Source code for schrodinger.application.matsci.gsas.GSASIImath

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#GSASIImath - major mathematics routines
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# $Date: 2019-10-01 10:21:28 -0400 (Tue, 01 Oct 2019) $
# $Author: vondreele $
# $Revision: 4165 $
# $URL: $
# $Id: 4165 2019-10-01 14:21:28Z vondreele $
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# Third-party code. No Schrodinger Copyright.

*GSASIImath: computation module*

Routines for least-squares minimization and other stuff

# flake8: noqa

import copy
import math
import random as rn
import time

import numpy as np
import numpy.fft as fft
import numpy.linalg as nl
import as ma
import scipy.optimize as so
from numpy import all
from numpy import array
from numpy import asarray
from numpy import exp
from numpy import random
from numpy import shape
from numpy import sign
from numpy import squeeze
from numpy import where

from . import GSASIIElem as G2el
from . import GSASIIfiles as G2fil
from . import GSASIIlattice as G2lat
from . import GSASIIpwd as G2pwd
from . import GSASIIspc as G2spc

    import pypowder as pwd
except ImportError:

sind = lambda x: np.sin(x * np.pi / 180.)
cosd = lambda x: np.cos(x * np.pi / 180.)
tand = lambda x: np.tan(x * np.pi / 180.)
asind = lambda x: 180. * np.arcsin(x) / np.pi
acosd = lambda x: 180. * np.arccos(x) / np.pi
atand = lambda x: 180. * np.arctan(x) / np.pi
atan2d = lambda y, x: 180. * np.arctan2(y, x) / np.pi
twopi = 2.0 * np.pi
twopisq = 2.0 * np.pi**2
nxs = np.newaxis

##### Hessian least-squares Levenberg-Marquardt routine

[docs]def pinv(a, rcond=1e-15): """ Compute the (Moore-Penrose) pseudo-inverse of a matrix. Modified from numpy.linalg.pinv; assumes a is Hessian & returns no. zeros found Calculate the generalized inverse of a matrix using its singular-value decomposition (SVD) and including all *large* singular values. :param array a: (M, M) array_like - here assumed to be LS Hessian Matrix to be pseudo-inverted. :param float rcond: Cutoff for small singular values. Singular values smaller (in modulus) than `rcond` * largest_singular_value (again, in modulus) are set to zero. :returns: B : (M, M) ndarray The pseudo-inverse of `a` Raises: LinAlgError If the SVD computation does not converge. Notes: The pseudo-inverse of a matrix A, denoted :math:`A^+`, is defined as: "the matrix that 'solves' [the least-squares problem] :math:`Ax = b`," i.e., if :math:`\\bar{x}` is said solution, then :math:`A^+` is that matrix such that :math:`\\bar{x} = A^+b`. It can be shown that if :math:`Q_1 \\Sigma Q_2^T = A` is the singular value decomposition of A, then :math:`A^+ = Q_2 \\Sigma^+ Q_1^T`, where :math:`Q_{1,2}` are orthogonal matrices, :math:`\\Sigma` is a diagonal matrix consisting of A's so-called singular values, (followed, typically, by zeros), and then :math:`\\Sigma^+` is simply the diagonal matrix consisting of the reciprocals of A's singular values (again, followed by zeros). [1] References: .. [1] G. Strang, *Linear Algebra and Its Applications*, 2nd Ed., Orlando, FL, Academic Press, Inc., 1980, pp. 139-142. """ u, s, vt = nl.svd(a) cutoff = rcond * np.maximum.reduce(s) s = np.where(s > cutoff, 1. / s, 0.) nzero = s.shape[0] - np.count_nonzero(s) # res =, np.multiply(s[:, np.newaxis], np.transpose(u))) res =, s[:, nxs] * u.T) return res, nzero
[docs]def HessianLSQ(func, x0, Hess, args=(), ftol=1.49012e-8, xtol=1.e-6, maxcyc=0, lamda=-3, Print=False, refPlotUpdate=None): """ Minimize the sum of squares of a function (:math:`f`) evaluated on a series of values (y): :math:`sum_{y=0}^{N_{obs}} f(y,{args})` where :math:`x = arg min(sum_{y=0}^{N_{obs}} (func(y)^2,axis=0))` :param function func: callable method or function should take at least one (possibly length N vector) argument and returns M floating point numbers. :param np.ndarray x0: The starting estimate for the minimization of length N :param function Hess: callable method or function A required function or method to compute the weighted vector and Hessian for func. It must be a symmetric NxN array :param tuple args: Any extra arguments to func are placed in this tuple. :param float ftol: Relative error desired in the sum of squares. :param float xtol: Relative tolerance of zeros in the SVD solution in nl.pinv. :param int maxcyc: The maximum number of cycles of refinement to execute, if -1 refine until other limits are met (ftol, xtol) :param int lamda: initial Marquardt lambda=10**lamda :param bool Print: True for printing results (residuals & times) by cycle :returns: (x,cov_x,infodict) where * x : ndarray The solution (or the result of the last iteration for an unsuccessful call). * cov_x : ndarray Uses the fjac and ipvt optional outputs to construct an estimate of the jacobian around the solution. ``None`` if a singular matrix encountered (indicates very flat curvature in some direction). This matrix must be multiplied by the residual standard deviation to get the covariance of the parameter estimates -- see curve_fit. * infodict : dict a dictionary of optional outputs with the keys: * 'fvec' : the function evaluated at the output * 'num cyc': * 'nfev': * 'lamMax': * 'psing': * 'SVD0': """ ifConverged = False deltaChi2 = -10. x0 = np.array(x0, ndmin=1) #might be redundant? n = len(x0) if type(args) != type(()): args = (args,) icycle = 0 One = np.ones((n, n)) lam = 10.**lamda lamMax = lam nfev = 0 if Print: G2fil.G2Print( ' Hessian Levenberg-Marquardt SVD refinement on %d variables:' % (n)) Lam = np.zeros((n, n)) while icycle < maxcyc: time0 = time.time() M = func(x0, *args) Nobs = len(M) nfev += 1 chisq0 = np.sum(M**2) Yvec, Amat = Hess(x0, *args) Adiag = np.sqrt(np.diag(Amat)) psing = np.where(np.abs(Adiag) < 1.e-14, True, False) if np.any(psing): #hard singularity in matrix return [ x0, None, { 'num cyc': icycle, 'fvec': M, 'nfev': nfev, 'lamMax': lamMax, 'psing': psing, 'SVD0': -1 } ] Anorm = np.outer(Adiag, Adiag) Yvec /= Adiag Amat /= Anorm if Print: G2fil.G2Print('initial chi^2 %.5g on %d obs.' % (chisq0, Nobs)) chitol = ftol while True: Lam = np.eye(Amat.shape[0]) * lam Amatlam = Amat * (One + Lam) try: Ainv, Nzeros = pinv(Amatlam, xtol) #do Moore-Penrose inversion (via SVD) except nl.LinAlgError: psing = list(np.where(np.diag(nl.qr(Amatlam)[1]) < 1.e-14)[0]) G2fil.G2Print( 'ouch #1 bad SVD inversion; change parameterization for ', psing, mode='error') return [ x0, None, { 'num cyc': icycle, 'fvec': M, 'nfev': nfev, 'lamMax': lamMax, 'psing': psing, 'SVD0': -1 } ] Xvec = np.inner(Ainv, Yvec) #solve Xvec /= Adiag M2 = func(x0 + Xvec, *args) nfev += 1 chisq1 = np.sum(M2**2) if chisq1 > chisq0 * ( 1. + chitol): #TODO put Alan Coehlo's criteria for lambda here? lam *= 10. if Print: G2fil.G2Print('new chi^2 %.5g on %d obs., %d SVD zeros ; matrix modification needed; lambda now %.1e' \ %(chisq1,Nobs,Nzeros,lam)) else: x0 += Xvec lam /= 10. break if lam > 10.: G2fil.G2Print('ouch #3 chisq1 %g.4 stuck > chisq0 %g.4' % (chisq1, chisq0), mode='warn') break chitol *= 2 lamMax = max(lamMax, lam) deltaChi2 = (chisq0 - chisq1) / chisq0 if Print: G2fil.G2Print( ' Cycle: %d, Time: %.2fs, Chi**2: %.5g for %d obs., Lambda: %.3g, Delta: %.3g' % (icycle, time.time() - time0, chisq1, Nobs, lamMax, deltaChi2)) Histograms = args[0][0] if refPlotUpdate is not None: refPlotUpdate(Histograms, icycle) # update plot if deltaChi2 < ftol: ifConverged = True if Print: G2fil.G2Print("converged") break icycle += 1 M = func(x0, *args) nfev += 1 Yvec, Amat = Hess(x0, *args) Adiag = np.sqrt(np.diag(Amat)) Anorm = np.outer(Adiag, Adiag) Lam = np.eye(Amat.shape[0]) * lam Amatlam = Amat / Anorm try: Bmat, Nzero = pinv( Amatlam, xtol) #Moore-Penrose inversion (via SVD) & count of zeros if Print: G2fil.G2Print('Found %d SVD zeros' % (Nzero), mode='warn') Bmat = Bmat / Anorm return [ x0, Bmat, { 'num cyc': icycle, 'fvec': M, 'nfev': nfev, 'lamMax': lamMax, 'psing': [], 'SVD0': Nzero, 'Converged': ifConverged, 'DelChi2': deltaChi2 } ] except nl.LinAlgError: G2fil.G2Print('ouch #2 linear algebra error in making v-cov matrix', mode='error') psing = [] if maxcyc: psing = list(np.where(np.diag(nl.qr(Amat)[1]) < 1.e-14)[0]) return [ x0, None, { 'num cyc': icycle, 'fvec': M, 'nfev': nfev, 'lamMax': lamMax, 'psing': psing, 'SVD0': -1 } ]
[docs]def HessianSVD(func, x0, Hess, args=(), ftol=1.49012e-8, xtol=1.e-6, maxcyc=0, lamda=-3, Print=False, refPlotUpdate=None): """ Minimize the sum of squares of a function (:math:`f`) evaluated on a series of values (y): :math:`sum_{y=0}^{N_{obs}} f(y,{args})` where :math:`x = arg min(sum_{y=0}^{N_{obs}} (func(y)^2,axis=0))` :param function func: callable method or function should take at least one (possibly length N vector) argument and returns M floating point numbers. :param np.ndarray x0: The starting estimate for the minimization of length N :param function Hess: callable method or function A required function or method to compute the weighted vector and Hessian for func. It must be a symmetric NxN array :param tuple args: Any extra arguments to func are placed in this tuple. :param float ftol: Relative error desired in the sum of squares. :param float xtol: Relative tolerance of zeros in the SVD solution in nl.pinv. :param int maxcyc: The maximum number of cycles of refinement to execute, if -1 refine until other limits are met (ftol, xtol) :param bool Print: True for printing results (residuals & times) by cycle :returns: (x,cov_x,infodict) where * x : ndarray The solution (or the result of the last iteration for an unsuccessful call). * cov_x : ndarray Uses the fjac and ipvt optional outputs to construct an estimate of the jacobian around the solution. ``None`` if a singular matrix encountered (indicates very flat curvature in some direction). This matrix must be multiplied by the residual standard deviation to get the covariance of the parameter estimates -- see curve_fit. * infodict : dict a dictionary of optional outputs with the keys: * 'fvec' : the function evaluated at the output * 'num cyc': * 'nfev': * 'lamMax':0. * 'psing': * 'SVD0': """ ifConverged = False deltaChi2 = -10. x0 = np.array(x0, ndmin=1) #might be redundant? n = len(x0) if type(args) != type(()): args = (args,) icycle = 0 nfev = 0 if Print: G2fil.G2Print(' Hessian SVD refinement on %d variables:' % (n)) while icycle < maxcyc: time0 = time.time() M = func(x0, *args) nfev += 1 chisq0 = np.sum(M**2) Yvec, Amat = Hess(x0, *args) Adiag = np.sqrt(np.diag(Amat)) psing = np.where(np.abs(Adiag) < 1.e-14, True, False) if np.any(psing): #hard singularity in matrix return [ x0, None, { 'num cyc': icycle, 'fvec': M, 'nfev': nfev, 'lamMax': 0., 'psing': psing, 'SVD0': -1 } ] Anorm = np.outer(Adiag, Adiag) Yvec /= Adiag Amat /= Anorm if Print: G2fil.G2Print('initial chi^2 %.5g' % (chisq0)) try: Ainv, Nzeros = pinv(Amat, xtol) #do Moore-Penrose inversion (via SVD) except nl.LinAlgError: G2fil.G2Print('ouch #1 bad SVD inversion; change parameterization', mode='warn') psing = list(np.where(np.diag(nl.qr(Amat)[1]) < 1.e-14)[0]) return [ x0, None, { 'num cyc': icycle, 'fvec': M, 'nfev': nfev, 'lamMax': 0., 'psing': psing, 'SVD0': -1 } ] Xvec = np.inner(Ainv, Yvec) #solve Xvec /= Adiag M2 = func(x0 + Xvec, *args) nfev += 1 chisq1 = np.sum(M2**2) deltaChi2 = (chisq0 - chisq1) / chisq0 if Print: G2fil.G2Print(' Cycle: %d, Time: %.2fs, Chi**2: %.5g, Delta: %.3g' % (icycle, time.time() - time0, chisq1, deltaChi2)) Histograms = args[0][0] if refPlotUpdate is not None: refPlotUpdate(Histograms, icycle) # update plot if deltaChi2 < ftol: ifConverged = True if Print: G2fil.G2Print("converged") break icycle += 1 M = func(x0, *args) nfev += 1 Yvec, Amat = Hess(x0, *args) Adiag = np.sqrt(np.diag(Amat)) Anorm = np.outer(Adiag, Adiag) Amat = Amat / Anorm try: Bmat, Nzero = pinv( Amat, xtol) #Moore-Penrose inversion (via SVD) & count of zeros G2fil.G2Print('Found %d SVD zeros' % (Nzero), mode='warn') # Bmat = nl.inv(Amatlam); Nzeros = 0 Bmat = Bmat / Anorm return [ x0, Bmat, { 'num cyc': icycle, 'fvec': M, 'nfev': nfev, 'lamMax': 0., 'psing': [], 'SVD0': Nzero, 'Converged': ifConverged, 'DelChi2': deltaChi2 } ] except nl.LinAlgError: G2fil.G2Print('ouch #2 linear algebra error in making v-cov matrix', mode='error') psing = [] if maxcyc: psing = list(np.where(np.diag(nl.qr(Amat)[1]) < 1.e-14)[0]) return [ x0, None, { 'num cyc': icycle, 'fvec': M, 'nfev': nfev, 'lamMax': 0., 'psing': psing, 'SVD0': -1 } ]
[docs]def getVCov(varyNames, varyList, covMatrix): '''obtain variance-covariance terms for a set of variables. NB: the varyList and covMatrix were saved by the last least squares refinement so they must match. :param list varyNames: variable names to find v-cov matric for :param list varyList: full list of all variables in v-cov matrix :param nparray covMatrix: full variance-covariance matrix from the last least squares refinement :returns: nparray vcov: variance-covariance matrix for the variables given in varyNames ''' vcov = np.zeros((len(varyNames), len(varyNames))) for i1, name1 in enumerate(varyNames): for i2, name2 in enumerate(varyNames): try: vcov[i1][i2] = covMatrix[varyList.index(name1)][varyList.index( name2)] except ValueError: vcov[i1][i2] = 0.0 # if i1 == i2: # vcov[i1][i2] = 1e-20 # else: # vcov[i1][i2] = 0.0 return vcov
################################################################################ ##### Atom manipulations ################################################################################
[docs]def FindMolecule(ind, generalData, atomData): #uses numpy & masks - very fast even for proteins! def getNeighbors(atom, radius): Dx = UAtoms - np.array(atom[cx:cx + 3]) dist = ma.masked_less(np.sqrt(np.sum(np.inner(Amat, Dx)**2, axis=0)), 0.5) #gets rid of disorder "bonds" < 0.5A sumR = Radii + radius return set(ma.nonzero(ma.masked_greater( dist - factor * sumR, 0.))[0]) #get indices of bonded atoms import as ma indices = (-1, 0, 1) Units = np.array([[h, k, l] for h in indices for k in indices for l in indices], dtype='f') cx, ct, cs, ci = generalData['AtomPtrs'] DisAglCtls = generalData['DisAglCtls'] SGData = generalData['SGData'] Amat, Bmat = G2lat.cell2AB(generalData['Cell'][1:7]) radii = DisAglCtls['BondRadii'] atomTypes = DisAglCtls['AtomTypes'] factor = DisAglCtls['Factors'][0] unit = np.zeros(3) try: indH = atomTypes.index('H') radii[indH] = 0.5 except: pass nAtom = len(atomData) Indx = range(nAtom) UAtoms = [] Radii = [] for atom in atomData: UAtoms.append(np.array(atom[cx:cx + 3])) Radii.append(radii[atomTypes.index(atom[ct])]) UAtoms = np.array(UAtoms) Radii = np.array(Radii) for nOp, Op in enumerate(SGData['SGOps'][1:]): UAtoms = np.concatenate( (UAtoms, (np.inner(Op[0], UAtoms[:nAtom]).T + Op[1]))) Radii = np.concatenate((Radii, Radii[:nAtom])) Indx += Indx[:nAtom] for icen, cen in enumerate(SGData['SGCen'][1:]): UAtoms = np.concatenate((UAtoms, (UAtoms + cen))) Radii = np.concatenate((Radii, Radii)) Indx += Indx[:nAtom] if SGData['SGInv']: UAtoms = np.concatenate((UAtoms, -UAtoms)) Radii = np.concatenate((Radii, Radii)) Indx += Indx UAtoms %= 1. mAtoms = len(UAtoms) for unit in Units: if np.any(unit): #skip origin cell UAtoms = np.concatenate((UAtoms, UAtoms[:mAtoms] + unit)) Radii = np.concatenate((Radii, Radii[:mAtoms])) Indx += Indx[:mAtoms] UAtoms = np.array(UAtoms) Radii = np.array(Radii) newAtoms = [ atomData[ind], ] atomData[ind] = None radius = Radii[ind] IndB = getNeighbors(newAtoms[-1], radius) while True: if not len(IndB): break indb = IndB.pop() if atomData[Indx[indb]] == None: continue while True: try: jndb = IndB.index(indb) IndB.remove(jndb) except: break newAtom = copy.copy(atomData[Indx[indb]]) newAtom[cx:cx + 3] = UAtoms[indb] #NB: thermal Uij, etc. not transformed! newAtoms.append(newAtom) atomData[Indx[indb]] = None IndB = set(list(IndB) + list(getNeighbors(newAtoms[-1], radius))) if len(IndB) > nAtom: return 'Assemble molecule cannot be used on extended structures' for atom in atomData: if atom != None: newAtoms.append(atom) return newAtoms
[docs]def FindAtomIndexByIDs(atomData, loc, IDs, Draw=True): '''finds the set of atom array indices for a list of atom IDs. Will search either the Atom table or the drawAtom table. :param list atomData: Atom or drawAtom table containting coordinates, etc. :param int loc: location of atom id in atomData record :param list IDs: atom IDs to be found :param bool Draw: True if drawAtom table to be searched; False if Atom table is searched :returns: list indx: atom (or drawAtom) indices ''' indx = [] for i, atom in enumerate(atomData): if Draw and atom[loc] in IDs: indx.append(i) elif atom[loc] in IDs: indx.append(i) return indx
[docs]def FillAtomLookUp(atomData, indx): '''create a dictionary of atom indexes with atom IDs as keys :param list atomData: Atom table to be used :returns: dict atomLookUp: dictionary of atom indexes with atom IDs as keys ''' atomLookUp = {} for iatm, atom in enumerate(atomData): atomLookUp[atom[indx]] = iatm return atomLookUp
[docs]def GetAtomsById(atomData, atomLookUp, IdList): '''gets a list of atoms from Atom table that match a set of atom IDs :param list atomData: Atom table to be used :param dict atomLookUp: dictionary of atom indexes with atom IDs as keys :param list IdList: atom IDs to be found :returns: list atoms: list of atoms found ''' atoms = [] for Id in IdList: atoms.append(atomData[atomLookUp[Id]]) return atoms
[docs]def GetAtomItemsById(atomData, atomLookUp, IdList, itemLoc, numItems=1): '''gets atom parameters for atoms using atom IDs :param list atomData: Atom table to be used :param dict atomLookUp: dictionary of atom indexes with atom IDs as keys :param list IdList: atom IDs to be found :param int itemLoc: pointer to desired 1st item in an atom table entry :param int numItems: number of items to be retrieved :returns: type name: description ''' Items = [] if not isinstance(IdList, list): IdList = [ IdList, ] for Id in IdList: if numItems == 1: Items.append(atomData[atomLookUp[Id]][itemLoc]) else: Items.append(atomData[atomLookUp[Id]][itemLoc:itemLoc + numItems]) return Items
[docs]def GetAtomCoordsByID(pId, parmDict, AtLookup, indx): '''default doc string :param type name: description :returns: type name: description ''' pfx = [str(pId) + '::A' + i + ':' for i in ['x', 'y', 'z']] dpfx = [str(pId) + '::dA' + i + ':' for i in ['x', 'y', 'z']] XYZ = [] for ind in indx: names = [pfx[i] + str(AtLookup[ind]) for i in range(3)] dnames = [dpfx[i] + str(AtLookup[ind]) for i in range(3)] XYZ.append([ parmDict[name] + parmDict[dname] for name, dname in zip(names, dnames) ]) return XYZ
