Source code for schrodinger.application.desmond.simulation_block_test

Block data analysis script.

For a block average data file, determine if the simulation passed or not
depending on the conditions in a test file.

Copyright Schrodinger, LLC. All rights reserved.


# Contributors: Pranav Dalal

import optparse
import shlex
import sys
from past.utils import old_div

# Global variables:
is_debugging = False
eps = 0.00001

def _debug_print(s):
    Prints the string 's' if 'is_debugging' is True.
    if (is_debugging):

[docs]class Test(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, name): """ """ Test.count = 0 = 0.0 self.slope = 0.0 self.average = 0.0 self.average_tol = 0.0 self._name = "" self.start = 0.0 self.pass_fail = ""
[docs] def set_val(self, key, token): """ """ if (key in self.__dict__): self.__dict__[key] = float(token[0]) else: raise KeyError(" Unknown label '%s' at line #%d." % (key, token[1]))
[docs] def print_val(self): """ """ for key in self.__dict__: if (key[0] != '_'): if (not (key[-4:] == "file" and self.__dict__[key] == "")): print("%32s: %-30s" % (key, self.__dict__[key])) sys.stdout.flush()
[docs] def update_pass_fail(self, sba_file): bl = Block(self.NAME) bl.find_block(sba_file, self.NAME) if ((abs( < abs( & (abs(bl.slope) < abs(self.slope)) & ((abs(self.average - 0.0) < eps) | (abs(self.average - bl.average) < self.average_tol))): self.pass_fail = "Pass" else: self.pass_fail = "Fail" return bl
[docs]class Block(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, name): """ """ Block.count = 0 = 0.0 self.slope = 0.0 self.average = 0.0 self.average_tol = 0.0 self._name = name self.start = 0.0 self.variance = 0.0 self.prop_unit = "" self.time_unit = ""
[docs] def find_block(self, sba_fname, property): """ Given the name of a sba file, find the block with the name 'property'. """ from math import sqrt try: inp_file = open(sba_fname, "r") inp_content = inp_file.readlines() inp_file.close() except: raise IOError("Cannot open/read file %s \n" % sba_fname) self._name = property block_string = "Block: " + property + "\n" start_index = inp_content.index(block_string) end_block_string = "End_Block \n" stop_index = inp_content.index(end_block_string, start_index) unit_cont = inp_content[start_index + 1] unit_list = unit_cont.split() self.time_unit = unit_list[0][unit_list[0].find('(') + 1:unit_list[0].find(')')] self.prop_unit = unit_list[1][unit_list[1].find('(') + 1:unit_list[1].find(')')] block_data = inp_content[start_index + 2:stop_index] block_data_list = [] x = {} start = self.start for data in block_data: ind_list = [] for ind_data in shlex.split(data): ind_list.append(float(ind_data)) if ind_list[0] > start: x[ind_list[0]] = ind_list[1] block_data_list.append(ind_list) mean = old_div(sum(x.values()), len(x)) n = len(x) var = 0.0 sumx = 0.0 sumy = 0.0 sumx2 = 0.0 sumxy = 0.0 for key in list(x): var += (x[key] - mean)**2.0 sumx += key sumy += x[key] sumx2 += (key * key) sumxy += key * x[key] self.average = mean self.variance = old_div(var, (len(x) - 1)) self.slope = old_div(((n * sumxy) - (sumx * sumy)), ((n * sumx2) - (sumx * sumx))) = sqrt(self.variance)
[docs]class Energy(Test): NAME = "E"
[docs] def __init__(self): Test.__init__(self, Energy.NAME)
[docs]class PotentialEnergy(Test): NAME = "E_p"
[docs] def __init__(self): Test.__init__(self, PotentialEnergy.NAME)
[docs]class Pressure(Test): NAME = "P"
[docs] def __init__(self): Test.__init__(self, Pressure.NAME)
[docs]class Temperature(Test): NAME = "T"
[docs] def __init__(self): Test.__init__(self, Temperature.NAME)
[docs]class BoxSize(Test): NAME = "Simulation_Box"
[docs] def __init__(self): Test.__init__(self, BoxSize.NAME)
[docs]class Job_Details(Test): NAME = "JobDetails"
