Source code for schrodinger.application.job_monitor.util

from datetime import datetime

from dateutil import tz


[docs]def convert_to_local_timezone(utc_epoch_time): """ Return the local timezone datetime object for the UTC epoch time. :param utc_epoch_time: UTC epoch time :type utc_epoch_time: float :rtype: datetime.datetime """ utc_datetime_string = datetime.fromtimestamp(utc_epoch_time).strftime( f'{TIME_DISPLAY_FORMAT} {DATE_DISPLAY_FORMAT}') utc_datetime = datetime.strptime( utc_datetime_string, f'{TIME_DISPLAY_FORMAT} {DATE_DISPLAY_FORMAT}') utc_timezone = tz.tzutc() # Let the datetime object know it's UTC time utc_datetime = utc_datetime.replace(tzinfo=utc_timezone) local_timezone = tz.tzlocal() # Convert the UTC datetime object to local datetime object local_datetime = utc_datetime.astimezone(local_timezone) return local_datetime
[docs]def is_same_day(local_datetime): """ Check whether the local datetime is of the the current day. :type local_datetime: datetime.datetime :rtype: bool """ return ==
[docs]def get_current_utc_timestamp(): """ Return the UTC current epoch time. :rtype: float """ return datetime.utcnow().timestamp()