[docs]def GetAtomFracByID(pId, parmDict, AtLookup, indx): '''default doc string :param type name: description :returns: type name: description ''' pfx = str(pId) + '::Afrac:' Frac = [] for ind in indx: name = pfx + str(AtLookup[ind]) Frac.append(parmDict[name]) return Frac
# for Atom in Atoms: # XYZ = Atom[cx:cx+3] # if 'A' in Atom[cia]: # U6 = Atom[cia+2:cia+8]
[docs]def ApplySeqData(data, seqData): '''Applies result from seq. refinement to drawing atom positions & Uijs ''' generalData = data['General'] SGData = generalData['SGData'] cx, ct, cs, cia = generalData['AtomPtrs'] drawingData = data['Drawing'] dcx, dct, dcs, dci = drawingData['atomPtrs'] atoms = data['Atoms'] drawAtoms = drawingData['Atoms'] pId = data['pId'] pfx = '%d::' % (pId) parmDict = seqData['parmDict'] for ia, atom in enumerate(atoms): dxyz = np.array([ parmDict[pfx + 'dAx:' + str(ia)], parmDict[pfx + 'dAy:' + str(ia)], parmDict[pfx + 'dAz:' + str(ia)] ]) if atom[cia] == 'A': atuij = np.array([ parmDict[pfx + 'AU11:' + str(ia)], parmDict[pfx + 'AU22:' + str(ia)], parmDict[pfx + 'AU33:' + str(ia)], parmDict[pfx + 'AU12:' + str(ia)], parmDict[pfx + 'AU13:' + str(ia)], parmDict[pfx + 'AU23:' + str(ia)] ]) else: atuiso = parmDict[pfx + 'AUiso:' + str(ia)] atxyz = G2spc.MoveToUnitCell(np.array(atom[cx:cx + 3]) + dxyz)[0] indx = FindAtomIndexByIDs(drawAtoms, dci, [ atom[cia + 8], ], True) for ind in indx: drawatom = drawAtoms[ind] opr = drawatom[dcs - 1] #how do I handle Sfrac? - fade the atoms? if atom[cia] == 'A': X, U = G2spc.ApplyStringOps(opr, SGData, atxyz, atuij) drawatom[dcx:dcx + 3] = X drawatom[dci - 6:dci] = U else: X = G2spc.ApplyStringOps(opr, SGData, atxyz) drawatom[dcx:dcx + 3] = X drawatom[dci - 7] = atuiso return drawAtoms
[docs]def FindNeighbors(phase, FrstName, AtNames, notName=''): General = phase['General'] cx, ct, cs, cia = General['AtomPtrs'] Atoms = phase['Atoms'] atNames = [atom[ct - 1] for atom in Atoms] Cell = General['Cell'][1:7] Amat, Bmat = G2lat.cell2AB(Cell) atTypes = General['AtomTypes'] Radii = np.array(General['BondRadii']) DisAglCtls = General['DisAglCtls'] radiusFactor = DisAglCtls['Factors'][0] AtInfo = dict(zip(atTypes, Radii)) #or General['BondRadii'] Orig = atNames.index(FrstName) OId = Atoms[Orig][cia + 8] OType = Atoms[Orig][ct] XYZ = getAtomXYZ(Atoms, cx) Neigh = [] Ids = [] Dx = np.inner(Amat, XYZ - XYZ[Orig]).T dist = np.sqrt(np.sum(Dx**2, axis=1)) sumR = np.array([AtInfo[OType] + AtInfo[atom[ct]] for atom in Atoms]) IndB = ma.nonzero(ma.masked_greater(dist - radiusFactor * sumR, 0.)) for j in IndB[0]: if j != Orig: if AtNames[j] != notName: Neigh.append([AtNames[j], dist[j], True]) Ids.append(Atoms[j][cia + 8]) return Neigh, [OId, Ids]
[docs]def FindAllNeighbors(phase, FrstName, AtNames, notName=''): General = phase['General'] cx, ct, cs, cia = General['AtomPtrs'] Atoms = phase['Atoms'] atNames = [atom[ct - 1] for atom in Atoms] Cell = General['Cell'][1:7] Amat, Bmat = G2lat.cell2AB(Cell) SGData = General['SGData'] indices = (-1, 0, 1) Units = np.array([[h, k, l] for h in indices for k in indices for l in indices]) atTypes = General['AtomTypes'] Radii = np.array(General['BondRadii']) DisAglCtls = General['DisAglCtls'] radiusFactor = DisAglCtls['Factors'][0] AtInfo = dict(zip(atTypes, Radii)) #or General['BondRadii'] Orig = atNames.index(FrstName) OId = Atoms[Orig][cia + 8] OType = Atoms[Orig][ct] XYZ = getAtomXYZ(Atoms, cx) Oxyz = XYZ[Orig] Neigh = [] Ids = [] sumR = np.array([AtInfo[OType] + AtInfo[atom[ct]] for atom in Atoms]) sumR = np.reshape(np.tile(sumR, 27), (27, -1)) results = [] for xyz in XYZ: results.append(G2spc.GenAtom(xyz, SGData, False, Move=False)) for iA, result in enumerate(results): if iA != Orig: for [Txyz, Top, Tunit, Spn] in result: Dx = np.array([Txyz - Oxyz + unit for unit in Units]) dx = np.inner(Dx, Amat) dist = np.sqrt(np.sum(dx**2, axis=1)) IndB = ma.nonzero( ma.masked_greater(dist - radiusFactor * sumR[:, iA], 0.)) # GSASIIpath.IPyBreak() for iU in IndB[0]: if AtNames[iA] != notName: unit = Units[iU] if np.any(unit): Topstr = ' +(%4d)[%2d,%2d,%2d]' % (Top, unit[0], unit[1], unit[2]) else: Topstr = ' +(%4d)' % (Top) Neigh.append([AtNames[iA] + Topstr, dist[iU]]) Ids.append(Atoms[iA][cia + 8]) return Neigh, [OId, Ids]
[docs]def calcBond(A, Ax, Bx, MTCU): cell = G2lat.A2cell(A) Amat, Bmat = G2lat.cell2AB(cell) M, T, C, U = MTCU Btx = np.inner(M, Bx) + T + C + U Dx = Btx - Ax dist = np.sqrt(np.inner(Amat, Dx)) return dist
[docs]def AddHydrogens(AtLookUp, General, Atoms, AddHydId): def getTransMat(RXYZ, OXYZ, TXYZ, Amat): Vec = np.inner(Amat, np.array([OXYZ - TXYZ[0], RXYZ - TXYZ[0]])).T Vec /= np.sqrt(np.sum(Vec**2, axis=1))[:, nxs] Mat2 = np.cross(Vec[0], Vec[1]) #UxV Mat2 /= np.sqrt(np.sum(Mat2**2)) Mat3 = np.cross(Mat2, Vec[0]) #(UxV)xU return nl.inv(np.array([Vec[0], Mat2, Mat3])) cx, ct, cs, cia = General['AtomPtrs'] Cell = General['Cell'][1:7] Amat, Bmat = G2lat.cell2AB(Cell) nBonds = AddHydId[-1] + len(AddHydId[1]) Oatom = GetAtomsById(Atoms, AtLookUp, [ AddHydId[0], ])[0] OXYZ = np.array(Oatom[cx:cx + 3]) if 'I' in Oatom[cia]: Uiso = Oatom[cia + 1] else: Uiso = (Oatom[cia + 2] + Oatom[cia + 3] + Oatom[cia + 4]) / 3.0 #simple average Uiso = max(Uiso, 0.005) #set floor! Tatoms = GetAtomsById(Atoms, AtLookUp, AddHydId[1]) TXYZ = np.array([tatom[cx:cx + 3] for tatom in Tatoms]) #3 x xyz if nBonds == 4: if AddHydId[-1] == 1: Vec = TXYZ - OXYZ Len = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.inner(Amat, Vec).T**2, axis=0)) Vec = np.sum(Vec / Len, axis=0) Len = np.sqrt(np.sum(Vec**2)) Hpos = OXYZ - 0.98 * np.inner(Bmat, Vec).T / Len HU = 1.1 * Uiso return [ Hpos, ], [ HU, ] elif AddHydId[-1] == 2: Vec = np.inner(Amat, TXYZ - OXYZ).T Vec[0] += Vec[1] #U - along bisector Vec /= np.sqrt(np.sum(Vec**2, axis=1))[:, nxs] Mat2 = np.cross(Vec[0], Vec[1]) #UxV Mat2 /= np.sqrt(np.sum(Mat2**2)) Mat3 = np.cross(Mat2, Vec[0]) #(UxV)xU iMat = nl.inv(np.array([Vec[0], Mat2, Mat3])) Hpos = np.array([[-0.97 * cosd(54.75), 0.97 * sind(54.75), 0.], [-0.97 * cosd(54.75), -0.97 * sind(54.75), 0.]]) HU = 1.2 * Uiso * np.ones(2) Hpos = np.inner(Bmat, np.inner(iMat, Hpos).T).T + OXYZ return Hpos, HU else: Ratom = GetAtomsById(Atoms, AtLookUp, [ AddHydId[2], ])[0] RXYZ = np.array(Ratom[cx:cx + 3]) iMat = getTransMat(RXYZ, OXYZ, TXYZ, Amat) a = 0.96 * cosd(70.5) b = 0.96 * sind(70.5) Hpos = np.array([[a, 0., -b], [a, -b * cosd(30.), 0.5 * b], [a, b * cosd(30.), 0.5 * b]]) Hpos = np.inner(Bmat, np.inner(iMat, Hpos).T).T + OXYZ HU = 1.5 * Uiso * np.ones(3) return Hpos, HU elif nBonds == 3: if AddHydId[-1] == 1: Vec = np.sum(TXYZ - OXYZ, axis=0) Len = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.inner(Amat, Vec).T**2)) Vec = -0.93 * Vec / Len Hpos = OXYZ + Vec HU = 1.1 * Uiso return [ Hpos, ], [ HU, ] elif AddHydId[-1] == 2: Ratom = GetAtomsById(Atoms, AtLookUp, [ AddHydId[2], ])[0] RXYZ = np.array(Ratom[cx:cx + 3]) iMat = getTransMat(RXYZ, OXYZ, TXYZ, Amat) a = 0.93 * cosd(60.) b = 0.93 * sind(60.) Hpos = [[a, b, 0], [a, -b, 0]] Hpos = np.inner(Bmat, np.inner(iMat, Hpos).T).T + OXYZ HU = 1.2 * Uiso * np.ones(2) return Hpos, HU else: #2 bonds if 'C' in Oatom[ct]: Vec = TXYZ[0] - OXYZ Len = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.inner(Amat, Vec).T**2)) Vec = -0.93 * Vec / Len Hpos = OXYZ + Vec HU = 1.1 * Uiso return [ Hpos, ], [ HU, ] elif 'O' in Oatom[ct]: mapData = General['Map'] Ratom = GetAtomsById(Atoms, AtLookUp, [ AddHydId[2], ])[0] RXYZ = np.array(Ratom[cx:cx + 3]) iMat = getTransMat(RXYZ, OXYZ, TXYZ, Amat) a = 0.82 * cosd(70.5) b = 0.82 * sind(70.5) azm = np.arange(0., 360., 5.) Hpos = np.array([[a, b * cosd(x), b * sind(x)] for x in azm]) Hpos = np.inner(Bmat, np.inner(iMat, Hpos).T).T + OXYZ Rhos = np.array([getRho(pos, mapData) for pos in Hpos]) imax = np.argmax(Rhos) HU = 1.5 * Uiso return [ Hpos[imax], ], [ HU, ] return [], []
#def AtomUij2TLS(atomData,atPtrs,Amat,Bmat,rbObj): #unfinished & not used # '''default doc string # # :param type name: description # # :returns: type name: description # # ''' # for atom in atomData: # XYZ = np.inner(Amat,atom[cx:cx+3]) # if atom[cia] == 'A': # UIJ = atom[cia+2:cia+8]
[docs]def TLS2Uij(xyz, g, Amat, rbObj): #not used anywhere, but could be? '''default doc string :param type name: description :returns: type name: description ''' TLStype, TLS = rbObj['ThermalMotion'][:2] Tmat = np.zeros((3, 3)) Lmat = np.zeros((3, 3)) Smat = np.zeros((3, 3)) gvec = np.sqrt( np.array([ g[0][0]**2, g[1][1]**2, g[2][2]**2, g[0][0] * g[1][1], g[0][0] * g[2][2], g[1][1] * g[2][2] ])) if 'T' in TLStype: Tmat = G2lat.U6toUij(TLS[:6]) if 'L' in TLStype: Lmat = G2lat.U6toUij(TLS[6:12]) if 'S' in TLStype: Smat = np.array([[TLS[18], TLS[12], TLS[13]], [TLS[14], TLS[19], TLS[15]], [TLS[16], TLS[17], 0]]) XYZ = np.inner(Amat, xyz) Axyz = np.array([[0, XYZ[2], -XYZ[1]], [-XYZ[2], 0, XYZ[0]], [XYZ[1], -XYZ[0], 0]]) Umat = Tmat + np.inner(Axyz, Smat) + np.inner(Smat.T, Axyz.T) + np.inner( np.inner(Axyz, Lmat), Axyz.T) beta = np.inner(np.inner(g, Umat), g) return G2lat.UijtoU6(beta) * gvec
[docs]def AtomTLS2UIJ(atomData, atPtrs, Amat, rbObj): #not used anywhere, but could be? '''default doc string :param type name: description :returns: type name: description ''' cx, ct, cs, cia = atPtrs TLStype, TLS = rbObj['ThermalMotion'][:2] Tmat = np.zeros((3, 3)) Lmat = np.zeros((3, 3)) Smat = np.zeros((3, 3)) G, g = G2lat.A2Gmat(Amat) gvec = 1. / np.sqrt( np.array([g[0][0], g[1][1], g[2][2], g[0][1], g[0][2], g[1][2]])) if 'T' in TLStype: Tmat = G2lat.U6toUij(TLS[:6]) if 'L' in TLStype: Lmat = G2lat.U6toUij(TLS[6:12]) if 'S' in TLStype: Smat = np.array([[TLS[18], TLS[12], TLS[13]], [TLS[14], TLS[19], TLS[15]], [TLS[16], TLS[17], 0]]) for atom in atomData: XYZ = np.inner(Amat, atom[cx:cx + 3]) Axyz = np.array( [0, XYZ[2], -XYZ[1], -XYZ[2], 0, XYZ[0], XYZ[1], -XYZ[0], 0], ndmin=2) if 'U' in TLStype: atom[cia + 1] = TLS[0] atom[cia] = 'I' else: atom[cia] = 'A' Umat = Tmat + np.inner(Axyz, Smat) + np.inner( Smat.T, Axyz.T) + np.inner(np.inner(Axyz, Lmat), Axyz.T) beta = np.inner(np.inner(g, Umat), g) atom[cia + 2:cia + 8] = G2spc.U2Uij(beta / gvec)
[docs]def GetXYZDist(xyz, XYZ, Amat): '''gets distance from position xyz to all XYZ, xyz & XYZ are np.array and are in crystal coordinates; Amat is crystal to Cart matrix :param type name: description :returns: type name: description ''' return np.sqrt(np.sum(np.inner(Amat, XYZ - xyz)**2, axis=0))
[docs]def getAtomXYZ(atoms, cx): '''default doc string :param type name: description :returns: type name: description ''' XYZ = [] for atom in atoms: XYZ.append(atom[cx:cx + 3]) return np.array(XYZ)
[docs]def getRBTransMat(X, Y): '''Get transformation for Cartesian axes given 2 vectors X will be parallel to new X-axis; X cross Y will be new Z-axis & (X cross Y) cross Y will be new Y-axis Useful for rigid body axes definintion :param array X: normalized vector :param array Y: normalized vector :returns: array M: transformation matrix use as XYZ' = np.inner(M,XYZ) where XYZ are Cartesian ''' Mat2 = np.cross(X, Y) #UxV-->Z Mat2 /= np.sqrt(np.sum(Mat2**2)) Mat3 = np.cross(Mat2, X) #(UxV)xU-->Y Mat3 /= np.sqrt(np.sum(Mat3**2)) return np.array([X, Mat3, Mat2])
[docs]def RotateRBXYZ(Bmat, Cart, oriQ): '''rotate & transform cartesian coordinates to crystallographic ones no translation applied. To be used for numerical derivatives :param type name: description :returns: type name: description ''' ''' returns crystal coordinates for atoms described by RBObj ''' XYZ = np.zeros_like(Cart) for i, xyz in enumerate(Cart): XYZ[i] = np.inner(Bmat, prodQVQ(oriQ, xyz)) return XYZ
[docs]def UpdateRBXYZ(Bmat, RBObj, RBData, RBType): '''default doc string :param type name: description :returns: type name: description ''' ''' returns crystal coordinates for atoms described by RBObj ''' RBRes = RBData[RBType][RBObj['RBId']] if RBType == 'Vector': vecs = RBRes['rbVect'] mags = RBRes['VectMag'] Cart = np.zeros_like(vecs[0]) for vec, mag in zip(vecs, mags): Cart += vec * mag elif RBType == 'Residue': Cart = np.array(RBRes['rbXYZ']) for tor, seq in zip(RBObj['Torsions'], RBRes['rbSeq']): QuatA = AVdeg2Q(tor[0], Cart[seq[0]] - Cart[seq[1]]) Cart[seq[3]] = prodQVQ(QuatA, (Cart[seq[3]] - Cart[seq[1]])) + Cart[seq[1]] XYZ = np.zeros_like(Cart) for i, xyz in enumerate(Cart): XYZ[i] = np.inner(Bmat, prodQVQ(RBObj['Orient'][0], xyz)) + RBObj['Orig'][0] return XYZ, Cart
[docs]def UpdateMCSAxyz(Bmat, MCSA): '''default doc string :param type name: description :returns: type name: description ''' xyz = [] atTypes = [] iatm = 0 for model in MCSA['Models'][1:]: #skip the MD model if model['Type'] == 'Atom': xyz.append(model['Pos'][0]) atTypes.append(model['atType']) iatm += 1 else: RBRes = MCSA['rbData'][model['Type']][model['RBId']] Pos = np.array(model['Pos'][0]) Ori = np.array(model['Ori'][0]) Qori = AVdeg2Q(Ori[0], Ori[1:]) if model['Type'] == 'Vector': vecs = RBRes['rbVect'] mags = RBRes['VectMag'] Cart = np.zeros_like(vecs[0]) for vec, mag in zip(vecs, mags): Cart += vec * mag elif model['Type'] == 'Residue': Cart = np.array(RBRes['rbXYZ']) for itor, seq in enumerate(RBRes['rbSeq']): QuatA = AVdeg2Q(model['Tor'][0][itor], Cart[seq[0]] - Cart[seq[1]]) Cart[seq[3]] = prodQVQ( QuatA, (Cart[seq[3]] - Cart[seq[1]])) + Cart[seq[1]] if model['MolCent'][1]: Cart -= model['MolCent'][0] for i, x in enumerate(Cart): xyz.append(np.inner(Bmat, prodQVQ(Qori, x)) + Pos) atType = RBRes['rbTypes'][i] atTypes.append(atType) iatm += 1 return np.array(xyz), atTypes
[docs]def SetMolCent(model, RBData): '''default doc string :param type name: description :returns: type name: description ''' rideList = [] RBRes = RBData[model['Type']][model['RBId']] if model['Type'] == 'Vector': vecs = RBRes['rbVect'] mags = RBRes['VectMag'] Cart = np.zeros_like(vecs[0]) for vec, mag in zip(vecs, mags): Cart += vec * mag elif model['Type'] == 'Residue': Cart = np.array(RBRes['rbXYZ']) for seq in RBRes['rbSeq']: rideList += seq[3] centList = set(range(len(Cart))) - set(rideList) cent = np.zeros(3) for i in centList: cent += Cart[i] model['MolCent'][0] = cent / len(centList)
[docs]def UpdateRBUIJ(Bmat, Cart, RBObj): '''default doc string :param type name: description :returns: type name: description ''' ''' returns atom I/A, Uiso or UIJ for atoms at XYZ as described by RBObj ''' TLStype, TLS = RBObj['ThermalMotion'][:2] T = np.zeros(6) L = np.zeros(6) S = np.zeros(8) if 'T' in TLStype: T = TLS[:6] if 'L' in TLStype: L = np.array(TLS[6:12]) * (np.pi / 180.)**2 if 'S' in TLStype: S = np.array(TLS[12:]) * (np.pi / 180.) g = nl.inv(np.inner(Bmat, Bmat)) gvec = np.sqrt( np.array([ g[0][0]**2, g[1][1]**2, g[2][2]**2, g[0][0] * g[1][1], g[0][0] * g[2][2], g[1][1] * g[2][2] ])) Uout = [] Q = RBObj['Orient'][0] for X in Cart: X = prodQVQ(Q, X) if 'U' in TLStype: Uout.append(['I', TLS[0], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]) elif not 'N' in TLStype: U = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] U[0] = T[0] + L[1] * X[2]**2 + L[2] * X[1]**2 - 2.0 * L[5] * X[ 1] * X[2] + 2.0 * (S[2] * X[2] - S[4] * X[1]) U[1] = T[1] + L[0] * X[2]**2 + L[2] * X[0]**2 - 2.0 * L[4] * X[ 0] * X[2] + 2.0 * (S[5] * X[0] - S[0] * X[2]) U[2] = T[2] + L[1] * X[0]**2 + L[0] * X[1]**2 - 2.0 * L[3] * X[ 1] * X[0] + 2.0 * (S[1] * X[1] - S[3] * X[0]) U[3] = T[3]+L[4]*X[1]*X[2]+L[5]*X[0]*X[2]-L[3]*X[2]**2-L[2]*X[0]*X[1]+ \ S[4]*X[0]-S[5]*X[1]-(S[6]+S[7])*X[2] U[4] = T[4]+L[3]*X[1]*X[2]+L[5]*X[0]*X[1]-L[4]*X[1]**2-L[1]*X[0]*X[2]+ \ S[3]*X[2]-S[2]*X[0]+S[6]*X[1] U[5] = T[5]+L[3]*X[0]*X[2]+L[4]*X[0]*X[1]-L[5]*X[0]**2-L[0]*X[2]*X[1]+ \ S[0]*X[1]-S[1]*X[2]+S[7]*X[0] Umat = G2lat.U6toUij(U) beta = np.inner(np.inner(Bmat.T, Umat), Bmat) Uout.append([ 'A', 0.0, ] + list(G2lat.UijtoU6(beta) * gvec)) else: Uout.append([ 'N', ]) return Uout
[docs]def GetSHCoeff(pId, parmDict, SHkeys): '''default doc string :param type name: description :returns: type name: description ''' SHCoeff = {} for shkey in SHkeys: shname = str(pId) + '::' + shkey SHCoeff[shkey] = parmDict[shname] return SHCoeff
[docs]def getMass(generalData): '''Computes mass of unit cell contents :param dict generalData: The General dictionary in Phase :returns: float mass: Crystal unit cell mass in AMU. ''' mass = 0. for i, elem in enumerate(generalData['AtomTypes']): mass += generalData['NoAtoms'][elem] * generalData['AtomMass'][i] return max(mass, 1.0)
[docs]def getDensity(generalData): '''calculate crystal structure density :param dict generalData: The General dictionary in Phase :returns: float density: crystal density in gm/cm^3 ''' mass = getMass(generalData) Volume = generalData['Cell'][7] density = mass / (0.6022137 * Volume) return density, Volume / mass
[docs]def getWave(Parms): '''returns wavelength from Instrument parameters dictionary :param dict Parms: Instrument parameters; must contain: Lam: single wavelength or Lam1: Ka1 radiation wavelength :returns: float wave: wavelength ''' try: return Parms['Lam'][1] except KeyError: return Parms['Lam1'][1]
[docs]def getMeanWave(Parms): '''returns mean wavelength from Instrument parameters dictionary :param dict Parms: Instrument parameters; must contain: Lam: single wavelength or Lam1,Lam2: Ka1,Ka2 radiation wavelength I(L2)/I(L1): Ka2/Ka1 ratio :returns: float wave: mean wavelength ''' try: return Parms['Lam'][1] except KeyError: meanLam = (Parms['Lam1'][1]+Parms['I(L2)/I(L1)'][1]*Parms['Lam2'][1])/ \ (1.+Parms['I(L2)/I(L1)'][1]) return meanLam
[docs]def El2Mass(Elements): '''compute molecular weight from Elements :param dict Elements: elements in molecular formula; each must contain Num: number of atoms in formula Mass: at. wt. :returns: float mass: molecular weight. ''' mass = 0 for El in Elements: mass += Elements[El]['Num'] * Elements[El]['Mass'] return mass
[docs]def Den2Vol(Elements, density): '''converts density to molecular volume :param dict Elements: elements in molecular formula; each must contain Num: number of atoms in formula Mass: at. wt. :param float density: material density in gm/cm^3 :returns: float volume: molecular volume in A^3 ''' return El2Mass(Elements) / (density * 0.6022137)
[docs]def Vol2Den(Elements, volume): '''converts volume to density :param dict Elements: elements in molecular formula; each must contain Num: number of atoms in formula Mass: at. wt. :param float volume: molecular volume in A^3 :returns: float density: material density in gm/cm^3 ''' return El2Mass(Elements) / (volume * 0.6022137)
