Source code for schrodinger.application.livedesign.login

Login page of the Maestro LiveDesign Export GUI.

Copyright Schrodinger, LLC. All rights reserved.

import glob
import os
import re
import sys
import tarfile
from collections import namedtuple
from enum import Enum

import requests

from schrodinger.utils import fileutils

Version = namedtuple('Version', ['major', 'minor'])

HOST = "host"
USERNAME = "username"
CLIENT = "client"
MODELS = 'models'
COMPATIBILITY_MODE = 'compatibility_mode'
API_PATH = '/livedesign/api'
LDCLIENT_PATH = '/livedesign/ldclient.tar.gz'
VERSION_NUMBER = 'seurat_version_number'
VERSION_RE = re.compile(r'(?P<major>\d+)\.(?P<minor>\d+)')


# The version that introduces corporate ID compound matching

# The version that introduces multiple LD IDs per structure

# The version that introduces a separation between real/virtual compounds

# The version that introduces the new LD Import API

# The version that introduces custom pose names

# The LDClient API version that we use.
# This works with multiple LiveDesign server versions.

# The version that no longer supports 3D Protocols
LD_VERSION_3D_PROTOCOL = Version(9, 1)

# The version that introduces a new Glide model URL

CONTACT_SUPPORT_MSG = '\nPlease contact Schrodinger Technical Support ' \
                      'with the hostname used to login.'
IMPORT_ERROR_MSG = 'Could not successfully import the necessary files fetched' \
                   ' from the server.'
NO_LDCLIENT_MSG = "Cannot retrieve LiveDesign client from the server"
NO_CONNECTION_MSG = "Cannot connect to specified host."

ENTER_HOST_MSG = "Please enter a valid LiveDesign server name."
ENTER_CREDENTIALS_MSG = "Please enter valid username and password to connect."
INVALID_CREDENTIALS_MSG = "Invalid username or password."
INVALID_TOKEN_MSG = "Invalid token."
VERSION_MISMATCH_MSG = ('There is a mismatch between the client version and the'
                        ' server version. Please try restarting Maestro.')
TIMEOUT_MSG = ("Cannot connect to the LiveDesign server "
               "(Operation timed out)")

MULTIPLE_FILES_FOUND_MSG = 'More than one {0} was found in the schrodinger ' \
                           'tmp dir at: {1}\nPlease try again after removing ' \
                           'any ld_client files or folders from the tmp ' \
NO_FILES_FOUND_MSG = 'The required files were not found in the tmp directory.'
TAR_ERROR_MSG = 'Unable to extract the necessary files from the fetched tar ' \
                'file: {0}'


