Source code for schrodinger.application.matsci.gsas.GSASIIElem

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Third-party code. No Schrodinger Copyright.

*GSASIIElem: functions for element types*

# Copyright: 2008, Robert B. Von Dreele & Brian H. Toby (Argonne National Laboratory)
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# $Date: 2019-01-17 15:31:32 -0500 (Thu, 17 Jan 2019) $
# $Author: vondreele $
# $Revision: 3786 $
# $URL: $
# $Id: 3786 2019-01-17 20:31:32Z vondreele $
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# flake8: noqa

import math
import os.path
import sys

import numpy as np

from . import ElementTable as ET
from . import GSASIImath as G2mth
from . import atmdata

getElSym = lambda sym: sym.split('+')[0].split('-')[0].capitalize()

[docs]def GetFormFactorCoeff(El): """Read X-ray form factor coefficients from `` file :param str El: element 1-2 character symbol, case irrevelant :return: `FormFactors`: list of form factor dictionaries Each X-ray form factor dictionary is: * `Symbol`: 4 character element symbol with valence (e.g. 'NI+2') * `Z`: atomic number * `fa`: 4 A coefficients * `fb`: 4 B coefficients * `fc`: C coefficient """ Els = El.capitalize().strip() valences = [ky for ky in atmdata.XrayFF.keys() if Els == getElSym(ky)] FormFactors = [atmdata.XrayFF[val] for val in valences] for Sy, FF in zip(valences, FormFactors): FF.update({'Symbol': Sy.upper()}) return FormFactors
[docs]def GetFFtable(atomTypes): ''' returns a dictionary of form factor data for atom types found in atomTypes :param list atomTypes: list of atom types :return: FFtable, dictionary of form factor data; key is atom type ''' FFtable = {} for El in atomTypes: FFs = GetFormFactorCoeff(getElSym(El)) for item in FFs: if item['Symbol'] == El.upper(): FFtable[El] = item return FFtable
[docs]def GetMFtable(atomTypes, Landeg): ''' returns a dictionary of magnetic form factor data for atom types found in atomTypes :param list atomTypes: list of atom types :param list Landeg: Lande g factors for atomTypes :return: FFtable, dictionary of form factor data; key is atom type ''' MFtable = {} for El, gfac in zip(atomTypes, Landeg): MFs = GetMagFormFacCoeff(getElSym(El)) for item in MFs: if item['Symbol'] == El.upper(): item['gfac'] = gfac MFtable[El] = item return MFtable
[docs]def GetBLtable(General): ''' returns a dictionary of neutron scattering length data for atom types & isotopes found in General :param dict General: dictionary of phase info.; includes AtomTypes & Isotopes :return: BLtable, dictionary of scattering length data; key is atom type ''' atomTypes = General['AtomTypes'] BLtable = {} isotope = General['Isotope'] for El in atomTypes: ElS = getElSym(El) if 'Nat' in isotope[El]: BLtable[El] = [isotope[El], atmdata.AtmBlens[ElS + '_']] else: BLtable[El] = [ isotope[El], atmdata.AtmBlens[ElS + '_' + isotope[El]] ] return BLtable
[docs]def getFFvalues(FFtables, SQ, ifList=False): 'Needs a doc string' if ifList: FFvals = [] for El in FFtables: FFvals.append(ScatFac(FFtables[El], SQ)[0]) else: FFvals = {} for El in FFtables: FFvals[El] = ScatFac(FFtables[El], SQ)[0] return FFvals
[docs]def getBLvalues(BLtables, ifList=False): 'Needs a doc string' if ifList: BLvals = [] for El in BLtables: if 'BW-LS' in El: BLvals.append(BLtables[El][1]['BW-LS'][0]) else: BLvals.append(BLtables[El][1]['SL'][0]) else: BLvals = {} for El in BLtables: if 'BW-LS' in El: BLvals[El] = BLtables[El][1]['BW-LS'][0] else: BLvals[El] = BLtables[El][1]['SL'][0] return BLvals