[docs]def El2EstVol(Elements): '''Estimate volume from molecular formula; assumes atom volume = 10A^3 :param dict Elements: elements in molecular formula; each must contain Num: number of atoms in formula :returns: float volume: estimate of molecular volume in A^3 ''' vol = 0 for El in Elements: vol += 10. * Elements[El]['Num'] return vol
[docs]def XScattDen(Elements, vol, wave=0.): '''Estimate X-ray scattering density from molecular formula & volume; ignores valence, but includes anomalous effects :param dict Elements: elements in molecular formula; each element must contain Num: number of atoms in formula Z: atomic number :param float vol: molecular volume in A^3 :param float wave: optional wavelength in A :returns: float rho: scattering density in 10^10cm^-2; if wave > 0 the includes f' contribution :returns: float mu: if wave>0 absorption coeff in cm^-1 ; otherwise 0 :returns: float fpp: if wave>0 f" in 10^10cm^-2; otherwise 0 ''' rho = 0 mu = 0 fpp = 0 if wave: Xanom = XAnomAbs(Elements, wave) for El in Elements: f0 = Elements[El]['Z'] if wave: f0 += Xanom[El][0] fpp += Xanom[El][1] * Elements[El]['Num'] mu += Xanom[El][2] * Elements[El]['Num'] rho += Elements[El]['Num'] * f0 return 28.179 * rho / vol, 0.1 * mu / vol, 28.179 * fpp / vol
[docs]def NCScattDen(Elements, vol, wave=0.): '''Estimate neutron scattering density from molecular formula & volume; ignores valence, but includes anomalous effects :param dict Elements: elements in molecular formula; each element must contain Num: number of atoms in formula Z: atomic number :param float vol: molecular volume in A^3 :param float wave: optional wavelength in A :returns: float rho: scattering density in 10^10cm^-2; if wave > 0 the includes f' contribution :returns: float mu: if wave>0 absorption coeff in cm^-1 ; otherwise 0 :returns: float fpp: if wave>0 f" in 10^10cm^-2; otherwise 0 ''' rho = 0 mu = 0 bpp = 0 for El in Elements: isotope = Elements[El]['Isotope'] b0 = Elements[El]['Isotopes'][isotope]['SL'][0] mu += Elements[El]['Isotopes'][isotope].get('SA', 0.) * Elements[El]['Num'] if wave and 'BW-LS' in Elements[El]['Isotopes'][isotope]: Re, Im, E0, gam, A, E1, B, E2 = Elements[El]['Isotopes'][isotope][ 'BW-LS'][1:] Emev = 81.80703 / wave**2 T0 = Emev - E0 T1 = Emev - E1 T2 = Emev - E2 D0 = T0**2 + gam**2 D1 = T1**2 + gam**2 D2 = T2**2 + gam**2 b0 += Re * (T0 / D0 + A * T1 / D1 + B * T2 / D2) bpp += Im * (1 / D0 + A / D1 + B / D2) else: bpp += Elements[El]['Isotopes'][isotope]['SL'][1] rho += Elements[El]['Num'] * b0 if wave: mu *= wave return 100. * rho / vol, mu / vol, 100. * bpp / vol
[docs]def wavekE(wavekE): '''Convert wavelength to energy & vise versa :param float waveKe:wavelength in A or energy in kE :returns float waveKe:the other one ''' return 12.397639 / wavekE
[docs]def XAnomAbs(Elements, wave): kE = wavekE(wave) Xanom = {} for El in Elements: Orbs = G2el.GetXsectionCoeff(El) Xanom[El] = G2el.FPcalc(Orbs, kE) return Xanom #f',f", mu
################################################################################ #### Modulation math ################################################################################
[docs]def makeWaves(waveTypes, FSSdata, XSSdata, USSdata, MSSdata, Mast): ''' waveTypes: array nAtoms: 'Fourier','ZigZag' or 'Block' FSSdata: array 2 x atoms x waves (sin,cos terms) XSSdata: array 2x3 x atoms X waves (sin,cos terms) USSdata: array 2x6 x atoms X waves (sin,cos terms) MSSdata: array 2x3 x atoms X waves (sin,cos terms) Mast: array orthogonalization matrix for Uij ''' ngl = 36 #selected for integer steps for 1/6,1/4,1/3... glTau, glWt = pwd.pygauleg(0., 1., ngl) #get Gauss-Legendre intervals & weights mglTau = np.arange(0., 1., 1. / ngl) Ax = np.array(XSSdata[:3]).T #atoms x waves x sin pos mods Bx = np.array(XSSdata[3:]).T #...cos pos mods Af = np.array(FSSdata[0]).T #sin frac mods x waves x atoms Bf = np.array(FSSdata[1]).T #cos frac mods... Au = Mast * np.array(G2lat.U6toUij( USSdata[:6])).T #atoms x waves x sin Uij mods as betaij Bu = Mast * np.array(G2lat.U6toUij(USSdata[6:])).T #...cos Uij mods as betaij Am = np.array(MSSdata[:3]).T #atoms x waves x sin pos mods Bm = np.array(MSSdata[3:]).T #...cos pos mods nWaves = [Af.shape[1], Ax.shape[1], Au.shape[1], Am.shape[1]] if nWaves[0]: tauF = np.arange(1., nWaves[0] + 1)[:, nxs] * glTau #Fwaves x ngl FmodA = Af[:, :, nxs] * np.sin( twopi * tauF[nxs, :, :]) #atoms X Fwaves X ngl FmodB = Bf[:, :, nxs] * np.cos(twopi * tauF[nxs, :, :]) Fmod = np.sum(1.0 + FmodA + FmodB, axis=1) #atoms X ngl; sum waves else: Fmod = 1.0 XmodZ = np.zeros((Ax.shape[0], Ax.shape[1], 3, ngl)) XmodA = np.zeros((Ax.shape[0], Ax.shape[1], 3, ngl)) XmodB = np.zeros((Ax.shape[0], Ax.shape[1], 3, ngl)) for iatm in range(Ax.shape[0]): nx = 0 if 'ZigZag' in waveTypes[iatm]: nx = 1 Tmm = Ax[iatm][0][:2] XYZmax = np.array([Ax[iatm][0][2], Bx[iatm][0][0], Bx[iatm][0][1]]) XmodZ[iatm][0] += posZigZag(glTau, Tmm, XYZmax).T elif 'Block' in waveTypes[iatm]: nx = 1 Tmm = Ax[iatm][0][:2] XYZmax = np.array([Ax[iatm][0][2], Bx[iatm][0][0], Bx[iatm][0][1]]) XmodZ[iatm][0] += posBlock(glTau, Tmm, XYZmax).T tauX = np.arange(1., nWaves[1] + 1 - nx)[:, nxs] * glTau #Xwaves x ngl if nx: XmodA[iatm][:-nx] = Ax[iatm, nx:, :, nxs] * np.sin( twopi * tauX[nxs, :, nxs, :]) #atoms X waves X 3 X ngl XmodB[iatm][:-nx] = Bx[iatm, nx:, :, nxs] * np.cos( twopi * tauX[nxs, :, nxs, :]) #ditto else: XmodA[iatm] = Ax[iatm, :, :, nxs] * np.sin( twopi * tauX[nxs, :, nxs, :]) #atoms X waves X 3 X ngl XmodB[iatm] = Bx[iatm, :, :, nxs] * np.cos( twopi * tauX[nxs, :, nxs, :]) #ditto Xmod = np.sum(XmodA + XmodB + XmodZ, axis=1) #atoms X 3 X ngl; sum waves Xmod = np.swapaxes(Xmod, 1, 2) if nWaves[2]: tauU = np.arange(1., nWaves[2] + 1)[:, nxs] * glTau #Uwaves x ngl UmodA = Au[:, :, :, :, nxs] * np.sin( twopi * tauU[nxs, :, nxs, nxs, :]) #atoms x waves x 3x3 x ngl UmodB = Bu[:, :, :, :, nxs] * np.cos( twopi * tauU[nxs, :, nxs, nxs, :]) #ditto Umod = np.swapaxes(np.sum(UmodA + UmodB, axis=1), 1, 3) #atoms x 3x3 x ngl; sum waves else: Umod = 1.0 if nWaves[3]: tauM = np.arange(1., nWaves[3] + 1 - nx)[:, nxs] * mglTau #Mwaves x ngl MmodA = Am[:, :, :, nxs] * np.sin( twopi * tauM[nxs, :, nxs, :]) #atoms X waves X 3 X ngl MmodB = Bm[:, :, :, nxs] * np.cos(twopi * tauM[nxs, :, nxs, :]) #ditto Mmod = np.sum(MmodA + MmodB, axis=1) Mmod = np.swapaxes(Mmod, 1, 2) #Mxyz,Ntau,Natm else: Mmod = 1.0 return ngl, nWaves, Fmod, Xmod, Umod, Mmod, glTau, glWt
[docs]def MagMod(glTau, XYZ, modQ, MSSdata, SGData, SSGData): ''' this needs to make magnetic moment modulations & magnitudes as fxn of gTau points ''' Am = np.array(MSSdata[3:]).T #atoms x waves x cos pos mods Bm = np.array(MSSdata[:3]).T #...sin pos mods nWaves = Am.shape[1] SGMT = np.array([ops[0] for ops in SGData['SGOps']]) #not .T!! Sinv = np.array([nl.inv(ops[0]) for ops in SSGData['SSGOps']]) SGT = np.array([ops[1] for ops in SSGData['SSGOps']]) if SGData['SGInv']: SGMT = np.vstack((SGMT, -SGMT)) Sinv = np.vstack((Sinv, -Sinv)) SGT = np.vstack((SGT, -SGT)) SGMT = np.vstack([SGMT for cen in SGData['SGCen']]) Sinv = np.vstack([Sinv for cen in SGData['SGCen']]) SGT = np.vstack([SGT + cen for cen in SSGData['SSGCen']]) % 1. detSM = nl.det(SGMT) mst = Sinv[:, 3, :3] epsinv = Sinv[:, 3, 3] phi = np.inner(XYZ, modQ).T TA = np.sum(mst[nxs, :, :] * (XYZ - SGT[:, :3][nxs, :, :]), axis=-1).T tauT = TA[nxs, :, :] + epsinv[nxs, :, nxs] * ( glTau[:, nxs, nxs] - SGT[:, 3][nxs, :, nxs] + phi[nxs, :, :]) modind = np.arange(nWaves) + 1. phase = (modind[:, nxs, nxs] * tauT) #Nops,Natm,Nwave psin = np.sin(twopi * phase) pcos = np.cos(twopi * phase) MmodA = np.sum(Am[nxs, nxs, :, :, :] * pcos[:, :, :, nxs, nxs], axis=3) #cos term MmodB = np.sum(Bm[nxs, nxs, :, :, :] * psin[:, :, :, nxs, nxs], axis=3) #sin term if SGData['SGGray']: MmodA = -np.sum(SGMT[nxs, :, nxs, :, :] * MmodA[:, :, :, nxs, :], axis=-1) * detSM[nxs, :, nxs, nxs] MmodB = -np.sum(SGMT[nxs, :, nxs, :, :] * MmodB[:, :, :, nxs, :], axis=-1) * detSM[nxs, :, nxs, nxs] else: MmodA = np.sum(SGMT[nxs, :, nxs, :, :] * MmodA[:, :, :, nxs, :], axis=-1) * SGData['MagMom'][nxs, :, nxs, nxs] MmodB = np.sum(SGMT[nxs, :, nxs, :, :] * MmodB[:, :, :, nxs, :], axis=-1) * SGData['MagMom'][nxs, :, nxs, nxs] return MmodA, MmodB #Ntau,Nops,Natm,,Mxyz; cos & sin parts; sum matches drawn atom moments
[docs]def Modulation(H, HP, nWaves, Fmod, Xmod, Umod, glTau, glWt): ''' H: array nRefBlk x ops X hklt HP: array nRefBlk x ops X hklt proj to hkl nWaves: list number of waves for frac, pos, uij & mag Fmod: array 2 x atoms x waves (sin,cos terms) Xmod: array atoms X 3 X ngl Umod: array atoms x 3x3 x ngl glTau,glWt: arrays Gauss-Lorentzian pos & wts ''' if nWaves[2]: #uij (adp) waves if len(HP.shape) > 2: HbH = np.exp( -np.sum(HP[:, :, nxs, nxs, :] * np.inner(HP, Umod), axis=-1) ) # refBlk x ops x atoms x ngl add Overhauser corr.? else: HbH = np.exp( -np.sum(HP[:, nxs, nxs, :] * np.inner(HP, Umod), axis=-1) ) # refBlk x ops x atoms x ngl add Overhauser corr.? else: HbH = 1.0 HdotX = np.inner(HP, Xmod) #refBlk x ops x atoms X ngl if len(H.shape) > 2: D = H[:, :, 3:] * glTau[nxs, nxs, :] #m*e*tau; refBlk x ops X ngl HdotXD = twopi * (HdotX + D[:, :, nxs, :]) else: D = H[:, 3:] * glTau[nxs, :] #m*e*tau; refBlk x ops X ngl HdotXD = twopi * (HdotX + D[:, nxs, :]) cosHA = np.sum( Fmod * HbH * np.cos(HdotXD) * glWt, axis=-1) #real part; refBlk X ops x atoms; sum for G-L integration sinHA = np.sum(Fmod * HbH * np.sin(HdotXD) * glWt, axis=-1) #imag part; ditto return np.array([cosHA, sinHA]) # 2 x refBlk x SGops x atoms
#def MagModulation(H,HP,nWaves,Fmod,Xmod,Umod,Mmod,glTau,glWt): # ''' # H: array nRefBlk x ops X hklt # HP: array nRefBlk x ops X hklt proj to hkl # nWaves: list number of waves for frac, pos, uij & mag # Fmod: array 2 x atoms x waves (sin,cos terms) # Xmod: array atoms X 3 X ngl # Umod: array atoms x 3x3 x ngl # Mmod: array atoms x 3x3 x ngl # glTau,glWt: arrays Gauss-Lorentzian pos & wts # ''' # # if nWaves[2]: #uij (adp) waves # if len(HP.shape) > 2: # HbH = np.exp(-np.sum(HP[:,:,nxs,nxs,:]*np.inner(HP,Umod),axis=-1)) # refBlk x ops x atoms x ngl add Overhauser corr.? # else: # HbH = np.exp(-np.sum(HP[:,nxs,nxs,:]*np.inner(HP,Umod),axis=-1)) # refBlk x ops x atoms x ngl add Overhauser corr.? # else: # HbH = 1.0 # HdotX = np.inner(HP,Xmod) #refBlk x ops x atoms X ngl # if len(H.shape) > 2: # D = H[:,:,3:]*glTau[nxs,nxs,:] #m*e*tau; refBlk x ops X ngl # HdotXD = twopi*(HdotX+D[:,:,nxs,:]) # else: # D = H[:,3:]*glTau[nxs,:] #m*e*tau; refBlk x ops X ngl # HdotXD = twopi*(HdotX+D[:,nxs,:]) # M = np.swapaxes(Mmod,1,2) # cosHA = np.sum(M[nxs,nxs,:,:,:]*(Fmod*HbH*np.cos(HdotXD)[:,:,:,nxs,:]*glWt),axis=-1) #real part; refBlk X ops x atoms; sum for G-L integration # sinHA = np.sum(M[nxs,nxs,:,:,:]*(Fmod*HbH*np.sin(HdotXD)[:,:,:,nxs,:]*glWt),axis=-1) #imag part; ditto # return np.array([cosHA,sinHA]) # 2 x refBlk x SGops x atoms #
[docs]def ModulationTw(H, HP, nWaves, Fmod, Xmod, Umod, glTau, glWt): ''' H: array nRefBlk x tw x ops X hklt HP: array nRefBlk x tw x ops X hklt proj to hkl Fmod: array 2 x atoms x waves (sin,cos terms) Xmod: array atoms X ngl X 3 Umod: array atoms x ngl x 3x3 glTau,glWt: arrays Gauss-Lorentzian pos & wts ''' if nWaves[2]: if len(HP.shape) > 3: #Blocks of reflections HbH = np.exp( -np.sum(HP[:, :, nxs, nxs, :] * np.inner(HP, Umod), axis=-1) ) # refBlk x ops x atoms x ngl add Overhauser corr.? else: #single reflections HbH = np.exp( -np.sum(HP[:, nxs, nxs, :] * np.inner(HP, Umod), axis=-1) ) # refBlk x ops x atoms x ngl add Overhauser corr.? else: HbH = 1.0 HdotX = np.inner(HP, Xmod) #refBlk x tw x ops x atoms X ngl if len(H.shape) > 3: D = glTau * H[:, :, :, 3:, nxs] #m*e*tau; refBlk x tw x ops X ngl HdotXD = twopi * (HdotX + D[:, :, :, nxs, :]) else: D = H * glTau[nxs, :] #m*e*tau; refBlk x ops X ngl HdotXD = twopi * (HdotX + D[:, nxs, :]) cosHA = np.sum( Fmod * HbH * np.cos(HdotXD) * glWt, axis=-1) #real part; refBlk X ops x atoms; sum for G-L integration sinHA = np.sum(Fmod * HbH * np.sin(HdotXD) * glWt, axis=-1) #imag part; ditto return np.array([cosHA, sinHA]) # 2 x refBlk x SGops x atoms
[docs]def makeWavesDerv(ngl, waveTypes, FSSdata, XSSdata, USSdata, Mast): ''' Only for Fourier waves for fraction, position & adp (probably not used for magnetism) FSSdata: array 2 x atoms x waves (sin,cos terms) XSSdata: array 2x3 x atoms X waves (sin,cos terms) USSdata: array 2x6 x atoms X waves (sin,cos terms) Mast: array orthogonalization matrix for Uij ''' glTau, glWt = pwd.pygauleg(0., 1., ngl) #get Gauss-Legendre intervals & weights waveShapes = [FSSdata.T.shape, XSSdata.T.shape, USSdata.T.shape] Af = np.array(FSSdata[0]).T #sin frac mods x waves x atoms Bf = np.array(FSSdata[1]).T #cos frac mods... Ax = np.array(XSSdata[:3]).T #...cos pos mods x waves x atoms Bx = np.array(XSSdata[3:]).T #...cos pos mods Au = Mast * np.array(G2lat.U6toUij( USSdata[:6])).T #atoms x waves x sin Uij mods Bu = Mast * np.array(G2lat.U6toUij(USSdata[6:])).T #...cos Uij mods nWaves = [Af.shape[1], Ax.shape[1], Au.shape[1]] StauX = np.zeros( (Ax.shape[0], Ax.shape[1], 3, ngl)) #atoms x waves x 3 x ngl CtauX = np.zeros((Ax.shape[0], Ax.shape[1], 3, ngl)) ZtauXt = np.zeros((Ax.shape[0], 2, 3, ngl)) #atoms x Tminmax x 3 x ngl ZtauXx = np.zeros((Ax.shape[0], 3, ngl)) #atoms x XYZmax x ngl for iatm in range(Ax.shape[0]): nx = 0 if 'ZigZag' in waveTypes[iatm]: nx = 1 elif 'Block' in waveTypes[iatm]: nx = 1 tauX = np.arange(1., nWaves[1] + 1 - nx)[:, nxs] * glTau #Xwaves x ngl if nx: StauX[iatm][nx:] = np.ones_like(Ax)[iatm, nx:, :, nxs] * np.sin( twopi * tauX)[nxs, :, nxs, :] #atoms X waves X 3(xyz) X ngl CtauX[iatm][nx:] = np.ones_like(Bx)[iatm, nx:, :, nxs] * np.cos( twopi * tauX)[nxs, :, nxs, :] #ditto else: StauX[iatm] = np.ones_like(Ax)[iatm, :, :, nxs] * np.sin( twopi * tauX)[nxs, :, nxs, :] #atoms X waves X 3(xyz) X ngl CtauX[iatm] = np.ones_like(Bx)[iatm, :, :, nxs] * np.cos( twopi * tauX)[nxs, :, nxs, :] #ditto if nWaves[0]: tauF = np.arange(1., nWaves[0] + 1)[:, nxs] * glTau #Fwaves x ngl StauF = np.ones_like(Af)[:, :, nxs] * np.sin( twopi * tauF)[nxs, :, :] #also dFmod/dAf CtauF = np.ones_like(Bf)[:, :, nxs] * np.cos( twopi * tauF)[nxs, :, :] #also dFmod/dBf else: StauF = 1.0 CtauF = 1.0 if nWaves[2]: tauU = np.arange(1., nWaves[2] + 1)[:, nxs] * glTau #Uwaves x ngl StauU = np.ones_like(Au)[:, :, :, :, nxs] * np.sin( twopi * tauU)[nxs, :, nxs, nxs, :] #also dUmodA/dAu CtauU = np.ones_like(Bu)[:, :, :, :, nxs] * np.cos( twopi * tauU)[nxs, :, nxs, nxs, :] #also dUmodB/dBu UmodA = Au[:, :, :, :, nxs] * StauU #atoms x waves x 3x3 x ngl UmodB = Bu[:, :, :, :, nxs] * CtauU #ditto #derivs need to be ops x atoms x waves x 6uij; ops x atoms x waves x ngl x 6uij before sum StauU = np.rollaxis(np.rollaxis(np.swapaxes(StauU, 2, 4), -1), -1) CtauU = np.rollaxis(np.rollaxis(np.swapaxes(CtauU, 2, 4), -1), -1) else: StauU = 1.0 CtauU = 1.0 UmodA = 0. UmodB = 0. return waveShapes, [StauF, CtauF], [StauX, CtauX, ZtauXt, ZtauXx], [StauU, CtauU], UmodA + UmodB
[docs]def ModulationDerv(H, HP, Hij, nWaves, waveShapes, Fmod, Xmod, UmodAB, SCtauF, SCtauX, SCtauU, glTau, glWt): ''' Compute Fourier modulation derivatives H: array ops X hklt proj to hkl HP: array ops X hklt proj to hkl Hij: array 2pi^2[a*^2h^2 b*^2k^2 c*^2l^2 a*b*hk a*c*hl b*c*kl] of projected hklm to hkl space ''' Mf = [ H.shape[0], ] + list(waveShapes[0]) #=[ops,atoms,waves,2] (sin+cos frac mods) dGdMfC = np.zeros(Mf) dGdMfS = np.zeros(Mf) Mx = [ H.shape[0], ] + list(waveShapes[1]) #=[ops,atoms,waves,6] (sin+cos pos mods) dGdMxC = np.zeros(Mx) dGdMxS = np.zeros(Mx) Mu = [ H.shape[0], ] + list(waveShapes[2]) #=[ops,atoms,waves,12] (sin+cos Uij mods) dGdMuC = np.zeros(Mu) dGdMuS = np.zeros(Mu) D = twopi * H[:, 3][:, nxs] * glTau[nxs, :] #m*e*tau; ops X ngl HdotX = twopi * np.inner(HP, Xmod) #ops x atoms X ngl HdotXD = HdotX + D[:, nxs, :] if nWaves[2]: Umod = np.swapaxes( (UmodAB), 2, 4) #atoms x waves x ngl x 3x3 (symmetric so I can do this!) HuH = np.sum(HP[:, nxs, nxs, nxs] * np.inner(HP, Umod), axis=-1) #ops x atoms x waves x ngl HuH = np.sum(HP[:, nxs, nxs, nxs] * np.inner(HP, Umod), axis=-1) #ops x atoms x waves x ngl HbH = np.exp(-np.sum(HuH, axis=-2) ) # ops x atoms x ngl; sum waves - OK vs Modulation version # part1 = -np.exp(-HuH)*Fmod[nxs,:,nxs,:] #ops x atoms x waves x ngl part1 = -np.exp(-HuH) * Fmod #ops x atoms x waves x ngl dUdAu = Hij[:, nxs, nxs, nxs, :] * np.rollaxis( G2lat.UijtoU6(SCtauU[0]), 0, 4)[nxs, :, :, :, :] #ops x atoms x waves x ngl x 6sinUij dUdBu = Hij[:, nxs, nxs, nxs, :] * np.rollaxis( G2lat.UijtoU6(SCtauU[1]), 0, 4)[nxs, :, :, :, :] #ops x atoms x waves x ngl x 6cosUij dGdMuCa = np.sum(part1[:, :, :, :, nxs] * dUdAu * np.cos(HdotXD)[:, :, nxs, :, nxs] * glWt[nxs, nxs, nxs, :, nxs], axis=-2) #ops x atoms x waves x 6uij; G-L sum dGdMuCb = np.sum(part1[:, :, :, :, nxs] * dUdBu * np.cos(HdotXD)[:, :, nxs, :, nxs] * glWt[nxs, nxs, nxs, :, nxs], axis=-2) dGdMuC = np.concatenate((dGdMuCa, dGdMuCb), axis=-1) #ops x atoms x waves x 12uij dGdMuSa = np.sum(part1[:, :, :, :, nxs] * dUdAu * np.sin(HdotXD)[:, :, nxs, :, nxs] * glWt[nxs, nxs, nxs, :, nxs], axis=-2) #ops x atoms x waves x 6uij; G-L sum dGdMuSb = np.sum(part1[:, :, :, :, nxs] * dUdBu * np.sin(HdotXD)[:, :, nxs, :, nxs] * glWt[nxs, nxs, nxs, :, nxs], axis=-2) dGdMuS = np.concatenate((dGdMuSa, dGdMuSb), axis=-1) #ops x atoms x waves x 12uij else: HbH = np.ones_like(HdotX) dHdXA = twopi * HP[:, nxs, nxs, nxs, :] * np.swapaxes( SCtauX[0], -1, -2)[nxs, :, :, :, :] #ops x atoms x sine waves x ngl x xyz dHdXB = twopi * HP[:, nxs, nxs, nxs, :] * np.swapaxes( SCtauX[1], -1, -2)[nxs, :, :, :, :] #ditto - cos waves # ops x atoms x waves x 2xyz - real part - good # dGdMxCa = -np.sum((Fmod[nxs,:,:]*HbH)[:,:,nxs,:,nxs]*(dHdXA*np.sin(HdotXD)[:,:,nxs,:,nxs])*glWt[nxs,nxs,nxs,:,nxs],axis=-2) # dGdMxCb = -np.sum((Fmod[nxs,:,:]*HbH)[:,:,nxs,:,nxs]*(dHdXB*np.sin(HdotXD)[:,:,nxs,:,nxs])*glWt[nxs,nxs,nxs,:,nxs],axis=-2) dGdMxCa = -np.sum((Fmod * HbH)[:, :, nxs, :, nxs] * (dHdXA * np.sin(HdotXD)[:, :, nxs, :, nxs]) * glWt[nxs, nxs, nxs, :, nxs], axis=-2) dGdMxCb = -np.sum((Fmod * HbH)[:, :, nxs, :, nxs] * (dHdXB * np.sin(HdotXD)[:, :, nxs, :, nxs]) * glWt[nxs, nxs, nxs, :, nxs], axis=-2) dGdMxC = np.concatenate((dGdMxCa, dGdMxCb), axis=-1) # ops x atoms x waves x 2xyz - imag part - good # dGdMxSa = np.sum((Fmod[nxs,:,:]*HbH)[:,:,nxs,:,nxs]*(dHdXA*np.cos(HdotXD)[:,:,nxs,:,nxs])*glWt[nxs,nxs,nxs,:,nxs],axis=-2) # dGdMxSb = np.sum((Fmod[nxs,:,:]*HbH)[:,:,nxs,:,nxs]*(dHdXB*np.cos(HdotXD)[:,:,nxs,:,nxs])*glWt[nxs,nxs,nxs,:,nxs],axis=-2) dGdMxSa = np.sum((Fmod * HbH)[:, :, nxs, :, nxs] * (dHdXA * np.cos(HdotXD)[:, :, nxs, :, nxs]) * glWt[nxs, nxs, nxs, :, nxs], axis=-2) dGdMxSb = np.sum((Fmod * HbH)[:, :, nxs, :, nxs] * (dHdXB * np.cos(HdotXD)[:, :, nxs, :, nxs]) * glWt[nxs, nxs, nxs, :, nxs], axis=-2) dGdMxS = np.concatenate((dGdMxSa, dGdMxSb), axis=-1) return [dGdMfC, dGdMfS], [dGdMxC, dGdMxS], [dGdMuC, dGdMuS]
