Source code for schrodinger.application.desmond.torsion_related

import math
from past.utils import old_div
from typing import List

import numpy as np

from schrodinger import structure
from schrodinger.application.desmond.constants import ORIGINAL_INDEX
from schrodinger.infra import fast3d
from schrodinger.infra import licensing
from schrodinger.infra import mm
from schrodinger.structutils import analyze
from schrodinger.structutils import measure
from schrodinger.structutils import minimize
from schrodinger.utils.env import EnvironmentContext

# ffld might not be installed
    from schrodinger.forcefield.packages import altcap
except ImportError:
    altcap = None

CONF_ANGLE_PROP = 'r_m_conformer_angle'
MIN_ENERGY_PROP = 'r_m_min_energy'
    'max_steps': 150,
    'dielectric_constant': 1.0,
    'energy_criterion': 5e-5,
    'gradient_criterion': 0.1,
    'cleanup': False,
    'honor_pbc': False

[docs]class TorsionPotential: """A class to contain the atom numbers for each torsion""" # Class variable that contains torsion parameters relevant to # ligand torsions. This variable is created once when the first # instance of Torsion class is initialized. dih = None
[docs] def __init__(self, a1, a2, a3, a4, cms, lig_atoms, results=None, calc_tors=True): (self.a1, self.a2, self.a3, self.a4) = (a1, a2, a3, a4) self.cms = cms self.lfrom = None self.lto = None self.col = None self.rb_potential = None self.nbins = 36 self.interval_list = list( np.arange(-180.0, 180.0, old_div(360.0, self.nbins))) # add last bead self.interval_list.append(self.interval_list[-1] + old_div(360.0, self.nbins)) self.results = results self.lig_atoms = lig_atoms # new_lig_atoms contains aid of atoms according to a CT the # ligand is in self.new_lig_atoms = None tmp_list = cms.select_atom_comp(self._convert_index_to_asl(lig_atoms)) for i, alist in enumerate(tmp_list): if alist: self.new_lig_atoms = tmp_list[i] self.atom_dict = {} if len(self.lig_atoms) == len(self.new_lig_atoms): for i, j in zip(self.lig_atoms, self.new_lig_atoms): self.atom_dict[i] = j if calc_tors: self.potential = self._get_utt_potential( [self.a1, self.a2, self.a3, self.a4]) else: self.potential = (self.nbins + 1) * [0.0]
[docs] def set_color(self, col): self.col = col
[docs] def get_color(self): return self.col
[docs] def set_ligand_from(self, lfrom): self.lfrom = lfrom
[docs] def set_ligand_to(self, lto): self.lto = lto
[docs] def get_angles(self): return self.interval_list
[docs] def set_rbpotential(self, rbp): self.rb_potential = rbp
[docs] def get_potential(self): if self.rb_potential: return self.rb_potential else: return self.potential
def __str__(self): ret = 'Torsion:' ret += ' ' + str(self.a1) + '-' + str(self.a2) + '-' + str( self.a3) + '-' + str(self.a4) ret += '\n from:' + str(self.lfrom) + '; to:' + str(self.lto) return ret # functions needed to show torsion potentials on histograms def _convert_index_to_asl(self, index_list): asl = '(atom.num ' for i in index_list: asl += '%s,' % i asl = asl[0:len(asl) - 1] + ')' return asl def _get_utt_potential(self, atom_list): ''' Given atom_list (i,j,k,l), to get a full potential around j-k in st, we need to also look at all the atoms connected to j and k, and reconstruct UTT ''' st = self.cms jatoms = [] katoms = [] # get atoms connected to j for bond in st.atom[atom_list[1]].bond: if bond.atom2.index != atom_list[2] and bond.order: jatoms.append(bond.atom2.index) # get atoms conntecte to k for bond in st.atom[atom_list[2]].bond: if bond.atom2.index != atom_list[1] and bond.order: katoms.append(bond.atom2.index) utt_tor = [] for j in jatoms: for k in katoms: utt_tor.append([j, atom_list[1], atom_list[2], k]) total_utt_potential = np.zeros(self.nbins + 1) for utt in utt_tor: try: total_utt_potential += self._get_potential(st, utt) except: continue return total_utt_potential def _get_energy(self, tor, angle): pot = 0.0 rad = angle / 180. * math.pi pot += tor.c1 / 2. * (1 + math.cos(1 * rad)) pot += tor.c2 / 2. * (1 - math.cos(2 * rad)) pot += tor.c3 / 2. * (1 + math.cos(3 * rad)) pot += tor.c4 / 2. * (1 - math.cos(4 * rad)) return pot def _get_potential(self, st, atom_list): if not TorsionPotential.dih: self.init_ff(st, atom_list) dihed_p = None # dihedral parmeters for e in TorsionPotential.dih: ai = self.atom_dict[atom_list[0]] aj = self.atom_dict[atom_list[1]] ak = self.atom_dict[atom_list[2]] al = self.atom_dict[atom_list[3]] # match forward and backwards if ( == ai and e.aj == aj and e.ak == ak and == al) or \ ( == al and e.aj == ak and e.ak == aj and == ai): dihed_p = e break # check if dihedral parameters are either protected (INVALID) or # all zeros if not dihed_p or dihed_p.funct == 'INVALID' or \ len(set([dihed_p.c1, dihed_p.c2, dihed_p.c3, dihed_p.c4])) == 1: return np.zeros(len(self.interval_list)) tor_potential = [] for a in self.interval_list: tor_potential.append(self._get_energy(dihed_p, a)) return np.array(tor_potential)
[docs] def init_ff(self, st, atom_list): """ This function initializes torsion force field parameters relevant to the ligand. Ligand is defined by a list of atoms. :param st: structure object for all molecules :type st: `structure.Structure` :param atom_list: list of ligand atom indices :type atom_list: list """ selection = st.select_atom_comp(self._convert_index_to_asl(atom_list)) icomp = None for i, element in enumerate(selection): if element: icomp = i break ct = st.comp_ct[icomp] dih = ct.ffio.dihedral TorsionPotential.dih = [] for e in dih: if in self.new_lig_atoms and e.aj in self.new_lig_atoms and \ e.ak in self.new_lig_atoms and in self.new_lig_atoms: TorsionPotential.dih.append(e)
[docs]class BondRotator(object): """ perform RB scan """
[docs] def __init__(self, st, rb_atoms, angle_diff=10, ff=16, debug=False, canonicalize=True, sampling=True): self._fk = 30.0 self._st = st self._cleanStProperties() self._rb_atoms = rb_atoms self.dihedral_atoms = [st.atom[i] for i in rb_atoms] self._angle_diff = angle_diff self._ff = ff self._sampling = sampling self._min_opt = MIN_OPT.copy() self._min_opt['ffld_version'] = self._ff self._min_opt['struct'] = self._st # Measure the current dihedral angle: angle = measure.measure_dihedral_angle(*self.dihedral_atoms) self.input_angle = angle self.num_rotamers = 360 // angle_diff self.angles = list(range(-180, 180 + int(angle_diff), angle_diff)) self.writer = None if debug: self.writer = structure.StructureWriter('rotator_%i_%i.mae' % (rb_atoms[1], rb_atoms[2])) with minimize.minimizer_context(**self._min_opt) as self.minimizer: if sampling: # Run with fast3d scan self.search_and_scan(self._st) else: self._scan(self._st, canonicalize=canonicalize) if self.writer: self.writer.close()
def _cleanStProperties(self): ''' Clean Fast3D (f3d) properties whose presence can cause f3d call to work improperly in this class. For the purposes we're using f3d here, no specialized f3d properties are needed. (see DESMOND-11503). ''' for prop in self._st.getPropertyNames(): if structure.PropertyName(prop).family == 'f3d': del[prop]
[docs] def potential(self, conf=None, degree=True): ''' get potential energy corresponding to 'conf' :param conf: conformation in degrees to get corresponding potential :type conf: float :rtype float ''' if not conf: conf = self.input_angle if not degree: conf = conf * 180 / 3.14159 energy = self.getRotEnergy(offset=True) for i, start in enumerate(self.angles[0:-1]): end = self.angles[i + 1] if start < conf and end > conf: i_start = i break # Interpolate potential at 'conf' using simple line (y=mx+b) equation e1 = energy[i_start] e2 = energy[i_start + 1] ang_diff = self.angles[i_start + 1] - self.angles[i_start] x = (conf - self.angles[i_start]) / ang_diff b = e1 m = e2 - e1 return (m * x) + b
def _generate_conformations(self, max_confs: int = 10 ) -> List[structure.Structure]: """ Run ConfGenX (fast3d) to generate `max_conf` desired cts. """ mode = 'default' optimize = True use_default_fragment_libraries = True custom_fragment_libraries = [] # Set to use the FEP_GPGPU license with EnvironmentContext('SCHRODINGER_CONFGENX_FEPGPGPU_MODE', "1"): engine = fast3d.Engine(mode, optimize, use_default_fragment_libraries, custom_fragment_libraries) engine.setDesiredNumberOfConformers(max_confs) confs = ret_cts = [] for (energy, xyz, _) in confs: ct = self._st.copy() xyz = np.asarray(xyz).reshape(ct.atom_total, 3) ct.setXYZ(xyz) ret_cts.append(ct) return ret_cts
