Source code for schrodinger.application.livedesign.io_utils

LiveDesign protocol io utils

Copyright Schrodinger, LLC. All rights reserved.

import csv

from random import choice

import schrodinger

from schrodinger import structure

from schrodinger.structutils import color

    'element_customc_darkblue', 'element_customc_blue',
    'element_customc_aquamarine', 'element_customc_turquoise',
    'element_customc_springgreen_carbons', 'element_customc_darkgreen',
    'element_customc_green', 'element_customc_limegreen',
    'element_customc_yellowgreen', 'element_customc_yellow',
    'element_customc_orange', 'element_customc_maroon', 'element_customc_red',
    'element_customc_pink', 'element_customc_plum', 'element_customc_purple',
    'element_customc_bluepurple', 'element_customc_white'

SCH_VER = schrodinger.get_release_name()

[docs]def get_structure_ids(infile): """ Create a set of titles for all structures found in the input file :param infile: Input SD file :type infile: str :return: Set containing all structure titles :rtype: set """ ids = set() for st in structure.StructureReader(infile): title = st.title if not title: raise RuntimeError('Structure found with missing title') ids.add(title) return ids
[docs]def apply_random_color(st): """ Apply a random color scheme to the structure :param st: Structure to be colored :type st: `schrodinger.structure.Structure` """ color.apply_color_scheme(st, choice(ALLOWED_COLOR_SCHEMES))
[docs]def record_failures(results_list, failed_ids, prop_keys, task): """ Create a dictionary with empty values for the corporate ID that failed a stage in a LiveDesign protocol and updated the list that is passed in. :param results_list: List of dictionaries where each dictionary contains the required data to write to the CSV file :type results_list: list :param failed_ids: Set of corporate IDs that failed a given task :type failed_ids: set :param prop_keys: List of properties that will be written out to the output CSV file :type prop_keys: list :param task: Name of the task/stage where the failed IDs come from :type task: str :return: Update list of dictionaries where each dictionary contains the required data to write to the output CSV file :rtype: list """ for corp_id in failed_ids: results_dict = {} for i in prop_keys: results_dict[i] = '' results_dict['Corporate ID'] = corp_id results_dict['status'] = f'{SCH_VER}: Dropped by {task}' results_list.append(results_dict) # Return an updated list return results_list
[docs]def create_csv(results_list, csv_file): """ Write a CSV file from a list of dictionaries. The output file name 'results.csv', is required by LiveDesign so the module-level constant will always be used :param results_list: List of dictionaries where each dictionary contains the required data to write to the CSV file. Column headers will be take from the keys of the first dict :type results_list: list :param csv_file: CSV filename :type csv_file: str """ fieldnames = results_list[0].keys() # Sort the list by the corporate ID to allow for consistent CSV file creation results_list = sorted(results_list, key=lambda x: x['Corporate ID']) with open(csv_file, 'w') as output_file: writer = csv.DictWriter(output_file, fieldnames=fieldnames) writer.writeheader() writer.writerows(results_list)