[docs]def posFourier(tau, psin, pcos): A = np.array([ ps[:, nxs] * np.sin(2 * np.pi * (i + 1) * tau) for i, ps in enumerate(psin) ]) B = np.array([ pc[:, nxs] * np.cos(2 * np.pi * (i + 1) * tau) for i, pc in enumerate(pcos) ]) return np.sum(A, axis=0) + np.sum(B, axis=0)
[docs]def posZigZag(T, Tmm, Xmax): DT = Tmm[1] - Tmm[0] Su = 2. * Xmax / DT Sd = 2. * Xmax / (1. - DT) A = np.array([ np.where(0. < (t - Tmm[0]) % 1. <= DT, -Xmax + Su * ((t - Tmm[0]) % 1.), Xmax - Sd * ((t - Tmm[1]) % 1.)) for t in T ]) return A
#def posZigZagDerv(T,Tmm,Xmax): # DT = Tmm[1]-Tmm[0] # Su = 2.*Xmax/DT # Sd = 2.*Xmax/(1.-DT) # dAdT = np.zeros((2,3,len(T))) # dAdT[0] = np.array([np.where(Tmm[0] < t <= Tmm[1],Su*(t-Tmm[0]-1)/DT,-Sd*(t-Tmm[1])/(1.-DT)) for t in T]).T # dAdT[1] = np.array([np.where(Tmm[0] < t <= Tmm[1],-Su*(t-Tmm[0])/DT,Sd*(t-Tmm[1])/(1.-DT)) for t in T]).T # dAdX = np.ones(3)[:,nxs]*np.array([np.where(Tmm[0] < t%1. <= Tmm[1],-1.+2.*(t-Tmm[0])/DT,1.-2.*(t-Tmm[1])%1./DT) for t in T]) # return dAdT,dAdX
[docs]def posBlock(T, Tmm, Xmax): A = np.array([np.where(Tmm[0] < t % 1. <= Tmm[1], -Xmax, Xmax) for t in T]) return A
#def posBlockDerv(T,Tmm,Xmax): # dAdT = np.zeros((2,3,len(T))) # ind = np.searchsorted(T,Tmm) # dAdT[0,:,ind[0]] = -Xmax/len(T) # dAdT[1,:,ind[1]] = Xmax/len(T) # dAdX = np.ones(3)[:,nxs]*np.array([np.where(Tmm[0] < t <= Tmm[1],-1.,1.) for t in T]) #OK # return dAdT,dAdX
[docs]def fracCrenel(tau, Toff, Twid): Tau = (tau - Toff) % 1. A = np.where(Tau < Twid, 1., 0.) return A
[docs]def fracFourier(tau, fsin, fcos): if len(fsin) == 1: A = np.array([fsin[0] * np.sin(2. * np.pi * tau)]) B = np.array([fcos[0] * np.cos(2. * np.pi * tau)]) else: A = np.array([ fs[:, nxs] * np.sin(2. * np.pi * (i + 1) * tau) for i, fs in enumerate(fsin) ]) B = np.array([ fc[:, nxs] * np.cos(2. * np.pi * (i + 1) * tau) for i, fc in enumerate(fcos) ]) return np.sum(A, axis=0) + np.sum(B, axis=0)
[docs]def ApplyModulation(data, tau): '''Applies modulation to drawing atom positions & Uijs for given tau ''' generalData = data['General'] cell = generalData['Cell'][1:7] G, g = G2lat.cell2Gmat(cell) SGData = generalData['SGData'] SSGData = generalData['SSGData'] cx, ct, cs, cia = generalData['AtomPtrs'] drawingData = data['Drawing'] modul = generalData['SuperVec'][0] dcx, dct, dcs, dci = drawingData['atomPtrs'] atoms = data['Atoms'] drawAtoms = drawingData['Atoms'] Fade = np.ones(len(drawAtoms)) for atom in atoms: atxyz = np.array(atom[cx:cx + 3]) atuij = np.array(atom[cia + 2:cia + 8]) Sfrac = atom[-1]['SS1']['Sfrac'] Spos = atom[-1]['SS1']['Spos'] Sadp = atom[-1]['SS1']['Sadp'] if generalData['Type'] == 'magnetic': Smag = atom[-1]['SS1']['Smag'] atmom = np.array(atom[cx + 4:cx + 7]) indx = FindAtomIndexByIDs(drawAtoms, dci, [ atom[cia + 8], ], True) for ind in indx: drawatom = drawAtoms[ind] opr = drawatom[dcs - 1] sop, ssop, icent, cent, unit = G2spc.OpsfromStringOps( opr, SGData, SSGData) drxyz = (np.inner(sop[0], atxyz) + sop[1] + cent) * icent + np.array(unit) tauT = G2spc.getTauT(tau, sop, ssop, drxyz, modul)[-1] tauT *= icent #invert wave on -1 # print(tau,tauT,opr,G2spc.MT2text(sop).replace(' ',''),G2spc.SSMT2text(ssop).replace(' ','')) wave = np.zeros(3) uwave = np.zeros(6) mom = np.zeros(3) if len(Sfrac): scof = [] ccof = [] waveType = Sfrac[0] for i, sfrac in enumerate(Sfrac[1:]): if not i and 'Crenel' in waveType: Fade[ind] += fracCrenel(tauT, sfrac[0][0], sfrac[0][1]) else: scof.append(sfrac[0][0]) ccof.append(sfrac[0][1]) if len(scof): Fade[ind] += np.sum(fracFourier(tauT, scof, ccof)) if len(Spos): scof = [] ccof = [] waveType = Spos[0] for i, spos in enumerate(Spos[1:]): if waveType in ['ZigZag', 'Block'] and not i: Tminmax = spos[0][:2] XYZmax = np.array(spos[0][2:5]) if waveType == 'Block': wave = np.array(posBlock([ tauT, ], Tminmax, XYZmax))[0] elif waveType == 'ZigZag': wave = np.array(posZigZag([ tauT, ], Tminmax, XYZmax))[0] else: scof.append(spos[0][:3]) ccof.append(spos[0][3:]) if len(scof): wave += np.sum(posFourier(tauT, np.array(scof), np.array(ccof)), axis=1) if generalData['Type'] == 'magnetic' and len(Smag): scof = [] ccof = [] waveType = Smag[0] for i, spos in enumerate(Smag[1:]): scof.append(spos[0][:3]) ccof.append(spos[0][3:]) if len(scof): mom += np.sum(posFourier(tauT, np.array(scof), np.array(ccof)), axis=1) if len(Sadp): scof = [] ccof = [] waveType = Sadp[0] for i, sadp in enumerate(Sadp[1:]): scof.append(sadp[0][:6]) ccof.append(sadp[0][6:]) ures = posFourier(tauT, np.array(scof), np.array(ccof)) if np.any(ures): uwave += np.sum(ures, axis=1) if atom[cia] == 'A': X, U = G2spc.ApplyStringOps(opr, SGData, atxyz + wave, atuij + uwave) drawatom[dcx:dcx + 3] = X drawatom[dci - 6:dci] = U else: X = G2spc.ApplyStringOps(opr, SGData, atxyz + wave) drawatom[dcx:dcx + 3] = X if generalData['Type'] == 'magnetic': M = G2spc.ApplyStringOpsMom(opr, SGData, atmom + mom) drawatom[dcx + 3:dcx + 6] = M return drawAtoms, Fade
# Gauss Legendre numerical quadrature, x and w computation # integrate from a to b using n evaluations of the function f(x) # usage: from gauleg import gaulegf # x,w = gaulegf( a, b, n) # area = 0.0 # for i in range(1,n+1): # yes, 1..n # area += w[i]*f(x[i])
[docs]def gaulegf(a, b, n): x = range(n + 1) # x[0] unused w = range(n + 1) # w[0] unused eps = 3.0E-14 m = (n + 1) / 2 xm = 0.5 * (b + a) xl = 0.5 * (b - a) for i in range(1, m + 1): z = math.cos(3.141592654 * (i - 0.25) / (n + 0.5)) while True: p1 = 1.0 p2 = 0.0 for j in range(1, n + 1): p3 = p2 p2 = p1 p1 = ((2.0 * j - 1.0) * z * p2 - (j - 1.0) * p3) / j pp = n * (z * p1 - p2) / (z * z - 1.0) z1 = z z = z1 - p1 / pp if abs(z - z1) <= eps: break x[i] = xm - xl * z x[n + 1 - i] = xm + xl * z w[i] = 2.0 * xl / ((1.0 - z * z) * pp * pp) w[n + 1 - i] = w[i] return np.array(x), np.array(w)
# end gaulegf
[docs]def BessJn(nmax, x): ''' compute Bessel function J(n,x) from scipy routine & recurrance relation returns sequence of J(n,x) for n in range [-nmax...0...nmax] :param integer nmax: maximul order for Jn(x) :param float x: argument for Jn(x) :returns numpy array: [J(-nmax,x)...J(0,x)...J(nmax,x)] ''' import scipy.special as sp bessJn = np.zeros(2 * nmax + 1) bessJn[nmax] = sp.j0(x) bessJn[nmax + 1] = sp.j1(x) bessJn[nmax - 1] = -bessJn[nmax + 1] for i in range(2, nmax + 1): bessJn[i + nmax] = 2 * (i - 1) * bessJn[nmax + i - 1] / x - bessJn[nmax + i - 2] bessJn[nmax - i] = bessJn[i + nmax] * (-1)**i return bessJn
[docs]def BessIn(nmax, x): ''' compute modified Bessel function I(n,x) from scipy routines & recurrance relation returns sequence of I(n,x) for n in range [-nmax...0...nmax] :param integer nmax: maximul order for In(x) :param float x: argument for In(x) :returns numpy array: [I(-nmax,x)...I(0,x)...I(nmax,x)] ''' import scipy.special as sp bessIn = np.zeros(2 * nmax + 1) bessIn[nmax] = sp.i0(x) bessIn[nmax + 1] = sp.i1(x) bessIn[nmax - 1] = bessIn[nmax + 1] for i in range(2, nmax + 1): bessIn[i + nmax] = bessIn[nmax + i - 2] - 2 * (i - 1) * bessIn[nmax + i - 1] / x bessIn[nmax - i] = bessIn[i + nmax] return bessIn
################################################################################ ##### distance, angle, planes, torsion stuff ################################################################################
[docs]def CalcDist(distance_dict, distance_atoms, parmDict): if not len(parmDict): return 0. pId = distance_dict['pId'] A = [parmDict['%s::A%d' % (pId, i)] for i in range(6)] Amat = G2lat.cell2AB(G2lat.A2cell(A))[0] Oxyz = [ parmDict['%s::A%s:%d' % (pId, x, distance_atoms[0])] for x in ['x', 'y', 'z'] ] Txyz = [ parmDict['%s::A%s:%d' % (pId, x, distance_atoms[1])] for x in ['x', 'y', 'z'] ] inv = 1 symNo = distance_dict['symNo'] if symNo < 0: inv = -1 symNo *= -1 cen = symNo // 100 op = symNo % 100 - 1 M, T = distance_dict['SGData']['SGOps'][op] D = T * inv + distance_dict['SGData']['SGCen'][cen] D += distance_dict['cellNo'] Txyz = np.inner(M * inv, Txyz) + D dist = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.inner(Amat, (Txyz - Oxyz))**2)) # GSASIIpath.IPyBreak() return dist
[docs]def CalcDistDeriv(distance_dict, distance_atoms, parmDict): if not len(parmDict): return None pId = distance_dict['pId'] A = [parmDict['%s::A%d' % (pId, i)] for i in range(6)] Amat = G2lat.cell2AB(G2lat.A2cell(A))[0] Oxyz = [ parmDict['%s::A%s:%d' % (pId, x, distance_atoms[0])] for x in ['x', 'y', 'z'] ] Txyz = [ parmDict['%s::A%s:%d' % (pId, x, distance_atoms[1])] for x in ['x', 'y', 'z'] ] symNo = distance_dict['symNo'] Tunit = distance_dict['cellNo'] SGData = distance_dict['SGData'] deriv = getDistDerv(Oxyz, Txyz, Amat, Tunit, symNo, SGData) return deriv
[docs]def CalcAngle(angle_dict, angle_atoms, parmDict): if not len(parmDict): return 0. pId = angle_dict['pId'] A = [parmDict['%s::A%d' % (pId, i)] for i in range(6)] Amat = G2lat.cell2AB(G2lat.A2cell(A))[0] Oxyz = [ parmDict['%s::A%s:%d' % (pId, x, angle_atoms[0])] for x in ['x', 'y', 'z'] ] Axyz = [ parmDict['%s::A%s:%d' % (pId, x, angle_atoms[1][0])] for x in ['x', 'y', 'z'] ] Bxyz = [ parmDict['%s::A%s:%d' % (pId, x, angle_atoms[1][1])] for x in ['x', 'y', 'z'] ] ABxyz = [Axyz, Bxyz] symNo = angle_dict['symNo'] vec = np.zeros((2, 3)) for i in range(2): inv = 1 if symNo[i] < 0: inv = -1 cen = inv * symNo[i] // 100 op = inv * symNo[i] % 100 - 1 M, T = angle_dict['SGData']['SGOps'][op] D = T * inv + angle_dict['SGData']['SGCen'][cen] D += angle_dict['cellNo'][i] ABxyz[i] = np.inner(M * inv, ABxyz[i]) + D vec[i] = np.inner(Amat, (ABxyz[i] - Oxyz)) dist = np.sqrt(np.sum(vec[i]**2)) if not dist: return 0. vec[i] /= dist angle = acosd(np.sum(vec[0] * vec[1])) # GSASIIpath.IPyBreak() return angle
[docs]def CalcAngleDeriv(angle_dict, angle_atoms, parmDict): if not len(parmDict): return None pId = angle_dict['pId'] A = [parmDict['%s::A%d' % (pId, i)] for i in range(6)] Amat = G2lat.cell2AB(G2lat.A2cell(A))[0] Oxyz = [ parmDict['%s::A%s:%d' % (pId, x, angle_atoms[0])] for x in ['x', 'y', 'z'] ] Axyz = [ parmDict['%s::A%s:%d' % (pId, x, angle_atoms[1][0])] for x in ['x', 'y', 'z'] ] Bxyz = [ parmDict['%s::A%s:%d' % (pId, x, angle_atoms[1][1])] for x in ['x', 'y', 'z'] ] symNo = angle_dict['symNo'] Tunit = angle_dict['cellNo'] SGData = angle_dict['SGData'] deriv = getAngleDerv(Oxyz, Axyz, Bxyz, Amat, Tunit, symNo, SGData) return deriv
[docs]def getSyXYZ(XYZ, ops, SGData): '''default doc :param type name: description :returns: type name: description ''' XYZout = np.zeros_like(XYZ) for i, [xyz, op] in enumerate(zip(XYZ, ops)): if op == '1': XYZout[i] = xyz else: oprs = op.split('+') unit = [0, 0, 0] if len(oprs) > 1: unit = np.array(list(eval(oprs[1]))) syop = int(oprs[0]) inv = syop // abs(syop) syop *= inv cent = syop // 100 syop %= 100 syop -= 1 M, T = SGData['SGOps'][syop] XYZout[i] = (np.inner(M, xyz) + T) * inv + SGData['SGCen'][cent] + unit return XYZout
[docs]def getRestDist(XYZ, Amat): '''default doc string :param type name: description :returns: type name: description ''' return np.sqrt(np.sum(np.inner(Amat, (XYZ[1] - XYZ[0]))**2))
[docs]def getRestDeriv(Func, XYZ, Amat, ops, SGData): '''default doc string :param type name: description :returns: type name: description ''' deriv = np.zeros((len(XYZ), 3)) dx = 0.00001 for j, xyz in enumerate(XYZ): for i, x in enumerate(np.array([[dx, 0, 0], [0, dx, 0], [0, 0, dx]])): XYZ[j] -= x d1 = Func(getSyXYZ(XYZ, ops, SGData), Amat) XYZ[j] += 2 * x d2 = Func(getSyXYZ(XYZ, ops, SGData), Amat) XYZ[j] -= x deriv[j][i] = (d1 - d2) / (2 * dx) return deriv.flatten()
[docs]def getRestAngle(XYZ, Amat): '''default doc string :param type name: description :returns: type name: description ''' def calcVec(Ox, Tx, Amat): return np.inner(Amat, (Tx - Ox)) VecA = calcVec(XYZ[1], XYZ[0], Amat) VecA /= np.sqrt(np.sum(VecA**2)) VecB = calcVec(XYZ[1], XYZ[2], Amat) VecB /= np.sqrt(np.sum(VecB**2)) edge = VecB - VecA edge = np.sum(edge**2) angle = (2. - edge) / 2. angle = max(angle, -1.) return acosd(angle)
[docs]def getRestPlane(XYZ, Amat): '''default doc string :param type name: description :returns: type name: description ''' sumXYZ = np.zeros(3) for xyz in XYZ: sumXYZ += xyz sumXYZ /= len(XYZ) XYZ = np.array(XYZ) - sumXYZ XYZ = np.inner(Amat, XYZ).T Zmat = np.zeros((3, 3)) for i, xyz in enumerate(XYZ): Zmat += np.outer(xyz.T, xyz) Evec, Emat = nl.eig(Zmat) Evec = np.sqrt(Evec) / (len(XYZ) - 3) Order = np.argsort(Evec) return Evec[Order[0]]
[docs]def getRestChiral(XYZ, Amat): '''default doc string :param type name: description :returns: type name: description ''' VecA = np.empty((3, 3)) VecA[0] = np.inner(XYZ[1] - XYZ[0], Amat) VecA[1] = np.inner(XYZ[2] - XYZ[0], Amat) VecA[2] = np.inner(XYZ[3] - XYZ[0], Amat) return nl.det(VecA)
[docs]def getRestTorsion(XYZ, Amat): '''default doc string :param type name: description :returns: type name: description ''' VecA = np.empty((3, 3)) VecA[0] = np.inner(XYZ[1] - XYZ[0], Amat) VecA[1] = np.inner(XYZ[2] - XYZ[1], Amat) VecA[2] = np.inner(XYZ[3] - XYZ[2], Amat) D = nl.det(VecA) Mag = np.sqrt(np.sum(VecA * VecA, axis=1)) P12 = np.sum(VecA[0] * VecA[1]) / (Mag[0] * Mag[1]) P13 = np.sum(VecA[0] * VecA[2]) / (Mag[0] * Mag[2]) P23 = np.sum(VecA[1] * VecA[2]) / (Mag[1] * Mag[2]) Ang = 1.0 if abs(P12) < 1.0 and abs(P23) < 1.0: Ang = (P12 * P23 - P13) / (np.sqrt(1. - P12**2) * np.sqrt(1. - P23**2)) TOR = (acosd(Ang) * D / abs(D) + 720.) % 360. return TOR
[docs]def calcTorsionEnergy(TOR, Coeff=[]): '''default doc string :param type name: description :returns: type name: description ''' sum = 0. if len(Coeff): cof = np.reshape(Coeff, (3, 3)).T delt = TOR - cof[1] delt = np.where(delt < -180., delt + 360., delt) delt = np.where(delt > 180., delt - 360., delt) term = -cof[2] * delt**2 val = cof[0] * np.exp(term / 1000.0) pMax = cof[0][np.argmin(val)] Eval = np.sum(val) sum = Eval - pMax return sum, Eval
[docs]def getTorsionDeriv(XYZ, Amat, Coeff): '''default doc string :param type name: description :returns: type name: description ''' deriv = np.zeros((len(XYZ), 3)) dx = 0.00001 for j, xyz in enumerate(XYZ): for i, x in enumerate(np.array([[dx, 0, 0], [0, dx, 0], [0, 0, dx]])): XYZ[j] -= x tor = getRestTorsion(XYZ, Amat) p1, d1 = calcTorsionEnergy(tor, Coeff) XYZ[j] += 2 * x tor = getRestTorsion(XYZ, Amat) p2, d2 = calcTorsionEnergy(tor, Coeff) XYZ[j] -= x deriv[j][i] = (p2 - p1) / (2 * dx) return deriv.flatten()
[docs]def getRestRama(XYZ, Amat): '''Computes a pair of torsion angles in a 5 atom string :param nparray XYZ: crystallographic coordinates of 5 atoms :param nparray Amat: crystal to cartesian transformation matrix :returns: list (phi,psi) two torsion angles in degrees ''' phi = getRestTorsion(XYZ[:5], Amat) psi = getRestTorsion(XYZ[1:], Amat) return phi, psi
[docs]def calcRamaEnergy(phi, psi, Coeff=[]): '''Computes pseudo potential energy from a pair of torsion angles and a numerical description of the potential energy surface. Used to create penalty function in LS refinement: :math:`Eval(\\phi,\\psi) = C[0]*exp(-V/1000)` where :math:`V = -C[3] * (\\phi-C[1])^2 - C[4]*(\\psi-C[2])^2 - 2*(\\phi-C[1])*(\\psi-C[2])` :param float phi: first torsion angle (:math:`\\phi`) :param float psi: second torsion angle (:math:`\\psi`) :param list Coeff: pseudo potential coefficients :returns: list (sum,Eval): pseudo-potential difference from minimum & value; sum is used for penalty function. ''' sum = 0. Eval = 0. if len(Coeff): cof = Coeff.T dPhi = phi - cof[1] dPhi = np.where(dPhi < -180., dPhi + 360., dPhi) dPhi = np.where(dPhi > 180., dPhi - 360., dPhi) dPsi = psi - cof[2] dPsi = np.where(dPsi < -180., dPsi + 360., dPsi) dPsi = np.where(dPsi > 180., dPsi - 360., dPsi) val = -cof[3] * dPhi**2 - cof[4] * dPsi**2 - 2.0 * cof[5] * dPhi * dPsi val = cof[0] * np.exp(val / 1000.) pMax = cof[0][np.argmin(val)] Eval = np.sum(val) sum = Eval - pMax return sum, Eval
[docs]def getRamaDeriv(XYZ, Amat, Coeff): '''Computes numerical derivatives of torsion angle pair pseudo potential with respect of crystallographic atom coordinates of the 5 atom sequence :param nparray XYZ: crystallographic coordinates of 5 atoms :param nparray Amat: crystal to cartesian transformation matrix :param list Coeff: pseudo potential coefficients :returns: list (deriv) derivatives of pseudopotential with respect to 5 atom crystallographic xyz coordinates. ''' deriv = np.zeros((len(XYZ), 3)) dx = 0.00001 for j, xyz in enumerate(XYZ): for i, x in enumerate(np.array([[dx, 0, 0], [0, dx, 0], [0, 0, dx]])): XYZ[j] -= x phi, psi = getRestRama(XYZ, Amat) p1, d1 = calcRamaEnergy(phi, psi, Coeff) XYZ[j] += 2 * x phi, psi = getRestRama(XYZ, Amat) p2, d2 = calcRamaEnergy(phi, psi, Coeff) XYZ[j] -= x deriv[j][i] = (p2 - p1) / (2 * dx) return deriv.flatten()
[docs]def getRestPolefig(ODFln, SamSym, Grid): '''default doc string :param type name: description :returns: type name: description ''' X, Y = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(1., -1., Grid), np.linspace(-1., 1., Grid)) R, P = np.sqrt(X**2 + Y**2).flatten(), atan2d(Y, X).flatten() R = np.where(R <= 1., 2. * atand(R), 0.0) Z = np.zeros_like(R) Z = G2lat.polfcal(ODFln, SamSym, R, P) Z = np.reshape(Z, (Grid, Grid)) return np.reshape(R, (Grid, Grid)), np.reshape(P, (Grid, Grid)), Z
[docs]def getRestPolefigDerv(HKL, Grid, SHCoeff): '''default doc string :param type name: description :returns: type name: description ''' pass
[docs]def getDistDerv(Oxyz, Txyz, Amat, Tunit, Top, SGData): '''default doc string :param type name: description :returns: type name: description ''' def calcDist(Ox, Tx, U, inv, C, M, T, Amat): TxT = inv * (np.inner(M, Tx) + T) + C + U return np.sqrt(np.sum(np.inner(Amat, (TxT - Ox))**2)) inv = Top / abs(Top) cent = abs(Top) // 100 op = abs(Top) % 100 - 1 M, T = SGData['SGOps'][op] C = SGData['SGCen'][cent] dx = .00001 deriv = np.zeros(6) for i in [0, 1, 2]: Oxyz[i] -= dx d0 = calcDist(Oxyz, Txyz, Tunit, inv, C, M, T, Amat) Oxyz[i] += 2 * dx deriv[i] = (calcDist(Oxyz, Txyz, Tunit, inv, C, M, T, Amat) - d0) / (2. * dx) Oxyz[i] -= dx Txyz[i] -= dx d0 = calcDist(Oxyz, Txyz, Tunit, inv, C, M, T, Amat) Txyz[i] += 2 * dx deriv[i + 3] = (calcDist(Oxyz, Txyz, Tunit, inv, C, M, T, Amat) - d0) / (2. * dx) Txyz[i] -= dx return deriv