[docs]class LDMode(str, Enum): """ Enumerate the different LiveDesign modes. """ DRUG_DISCOVERY = 'DRUG_DISCOVERY' MATERIALS_SCIENCE = 'MATERIALS_SCIENCE' def __str__(self): return self.value
LOGIN_ERR_MSG = 'Please use the Maestro LiveDesign Login Panel to first login' \ ' into a LiveDesign host.'
[docs]def download_ld_client(url, tmp_dir, tar_filename, glob_path, timeout=None): """ Download the ld client under tmp_dir. :param url: url of the ld client :type url: str :param tmp_dir: Directory under which ld client will be downloaded :type tmp_dir: str :param tar_filename: tar filename of the client (without `.tar.gz` ext) :type tar_filename: str :param glob_path: glob path with wildcards (ex: `ldclient-*`) :type glob_path: str :param timeout: Timeout for the download request (in secs) :type timeout: int or NoneType :return: Returns the path to the client :rtype: str :raises Exception: Raises RuntimeError in case of any error """ # Remove any previous existing ldclient related files / directories remove_previous_existing_files(tmp_dir, tar_filename) # Fetch the tar file using requests filename = os.path.join(tmp_dir, tar_filename + '.tar.gz') with open(filename, "wb") as f: r = requests.get(url, verify=False, timeout=timeout) f.write(r.content) # Un-tar the tar file into the cwd try: tar = tar.extractall(path=tmp_dir) tar.close() except tarfile.TarError as e: err_msg = TAR_ERROR_MSG.format(filename) raise RuntimeError(err_msg) # Construct the path to un-compressed file path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, glob_path) possible_paths = glob.glob(path) file_count = len(possible_paths) if file_count > 1: raise RuntimeError( MULTIPLE_FILES_FOUND_MSG.format(tar_filename, tmp_dir)) elif file_count == 0: raise RuntimeError(NO_FILES_FOUND_MSG) return possible_paths[0]
[docs]def remove_previous_existing_files(dirpath, name): """ This helper method removed all files and directories matching the given name in the directory specified by dirpath. :param dirpath: Path to the directory under which the files needs to be removed :type name: str :param name: to match any files or directories in the form of 'name*' :type name: str """ remove_path = os.path.join(dirpath, name + '*') remove_paths = glob.glob(remove_path) for path in remove_paths: if os.path.isdir(path): fileutils.force_rmtree(path) else: fileutils.force_remove(path)
[docs]def required_login_info_set() -> bool: """ :return: whether the necessary information is cached to initialize a new `LDClient` instance """ host_and_paths = bool(_SESSION_HOST and _SESSION_IMPORT_PATHS) user_and_pw = bool(_SESSION_USERNAME and _SESSION_PWD) token = bool(_SESSION_TOKEN) return host_and_paths and (user_and_pw or token)
[docs]def get_ld_client_and_models(): """ Returns a new instance of ldclient.client.LDClient() and ld_client.models using the login credentials and the host server set in the Live Design login panel. If the instantiation was unsuccessful, the first object in the tuple will hold the error msg - otherwise, it will hold an empty str. :return: tuple of error msg str, new instance of the LD Client, and the ldclient.models module :rtype: (str, ldclient.client.LDClient(), ldclient.models) """ msg = '' ld_client = None ld_models = None if not required_login_info_set(): msg = LOGIN_ERR_MSG return (msg, ld_client, ld_models) # Add the ld_client module path to the top of the search path for path in _SESSION_IMPORT_PATHS: sys.path.insert(0, path) try: import ldclient.client import ldclient.models kwargs = { 'host': _SESSION_HOST + API_PATH, COMPATIBILITY_MODE: LD_VERSION_COMPATIBILITY_MODE, } if _SESSION_USERNAME and _SESSION_PWD: kwargs['username'] = _SESSION_USERNAME kwargs['password'] = _SESSION_PWD else: kwargs['refresh_token'] = _SESSION_TOKEN ld_client = ldclient.client.LDClient(**kwargs) ld_models = ldclient.models except ImportError: msg = IMPORT_ERROR_MSG + CONTACT_SUPPORT_MSG return (msg, ld_client, ld_models)
[docs]def format_host(host): """ Format the given host. Adds 'https' protocol if none, and removes any trailing '/'s :param host: LiveDesign server host :type host: str :return: Formatted host :rtype: str """ host = host.strip().rstrip('/') if '://' not in host: host = 'https://{}'.format(host) return host
[docs]def get_host(): """ :return: the host for the current session :rtype: str """ return _SESSION_HOST
[docs]def get_credentials(): """ :return: the username and password for the current session :rtype: tuple(str, str) """ return _SESSION_USERNAME, _SESSION_PWD
[docs]def get_username(): """ :return: the username for the current session :rtype: str """ return _SESSION_USERNAME
[docs]def get_LD_version(ld_client=None): """ Given an LDClient instance, return the LD version number. :param ld_client: optionally, an instance of the LDClient :type ld_client: ld_client.LDClient or NoneType :return: the version of the LD server :rtype: Version """ if ld_client is None: _, ld_client, _ = get_ld_client_and_models() version_str = ld_client.about().seurat_version_number match = VERSION_RE.match(version_str) major = int('major')) minor = int('minor')) return Version(major, minor)
[docs]def get_LD_mode(ld_client): """ Given an LDClient instance, return the LD instance mode. For example, if the instance is in DRUG_DISCOVERY or MATERIAL_SCIENCE mode, etc. Note, that for older LD versions (< 8.6), there was no concept of a LD mode, and thus we assume the default mode of DRUG_DISCOVERY. :param ld_client: instance of the LDClient :type ld_client: `ld_client.LDClient` :return: the server mode. :rtype: str """ config_dict = {d['key']: d['value'] for d in ld_client.config()} return config_dict.get(LD_MODE, LDMode.DRUG_DISCOVERY)