[docs] def __init__(self): Test.__init__(self, Job_Details.NAME)
[docs]class T_0(Test): NAME = "T_0"
[docs] def __init__(self): Test.__init__(self, T_0.NAME)
[docs]class E_k(Test): NAME = "E_k"
[docs] def __init__(self): Test.__init__(self, E_k.NAME)
[docs]class E_x(Test): NAME = "E_x"
[docs] def __init__(self): Test.__init__(self, E_k.NAME)
[docs]class E_f(Test): NAME = "E_f"
[docs] def __init__(self): Test.__init__(self, E_f.NAME)
[docs]class V(Test): NAME = "V"
[docs] def __init__(self): Test.__init__(self, V.NAME)
SUPPORTED_TEST = [ Energy, PotentialEnergy, Temperature, Pressure, BoxSize, E_k, E_x, E_f, V, T_0 ] SUPPORTED_TESTNAME = [e.NAME for e in SUPPORTED_TEST]
[docs]def gen_test(s): """ Returns a `*Test` object based on the given string 's'. This function will raise a ValueError if no object can be constructed. """ i = SUPPORTED_TESTNAME.index(s) return SUPPORTED_TEST[i]()
[docs]def process_chunks(chunk, test): """ """ _debug_print(" Proccessing chunk: %s" % str(chunk)) key = None has_sym = False for token in chunk: if (key is not None): if (token[0] == "="): if (has_sym): raise SyntaxError("Syntax error at line# %d." % token[1]) has_sym = True continue if (not has_sym): raise SyntaxError("Syntax error at line# %d." % token[1]) test.set_val(key, token) key = None has_sym = False else: if (token[0] == "="): raise SyntaxError( "Expecting a label, but found '=' at line# %d." % token[1]) key = token[0] return test
[docs]def parse_sbt(sbt_fname): """ Given a .sbt file, parses the file and returns a list of `*test` objects. """ _debug_print("\nPrinting debugging information for parsing sbt file:") test_list = [] test_type = None sbt_file = open(sbt_fname, "r") sbt_content = sbt_file.readlines() sbt_file.close() # _debug_print( "Removing blank and comment lines and striping leading and trailing spaces..." ) new_content = [] i = 1 for sbt_line in sbt_content: _debug_print(" Line to parse: %s" % sbt_line) sbt_line = sbt_line.strip() _debug_print(" Line stripped: %s" % sbt_line) if (sbt_line == ""): _debug_print(" Blank line") elif (sbt_line.startswith("#")): _debug_print(" Comment line: %s" % sbt_line) else: new_content.append(( sbt_line, i, )) i += 1 # _debug_print("Tokenizing the content...") token = [] for sbt_line in new_content: t = shlex.split(sbt_line[0].replace("{", " { ").replace("}", " } ").replace( "=", " = ")) for item in t: token.append((item, sbt_line[1])) num_token = len(token) _debug_print(" %d tokens" % num_token) _debug_print(str(token)) # _debug_print("Parsing the tokens...") i = 0 while (i < num_token): try: if (token[i + 1][0] == "{"): try: test = gen_test(token[i][0]) _debug_print(" Start of information for test# %d" % Test.count) _debug_print(" This is a '%s' test" % test._name) except ValueError: raise ValueError("Unknown task type: %s" % token[i][0]) else: raise SyntaxError("Syntax error at line# %d." % token[i][1]) except IndexError: raise SyntaxError("Syntax error at line# %d." % token[i][1]) i += 2 chunk = [] while (i < num_token): if (token[i][0] == "}"): break chunk.append(token[i]) i += 1 else: raise SyntaxError("Syntax error at line# %d." % token[i][1]) test_list.append(process_chunks(chunk, test)) i += 1 # _debug_print("\nParsing sbt file completed.\n") return test_list