[docs]def getAngleDerv(Oxyz, Axyz, Bxyz, Amat, Tunit, symNo, SGData): def calcAngle(Oxyz, ABxyz, Amat, Tunit, symNo, SGData): vec = np.zeros((2, 3)) for i in range(2): inv = 1 if symNo[i] < 0: inv = -1 cen = inv * symNo[i] // 100 op = inv * symNo[i] % 100 - 1 M, T = SGData['SGOps'][op] D = T * inv + SGData['SGCen'][cen] D += Tunit[i] ABxyz[i] = np.inner(M * inv, ABxyz[i]) + D vec[i] = np.inner(Amat, (ABxyz[i] - Oxyz)) dist = np.sqrt(np.sum(vec[i]**2)) if not dist: return 0. vec[i] /= dist angle = acosd(np.sum(vec[0] * vec[1])) # GSASIIpath.IPyBreak() return angle dx = .00001 deriv = np.zeros(9) for i in [0, 1, 2]: Oxyz[i] -= dx a0 = calcAngle(Oxyz, [Axyz, Bxyz], Amat, Tunit, symNo, SGData) Oxyz[i] += 2 * dx deriv[i] = (calcAngle(Oxyz, [Axyz, Bxyz], Amat, Tunit, symNo, SGData) - a0) / (2. * dx) Oxyz[i] -= dx Axyz[i] -= dx a0 = calcAngle(Oxyz, [Axyz, Bxyz], Amat, Tunit, symNo, SGData) Axyz[i] += 2 * dx deriv[i + 3] = (calcAngle(Oxyz, [Axyz, Bxyz], Amat, Tunit, symNo, SGData) - a0) / (2. * dx) Axyz[i] -= dx Bxyz[i] -= dx a0 = calcAngle(Oxyz, [Axyz, Bxyz], Amat, Tunit, symNo, SGData) Bxyz[i] += 2 * dx deriv[i + 6] = (calcAngle(Oxyz, [Axyz, Bxyz], Amat, Tunit, symNo, SGData) - a0) / (2. * dx) Bxyz[i] -= dx return deriv
[docs]def getAngSig(VA, VB, Amat, SGData, covData={}): '''default doc string :param type name: description :returns: type name: description ''' def calcVec(Ox, Tx, U, inv, C, M, T, Amat): TxT = inv * (np.inner(M, Tx) + T) + C + U return np.inner(Amat, (TxT - Ox)) def calcAngle(Ox, TxA, TxB, unitA, unitB, invA, CA, MA, TA, invB, CB, MB, TB, Amat): VecA = calcVec(Ox, TxA, unitA, invA, CA, MA, TA, Amat) VecA /= np.sqrt(np.sum(VecA**2)) VecB = calcVec(Ox, TxB, unitB, invB, CB, MB, TB, Amat) VecB /= np.sqrt(np.sum(VecB**2)) edge = VecB - VecA edge = np.sum(edge**2) angle = (2. - edge) / 2. angle = max(angle, -1.) return acosd(angle) OxAN, OxA, TxAN, TxA, unitA, TopA = VA OxBN, OxB, TxBN, TxB, unitB, TopB = VB invA = invB = 1 invA = TopA // abs(TopA) invB = TopB // abs(TopB) centA = abs(TopA) // 100 centB = abs(TopB) // 100 opA = abs(TopA) % 100 - 1 opB = abs(TopB) % 100 - 1 MA, TA = SGData['SGOps'][opA] MB, TB = SGData['SGOps'][opB] CA = SGData['SGCen'][centA] CB = SGData['SGCen'][centB] if 'covMatrix' in covData: covMatrix = covData['covMatrix'] varyList = covData['varyList'] AngVcov = getVCov(OxAN + TxAN + TxBN, varyList, covMatrix) dx = .00001 dadx = np.zeros(9) Ang = calcAngle(OxA, TxA, TxB, unitA, unitB, invA, CA, MA, TA, invB, CB, MB, TB, Amat) for i in [0, 1, 2]: OxA[i] -= dx a0 = calcAngle(OxA, TxA, TxB, unitA, unitB, invA, CA, MA, TA, invB, CB, MB, TB, Amat) OxA[i] += 2 * dx dadx[i] = (calcAngle(OxA, TxA, TxB, unitA, unitB, invA, CA, MA, TA, invB, CB, MB, TB, Amat) - a0) / (2 * dx) OxA[i] -= dx TxA[i] -= dx a0 = calcAngle(OxA, TxA, TxB, unitA, unitB, invA, CA, MA, TA, invB, CB, MB, TB, Amat) TxA[i] += 2 * dx dadx[i + 3] = (calcAngle(OxA, TxA, TxB, unitA, unitB, invA, CA, MA, TA, invB, CB, MB, TB, Amat) - a0) / (2 * dx) TxA[i] -= dx TxB[i] -= dx a0 = calcAngle(OxA, TxA, TxB, unitA, unitB, invA, CA, MA, TA, invB, CB, MB, TB, Amat) TxB[i] += 2 * dx dadx[i + 6] = (calcAngle(OxA, TxA, TxB, unitA, unitB, invA, CA, MA, TA, invB, CB, MB, TB, Amat) - a0) / (2 * dx) TxB[i] -= dx sigAng = np.sqrt(np.inner(dadx, np.inner(AngVcov, dadx))) if sigAng < 0.01: sigAng = 0.0 return Ang, sigAng else: return calcAngle(OxA, TxA, TxB, unitA, unitB, invA, CA, MA, TA, invB, CB, MB, TB, Amat), 0.0
[docs]def GetDistSig(Oatoms, Atoms, Amat, SGData, covData={}): '''default doc string :param type name: description :returns: type name: description ''' def calcDist(Atoms, SyOps, Amat): XYZ = [] for i, atom in enumerate(Atoms): Inv, M, T, C, U = SyOps[i] XYZ.append(np.array(atom[1:4])) XYZ[-1] = Inv * (np.inner(M, np.array(XYZ[-1])) + T) + C + U XYZ[-1] = np.inner(Amat, XYZ[-1]).T V1 = XYZ[1] - XYZ[0] return np.sqrt(np.sum(V1**2)) SyOps = [] names = [] for i, atom in enumerate(Oatoms): names += atom[-1] Op, unit = Atoms[i][-1] inv = Op // abs(Op) m, t = SGData['SGOps'][abs(Op) % 100 - 1] c = SGData['SGCen'][abs(Op) // 100] SyOps.append([inv, m, t, c, unit]) Dist = calcDist(Oatoms, SyOps, Amat) sig = -0.001 if 'covMatrix' in covData: dx = .00001 dadx = np.zeros(6) for i in range(6): ia = i // 3 ix = i % 3 Oatoms[ia][ix + 1] += dx a0 = calcDist(Oatoms, SyOps, Amat) Oatoms[ia][ix + 1] -= 2 * dx dadx[i] = (calcDist(Oatoms, SyOps, Amat) - a0) / (2. * dx) covMatrix = covData['covMatrix'] varyList = covData['varyList'] DistVcov = getVCov(names, varyList, covMatrix) sig = np.sqrt(np.inner(dadx, np.inner(DistVcov, dadx))) if sig < 0.001: sig = -0.001 return Dist, sig
[docs]def GetAngleSig(Oatoms, Atoms, Amat, SGData, covData={}): '''default doc string :param type name: description :returns: type name: description ''' def calcAngle(Atoms, SyOps, Amat): XYZ = [] for i, atom in enumerate(Atoms): Inv, M, T, C, U = SyOps[i] XYZ.append(np.array(atom[1:4])) XYZ[-1] = Inv * (np.inner(M, np.array(XYZ[-1])) + T) + C + U XYZ[-1] = np.inner(Amat, XYZ[-1]).T V1 = XYZ[1] - XYZ[0] V1 /= np.sqrt(np.sum(V1**2)) V2 = XYZ[1] - XYZ[2] V2 /= np.sqrt(np.sum(V2**2)) V3 = V2 - V1 cang = min(1., max((2. - np.sum(V3**2)) / 2., -1.)) return acosd(cang) SyOps = [] names = [] for i, atom in enumerate(Oatoms): names += atom[-1] Op, unit = Atoms[i][-1] inv = Op // abs(Op) m, t = SGData['SGOps'][abs(Op) % 100 - 1] c = SGData['SGCen'][abs(Op) // 100] SyOps.append([inv, m, t, c, unit]) Angle = calcAngle(Oatoms, SyOps, Amat) sig = -0.01 if 'covMatrix' in covData: dx = .00001 dadx = np.zeros(9) for i in range(9): ia = i // 3 ix = i % 3 Oatoms[ia][ix + 1] += dx a0 = calcAngle(Oatoms, SyOps, Amat) Oatoms[ia][ix + 1] -= 2 * dx dadx[i] = (calcAngle(Oatoms, SyOps, Amat) - a0) / (2. * dx) covMatrix = covData['covMatrix'] varyList = covData['varyList'] AngVcov = getVCov(names, varyList, covMatrix) sig = np.sqrt(np.inner(dadx, np.inner(AngVcov, dadx))) if sig < 0.01: sig = -0.01 return Angle, sig
[docs]def GetTorsionSig(Oatoms, Atoms, Amat, SGData, covData={}): '''default doc string :param type name: description :returns: type name: description ''' def calcTorsion(Atoms, SyOps, Amat): XYZ = [] for i, atom in enumerate(Atoms): Inv, M, T, C, U = SyOps[i] XYZ.append(np.array(atom[1:4])) XYZ[-1] = Inv * (np.inner(M, np.array(XYZ[-1])) + T) + C + U XYZ[-1] = np.inner(Amat, XYZ[-1]).T V1 = XYZ[1] - XYZ[0] V2 = XYZ[2] - XYZ[1] V3 = XYZ[3] - XYZ[2] V1 /= np.sqrt(np.sum(V1**2)) V2 /= np.sqrt(np.sum(V2**2)) V3 /= np.sqrt(np.sum(V3**2)) M = np.array([V1, V2, V3]) D = nl.det(M) P12 =, V2) P13 =, V3) P23 =, V3) Tors = acosd((P12 * P23 - P13) / (np.sqrt(1. - P12**2) * np.sqrt(1. - P23**2))) * D / abs(D) return Tors SyOps = [] names = [] for i, atom in enumerate(Oatoms): names += atom[-1] Op, unit = Atoms[i][-1] inv = Op // abs(Op) m, t = SGData['SGOps'][abs(Op) % 100 - 1] c = SGData['SGCen'][abs(Op) // 100] SyOps.append([inv, m, t, c, unit]) Tors = calcTorsion(Oatoms, SyOps, Amat) sig = -0.01 if 'covMatrix' in covData: dx = .00001 dadx = np.zeros(12) for i in range(12): ia = i // 3 ix = i % 3 Oatoms[ia][ix + 1] -= dx a0 = calcTorsion(Oatoms, SyOps, Amat) Oatoms[ia][ix + 1] += 2 * dx dadx[i] = (calcTorsion(Oatoms, SyOps, Amat) - a0) / (2. * dx) Oatoms[ia][ix + 1] -= dx covMatrix = covData['covMatrix'] varyList = covData['varyList'] TorVcov = getVCov(names, varyList, covMatrix) sig = np.sqrt(np.inner(dadx, np.inner(TorVcov, dadx))) if sig < 0.01: sig = -0.01 return Tors, sig
[docs]def GetDATSig(Oatoms, Atoms, Amat, SGData, covData={}): '''default doc string :param type name: description :returns: type name: description ''' def calcDist(Atoms, SyOps, Amat): XYZ = [] for i, atom in enumerate(Atoms): Inv, M, T, C, U = SyOps[i] XYZ.append(np.array(atom[1:4])) XYZ[-1] = Inv * (np.inner(M, np.array(XYZ[-1])) + T) + C + U XYZ[-1] = np.inner(Amat, XYZ[-1]).T V1 = XYZ[1] - XYZ[0] return np.sqrt(np.sum(V1**2)) def calcAngle(Atoms, SyOps, Amat): XYZ = [] for i, atom in enumerate(Atoms): Inv, M, T, C, U = SyOps[i] XYZ.append(np.array(atom[1:4])) XYZ[-1] = Inv * (np.inner(M, np.array(XYZ[-1])) + T) + C + U XYZ[-1] = np.inner(Amat, XYZ[-1]).T V1 = XYZ[1] - XYZ[0] V1 /= np.sqrt(np.sum(V1**2)) V2 = XYZ[1] - XYZ[2] V2 /= np.sqrt(np.sum(V2**2)) V3 = V2 - V1 cang = min(1., max((2. - np.sum(V3**2)) / 2., -1.)) return acosd(cang) def calcTorsion(Atoms, SyOps, Amat): XYZ = [] for i, atom in enumerate(Atoms): Inv, M, T, C, U = SyOps[i] XYZ.append(np.array(atom[1:4])) XYZ[-1] = Inv * (np.inner(M, np.array(XYZ[-1])) + T) + C + U XYZ[-1] = np.inner(Amat, XYZ[-1]).T V1 = XYZ[1] - XYZ[0] V2 = XYZ[2] - XYZ[1] V3 = XYZ[3] - XYZ[2] V1 /= np.sqrt(np.sum(V1**2)) V2 /= np.sqrt(np.sum(V2**2)) V3 /= np.sqrt(np.sum(V3**2)) M = np.array([V1, V2, V3]) D = nl.det(M) P12 =, V2) P13 =, V3) P23 =, V3) Tors = acosd((P12 * P23 - P13) / (np.sqrt(1. - P12**2) * np.sqrt(1. - P23**2))) * D / abs(D) return Tors SyOps = [] names = [] for i, atom in enumerate(Oatoms): names += atom[-1] Op, unit = Atoms[i][-1] inv = Op // abs(Op) m, t = SGData['SGOps'][abs(Op) % 100 - 1] c = SGData['SGCen'][abs(Op) // 100] SyOps.append([inv, m, t, c, unit]) M = len(Oatoms) if M == 2: Val = calcDist(Oatoms, SyOps, Amat) elif M == 3: Val = calcAngle(Oatoms, SyOps, Amat) else: Val = calcTorsion(Oatoms, SyOps, Amat) sigVals = [-0.001, -0.01, -0.01] sig = sigVals[M - 3] if 'covMatrix' in covData: dx = .00001 N = M * 3 dadx = np.zeros(N) for i in range(N): ia = i // 3 ix = i % 3 Oatoms[ia][ix + 1] += dx if M == 2: a0 = calcDist(Oatoms, SyOps, Amat) elif M == 3: a0 = calcAngle(Oatoms, SyOps, Amat) else: a0 = calcTorsion(Oatoms, SyOps, Amat) Oatoms[ia][ix + 1] -= 2 * dx if M == 2: dadx[i] = (calcDist(Oatoms, SyOps, Amat) - a0) / (2. * dx) elif M == 3: dadx[i] = (calcAngle(Oatoms, SyOps, Amat) - a0) / (2. * dx) else: dadx[i] = (calcTorsion(Oatoms, SyOps, Amat) - a0) / (2. * dx) covMatrix = covData['covMatrix'] varyList = covData['varyList'] Vcov = getVCov(names, varyList, covMatrix) sig = np.sqrt(np.inner(dadx, np.inner(Vcov, dadx))) if sig < sigVals[M - 3]: sig = sigVals[M - 3] return Val, sig
[docs]def ValEsd(value, esd=0, nTZ=False): '''Format a floating point number with a given level of precision or with in crystallographic format with a "esd", as value(esd). If esd is negative the number is formatted with the level of significant figures appropriate if abs(esd) were the esd, but the esd is not included. if the esd is zero, approximately 6 significant figures are printed. nTZ=True causes "extra" zeros to be removed after the decimal place. for example: * "1.235(3)" for value=1.2346 & esd=0.003 * "1.235(3)e4" for value=12346. & esd=30 * "1.235(3)e6" for value=0.12346e7 & esd=3000 * "1.235" for value=1.2346 & esd=-0.003 * "1.240" for value=1.2395 & esd=-0.003 * "1.24" for value=1.2395 & esd=-0.003 with nTZ=True * "1.23460" for value=1.2346 & esd=0.0 :param float value: number to be formatted :param float esd: uncertainty or if esd < 0, specifies level of precision to be shown e.g. esd=-0.01 gives 2 places beyond decimal :param bool nTZ: True to remove trailing zeros (default is False) :returns: value(esd) or value as a string ''' # Note: this routine is Python 3 compatible -- I think cutoff = 3.16228 #=(sqrt(10); same as old GSAS was 1.95 if math.isnan(value): # invalid value, bail out return '?' if math.isnan(esd): # invalid esd, treat as zero esd = 0 esdoff = 5 # if esd < 1.e-5: # esd = 0 # esdoff = 5 elif esd != 0: # transform the esd to a one or two digit integer l = math.log10(abs(esd)) % 1. if l < math.log10(cutoff): l += 1. intesd = int(round(10**l)) # esd as integer # determine the number of digits offset for the esd esdoff = int(round(math.log10(intesd * 1. / abs(esd)))) else: esdoff = 5 valoff = 0 if abs(value) < abs(esdoff): # value is effectively zero pass elif esdoff < 0 or abs(value) > 1.0e6 or abs( value) < 1.0e-4: # use scientific notation # where the digit offset is to the left of the decimal place or where too many # digits are needed if abs(value) > 1: valoff = int(math.log10(abs(value))) elif abs(value) > 0: valoff = int(math.log10(abs(value)) - 0.9999999) else: valoff = 0 if esd != 0: if valoff + esdoff < 0: valoff = esdoff = 0 out = ("{:." + str(valoff + esdoff) + "f}").format( value / 10**valoff) # format the value elif valoff != 0: # esd = 0; exponential notation ==> esdoff decimal places out = ("{:." + str(esdoff) + "f}").format( value / 10**valoff) # format the value else: # esd = 0; non-exponential notation ==> esdoff+1 significant digits if abs(value) > 0: extra = -math.log10(abs(value)) else: extra = 0 if extra > 0: extra += 1 out = ("{:." + str(max(0, esdoff + int(extra))) + "f}").format( value) # format the value if esd > 0: out += ("({:d})").format(intesd) # add the esd elif nTZ and '.' in out: out = out.rstrip('0') # strip zeros to right of decimal out = out.rstrip('.') # and decimal place when not needed if valoff != 0: out += ("e{:d}").format(valoff) # add an exponent, when needed return out
############################################################################### ##### Protein validation - "ERRATV2" analysis ###############################################################################
[docs]def validProtein(Phase, old): def sumintact(intact): return { 'CC': intact['CC'], 'NN': intact['NN'], 'OO': intact['OO'], 'CN': (intact['CN'] + intact['NC']), 'CO': (intact['CO'] + intact['OC']), 'NO': (intact['NO'] + intact['ON']) } resNames = [ 'ALA', 'ARG', 'ASN', 'ASP', 'CYS', 'GLN', 'GLU', 'GLY', 'HIS', 'ILE', 'LEU', 'LYS', 'MET', 'PHE', 'PRO', 'SER', 'THR', 'TRP', 'TYR', 'VAL', 'MSE' ] # data from errat.f b1_old = np.array([[1154.343, 600.213, 1051.018, 1132.885, 960.738], [600.213, 1286.818, 1282.042, 957.156, 612.789], [1051.018, 1282.042, 3519.471, 991.974, 1226.491], [1132.885, 957.156, 991.974, 1798.672, 820.355], [960.738, 612.789, 1226.491, 820.355, 2428.966]]) avg_old = np.array([0.225, 0.281, 0.071, 0.237, 0.044]) #Table 1 3.5A Obsd. Fr. p 1513 # data taken from erratv2.ccp b1 = np.array([[ 5040.279078850848200, 3408.805141583649400, 4152.904423767300600, 4236.200004171890200, 5054.781210204625500 ], [ 3408.805141583648900, 8491.906094010220800, 5958.881777877950300, 1521.387352718486200, 4304.078200827221700 ], [ 4152.904423767301500, 5958.881777877952100, 7637.167089335050100, 6620.715738223072500, 5287.691183798410700 ], [ 4236.200004171890200, 1521.387352718486200, 6620.715738223072500, 18368.343774298410000, 4050.797811118806700 ], [ 5054.781210204625500, 4304.078200827220800, 5287.691183798409800, 4050.797811118806700, 6666.856740479164700 ]]) avg = np.array([ 0.192765509919262, 0.195575208778518, 0.275322406824210, 0.059102357035642, 0.233154192767480 ]) General = Phase['General'] Amat, Bmat = G2lat.cell2AB(General['Cell'][1:7]) cx, ct, cs, cia = General['AtomPtrs'] Atoms = Phase['Atoms'] cartAtoms = [] xyzmin = 999. * np.ones(3) xyzmax = -999. * np.ones(3) #select residue atoms,S,Se --> O make cartesian for atom in Atoms: if atom[1] in resNames: cartAtoms.append(atom[:cx + 3]) if atom[4].strip() in ['S', 'Se']: if not old: continue #S,Se skipped for erratv2? cartAtoms[-1][3] = 'Os' cartAtoms[-1][4] = 'O' cartAtoms[-1][cx:cx + 3] = np.inner(Amat, cartAtoms[-1][cx:cx + 3]) cartAtoms[-1].append(atom[cia + 8]) XYZ = np.array([atom[cx:cx + 3] for atom in cartAtoms]) xyzmin = np.array([np.min(XYZ.T[i]) for i in [0, 1, 2]]) xyzmax = np.array([np.max(XYZ.T[i]) for i in [0, 1, 2]]) nbox = list(np.array(np.ceil((xyzmax - xyzmin) / 4.), dtype=int)) + [ 15, ] Boxes = np.zeros(nbox, dtype=int) iBox = np.array([np.trunc((XYZ.T[i] - xyzmin[i]) / 4.) for i in [0, 1, 2]], dtype=int).T for ib, box in enumerate( iBox): #put in a try for too many atoms in box (IndexError)? try: Boxes[box[0], box[1], box[2], 0] += 1 Boxes[box[0], box[1], box[2], Boxes[box[0], box[1], box[2], 0]] = ib except IndexError: G2fil.G2Print('Error: too many atoms in box') continue #Box content checks with errat.f $ erratv2.cpp ibox1 arrays indices = (-1, 0, 1) Units = np.array([[h, k, l] for h in indices for k in indices for l in indices]) dsmax = 3.75**2 if old: dsmax = 3.5**2 chains = [] resIntAct = [] chainIntAct = [] res = [] resNames = [] resIDs = {} resname = [] resID = {} newChain = True intact = { 'CC': 0, 'CN': 0, 'CO': 0, 'NN': 0, 'NO': 0, 'OO': 0, 'NC': 0, 'OC': 0, 'ON': 0 } for ia, atom in enumerate(cartAtoms): jntact = { 'CC': 0, 'CN': 0, 'CO': 0, 'NN': 0, 'NO': 0, 'OO': 0, 'NC': 0, 'OC': 0, 'ON': 0 } if atom[2] not in chains: #get chain id & save residue sequence from last chain chains.append(atom[2]) if len(resIntAct): resIntAct.append(sumintact(intact)) chainIntAct.append(resIntAct) resNames += resname resIDs.update(resID) res = [] resname = [] resID = {} resIntAct = [] intact = { 'CC': 0, 'CN': 0, 'CO': 0, 'NN': 0, 'NO': 0, 'OO': 0, 'NC': 0, 'OC': 0, 'ON': 0 } newChain = True if atom[0] not in res: #new residue, get residue no. if res and int(res[-1]) != int( atom[0]) - 1: #a gap in chain - not new chain intact = { 'CC': 0, 'CN': 0, 'CO': 0, 'NN': 0, 'NO': 0, 'OO': 0, 'NC': 0, 'OC': 0, 'ON': 0 } ires = int(res[-1]) for i in range(int(atom[0]) - ires - 1): res.append(str(ires + i + 1)) resname.append('') resIntAct.append(sumintact(intact)) res.append(atom[0]) name = '%s-%s%s' % (atom[2], atom[0], atom[1]) resname.append(name) resID[name] = atom[-1] if not newChain: resIntAct.append(sumintact(intact)) intact = { 'CC': 0, 'CN': 0, 'CO': 0, 'NN': 0, 'NO': 0, 'OO': 0, 'NC': 0, 'OC': 0, 'ON': 0 } newChain = False ibox = iBox[ia] #box location of atom tgts = [] for unit in Units: #assemble list of all possible target atoms jbox = ibox + unit if np.all(jbox >= 0) and np.all((jbox - nbox[:3]) < 0): tgts += list(Boxes[jbox[0], jbox[1], jbox[2]]) tgts = list(set(tgts)) tgts = [tgt for tgt in tgts if atom[:3] != cartAtoms[tgt][:3] ] #exclude same residue tgts = [tgt for tgt in tgts if np.sum((XYZ[ia] - XYZ[tgt])**2) < dsmax] ires = int(atom[0]) if old: if atom[3].strip() == 'C': tgts = [ tgt for tgt in tgts if not (cartAtoms[tgt][3].strip() == 'N' and int(cartAtoms[tgt][0]) in [ires - 1, ires + 1]) ] elif atom[3].strip() == 'N': tgts = [ tgt for tgt in tgts if not (cartAtoms[tgt][3].strip() in ['C', 'CA'] and int(cartAtoms[tgt][0]) in [ires - 1, ires + 1]) ] elif atom[3].strip() == 'CA': tgts = [ tgt for tgt in tgts if not (cartAtoms[tgt][3].strip() == 'N' and int(cartAtoms[tgt][0]) in [ires - 1, ires + 1]) ] else: tgts = [ tgt for tgt in tgts if not int(cartAtoms[tgt][0]) in [ ires + 1, ires + 2, ires + 3, ires + 4, ires + 5, ires + 6, ires + 7, ires + 8 ] ] if atom[3].strip() == 'C': tgts = [ tgt for tgt in tgts if not (cartAtoms[tgt][3].strip() == 'N' and int(cartAtoms[tgt][0]) == ires + 1) ] elif atom[3].strip() == 'N': tgts = [ tgt for tgt in tgts if not (cartAtoms[tgt][3].strip() == 'C' and int(cartAtoms[tgt][0]) == ires - 1) ] for tgt in tgts: dsqt = np.sqrt(np.sum((XYZ[ia] - XYZ[tgt])**2)) mult = 1.0 if dsqt > 3.25 and not old: mult = 2. * (3.75 - dsqt) intype = atom[4].strip() + cartAtoms[tgt][4].strip() if 'S' not in intype: intact[intype] += mult jntact[intype] += mult # print ia,atom[0]+atom[1]+atom[3],tgts,jntact['CC'],jntact['CN']+jntact['NC'],jntact['CO']+jntact['OC'],jntact['NN'],jntact['NO']+jntact['ON'] resNames += resname resIDs.update(resID) resIntAct.append(sumintact(intact)) chainIntAct.append(resIntAct) chainProb = [] for ich, chn in enumerate(chains): IntAct = chainIntAct[ich] nRes = len(IntAct) Probs = [0., 0., 0., 0.] #skip 1st 4 residues in chain for i in range(4, nRes - 4): if resNames[i]: mtrx = np.zeros(5) summ = 0. for j in range(i - 4, i + 5): summ += np.sum(np.array(list(IntAct[j].values()))) if old: mtrx[0] += IntAct[j]['CC'] mtrx[1] += IntAct[j]['CO'] mtrx[2] += IntAct[j]['NN'] mtrx[3] += IntAct[j]['NO'] mtrx[4] += IntAct[j]['OO'] else: mtrx[0] += IntAct[j]['CC'] mtrx[1] += IntAct[j]['CN'] mtrx[2] += IntAct[j]['CO'] mtrx[3] += IntAct[j]['NN'] mtrx[4] += IntAct[j]['NO'] mtrx /= summ # print i+1,mtrx*summ if old: mtrx -= avg_old prob = np.inner(np.inner(mtrx, b1_old), mtrx) else: mtrx -= avg prob = np.inner(np.inner(mtrx, b1), mtrx) else: #skip the gaps prob = 0.0 Probs.append(prob) Probs += 4 * [ 0., ] #skip last 4 residues in chain chainProb += Probs return resNames, chainProb, resIDs