[docs]def getMFvalues(MFtables, SQ, ifList=False): 'Needs a doc string' if ifList: MFvals = [] for El in MFtables: MFvals.append(MagScatFac(MFtables[El], SQ)[0]) else: MFvals = {} for El in MFtables: MFvals[El] = MagScatFac(MFtables[El], SQ)[0] return MFvals
[docs]def GetFFC5(ElSym): '''Get 5 term form factor and Compton scattering data :param ElSym: str(1-2 character element symbol with proper case); :return El: dictionary with 5 term form factor & compton coefficients ''' import FormFactors as FF El = {} FF5 = FF.FFac5term[ElSym] El['fa'] = FF5[:5] El['fc'] = FF5[5] El['fb'] = FF5[6:] Cmp5 = FF.Compton[ElSym] El['cmpz'] = Cmp5[0] El['cmpa'] = Cmp5[1:6] El['cmpb'] = Cmp5[6:] return El
[docs]def CheckElement(El): '''Check if element El is in the periodic table :param str El: One or two letter element symbol, capitaliztion ignored :returns: True if the element is found ''' Elements = [] for elem in ET.ElTable: Elements.append(elem[0][0]) if El.capitalize() in Elements: return True else: return False
[docs]def FixValence(El): 'Returns the element symbol, even when a valence is present' if '+' in El[-1]: #converts An+/- to A+/-n num = El[-2] El = El.split(num)[0] + '+' + num if '+0' in El: El = El.split('+0')[0] if '-' in El[-1]: num = El[-2] El = El.split(num)[0] + '-' + num if '-0' in El: El = El.split('-0')[0] return El
[docs]def GetAtomInfo(El, ifMag=False): 'reads element information from' Elem = ET.ElTable if ifMag: Elem = ET.MagElTable Elements = [elem[0][0] for elem in Elem] AtomInfo = {} ElS = getElSym(El) if El not in atmdata.XrayFF and El not in atmdata.MagFF: if ElS not in atmdata.XrayFF: print('Atom type ' + El + ' not found, using H') ElS = 'H' # return # not sure what this element should be! print('Atom type ' + El + ' not found, using ' + ElS) El = ElS AtomInfo.update( dict(zip(['Drad', 'Arad', 'Vdrad', 'Hbrad'], atmdata.AtmSize[ElS]))) AtomInfo['Symbol'] = El AtomInfo['Color'] = ET.ElTable[Elements.index(ElS)][6] AtomInfo['Z'] = atmdata.XrayFF[ElS]['Z'] isotopes = [ky for ky in atmdata.AtmBlens.keys() if ElS == ky.split('_')[0]] isotopes.sort() AtomInfo['Mass'] = atmdata.AtmBlens[isotopes[0]][ 'Mass'] #default to nat. abund. AtomInfo['Isotopes'] = {} for isotope in isotopes: data = atmdata.AtmBlens[isotope] if isotope == ElS + '_': AtomInfo['Isotopes']['Nat. Abund.'] = data else: AtomInfo['Isotopes'][isotope.split('_')[1]] = data AtomInfo['Lande g'] = 2.0 return AtomInfo
[docs]def GetElInfo(El, inst): ElemSym = El.strip().capitalize() if 'X' in inst['Type'][0]: keV = 12.397639 / G2mth.getWave(inst) FpMu = FPcalc(GetXsectionCoeff(ElemSym), keV) ElData = GetFormFactorCoeff(ElemSym)[0] ElData['FormulaNo'] = 0.0 ElData.update(GetAtomInfo(ElemSym)) ElData.update(dict(zip(['fp', 'fpp', 'mu'], FpMu))) ElData.update(GetFFC5(El)) else: #'N'eutron ElData = {} ElData.update(GetAtomInfo(ElemSym)) ElData['FormulaNo'] = 0.0 ElData.update({'mu': 0.0, 'fp': 0.0, 'fpp': 0.0}) return ElData
[docs]def GetXsectionCoeff(El): """Read atom orbital scattering cross sections for fprime calculations via Cromer-Lieberman algorithm :param El: 2 character element symbol :return: Orbs: list of orbitals each a dictionary with detailed orbital information used by FPcalc each dictionary is: * 'OrbName': Orbital name read from file * 'IfBe' 0/2 depending on orbital * 'BindEn': binding energy * 'BB': BindEn/0.02721 * 'XSectIP': 5 cross section inflection points * 'ElEterm': energy correction term * 'SEdge': absorption edge for orbital * 'Nval': 10/11 depending