[docs]def get_job_details(sba_fname): """ Given a .sba file, parses the file and return Job Detail information. """ try: inp_file = open(sba_fname, "r") inp_content = inp_file.readlines() inp_file.close() except: raise IOError("Cannot open/read file %s \n" % sba_fname) block_string = "Block: Job_Details\n" start_index = inp_content.index(block_string) end_block_string = "End_Block \n" stop_index = inp_content.index(end_block_string, start_index) block_data = inp_content[start_index + 1:stop_index] job_details = {} str_keys = ['Status', 'Job_name', 'Ensemble'] int_keys = ['Atoms', 'Degrees_of_freedom', 'Particles'] flt_keys = ['Temperature', 'Pressure', 'Temperature'] for data in block_data: #job_details[data.partition('=')[0]] = data.partition('=')[2] key = data.split()[0] if (key in int_keys): job_details[data.split()[0]] = int(data.split()[2]) elif (key in flt_keys): job_details[data.split()[0]] = float(data.split()[2]) else: # Ev:114557 Job_name may contain space. Simply splitting # can cause problem here equal_pos = data.find('=') # in .sba file, the output format is "%s = %s \n"%(key, val) # skip the first space after '=' and the ' \n' at the end. job_details[key] = data[equal_pos + 2:-2] return job_details
[docs]def get_sbt_tests(sbt_fname): test_list = parse_sbt(sbt_fname) test_names = [] for test in test_list: test_names.append(test.NAME) return test_names
if (__name__ == '__main__'): # Parses arguments. usage = 'Usage: %prog <-i .sba file> <-t .sbt file> <-o .sbafile> [options]' opt = optparse.OptionParser(usage) opt.add_option('-i', '--inp', type='string', default='', help='the input .sba file name') opt.add_option('-o', '--out', type='string', default='', help='the output .sba file name') opt.add_option('-t', '--test', type='string', default='', help='the input test file name') opt.add_option('-d', '--debug', action='store_true', default=False, help='turn on debug mode.') opts, args = opt.parse_args() if (opts.debug): print("Debugging mode is on.\n") is_debugging = True #opts.inp = 'del3.sba' #opts.out = 'del3_out.sba' #opts.test = 'del3_7.sbt' if (not opts.inp): print("Error: Input .sba file is not defined") print_usage() sys.exit(1) if (not opts.out): print("Error: Output .sba file is not defined") print_usage() sys.exit(1) if (not opts.test): print("Error: Input .sbt file is not defined") print_usage() sys.exit(1) try: inp_file = open(opts.inp, "r") inp_content = inp_file.readlines() inp_file.close() except: raise IOError("Cannot open/read file %s \n" % opts.inp) try: test_file = open(opts.test, "r") test_content = test_file.readlines() test_file.close() except: raise IOError("Cannot open/read file %s \n" % opts.test) # Get job details from input sba file and print it to output sba file try: out_file = open(opts.out, "w") except: raise IOError("Cannot open file for writing %s \n" % opts.out) out_file.write("Block: Job_Details \n") job_details = {} job_details = get_job_details(opts.inp) for key in list(job_details): out_file.write(" %s = %s \n" % (key, str(job_details[key]))) out_file.write("End_Block\n\n") # parse sbt file and get a list of tests. test_list = parse_sbt(opts.test) # Find each block specified in sbt file # and calculate its standard deviation and slope for test in test_list: bl = test.update_pass_fail(opts.inp) try: out_file = open(opts.out, "a") except: raise IOError("Cannot open file for writing %s \n" % opts.out) _debug_print("Testing: %s" % test.NAME) _debug_print( "Testing criteria: SD = %7.3f, Slope = %7.3f %s , Average = %7.3f +/- %7.3f %s \n" % (, test.slope, bl.prop_unit + "/" + bl.time_unit, test.average, test.average_tol, bl.prop_unit)) _debug_print( "Block data: SD = %7.3f, Slope = %7.3f %s, Average = %7.3f %s \n\n" % (, bl.slope, bl.prop_unit + "/" + bl.time_unit, bl.average, bl.prop_unit)) _debug_print("Test: %s " % test.pass_fail) out_file.write("Test for %s: %s\n" % (test.NAME, test.pass_fail)) out_file.write( "Testing criteria: SD = %7.3f, Slope = %7.3f %s , Average = %7.3f +/- %7.3f %s \n" % (, test.slope, bl.prop_unit + "/" + bl.time_unit, test.average, test.average_tol, bl.prop_unit)) out_file.write( "Block data: SD = %7.3f, Slope = %7.3f %s, Average = %7.3f %s \n\n" % (, bl.slope, bl.prop_unit + "/" + bl.time_unit, bl.average, bl.prop_unit)) out_file.close()