################################################################################ ##### Texture fitting stuff ################################################################################
[docs]def FitTexture(General, Gangls, refData, keyList, pgbar): import pytexture as ptx ptx.pyqlmninit() #initialize fortran arrays for spherical harmonics def printSpHarm(textureData, SHtextureSig): print('\n Spherical harmonics texture: Order:' + str(textureData['Order'])) names = ['omega', 'chi', 'phi'] namstr = ' names :' ptstr = ' values:' sigstr = ' esds :' for name in names: namstr += '%12s' % ('Sample ' + name) ptstr += '%12.3f' % (textureData['Sample ' + name][1]) if 'Sample ' + name in SHtextureSig: sigstr += '%12.3f' % (SHtextureSig['Sample ' + name]) else: sigstr += 12 * ' ' print(namstr) print(ptstr) print(sigstr) print('\n Texture coefficients:') SHcoeff = textureData['SH Coeff'][1] SHkeys = list(SHcoeff.keys()) nCoeff = len(SHcoeff) nBlock = nCoeff // 10 + 1 iBeg = 0 iFin = min(iBeg + 10, nCoeff) for block in range(nBlock): namstr = ' names :' ptstr = ' values:' sigstr = ' esds :' for name in SHkeys[iBeg:iFin]: if 'C' in name: namstr += '%12s' % (name) ptstr += '%12.3f' % (SHcoeff[name]) if name in SHtextureSig: sigstr += '%12.3f' % (SHtextureSig[name]) else: sigstr += 12 * ' ' print(namstr) print(ptstr) print(sigstr) iBeg += 10 iFin = min(iBeg + 10, nCoeff) def Dict2Values(parmdict, varylist): '''Use before call to leastsq to setup list of values for the parameters in parmdict, as selected by key in varylist''' return [parmdict[key] for key in varylist] def Values2Dict(parmdict, varylist, values): ''' Use after call to leastsq to update the parameter dictionary with values corresponding to keys in varylist''' parmdict.update(list(zip(varylist, values))) def errSpHarm(values, SGData, cell, Gangls, shModel, refData, parmDict, varyList, pgbar): parmDict.update(list(zip(varyList, values))) Mat = np.empty(0) sumObs = 0 Sangls = [ parmDict['Sample ' + 'omega'], parmDict['Sample ' + 'chi'], parmDict['Sample ' + 'phi'] ] for hist in Gangls.keys(): Refs = refData[hist] Refs[:, 5] = np.where(Refs[:, 5] > 0., Refs[:, 5], 0.) wt = 1. / np.sqrt(np.fmax(Refs[:, 4], .25)) # wt = 1./np.max(Refs[:,4],.25) sumObs += np.sum(wt * Refs[:, 5]) Refs[:, 6] = 1. H = Refs[:, :3] phi, beta = G2lat.CrsAng(H, cell, SGData) psi, gam, x, x = G2lat.SamAng(Refs[:, 3] / 2., Gangls[hist], Sangls, False) #assume not Bragg-Brentano! for item in parmDict: if 'C' in item: L, M, N = eval(item.strip('C')) Kcl = G2lat.GetKcl(L, N, SGData['SGLaue'], phi, beta) Ksl, x, x = G2lat.GetKsl(L, M, shModel, psi, gam) Lnorm = G2lat.Lnorm(L) Refs[:, 6] += parmDict[item] * Lnorm * Kcl * Ksl mat = wt * (Refs[:, 5] - Refs[:, 6]) Mat = np.concatenate((Mat, mat)) sumD = np.sum(np.abs(Mat)) R = min(100., 100. * sumD / sumObs) pgbar.Update(R, newmsg='Residual = %5.2f' % (R)) print(' Residual: %.3f%%' % (R)) return Mat def dervSpHarm(values, SGData, cell, Gangls, shModel, refData, parmDict, varyList, pgbar): Mat = np.empty(0) Sangls = [ parmDict['Sample omega'], parmDict['Sample chi'], parmDict['Sample phi'] ] for hist in Gangls.keys(): mat = np.zeros((len(varyList), len(refData[hist]))) Refs = refData[hist] H = Refs[:, :3] wt = 1. / np.sqrt(np.fmax(Refs[:, 4], .25)) # wt = 1./np.max(Refs[:,4],.25) phi, beta = G2lat.CrsAng(H, cell, SGData) psi, gam, dPdA, dGdA = G2lat.SamAng( Refs[:, 3] / 2., Gangls[hist], Sangls, False) #assume not Bragg-Brentano! for j, item in enumerate(varyList): if 'C' in item: L, M, N = eval(item.strip('C')) Kcl = G2lat.GetKcl(L, N, SGData['SGLaue'], phi, beta) Ksl, dKdp, dKdg = G2lat.GetKsl(L, M, shModel, psi, gam) Lnorm = G2lat.Lnorm(L) mat[j] = -wt * Lnorm * Kcl * Ksl for k, itema in enumerate( ['Sample omega', 'Sample chi', 'Sample phi']): try: l = varyList.index(itema) mat[l] -= parmDict[item] * wt * Lnorm * Kcl * ( dKdp * dPdA[k] + dKdg * dGdA[k]) except ValueError: pass if len(Mat): Mat = np.concatenate((Mat, mat.T)) else: Mat = mat.T print('deriv') return Mat print(' Fit texture for ' + General['Name']) SGData = General['SGData'] cell = General['Cell'][1:7] Texture = General['SH Texture'] if not Texture['Order']: return 'No spherical harmonics coefficients' varyList = [] parmDict = copy.copy(Texture['SH Coeff'][1]) for item in ['Sample omega', 'Sample chi', 'Sample phi']: parmDict[item] = Texture[item][1] if Texture[item][0]: varyList.append(item) if Texture['SH Coeff'][0]: varyList += list(Texture['SH Coeff'][1].keys()) while True: begin = time.time() values = np.array(Dict2Values(parmDict, varyList)) result = so.leastsq(errSpHarm, values, Dfun=dervSpHarm, full_output=True, ftol=1.e-6, args=(SGData, cell, Gangls, Texture['Model'], refData, parmDict, varyList, pgbar)) ncyc = int(result[2]['nfev'] // 2) if ncyc: runtime = time.time() - begin chisq = np.sum(result[2]['fvec']**2) Values2Dict(parmDict, varyList, result[0]) GOF = chisq / (len(result[2]['fvec']) - len(varyList) ) #reduced chi^2 G2fil.G2Print( 'Number of function calls: %d Number of observations: %d Number of parameters: %d' % (result[2]['nfev'], len(result[2]['fvec']), len(varyList))) G2fil.G2Print('refinement time = %8.3fs, %8.3fs/cycle' % (runtime, runtime / ncyc)) try: sig = np.sqrt(np.diag(result[1]) * GOF) if np.any(np.isnan(sig)): G2fil.G2Print( '*** Least squares aborted - some invalid esds possible ***', mode='error') break #refinement succeeded - finish up! except ValueError: #result[1] is None on singular matrix G2fil.G2Print('**** Refinement failed - singular matrix ****', mode='error') return None else: break if ncyc: for parm in parmDict: if 'C' in parm: Texture['SH Coeff'][1][parm] = parmDict[parm] else: Texture[parm][1] = parmDict[parm] sigDict = dict(zip(varyList, sig)) printSpHarm(Texture, sigDict) return None
################################################################################ ##### Fourier & charge flip stuff ################################################################################
[docs]def adjHKLmax(SGData, Hmax): '''default doc string :param type name: description :returns: type name: description ''' if SGData['SGLaue'] in ['3', '3m1', '31m', '6/m', '6/mmm']: Hmax[0] = int(math.ceil(Hmax[0] / 6.)) * 6 Hmax[1] = int(math.ceil(Hmax[1] / 6.)) * 6 Hmax[2] = int(math.ceil(Hmax[2] / 4.)) * 4 else: Hmax[0] = int(math.ceil(Hmax[0] / 4.)) * 4 Hmax[1] = int(math.ceil(Hmax[1] / 4.)) * 4 Hmax[2] = int(math.ceil(Hmax[2] / 4.)) * 4
[docs]def OmitMap(data, reflDict, pgbar=None): '''default doc string :param type name: description :returns: type name: description ''' generalData = data['General'] if not generalData['Map']['MapType']: G2fil.G2Print('**** ERROR - Fourier map not defined') return mapData = generalData['Map'] dmin = mapData['GridStep'] * 2. SGData = generalData['SGData'] SGMT = np.array([ops[0].T for ops in SGData['SGOps']]) SGT = np.array([ops[1] for ops in SGData['SGOps']]) cell = generalData['Cell'][1:8] A = G2lat.cell2A(cell[:6]) Hmax = np.asarray(G2lat.getHKLmax(dmin, SGData, A), dtype='i') + 1 adjHKLmax(SGData, Hmax) Fhkl = np.zeros(shape=2 * Hmax, dtype='c16') time0 = time.time() for iref, ref in enumerate(reflDict['RefList']): if ref[4] >= dmin: Fosq, Fcsq, ph = ref[8:11] Uniq = np.inner(ref[:3], SGMT) Phi = np.inner(ref[:3], SGT) for i, hkl in enumerate(Uniq): #uses uniq hkl = np.asarray(hkl, dtype='i') dp = 360. * Phi[i] #and phi a = cosd(ph + dp) b = sind(ph + dp) phasep = complex(a, b) phasem = complex(a, -b) if '2Fo-Fc' in mapData['MapType']: F = 2. * np.sqrt(Fosq) - np.sqrt(Fcsq) else: F = np.sqrt(Fosq) h, k, l = hkl + Hmax Fhkl[h, k, l] = F * phasep h, k, l = -hkl + Hmax Fhkl[h, k, l] = F * phasem rho0 = fft.fftn(fft.fftshift(Fhkl)) / cell[6] M = np.mgrid[0:4, 0:4, 0:4] blkIds = np.array(list(zip(M[0].flatten(), M[1].flatten(), M[2].flatten()))) iBeg = blkIds * rho0.shape // 4 iFin = (blkIds + 1) * rho0.shape // 4 rho_omit = np.zeros_like(rho0) nBlk = 0 for iB, iF in zip(iBeg, iFin): rho1 = np.copy(rho0) rho1[iB[0]:iF[0], iB[1]:iF[1], iB[2]:iF[2]] = 0. Fnew = fft.ifftshift(fft.ifftn(rho1)) Fnew = np.where(Fnew, Fnew, 1.0) #avoid divide by zero phase = Fnew / np.absolute(Fnew) OFhkl = np.absolute(Fhkl) * phase rho1 = np.real(fft.fftn(fft.fftshift(OFhkl))) * (1. + 0j) rho_omit[iB[0]:iF[0], iB[1]:iF[1], iB[2]:iF[2]] = np.copy(rho1[iB[0]:iF[0], iB[1]:iF[1], iB[2]:iF[2]]) nBlk += 1 pgbar.Update(nBlk) mapData['rho'] = np.real(rho_omit) / cell[6] mapData['rhoMax'] = max(np.max(mapData['rho']), -np.min(mapData['rho'])) mapData['minmax'] = [np.max(mapData['rho']), np.min(mapData['rho'])] G2fil.G2Print('Omit map time: %.4f no. elements: %d dimensions: %s' % (time.time() - time0, Fhkl.size, str(Fhkl.shape))) return mapData
[docs]def FourierMap(data, reflDict): '''default doc string :param type name: description :returns: type name: description ''' generalData = data['General'] mapData = generalData['Map'] dmin = mapData['GridStep'] * 2. SGData = generalData['SGData'] SGMT = np.array([ops[0].T for ops in SGData['SGOps']]) SGT = np.array([ops[1] for ops in SGData['SGOps']]) cell = generalData['Cell'][1:8] A = G2lat.cell2A(cell[:6]) Hmax = np.asarray(G2lat.getHKLmax(dmin, SGData, A), dtype='i') + 1 adjHKLmax(SGData, Hmax) Fhkl = np.zeros(shape=2 * Hmax, dtype='c16') # Fhkl[0,0,0] = generalData['F000X'] time0 = time.time() for iref, ref in enumerate(reflDict['RefList']): if ref[4] > dmin: Fosq, Fcsq, ph = ref[8:11] Uniq = np.inner(ref[:3], SGMT) Phi = np.inner(ref[:3], SGT) for i, hkl in enumerate(Uniq): #uses uniq hkl = np.asarray(hkl, dtype='i') dp = 360. * Phi[i] #and phi a = cosd(ph + dp) b = sind(ph + dp) phasep = complex(a, b) phasem = complex(a, -b) if 'Fobs' in mapData['MapType']: F = np.where(Fosq > 0., np.sqrt(Fosq), 0.) h, k, l = hkl + Hmax Fhkl[h, k, l] = F * phasep h, k, l = -hkl + Hmax Fhkl[h, k, l] = F * phasem elif 'Fcalc' in mapData['MapType']: F = np.sqrt(Fcsq) h, k, l = hkl + Hmax Fhkl[h, k, l] = F * phasep h, k, l = -hkl + Hmax Fhkl[h, k, l] = F * phasem elif 'delt-F' in mapData['MapType']: dF = np.where(Fosq > 0., np.sqrt(Fosq), 0.) - np.sqrt(Fcsq) h, k, l = hkl + Hmax Fhkl[h, k, l] = dF * phasep h, k, l = -hkl + Hmax Fhkl[h, k, l] = dF * phasem elif '2*Fo-Fc' in mapData['MapType']: F = 2. * np.where(Fosq > 0., np.sqrt(Fosq), 0.) - np.sqrt(Fcsq) h, k, l = hkl + Hmax Fhkl[h, k, l] = F * phasep h, k, l = -hkl + Hmax Fhkl[h, k, l] = F * phasem elif 'Patterson' in mapData['MapType']: h, k, l = hkl + Hmax Fhkl[h, k, l] = complex(Fosq, 0.) h, k, l = -hkl + Hmax Fhkl[h, k, l] = complex(Fosq, 0.) rho = fft.fftn(fft.fftshift(Fhkl)) / cell[6] G2fil.G2Print('Fourier map time: %.4f no. elements: %d dimensions: %s' % (time.time() - time0, Fhkl.size, str(Fhkl.shape))) mapData['Type'] = reflDict['Type'] mapData['rho'] = np.real(rho) mapData['rhoMax'] = max(np.max(mapData['rho']), -np.min(mapData['rho'])) mapData['minmax'] = [np.max(mapData['rho']), np.min(mapData['rho'])]
[docs]def Fourier4DMap(data, reflDict): '''default doc string :param type name: description :returns: type name: description ''' generalData = data['General'] map4DData = generalData['4DmapData'] mapData = generalData['Map'] dmin = mapData['GridStep'] * 2. SGData = generalData['SGData'] SSGData = generalData['SSGData'] SSGMT = np.array([ops[0].T for ops in SSGData['SSGOps']]) SSGT = np.array([ops[1] for ops in SSGData['SSGOps']]) cell = generalData['Cell'][1:8] A = G2lat.cell2A(cell[:6]) maxM = 4 Hmax = G2lat.getHKLmax(dmin, SGData, A) + [ maxM, ] adjHKLmax(SGData, Hmax) Hmax = np.asarray(Hmax, dtype='i') + 1 Fhkl = np.zeros(shape=2 * Hmax, dtype='c16') time0 = time.time() for iref, ref in enumerate(reflDict['RefList']): if ref[5] > dmin: Fosq, Fcsq, ph = ref[9:12] Fosq = np.where(Fosq > 0., Fosq, 0.) #can't use Fo^2 < 0 Uniq = np.inner(ref[:4], SSGMT) Phi = np.inner(ref[:4], SSGT) for i, hkl in enumerate(Uniq): #uses uniq hkl = np.asarray(hkl, dtype='i') dp = 360. * Phi[i] #and phi a = cosd(ph + dp) b = sind(ph + dp) phasep = complex(a, b) phasem = complex(a, -b) if 'Fobs' in mapData['MapType']: F = np.sqrt(Fosq) h, k, l, m = hkl + Hmax Fhkl[h, k, l, m] = F * phasep h, k, l, m = -hkl + Hmax Fhkl[h, k, l, m] = F * phasem elif 'Fcalc' in mapData['MapType']: F = np.sqrt(Fcsq) h, k, l, m = hkl + Hmax Fhkl[h, k, l, m] = F * phasep h, k, l, m = -hkl + Hmax Fhkl[h, k, l, m] = F * phasem elif 'delt-F' in mapData['MapType']: dF = np.sqrt(Fosq) - np.sqrt(Fcsq) h, k, l, m = hkl + Hmax Fhkl[h, k, l, m] = dF * phasep h, k, l, m = -hkl + Hmax Fhkl[h, k, l, m] = dF * phasem SSrho = fft.fftn(fft.fftshift(Fhkl)) / cell[6] #4D map rho = fft.fftn(fft.fftshift(Fhkl[:, :, :, maxM + 1])) / cell[6] #3D map map4DData['rho'] = np.real(SSrho) map4DData['rhoMax'] = max(np.max(map4DData['rho']), -np.min(map4DData['rho'])) map4DData['minmax'] = [np.max(map4DData['rho']), np.min(map4DData['rho'])] map4DData['Type'] = reflDict['Type'] mapData['Type'] = reflDict['Type'] mapData['rho'] = np.real(rho) mapData['rhoMax'] = max(np.max(mapData['rho']), -np.min(mapData['rho'])) mapData['minmax'] = [np.max(mapData['rho']), np.min(mapData['rho'])] G2fil.G2Print('Fourier map time: %.4f no. elements: %d dimensions: %s' % (time.time() - time0, Fhkl.size, str(Fhkl.shape)))
# map printing for testing purposes
[docs]def printRho(SGLaue, rho, rhoMax): '''default doc string :param type name: description :returns: type name: description ''' dim = len(rho.shape) if dim == 2: ix, jy = rho.shape for j in range(jy): line = '' if SGLaue in ['3', '3m1', '31m', '6/m', '6/mmm']: line += (jy - j) * ' ' for i in range(ix): r = int(100 * rho[i, j] / rhoMax) line += '%4d' % (r) print(line + '\n') else: ix, jy, kz = rho.shape for k in range(kz): print('k = %d' % k) for j in range(jy): line = '' if SGLaue in ['3', '3m1', '31m', '6/m', '6/mmm']: line += (jy - j) * ' ' for i in range(ix): r = int(100 * rho[i, j, k] / rhoMax) line += '%4d' % (r) print(line + '\n')
## keep this
[docs]def findOffset(SGData, A, Fhkl): '''default doc string :param type name: description :returns: type name: description ''' if SGData['SpGrp'] == 'P 1': return [0, 0, 0] hklShape = Fhkl.shape hklHalf = np.array(hklShape) / 2 sortHKL = np.argsort(Fhkl.flatten()) Fdict = {} for hkl in sortHKL: HKL = np.unravel_index(hkl, hklShape) F = Fhkl[HKL[0]][HKL[1]][HKL[2]] if F == 0.: break Fdict['%.6f' % (np.absolute(F))] = hkl Flist = np.flipud(np.sort(list(Fdict.keys()))) F = str(1.e6) i = 0 DH = [] Dphi = [] Hmax = 2 * np.asarray(G2lat.getHKLmax(3.5, SGData, A), dtype='i') for F in Flist: hkl = np.unravel_index(Fdict[F], hklShape) if np.any(np.abs(hkl - hklHalf) - Hmax > 0): continue iabsnt, mulp, Uniq, Phi = G2spc.GenHKLf(list(hkl - hklHalf), SGData) Uniq = np.array(Uniq, dtype='i') Phi = np.array(Phi) Uniq = np.concatenate( (Uniq, -Uniq)) + hklHalf # put in Friedel pairs & make as index to Farray Phi = np.concatenate((Phi, -Phi)) # and their phase shifts Fh0 = Fhkl[hkl[0], hkl[1], hkl[2]] ang0 = np.angle(Fh0, deg=True) / 360. for H, phi in list(zip(Uniq, Phi))[1:]: ang = (np.angle(Fhkl[int(H[0]), int(H[1]), int(H[2])], deg=True) / 360. - phi) dH = H - hkl dang = ang - ang0 DH.append(dH) Dphi.append((dang + .5) % 1.0) if i > 20 or len(DH) > 30: break i += 1 DH = np.array(DH) G2fil.G2Print(' map offset no.of terms: %d from %d reflections' % (len(DH), len(Flist))) Dphi = np.array(Dphi) steps = np.array(hklShape) X, Y, Z = np.mgrid[0:1:1. / steps[0], 0:1:1. / steps[1], 0:1:1. / steps[2]] XYZ = np.array(list(zip(X.flatten(), Y.flatten(), Z.flatten()))) Dang = (, DH.T) + .5) % 1. - Dphi Mmap = np.reshape(np.sum((Dang)**2, axis=1), newshape=steps) / len(DH) hist, bins = np.histogram(Mmap, bins=1000) # for i,item in enumerate(hist[:10]): # print item,bins[i] chisq = np.min(Mmap) DX = -np.array(np.unravel_index(np.argmin(Mmap), Mmap.shape)) G2fil.G2Print(' map offset chi**2: %.3f, map offset: %d %d %d' % (chisq, DX[0], DX[1], DX[2])) # print (,DH.T)+.5)%1.-Dphi return DX