on IfBe * 'LEner': 10/11 values of log(energy) * 'LXSect': 10/11 values of log(cross section) """ AU = 2.80022e+7 C1 = 0.02721 ElS = El.upper() ElS = ElS.ljust(2) filename = os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0], 'Xsect.dat') try: xsec = open(filename, 'Ur') except: print('**** ERROR - File Xsect.dat not found in directory %s' % os.path.split(filename)[0]) sys.exit() S = '1' Orbs = [] while S: S = xsec.readline() if S[:2] == ElS: S = S[:-1] + xsec.readline()[:-1] + xsec.readline() OrbName = S[9:14] S = S[14:] IfBe = int(S[0]) S = S[1:] val = S.split() BindEn = float(val[0]) BB = BindEn / C1 Orb = {'OrbName': OrbName, 'IfBe': IfBe, 'BindEn': BindEn, 'BB': BB} Energy = [] XSect = [] for i in range(11): Energy.append(float(val[2 * i + 1])) XSect.append(float(val[2 * i + 2])) XSecIP = [] for i in range(5): XSecIP.append(XSect[i + 5] / AU) Orb['XSecIP'] = XSecIP if IfBe == 0: Orb['SEdge'] = XSect[10] / AU Nval = 11 else: Orb['ElEterm'] = XSect[10] del Energy[10] del XSect[10] Nval = 10 Orb['SEdge'] = 0.0 Orb['Nval'] = Nval D = dict(zip(Energy, XSect)) Energy.sort() X = [] for key in Energy: X.append(D[key]) XSect = X LEner = [] LXSect = [] for i in range(Nval): LEner.append(math.log(Energy[i])) if XSect[i] > 0.0: LXSect.append(math.log(XSect[i])) else: LXSect.append(0.0) Orb['LEner'] = LEner Orb['LXSect'] = LXSect Orbs.append(Orb) xsec.close() return Orbs
[docs]def GetMagFormFacCoeff(El): """Read magnetic form factor data from :param El: 2 character element symbol :return: MagFormFactors: list of all magnetic form factors dictionaries for element El. each dictionary contains: * 'Symbol':Symbol * 'Z':Z * 'mfa': 4 MA coefficients * 'nfa': 4 NA coefficients * 'mfb': 4 MB coefficients * 'nfb': 4 NB coefficients * 'mfc': MC coefficient * 'nfc': NC coefficient """ Els = El.capitalize().strip() MagFormFactors = [] mags = [ky for ky in atmdata.MagFF.keys() if Els == getElSym(ky)] for mag in mags: magData = {} data = atmdata.MagFF[mag] magData['Symbol'] = mag.upper() magData['Z'] = atmdata.XrayFF[getElSym(mag)]['Z'] magData['mfa'] = [data['M'][i] for i in [0, 2, 4, 6]] magData['mfb'] = [data['M'][i] for i in [1, 3, 5, 7]] magData['mfc'] = data['M'][8] magData['nfa'] = [data['N'][i] for i in [0, 2, 4, 6]] magData['nfb'] = [data['N'][i] for i in [1, 3, 5, 7]] magData['nfc'] = data['N'][8] MagFormFactors.append(magData) return MagFormFactors
[docs]def ScatFac(El, SQ): """compute value of form factor :param El: element dictionary defined in GetFormFactorCoeff :param SQ: (sin-theta/lambda)**2 :return: real part of form factor """ fa = np.array(El['fa']) fb = np.array(El['fb']) t = -fb[:, np.newaxis] * SQ return np.sum(fa[:, np.newaxis] * np.exp(t)[:], axis=0) + El['fc']
[docs]def MagScatFac(El, SQ): """compute value of form factor :param El: element dictionary defined in GetFormFactorCoeff :param SQ: (sin-theta/lambda)**2 :param gfac: Lande g factor (normally = 2.0) :return: real part of form factor """ mfa = np.array(El['mfa']) mfb = np.array(El['mfb']) nfa = np.array(El['nfa']) nfb = np.array(El['nfb']) mt = -mfb[:, np.newaxis] * SQ nt = -nfb[:, np.newaxis] * SQ MMF = np.sum(mfa[:, np.newaxis] * np.exp(mt)[:], axis=0) + El['mfc'] MMF0 = np.sum(mfa) + El['mfc'] NMF = np.sum(nfa[:, np.newaxis] * np.exp(nt)[:], axis=0) + El['nfc'] NMF0 = np.sum(nfa) + El['nfc'] MF0 = MMF0 + (2.0 / El['gfac'] - 1.0) * NMF0 return (MMF + (2.0 / El['gfac'] - 1.0) * NMF) / MF0
