxfile, sbafile)
if (__name__ == '__main__'): # Parses arguments. usage = 'Usage: %prog <-e .ene file> <-l .log file> <-s simbox.dat file> <-c .sba file> <-n block_length > [options]' opt = optparse.OptionParser(usage) opt.add_option('-e', '--ene', type='string', default="", help='.ene file for this run') opt.add_option('-l', '--log', type='string', default="", help='.log file for this run') opt.add_option('-cfg', type='string', default="", help='.cfg file for this run') opt.add_option('-c', '--sbafile', type='string', default='', help='output .sba file name') opt.add_option('-s', '--simboxfile', type='string', default='', help='input simbox.dat file name') opt.add_option('-n', '--block_len', type='float', default=10.0, help='block length for calculating averages.') opt.add_option('-d', '--debug', action='store_true', default=False, help='turn on debug mode.') opts, args = opt.parse_args() if (opts.debug): print("Debugging mode is on.\n") is_debugging = True if (not os.path.isfile(opts.ene)): print("Error: Input ene not found: " + opts.ene) print_usage() sys.exit(1) if (not os.path.isfile(opts.log)): print("Error: Input log file not found: " + opts.log) print_usage() sys.exit(1) if (not opts.sbafile): print("Error: Output .sba file is not defined") print_usage() sys.exit(1) sys.stdout.flush() if (not os.path.isfile(opts.cfg)): print("Error: Input cfg file not found: " + opts.cfg) print_usage() sys.exit(1) write_sba_file(opts.ene, opts.log, opts.cfg, opts.sbafile, opts.simboxfile, opts.block_len) #EOF