[docs]def ChargeFlip(data, reflDict, pgbar): '''default doc string :param type name: description :returns: type name: description ''' generalData = data['General'] mapData = generalData['Map'] flipData = generalData['Flip'] FFtable = {} if 'None' not in flipData['Norm element']: normElem = flipData['Norm element'].upper() FFs = G2el.GetFormFactorCoeff(normElem.split('+')[0].split('-')[0]) for ff in FFs: if ff['Symbol'] == normElem: FFtable.update(ff) dmin = flipData['GridStep'] * 2. SGData = generalData['SGData'] SGMT = np.array([ops[0].T for ops in SGData['SGOps']]) SGT = np.array([ops[1] for ops in SGData['SGOps']]) cell = generalData['Cell'][1:8] A = G2lat.cell2A(cell[:6]) Vol = cell[6] im = 0 if generalData['Modulated'] == True: im = 1 Hmax = np.asarray(G2lat.getHKLmax(dmin, SGData, A), dtype='i') + 1 adjHKLmax(SGData, Hmax) Ehkl = np.zeros(shape=2 * Hmax, dtype='c16') #2X64bits per complex no. time0 = time.time() for iref, ref in enumerate(reflDict['RefList']): dsp = ref[4 + im] if im and ref[ 3]: #skip super lattice reflections - result is 3D projection continue if dsp > dmin: ff = 0.1 * Vol #est. no. atoms for ~10A**3/atom if FFtable: SQ = 0.25 / dsp**2 ff *= G2el.ScatFac(FFtable, SQ)[0] if ref[8 + im] > 0.: #use only +ve Fobs**2 E = np.sqrt(ref[8 + im]) / ff else: E = 0. ph = ref[10] ph = rn.uniform(0., 360.) Uniq = np.inner(ref[:3], SGMT) Phi = np.inner(ref[:3], SGT) for i, hkl in enumerate(Uniq): #uses uniq hkl = np.asarray(hkl, dtype='i') dp = 360. * Phi[i] #and phi a = cosd(ph + dp) b = sind(ph + dp) phasep = complex(a, b) phasem = complex(a, -b) h, k, l = hkl + Hmax Ehkl[h, k, l] = E * phasep h, k, l = -hkl + Hmax Ehkl[h, k, l] = E * phasem # Ehkl[Hmax] = 0.00001 #this to preserve F[0,0,0] testHKL = np.array(flipData['testHKL']) + Hmax CEhkl = copy.copy(Ehkl) MEhkl = ma.array(Ehkl, mask=(Ehkl == 0.0)) Emask = ma.getmask(MEhkl) sumE = np.sum(ma.array(np.absolute(CEhkl), mask=Emask)) Ncyc = 0 old = np.seterr(all='raise') twophases = [] while True: CErho = np.real(fft.fftn(fft.fftshift(CEhkl))) * (1. + 0j) CEsig = np.std(CErho) CFrho = np.where( np.real(CErho) >= flipData['k-factor'] * CEsig, CErho, -CErho) CFrho = np.where( np.real(CErho) <= flipData['k-Max'] * CEsig, CFrho, -CFrho) #solves U atom problem! CFhkl = fft.ifftshift(fft.ifftn(CFrho)) CFhkl = np.where(CFhkl, CFhkl, 1.0) #avoid divide by zero phase = CFhkl / np.absolute(CFhkl) twophases.append([np.angle(phase[h, k, l]) for h, k, l in testHKL]) CEhkl = np.absolute(Ehkl) * phase Ncyc += 1 sumCF = np.sum(ma.array(np.absolute(CFhkl), mask=Emask)) DEhkl = np.absolute( np.absolute(Ehkl) / sumE - np.absolute(CFhkl) / sumCF) Rcf = min(100., np.sum(ma.array(DEhkl, mask=Emask) * 100.)) if Rcf < 5.: break GoOn = pgbar.Update( Rcf, newmsg='%s%8.3f%s\n%s %d' % ('Residual Rcf =', Rcf, '%', 'No.cycles = ', Ncyc))[0] if not GoOn or Ncyc > 10000: break np.seterr(**old) G2fil.G2Print(' Charge flip time: %.4f' % (time.time() - time0), 'no. elements: %d' % (Ehkl.size)) CErho = np.real(fft.fftn( fft.fftshift(CEhkl))) / 10. #? to get on same scale as e-map G2fil.G2Print(' No.cycles = %d Residual Rcf =%8.3f%s Map size: %s' % (Ncyc, Rcf, '%', str(CErho.shape))) roll = findOffset( SGData, A, CEhkl) #CEhkl needs to be just the observed set, not the full set! mapData['Rcf'] = Rcf mapData['rho'] = np.roll(np.roll(np.roll(CErho, roll[0], axis=0), roll[1], axis=1), roll[2], axis=2) mapData['rhoMax'] = max(np.max(mapData['rho']), -np.min(mapData['rho'])) mapData['minmax'] = [np.max(mapData['rho']), np.min(mapData['rho'])] mapData['Type'] = reflDict['Type'] return mapData, twophases
[docs]def findSSOffset(SGData, SSGData, A, Fhklm): '''default doc string :param type name: description :returns: type name: description ''' if SGData['SpGrp'] == 'P 1': return [0, 0, 0, 0] hklmShape = Fhklm.shape hklmHalf = np.array(hklmShape) / 2 sortHKLM = np.argsort(Fhklm.flatten()) Fdict = {} for hklm in sortHKLM: HKLM = np.unravel_index(hklm, hklmShape) F = Fhklm[HKLM[0]][HKLM[1]][HKLM[2]][HKLM[3]] if F == 0.: break Fdict['%.6f' % (np.absolute(F))] = hklm Flist = np.flipud(np.sort(list(Fdict.keys()))) F = str(1.e6) i = 0 DH = [] Dphi = [] SSGMT = np.array([ops[0].T for ops in SSGData['SSGOps']]) SSGT = np.array([ops[1] for ops in SSGData['SSGOps']]) Hmax = 2 * np.asarray(G2lat.getHKLmax(3.5, SGData, A), dtype='i') for F in Flist: hklm = np.unravel_index(Fdict[F], hklmShape) if np.any(np.abs(hklm - hklmHalf)[:3] - Hmax > 0): continue Uniq = np.inner(hklm - hklmHalf, SSGMT) Phi = np.inner(hklm - hklmHalf, SSGT) Uniq = np.concatenate( (Uniq, -Uniq )) + hklmHalf # put in Friedel pairs & make as index to Farray Phi = np.concatenate((Phi, -Phi)) # and their phase shifts Fh0 = Fhklm[hklm[0], hklm[1], hklm[2], hklm[3]] ang0 = np.angle(Fh0, deg=True) / 360. for H, phi in list(zip(Uniq, Phi))[1:]: H = np.array(H, dtype=int) ang = (np.angle(Fhklm[H[0], H[1], H[2], H[3]], deg=True) / 360. - phi) dH = H - hklm dang = ang - ang0 DH.append(dH) Dphi.append((dang + .5) % 1.0) if i > 20 or len(DH) > 30: break i += 1 DH = np.array(DH) G2fil.G2Print(' map offset no.of terms: %d from %d reflections' % (len(DH), len(Flist))) Dphi = np.array(Dphi) steps = np.array(hklmShape) X, Y, Z, T = np.mgrid[0:1:1. / steps[0], 0:1:1. / steps[1], 0:1:1. / steps[2], 0:1:1. / steps[3]] XYZT = np.array( list(zip(X.flatten(), Y.flatten(), Z.flatten(), T.flatten()))) Dang = (, DH.T) + .5) % 1. - Dphi Mmap = np.reshape(np.sum((Dang)**2, axis=1), newshape=steps) / len(DH) hist, bins = np.histogram(Mmap, bins=1000) # for i,item in enumerate(hist[:10]): # print item,bins[i] chisq = np.min(Mmap) DX = -np.array(np.unravel_index(np.argmin(Mmap), Mmap.shape)) G2fil.G2Print(' map offset chi**2: %.3f, map offset: %d %d %d %d' % (chisq, DX[0], DX[1], DX[2], DX[3])) # print (,DH.T)+.5)%1.-Dphi return DX
[docs]def SSChargeFlip(data, reflDict, pgbar): '''default doc string :param type name: description :returns: type name: description ''' generalData = data['General'] mapData = generalData['Map'] map4DData = {} flipData = generalData['Flip'] FFtable = {} if 'None' not in flipData['Norm element']: normElem = flipData['Norm element'].upper() FFs = G2el.GetFormFactorCoeff(normElem.split('+')[0].split('-')[0]) for ff in FFs: if ff['Symbol'] == normElem: FFtable.update(ff) dmin = flipData['GridStep'] * 2. SGData = generalData['SGData'] SSGData = generalData['SSGData'] SSGMT = np.array([ops[0].T for ops in SSGData['SSGOps']]) SSGT = np.array([ops[1] for ops in SSGData['SSGOps']]) cell = generalData['Cell'][1:8] A = G2lat.cell2A(cell[:6]) Vol = cell[6] maxM = 4 Hmax = np.asarray(G2lat.getHKLmax(dmin, SGData, A) + [ maxM, ], dtype='i') + 1 adjHKLmax(SGData, Hmax) Ehkl = np.zeros(shape=2 * Hmax, dtype='c16') #2X64bits per complex no. time0 = time.time() for iref, ref in enumerate(reflDict['RefList']): dsp = ref[5] if dsp > dmin: ff = 0.1 * Vol #est. no. atoms for ~10A**3/atom if FFtable: SQ = 0.25 / dsp**2 ff *= G2el.ScatFac(FFtable, SQ)[0] if ref[9] > 0.: #use only +ve Fobs**2 E = np.sqrt(ref[9]) / ff else: E = 0. ph = ref[11] ph = rn.uniform(0., 360.) Uniq = np.inner(ref[:4], SSGMT) Phi = np.inner(ref[:4], SSGT) for i, hklm in enumerate(Uniq): #uses uniq hklm = np.asarray(hklm, dtype='i') dp = 360. * Phi[i] #and phi a = cosd(ph + dp) b = sind(ph + dp) phasep = complex(a, b) phasem = complex(a, -b) h, k, l, m = hklm + Hmax Ehkl[h, k, l, m] = E * phasep h, k, l, m = -hklm + Hmax #Friedel pair refl. Ehkl[h, k, l, m] = E * phasem # Ehkl[Hmax] = 0.00001 #this to preserve F[0,0,0] CEhkl = copy.copy(Ehkl) MEhkl = ma.array(Ehkl, mask=(Ehkl == 0.0)) Emask = ma.getmask(MEhkl) sumE = np.sum(ma.array(np.absolute(CEhkl), mask=Emask)) Ncyc = 0 old = np.seterr(all='raise') while True: CErho = np.real(fft.fftn(fft.fftshift(CEhkl))) * (1. + 0j) CEsig = np.std(CErho) CFrho = np.where( np.real(CErho) >= flipData['k-factor'] * CEsig, CErho, -CErho) CFrho = np.where( np.real(CErho) <= flipData['k-Max'] * CEsig, CFrho, -CFrho) #solves U atom problem! CFhkl = fft.ifftshift(fft.ifftn(CFrho)) CFhkl = np.where(CFhkl, CFhkl, 1.0) #avoid divide by zero phase = CFhkl / np.absolute(CFhkl) CEhkl = np.absolute(Ehkl) * phase Ncyc += 1 sumCF = np.sum(ma.array(np.absolute(CFhkl), mask=Emask)) DEhkl = np.absolute( np.absolute(Ehkl) / sumE - np.absolute(CFhkl) / sumCF) Rcf = min(100., np.sum(ma.array(DEhkl, mask=Emask) * 100.)) if Rcf < 5.: break GoOn = pgbar.Update( Rcf, newmsg='%s%8.3f%s\n%s %d' % ('Residual Rcf =', Rcf, '%', 'No.cycles = ', Ncyc))[0] if not GoOn or Ncyc > 10000: break np.seterr(**old) G2fil.G2Print(' Charge flip time: %.4f no. elements: %d' % (time.time() - time0, Ehkl.size)) CErho = np.real(fft.fftn(fft.fftshift( CEhkl[:, :, :, maxM + 1]))) / 10. #? to get on same scale as e-map SSrho = np.real(fft.fftn(fft.fftshift(CEhkl))) / 10. #? ditto G2fil.G2Print(' No.cycles = %d Residual Rcf =%8.3f%s Map size: %s' % (Ncyc, Rcf, '%', str(CErho.shape))) roll = findSSOffset( SGData, SSGData, A, CEhkl) #CEhkl needs to be just the observed set, not the full set! mapData['Rcf'] = Rcf mapData['rho'] = np.roll(np.roll(np.roll(CErho, roll[0], axis=0), roll[1], axis=1), roll[2], axis=2) mapData['rhoMax'] = max(np.max(mapData['rho']), -np.min(mapData['rho'])) mapData['minmax'] = [np.max(mapData['rho']), np.min(mapData['rho'])] mapData['Type'] = reflDict['Type'] map4DData['Rcf'] = Rcf map4DData['rho'] = np.real( np.roll(np.roll(np.roll(np.roll(SSrho, roll[0], axis=0), roll[1], axis=1), roll[2], axis=2), roll[3], axis=3)) map4DData['rhoMax'] = max(np.max(map4DData['rho']), -np.min(map4DData['rho'])) map4DData['minmax'] = [np.max(map4DData['rho']), np.min(map4DData['rho'])] map4DData['Type'] = reflDict['Type'] return mapData, map4DData
[docs]def getRho(xyz, mapData): ''' get scattering density at a point by 8-point interpolation param xyz: coordinate to be probed param: mapData: dict of map data :returns: density at xyz ''' rollMap = lambda rho, roll: np.roll(np.roll( np.roll(rho, roll[0], axis=0), roll[1], axis=1), roll[2], axis=2) if not len(mapData): return 0.0 rho = copy.copy(mapData['rho']) #don't mess up original if not len(rho): return 0.0 mapShape = np.array(rho.shape) mapStep = 1. / mapShape X = np.array(xyz) % 1. #get into unit cell I = np.array(X * mapShape, dtype='int') D = X - I * mapStep #position inside map cell D12 = D[0] * D[1] D13 = D[0] * D[2] D23 = D[1] * D[2] D123 = Rho = rollMap(rho, -I) #shifts map so point is in corner R = Rho[0,0,0]*(1.-np.sum(D))+Rho[1,0,0]*D[0]+Rho[0,1,0]*D[1]+Rho[0,0,1]*D[2]+ \ Rho[1,1,1]*D123+Rho[0,1,1]*(D23-D123)+Rho[1,0,1]*(D13-D123)+Rho[1,1,0]*(D12-D123)+ \ Rho[0,0,0]*(D12+D13+D23-D123)-Rho[0,0,1]*(D13+D23-D123)- \ Rho[0,1,0]*(D23+D12-D123)-Rho[1,0,0]*(D13+D12-D123) return R
[docs]def getRhos(XYZ, rho): ''' get scattering density at an array of point by 8-point interpolation this is faster than gerRho which is only used for single points. However, getRhos is replaced by scipy.ndimage.interpolation.map_coordinates which does a better job & is just as fast. Thus, getRhos is unused in GSAS-II at this time. param xyz: array coordinates to be probed Nx3 param: rho: array copy of map (NB: don't use original!) :returns: density at xyz ''' def getBoxes(rho, I): Rhos = np.zeros((2, 2, 2)) Mx, My, Mz = rho.shape Ix, Iy, Iz = I Rhos = np.array([[[ rho[Ix % Mx, Iy % My, Iz % Mz], rho[Ix % Mx, Iy % My, (Iz + 1) % Mz] ], [ rho[Ix % Mx, (Iy + 1) % My, Iz % Mz], rho[Ix % Mx, (Iy + 1) % My, (Iz + 1) % Mz] ]], [[ rho[(Ix + 1) % Mx, Iy % My, Iz % Mz], rho[(Ix + 1) % Mx, Iy % My, (Iz + 1) % Mz] ], [ rho[(Ix + 1) % Mx, (Iy + 1) % My, Iz % Mz], rho[(Ix + 1) % Mx, (Iy + 1) % My, (Iz + 1) % Mz] ]]]) return Rhos Blk = 400 #400 doesn't seem to matter nBlk = len(XYZ) // Blk #select Blk so this is an exact divide mapShape = np.array(rho.shape) mapStep = 1. / mapShape X = XYZ % 1. #get into unit cell iBeg = 0 R = np.zeros(len(XYZ)) #actually a lot faster! for iblk in range(nBlk): iFin = iBeg + Blk Xs = X[iBeg:iFin] I = np.array(np.rint(Xs * mapShape), dtype='int') Rhos = np.array([getBoxes(rho, i) for i in I]) Ds = Xs - I * mapStep RIJs = Rhos[:, 0, :2, :2] * (1. - Ds[:, 0][:, nxs, nxs]) RIs = RIJs[:, 0] * (1. - Ds[:, 1][:, nxs]) + RIJs[:, 1] * Ds[:, 1][:, nxs] R[iBeg:iFin] = RIs[:, 0] * (1. - Ds[:, 2]) + RIs[:, 1] * Ds[:, 2] iBeg += Blk return R
[docs]def SearchMap(generalData, drawingData, Neg=False): '''Does a search of a density map for peaks meeting the criterion of peak height is greater than mapData['cutOff']/100 of mapData['rhoMax'] where mapData is data['General']['mapData']; the map is also in mapData. :param generalData: the phase data structure; includes the map :param drawingData: the drawing data structure :param Neg: if True then search for negative peaks (i.e. H-atoms & neutron data) :returns: (peaks,mags,dzeros) where * peaks : ndarray x,y,z positions of the peaks found in the map * mags : ndarray the magnitudes of the peaks * dzeros : ndarray the distance of the peaks from the unit cell origin * dcent : ndarray the distance of the peaks from the unit cell center ''' rollMap = lambda rho, roll: np.roll(np.roll( np.roll(rho, roll[0], axis=0), roll[1], axis=1), roll[2], axis=2) norm = 1. / (np.sqrt(3.) * np.sqrt(2. * np.pi)**3) def fixSpecialPos(xyz, SGData, Amat): equivs = G2spc.GenAtom(xyz, SGData, Move=True) X = [] xyzs = [equiv[0] for equiv in equivs] for x in xyzs: if np.sqrt(np.sum(np.inner(Amat, xyz - x)**2, axis=0)) < 0.5: X.append(x) if len(X) > 1: return np.average(X, axis=0) else: return xyz def rhoCalc(parms, rX, rY, rZ, res, SGLaue): Mag, x0, y0, z0, sig = parms z = -((x0 - rX)**2 + (y0 - rY)**2 + (z0 - rZ)**2) / (2. * sig**2) # return norm*Mag*np.exp(z)/(sig*res**3) #not slower but some faults in LS return norm * Mag * (1. + z + z**2 / 2.) / (sig * res**3) def peakFunc(parms, rX, rY, rZ, rho, res, SGLaue): Mag, x0, y0, z0, sig = parms M = rho - rhoCalc(parms, rX, rY, rZ, res, SGLaue) return M def peakHess(parms, rX, rY, rZ, rho, res, SGLaue): Mag, x0, y0, z0, sig = parms dMdv = np.zeros(([ 5, ] + list(rX.shape))) delt = .01 for i in range(5): parms[i] -= delt rhoCm = rhoCalc(parms, rX, rY, rZ, res, SGLaue) parms[i] += 2. * delt rhoCp = rhoCalc(parms, rX, rY, rZ, res, SGLaue) parms[i] -= delt dMdv[i] = (rhoCp - rhoCm) / (2. * delt) rhoC = rhoCalc(parms, rX, rY, rZ, res, SGLaue) Vec = np.sum(np.sum(np.sum(dMdv * (rho - rhoC), axis=3), axis=2), axis=1) dMdv = np.reshape(dMdv, (5, rX.size)) Hess = np.inner(dMdv, dMdv) return Vec, Hess SGData = generalData['SGData'] Amat, Bmat = G2lat.cell2AB(generalData['Cell'][1:7]) peaks = [] mags = [] dzeros = [] dcent = [] try: mapData = generalData['Map'] contLevel = mapData['cutOff'] * mapData['rhoMax'] / 100. if Neg: rho = -copy.copy(mapData['rho']) #flip +/- else: rho = copy.copy(mapData['rho']) #don't mess up original mapHalf = np.array(rho.shape) / 2 res = mapData['GridStep'] * 2. incre = np.array(rho.shape, dtype=np.float) step = max(1.0, 1. / res) + 1 steps = np.array((3 * [ step, ]), dtype='int32') except KeyError: G2fil.G2Print('**** ERROR - Fourier map not defined') return peaks, mags rhoMask = ma.array(rho, mask=(rho < contLevel)) indices = (-1, 0, 1) rolls = np.array([[h, k, l] for h in indices for k in indices for l in indices]) for roll in rolls: if np.any(roll): rhoMask = ma.array(rhoMask, mask=(rhoMask - rollMap(rho, roll) <= 0.)) indx = np.transpose(rhoMask.nonzero()) peaks = indx / incre mags = rhoMask[rhoMask.nonzero()] for i, [ind, peak, mag] in enumerate(zip(indx, peaks, mags)): rho = rollMap(rho, ind) rMM = mapHalf - steps rMP = mapHalf + steps + 1 rhoPeak = rho[int(rMM[0]):int(rMP[0]), int(rMM[1]):int(rMP[1]), int(rMM[2]):int(rMP[2])] peakInt = np.sum(rhoPeak) * res**3 rX, rY, rZ = np.mgrid[int(rMM[0]):int(rMP[0]), int(rMM[1]):int(rMP[1]), int(rMM[2]):int(rMP[2])] x0 = [peakInt, mapHalf[0], mapHalf[1], mapHalf[2], 2.0] #magnitude, position & width(sig) result = HessianLSQ(peakFunc, x0, Hess=peakHess, args=(rX, rY, rZ, rhoPeak, res, SGData['SGLaue']), ftol=.01, maxcyc=10) x1 = result[0] if not np.any(x1 < 0): peak = (np.array(x1[1:4]) - ind) / incre peak = fixSpecialPos(peak, SGData, Amat) rho = rollMap(rho, -ind) cent = np.ones(3) * .5 dzeros = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.inner(Amat, peaks)**2, axis=0)) dcent = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.inner(Amat, peaks - cent)**2, axis=0)) if Neg: #want negative magnitudes for negative peaks return np.array(peaks), -np.array([ mags, ]).T, np.array([ dzeros, ]).T, np.array([ dcent, ]).T else: return np.array(peaks), np.array([ mags, ]).T, np.array([ dzeros, ]).T, np.array([ dcent, ]).T
[docs]def sortArray(data, pos, reverse=False): '''data is a list of items sort by pos in list; reverse if True ''' T = [] for i, M in enumerate(data): try: T.append((M[pos], i)) except IndexError: return data D = dict(zip(T, data)) T.sort() if reverse: T.reverse() X = [] for key in T: X.append(D[key]) return X
[docs]def PeaksEquiv(data, Ind): '''Find the equivalent map peaks for those selected. Works on the contents of data['Map Peaks']. :param data: the phase data structure :param list Ind: list of selected peak indices :returns: augmented list of peaks including those related by symmetry to the ones in Ind ''' def Duplicate(xyz, peaks, Amat): if True in [ np.allclose(np.inner(Amat, xyz), np.inner(Amat, peak), atol=0.5) for peak in peaks ]: return True return False generalData = data['General'] Amat, Bmat = G2lat.cell2AB(generalData['Cell'][1:7]) SGData = generalData['SGData'] mapPeaks = data['Map Peaks'] XYZ = np.array([xyz[1:4] for xyz in mapPeaks]) Indx = {} for ind in Ind: xyz = np.array(mapPeaks[ind][1:4]) xyzs = np.array( [equiv[0] for equiv in G2spc.GenAtom(xyz, SGData, Move=True)]) for jnd, xyz in enumerate(XYZ): Indx[jnd] = Duplicate(xyz, xyzs, Amat) Ind = [] for ind in Indx: if Indx[ind]: Ind.append(ind) return Ind
[docs]def PeaksUnique(data, Ind): '''Finds the symmetry unique set of peaks from those selected. Works on the contents of data['Map Peaks']. :param data: the phase data structure :param list Ind: list of selected peak indices :returns: the list of symmetry unique peaks from among those given in Ind ''' # XYZE = np.array([[equiv[0] for equiv in G2spc.GenAtom(xyz[1:4],SGData,Move=True)] for xyz in mapPeaks]) #keep this!! def noDuplicate(xyz, peaks, Amat): if True in [ np.allclose(np.inner(Amat, xyz), np.inner(Amat, peak), atol=0.5) for peak in peaks ]: return False return True generalData = data['General'] Amat, Bmat = G2lat.cell2AB(generalData['Cell'][1:7]) SGData = generalData['SGData'] mapPeaks = data['Map Peaks'] Indx = {} XYZ = {} for ind in Ind: XYZ[ind] = np.array(mapPeaks[ind][1:4]) Indx[ind] = True for ind in Ind: if Indx[ind]: xyz = XYZ[ind] for jnd in Ind: if ind != jnd and Indx[jnd]: Equiv = G2spc.GenAtom(XYZ[jnd], SGData, Move=True) xyzs = np.array([equiv[0] for equiv in Equiv]) Indx[jnd] = noDuplicate(xyz, xyzs, Amat) Ind = [] for ind in Indx: if Indx[ind]: Ind.append(ind) return Ind