[docs]def BlenResCW(Els, BLtables, wave): FP = np.zeros(len(Els)) FPP = np.zeros(len(Els)) for i, El in enumerate(Els): BL = BLtables[El][1] if 'BW-LS' in BL: Re, Im, E0, gam, A, E1, B, E2 = BL['BW-LS'][1:] Emev = 81.80703 / wave**2 T0 = Emev - E0 T1 = Emev - E1 T2 = Emev - E2 D0 = T0**2 + gam**2 D1 = T1**2 + gam**2 D2 = T2**2 + gam**2 FP[i] = Re * (T0 / D0 + A * T1 / D1 + B * T2 / D2) + BL['BW-LS'][0] FPP[i] = -Im * (1 / D0 + A / D1 + B / D2) else: FPP[i] = BL['SL'][1] #for Li, B, etc. return FP, FPP
[docs]def BlenResTOF(Els, BLtables, wave): FP = np.zeros((len(Els), len(wave))) FPP = np.zeros((len(Els), len(wave))) BL = [BLtables[el][1] for el in Els] for i, El in enumerate(Els): if 'BW-LS' in BL[i]: Re, Im, E0, gam, A, E1, B, E2 = BL[i]['BW-LS'][1:] Emev = 81.80703 / wave**2 T0 = Emev - E0 T1 = Emev - E1 T2 = Emev - E2 D0 = T0**2 + gam**2 D1 = T1**2 + gam**2 D2 = T2**2 + gam**2 FP[i] = Re * (T0 / D0 + A * T1 / D1 + B * T2 / D2) + BL[i]['BW-LS'][0] FPP[i] = -Im * (1 / D0 + A / D1 + B / D2) else: FPP[i] = np.ones(len(wave)) * BL[i]['SL'][1] #for Li, B, etc. return FP, FPP
[docs]def ComptonFac(El, SQ): """compute Compton scattering factor :param El: element dictionary :param SQ: (sin-theta/lambda)**2 :return: compton scattering factor """ ca = np.array(El['cmpa']) cb = np.array(El['cmpb']) t = -cb[:, np.newaxis] * SQ return El['cmpz'] - np.sum(ca[:, np.newaxis] * np.exp(t), axis=0)
[docs]def FPcalc(Orbs, KEv): """Compute real & imaginary resonant X-ray scattering factors :param Orbs: list of orbital dictionaries as defined in GetXsectionCoeff :param KEv: x-ray energy in keV :return: C: (f',f",mu): real, imaginary parts of resonant scattering & atomic absorption coeff. """ def Aitken(Orb, LKev): Nval = Orb['Nval'] j = Nval - 1 LEner = Orb['LEner'] for i in range(Nval): if LEner[i] <= LKev: j = i if j > Nval - 3: j = Nval - 3 T = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] LXSect = Orb['LXSect'] for i in range(3): T[i] = LXSect[i + j] T[i + 3] = LEner[i + j] - LKev T[1] = (T[0] * T[4] - T[1] * T[3]) / (LEner[j + 1] - LEner[j]) T[2] = (T[0] * T[5] - T[2] * T[3]) / (LEner[j + 2] - LEner[j]) T[2] = (T[1] * T[5] - T[2] * T[4]) / (LEner[j + 2] - LEner[j + 1]) C = T[2] return C def DGauss(Orb, CX, RX, ISig): ALG = (0.11846344252810, 0.23931433524968, 0.284444444444, 0.23931433524968, 0.11846344252810) XLG = (0.04691007703067, 0.23076534494716, 0.5, 0.76923465505284, 0.95308992296933) D = 0.0 B2 = Orb['BB']**2 R2 = RX**2 XSecIP = Orb['XSecIP'] for i in range(5): X = XLG[i] X2 = X**2 XS = XSecIP[i] if ISig == 0: S = BB * (XS * (B2 / X2) - CX * R2) / (R2 * X2 - B2) elif ISig == 1: S = 0.5 * BB * B2 * XS / (math.sqrt(X) * (R2 * X2 - X * B2)) elif ISig == 2: T = X * X2 * R2 - B2 / X S = 2.0 * BB * (XS * B2 / (T * X2**2) - (CX * R2 / T)) else: S = BB * B2 * (XS - Orb['SEdge'] * X2) / (R2 * X2**2 - X2 * B2) A = ALG[i] D += A * S return D AU = 2.80022e+7 C1 = 0.02721 C = 137.0367 FP = 0.0 FPP = 0.0 Mu = 0.0 LKev = math.log(KEv) RX = KEv / C1 if Orbs: for Orb in Orbs: CX = 0.0 BB = Orb['BB'] BindEn = Orb['BindEn'] if Orb['IfBe'] != 0: ElEterm = Orb['ElEterm'] if BindEn <= KEv: CX = math.exp(Aitken(Orb, LKev)) Mu += CX CX /= AU Corr = 0.0 if Orb['IfBe'] == 0 and BindEn >= KEv: CX = 0.0 FPI = DGauss(Orb, CX, RX, 3) Corr = 0.5 * Orb['SEdge'] * BB**2 * math.log( (RX - BB) / (-RX - BB)) / RX else: FPI = DGauss(Orb, CX, RX, Orb['IfBe']) if CX != 0.0: Corr = -0.5 * CX * RX * math.log((RX + BB) / (RX - BB)) FPI = (FPI + Corr) * C / (2.0 * math.pi**2) FPPI = C * CX * RX / (4.0 * math.pi) FP += FPI FPP += FPPI FP -= ElEterm return (FP, FPP, Mu)