[docs] def search_and_scan(self, ct): """ Get best profile by using fast3d to generate multiple initial coordinates. `self.results` to contain the best profile. """ profiles = [] self._scan(ct) profiles.append(self.results) for ist, st in enumerate(self._generate_conformations()): st.title = f'conf_{ist}' self._scan(st, canonicalize=False) profiles.append(self.results) best_profile = [] for i in range(len(profiles[0])): # angles es = [p[i] for p in profiles] best_profile.append(min(es)) self.results = best_profile
def _scan(self, ct, canonicalize=True): self.results = [None] * len(self.angles) st = ct.copy() if canonicalize: # Set to use the FEP_GPGPU license with EnvironmentContext('SCHRODINGER_CONFGENX_FEPGPGPU_MODE', "1"): fast3d.SingleConformerEngine().run(st) self.minimizer.updateCoordinates(st) min_st = self.minimizer.getStructure() angle2idx = {a: index for index, a in enumerate(self.angles)} dihedral_atoms = [min_st.atom[i] for i in self._rb_atoms] diff = np.abs( np.array(self.angles) - measure.measure_dihedral_angle(*dihedral_atoms)) idx = diff.argmin() # Start with the angle closest to original angle of `min_st`. angles = self.angles[idx:] + self.angles[:idx] title = st.title for rt in angles: min_st.adjust(rt, *self._rb_atoms) self.minimizer.addTorsionRestraint(*self._rb_atoms, self._fk, rt, flat_bottom=1.0) min_res = self.minimizer.minimize( ) # min_st's coordinates are updated. self.results[angle2idx[rt]] = min_res.potential_energy if self.writer: min_st.title = f'{title}:{rt}deg'[CONF_ANGLE_PROP] = rt[MIN_ENERGY_PROP] = min_res.potential_energy self.writer.append(min_st) self.minimizer.deleteAllRestraints(rest_type=mm.MMFfldTorsionRest)
[docs] def getRotEnergy(self, offset=False): if offset: res = np.array(self.results) e_min = res.min() return np.round(res - e_min, decimals=3).tolist() return self.results
[docs]def get_old2new(st, prop=ORIGINAL_INDEX): """ Get dictionary for atom-level property 'prop' as a key, and return it's new atom index (aid) """ atom_map = {} for a in st.atom: if prop in old_aid =[prop] atom_map[old_aid] = a.index return atom_map
[docs]class IncompleteFragmentError(Exception): pass
[docs]def get_rb_potential(cms_model, lig_aids, a1, a2, a3, a4): # full_system atoms indices for the torsion tor_sys_idx = [a1, a2, a3, a4] lig_st = cms_model.extract(lig_aids) return rb_potential_from_struct(lig_st, tor_sys_idx)
[docs]def rb_potential_from_struct(lig_st, tor_sys_idx): """ Creates bond rotator object to calculate torsional potential for a given structure. The input structure should have 'ORIGINAL_INDEX' property. :param lig_st: ligand structure :type lig_st: structure.Structure :param tor_sys_idx: list of atom indices to define torsion :type tor_sys_idx: list[int] :return: bond rotator object :rtype: BondRotator """ if not altcap or not licensing.licenseExists(licensing.FFLD_DEVELOPMENT): return None if not analyze.hydrogens_present(lig_st): from import add_hydrogens lig_st = lig_st.copy() add_hydrogens(lig_st) ori2new_dict = get_old2new(lig_st) # extracted ligand atoms indices for the torsion tor_lig_idx = [ori2new_dict[tor_sys_idx[i]] for i in range(4)] rb_key = (tor_lig_idx[1], tor_lig_idx[2]) # get fragment that has equivalent atom-types and preserves UTT type with altcap.Capper() as capper: frag_st = capper.get_fragment(lig_st, rot_bond_atoms=rb_key) old2new_dict = get_old2new(frag_st, altcap.ORIG_ATOM_NUM_PROP) # extracted fragment atoms indices for the torsion tor_frag_idx = [old2new_dict[tor_lig_idx[i]] for i in range(4)] energy_rotamer = BondRotator(frag_st, tor_frag_idx, sampling=True) return energy_rotamer
[docs]def get_rb_torsions_potential(cms_model, lig_aids, a1, a2, a3, a4): t = TorsionPotential(a1, a2, a3, a4, cms_model, lig_aids) return np.round(t.potential, decimals=3).tolist()