################################################################################ ##### Dysnomia setup & return stuff ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ##### single peak fitting profile fxn stuff ################################################################################
[docs]def getCWsig(ins, pos): '''get CW peak profile sigma^2 :param dict ins: instrument parameters with at least 'U', 'V', & 'W' as values only :param float pos: 2-theta of peak :returns: float getCWsig: peak sigma^2 ''' tp = tand(pos / 2.0) return ins['U'] * tp**2 + ins['V'] * tp + ins['W']
[docs]def getCWsigDeriv(pos): '''get derivatives of CW peak profile sigma^2 wrt U,V, & W :param float pos: 2-theta of peak :returns: list getCWsigDeriv: d(sig^2)/dU, d(sig)/dV & d(sig)/dW ''' tp = tand(pos / 2.0) return tp**2, tp, 1.0
[docs]def getCWgam(ins, pos): '''get CW peak profile gamma :param dict ins: instrument parameters with at least 'X', 'Y' & 'Z' as values only :param float pos: 2-theta of peak :returns: float getCWgam: peak gamma ''' return ins['X'] / cosd(pos / 2.0) + ins['Y'] * tand(pos / 2.0) + ins.get( 'Z', 0.0)
[docs]def getCWgamDeriv(pos): '''get derivatives of CW peak profile gamma wrt X, Y & Z :param float pos: 2-theta of peak :returns: list getCWgamDeriv: d(gam)/dX & d(gam)/dY ''' return 1. / cosd(pos / 2.0), tand(pos / 2.0), 1.0
[docs]def getTOFsig(ins, dsp): '''get TOF peak profile sigma^2 :param dict ins: instrument parameters with at least 'sig-0', 'sig-1' & 'sig-q' as values only :param float dsp: d-spacing of peak :returns: float getTOFsig: peak sigma^2 ''' return ins['sig-0'] + ins['sig-1'] * dsp**2 + ins['sig-2'] * dsp**4 + ins[ 'sig-q'] * dsp
[docs]def getTOFsigDeriv(dsp): '''get derivatives of TOF peak profile sigma^2 wrt sig-0, sig-1, & sig-q :param float dsp: d-spacing of peak :returns: list getTOFsigDeriv: d(sig0/d(sig-0), d(sig)/d(sig-1) & d(sig)/d(sig-q) ''' return 1.0, dsp**2, dsp**4, dsp
[docs]def getTOFgamma(ins, dsp): '''get TOF peak profile gamma :param dict ins: instrument parameters with at least 'X', 'Y' & 'Z' as values only :param float dsp: d-spacing of peak :returns: float getTOFgamma: peak gamma ''' return ins['Z'] + ins['X'] * dsp + ins['Y'] * dsp**2
[docs]def getTOFgammaDeriv(dsp): '''get derivatives of TOF peak profile gamma wrt X, Y & Z :param float dsp: d-spacing of peak :returns: list getTOFgammaDeriv: d(gam)/dX & d(gam)/dY ''' return dsp, dsp**2, 1.0
[docs]def getTOFbeta(ins, dsp): '''get TOF peak profile beta :param dict ins: instrument parameters with at least 'beat-0', 'beta-1' & 'beta-q' as values only :param float dsp: d-spacing of peak :returns: float getTOFbeta: peak beat ''' return ins['beta-0'] + ins['beta-1'] / dsp**4 + ins['beta-q'] / dsp**2
[docs]def getTOFbetaDeriv(dsp): '''get derivatives of TOF peak profile beta wrt beta-0, beta-1, & beat-q :param float dsp: d-spacing of peak :returns: list getTOFbetaDeriv: d(beta)/d(beat-0), d(beta)/d(beta-1) & d(beta)/d(beta-q) ''' return 1.0, 1. / dsp**4, 1. / dsp**2
[docs]def getTOFalpha(ins, dsp): '''get TOF peak profile alpha :param dict ins: instrument parameters with at least 'alpha' as values only :param float dsp: d-spacing of peak :returns: flaot getTOFalpha: peak alpha ''' return ins['alpha'] / dsp
[docs]def getTOFalphaDeriv(dsp): '''get derivatives of TOF peak profile beta wrt alpha :param float dsp: d-spacing of peak :returns: float getTOFalphaDeriv: d(alp)/d(alpha) ''' return 1. / dsp
[docs]def setPeakparms(Parms, Parms2, pos, mag, ifQ=False, useFit=False): '''set starting peak parameters for single peak fits from plot selection or auto selection :param dict Parms: instrument parameters dictionary :param dict Parms2: table lookup for TOF profile coefficients :param float pos: peak position in 2-theta, TOF or Q (ifQ=True) :param float mag: peak top magnitude from pick :param bool ifQ: True if pos in Q :param bool useFit: True if use fitted CW Parms values (not defaults) :returns: list XY: peak list entry: for CW: [pos,0,mag,1,sig,0,gam,0] for TOF: [pos,0,mag,1,alp,0,bet,0,sig,0,gam,0] NB: mag refinement set by default, all others off ''' ind = 0 if useFit: ind = 1 ins = {} if 'C' in Parms['Type'][0]: #CW data - TOF later in an else for x in ['U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z']: ins[x] = Parms.get(x, [0.0, 0.0])[ind] if ifQ: #qplot - convert back to 2-theta pos = 2.0 * asind(pos * getWave(Parms) / (4 * math.pi)) sig = getCWsig(ins, pos) gam = getCWgam(ins, pos) XY = [pos, 0, mag, 1, sig, 0, gam, 0] #default refine intensity 1st else: if ifQ: dsp = 2. * np.pi / pos pos = Parms['difC'] * dsp else: dsp = pos / Parms['difC'][1] if 'Pdabc' in Parms2: for x in ['sig-0', 'sig-1', 'sig-2', 'sig-q', 'X', 'Y', 'Z']: ins[x] = Parms.get(x, [0.0, 0.0])[ind] Pdabc = Parms2['Pdabc'].T alp = np.interp(dsp, Pdabc[0], Pdabc[1]) bet = np.interp(dsp, Pdabc[0], Pdabc[2]) else: for x in [ 'alpha', 'beta-0', 'beta-1', 'beta-q', 'sig-0', 'sig-1', 'sig-2', 'sig-q', 'X', 'Y', 'Z' ]: ins[x] = Parms.get(x, [0.0, 0.0])[ind] alp = getTOFalpha(ins, dsp) bet = getTOFbeta(ins, dsp) sig = getTOFsig(ins, dsp) gam = getTOFgamma(ins, dsp) XY = [pos, 0, mag, 1, alp, 0, bet, 0, sig, 0, gam, 0] return XY
################################################################################ ##### MC/SA stuff ################################################################################ #scipy/optimize/ code modified by R. Von Dreele 2013 # Original Author: Travis Oliphant 2002 # Bug-fixes in 2006 by Tim Leslie #__all__ = ['anneal'] _double_min = np.finfo(float).min _double_max = np.finfo(float).max
[docs]class base_schedule(object):
[docs] def __init__(self): self.dwell = 20 self.lower = 0. self.upper = 1. self.Ninit = 50 self.accepted = 0 self.tests = 0 self.feval = 0 self.k = 0 self.T = None
[docs] def init(self, **options): self.__dict__.update(options) self.lower = asarray(self.lower) self.lower = where(self.lower == np.NINF, -_double_max, self.lower) self.upper = asarray(self.upper) self.upper = where(self.upper == np.PINF, _double_max, self.upper) self.k = 0 self.accepted = 0 self.feval = 0 self.tests = 0
[docs] def getstart_temp(self, best_state): """ Find a matching starting temperature and starting parameters vector i.e. find x0 such that func(x0) = T0. :param best_state: _state A _state object to store the function value and x0 found. :returns: x0 : array The starting parameters vector. """ assert (not self.dims is None) lrange = self.lower urange = self.upper fmax = _double_min fmin = _double_max for _ in range(self.Ninit): x0 = random.uniform(size=self.dims) * (urange - lrange) + lrange fval = self.func(x0, *self.args) self.feval += 1 if fval > fmax: fmax = fval if fval < fmin: fmin = fval best_state.cost = fval best_state.x = array(x0) self.T0 = (fmax - fmin) * 1.5 return best_state.x
[docs] def set_range(self, x0, frac): delrange = frac * (self.upper - self.lower) self.upper = x0 + delrange self.lower = x0 - delrange
[docs] def accept_test(self, dE): T = self.T self.tests += 1 if dE < 0: self.accepted += 1 return 1 p = exp(-dE * 1.0 / T) if (p > random.uniform(0.0, 1.0)): self.accepted += 1 return 1 return 0
[docs] def update_guess(self, x0): return np.squeeze(np.random.uniform( 0., 1., size=self.dims)) * (self.upper - self.lower) + self.lower
[docs] def update_temp(self, x0): pass
[docs]class fast_sa(base_schedule):
[docs] def init(self, **options): self.__dict__.update(options)
[docs] def update_guess(self, x0): x0 = asarray(x0) u = squeeze(random.uniform(0.0, 1.0, size=self.dims)) T = self.T xc = (sign(u - 0.5) * T * ((1 + 1.0 / T)**abs(2 * u - 1) - 1.0) + 1.0) / 2.0 xnew = xc * (self.upper - self.lower) + self.lower return xnew
[docs] def update_temp(self): self.T = self.T0 * exp(-self.c * self.k**(self.quench)) self.k += 1 return
[docs]class log_sa(base_schedule): #OK
[docs] def init(self, **options): self.__dict__.update(options)
[docs] def update_guess( self, x0 ): #same as default #TODO - is this a reasonable update procedure? u = squeeze(random.uniform(0.0, 1.0, size=self.dims)) T = self.T xc = (sign(u - 0.5) * T * ((1 + 1.0 / T)**abs(2 * u - 1) - 1.0) + 1.0) / 2.0 xnew = xc * (self.upper - self.lower) + self.lower return xnew
[docs] def update_temp(self): self.k += 1 self.T = self.T0 * self.slope**self.k
class _state(object): def __init__(self): self.x = None self.cost = None
[docs]def makeTsched(data): if data['Algorithm'] == 'fast': sched = fast_sa() sched.quench = data['fast parms'][0] sched.c = data['fast parms'][1] elif data['Algorithm'] == 'log': sched = log_sa() sched.slope = data['log slope'] sched.T0 = data['Annealing'][0] if not sched.T0: sched.T0 = 50. Tf = data['Annealing'][1] if not Tf: Tf = 0.001 Tsched = [ sched.T0, ] while Tsched[-1] > Tf: sched.update_temp() Tsched.append(sched.T) return Tsched[1:]
[docs]def anneal(func, x0, args=(), schedule='fast', T0=None, Tf=1e-12, maxeval=None, maxaccept=None, maxiter=400, feps=1e-6, quench=1.0, c=1.0, lower=-100, upper=100, dwell=50, slope=0.9, ranStart=False, ranRange=0.10, autoRan=False, dlg=None): """Minimize a function using simulated annealing. Schedule is a schedule class implementing the annealing schedule. Available ones are 'fast', 'cauchy', 'boltzmann' :param callable func: f(x, *args) Function to be optimized. :param ndarray x0: Initial guess. :param tuple args: Extra parameters to `func`. :param base_schedule schedule: Annealing schedule to use (a class). :param float T0: Initial Temperature (estimated as 1.2 times the largest cost-function deviation over random points in the range). :param float Tf: Final goal temperature. :param int maxeval: Maximum function evaluations. :param int maxaccept: Maximum changes to accept. :param int maxiter: Maximum cooling iterations. :param float feps: Stopping relative error tolerance for the function value in last four coolings. :param float quench,c: Parameters to alter fast_sa schedule. :param float/ndarray lower,upper: Lower and upper bounds on `x`. :param int dwell: The number of times to search the space at each temperature. :param float slope: Parameter for log schedule :param bool ranStart=False: True for set 10% of ranges about x :returns: (xmin, Jmin, T, feval, iters, accept, retval) where * xmin (ndarray): Point giving smallest value found. * Jmin (float): Minimum value of function found. * T (float): Final temperature. * feval (int): Number of function evaluations. * iters (int): Number of cooling iterations. * accept (int): Number of tests accepted. * retval (int): Flag indicating stopping condition: * 0: Points no longer changing * 1: Cooled to final temperature * 2: Maximum function evaluations * 3: Maximum cooling iterations reached * 4: Maximum accepted query locations reached * 5: Final point not the minimum amongst encountered points *Notes*: Simulated annealing is a random algorithm which uses no derivative information from the function being optimized. In practice it has been more useful in discrete optimization than continuous optimization, as there are usually better algorithms for continuous optimization problems. Some experimentation by trying the difference temperature schedules and altering their parameters is likely required to obtain good performance. The randomness in the algorithm comes from random sampling in numpy. To obtain the same results you can call numpy.random.seed with the same seed immediately before calling scipy.optimize.anneal. We give a brief description of how the three temperature schedules generate new points and vary their temperature. Temperatures are only updated with iterations in the outer loop. The inner loop is over range(dwell), and new points are generated for every iteration in the inner loop. (Though whether the proposed new points are accepted is probabilistic.) For readability, let d denote the dimension of the inputs to func. Also, let x_old denote the previous state, and k denote the iteration number of the outer loop. All other variables not defined below are input variables to scipy.optimize.anneal itself. In the 'fast' schedule the updates are :: u ~ Uniform(0, 1, size=d) y = sgn(u - 0.5) * T * ((1+ 1/T)**abs(2u-1) -1.0) xc = y * (upper - lower) x_new = x_old + xc T_new = T0 * exp(-c * k**quench) """ ''' Scipy license: Copyright (c) 2001, 2002 Enthought, Inc. All rights reserved. Copyright (c) 2003-2016 SciPy Developers. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: a. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. b. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. c. Neither the name of Enthought nor the names of the SciPy Developers may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. ''' x0 = asarray(x0) lower = asarray(lower) upper = asarray(upper) schedule = eval(schedule + '_sa()') # initialize the schedule schedule.init(dims=shape(x0), func=func, args=args, T0=T0, lower=lower, upper=upper, c=c, quench=quench, dwell=dwell, slope=slope) current_state, last_state, best_state = _state(), _state(), _state() if ranStart: schedule.set_range(x0, ranRange) if T0 is None: x0 = schedule.getstart_temp(best_state) else: x0 = random.uniform(size=len(x0)) * (upper - lower) + lower best_state.x = None best_state.cost = np.Inf last_state.x = asarray(x0).copy() fval = func(x0, *args) schedule.feval += 1 last_state.cost = fval if last_state.cost < best_state.cost: best_state.cost = fval best_state.x = asarray(x0).copy() schedule.T = schedule.T0 fqueue = [100, 300, 500, 700] iters = 1 keepGoing = True bestn = 0 while keepGoing: retval = 0 for n in range(dwell): current_state.x = schedule.update_guess(last_state.x) current_state.cost = func(current_state.x, *args) schedule.feval += 1 dE = current_state.cost - last_state.cost if schedule.accept_test(dE): last_state.x = current_state.x.copy() last_state.cost = current_state.cost if last_state.cost < best_state.cost: best_state.x = last_state.x.copy() best_state.cost = last_state.cost bestn = n if best_state.cost < 1.0 and autoRan: schedule.set_range(x0, best_state.cost / 2.) if dlg: GoOn = dlg.Update(min(100.,best_state.cost*100), newmsg='%s%8.5f, %s%d\n%s%8.4f%s'%('Temperature =',schedule.T, \ 'Best trial:',bestn, \ 'MC/SA Residual:',best_state.cost*100,'%', \ ))[0] if not GoOn: best_state.x = last_state.x.copy() best_state.cost = last_state.cost retval = 5 schedule.update_temp() iters += 1 # Stopping conditions # 0) last saved values of f from each cooling step # are all very similar (effectively cooled) # 1) Tf is set and we are below it # 2) maxeval is set and we are past it # 3) maxiter is set and we are past it # 4) maxaccept is set and we are past it # 5) user canceled run via progress bar fqueue.append(squeeze(last_state.cost)) fqueue.pop(0) af = asarray(fqueue) * 1.0 if retval == 5: G2fil.G2Print('Error: User terminated run; incomplete MC/SA') keepGoing = False break if all(abs((af - af[0]) / af[0]) < feps): retval = 0 if abs(af[-1] - best_state.cost) > feps * 10: retval = 5 G2fil.G2Print( " Warning: Cooled to %.4f > selected Tmin %.4f in %d steps" % (squeeze(last_state.cost), Tf, iters - 1)) break if (Tf is not None) and (schedule.T < Tf): # print ' Minimum T reached in %d steps'%(iters-1) retval = 1 break if (maxeval is not None) and (schedule.feval > maxeval): retval = 2 break if (iters > maxiter): G2fil.G2Print(" Warning: Maximum number of iterations exceeded.") retval = 3 break if (maxaccept is not None) and (schedule.accepted > maxaccept): retval = 4 break return best_state.x, best_state.cost, schedule.T, \ schedule.feval, iters, schedule.accepted, retval
[docs]def worker(iCyc, data, RBdata, reflType, reflData, covData, out_q, out_t, out_n, nprocess=-1): outlist = [] timelist = [] nsflist = [] #random.seed(int(time.time())%100000+nprocess) #make sure each process has a different random start for n in range(iCyc): result = mcsaSearch(data, RBdata, reflType, reflData, covData, None, False) #mcsa result,time,rcov outlist.append(result[0]) timelist.append(result[1]) nsflist.append(result[2]) G2fil.G2Print(' MC/SA final fit: %.3f%% structure factor time: %.3f' % (100 * result[0][2], result[1])) out_q.put(outlist) out_t.put(timelist) out_n.put(nsflist)
[docs]def MPmcsaSearch(nCyc, data, RBdata, reflType, reflData, covData, nprocs): import multiprocessing as mp out_q = mp.Queue() out_t = mp.Queue() out_n = mp.Queue() procs = [] totsftime = 0. totnsf = 0 iCyc = np.zeros(nprocs) for i in range(nCyc): iCyc[i % nprocs] += 1 for i in range(nprocs): p = mp.Process(target=worker, args=(int(iCyc[i]), data, RBdata, reflType, reflData, covData, out_q, out_t, out_n, i)) procs.append(p) p.start() resultlist = [] for i in range(nprocs): resultlist += out_q.get() totsftime += np.sum(out_t.get()) totnsf += np.sum(out_n.get()) for p in procs: p.join() return resultlist, totsftime, totnsf
[docs]def mcsaSearch(data, RBdata, reflType, reflData, covData, pgbar, start=True): '''default doc string :param type name: description :returns: type name: description ''' class RandomDisplacementBounds(object): """random displacement with bounds""" def __init__(self, xmin, xmax, stepsize=0.5): self.xmin = xmin self.xmax = xmax self.stepsize = stepsize def __call__(self, x): """take a random step but ensure the new position is within the bounds""" while True: # this could be done in a much more clever way, but it will work for example purposes steps = self.xmax - self.xmin xnew = x + np.random.uniform(-self.stepsize * steps, self.stepsize * steps, np.shape(x)) if np.all(xnew < self.xmax) and np.all(xnew > self.xmin): break return xnew global tsum, nsum tsum = 0. nsum = 0 def getMDparms(item, pfx, parmDict, varyList): parmDict[pfx + 'MDaxis'] = item['axis'] parmDict[pfx + 'MDval'] = item['Coef'][0] if item['Coef'][1]: varyList += [ pfx + 'MDval', ] limits = item['Coef'][2] lower.append(limits[0]) upper.append(limits[1]) def getAtomparms(item, pfx, aTypes, SGData, parmDict, varyList): parmDict[pfx + 'Atype'] = item['atType'] aTypes |= set([ item['atType'], ]) pstr = ['Ax', 'Ay', 'Az'] XYZ = [0, 0, 0] for i in range(3): name = pfx + pstr[i] parmDict[name] = item['Pos'][0][i] XYZ[i] = parmDict[name] if item['Pos'][1][i]: varyList += [ name, ] limits = item['Pos'][2][i] lower.append(limits[0]) upper.append(limits[1]) parmDict[pfx + 'Amul'] = len(G2spc.GenAtom(XYZ, SGData)) def getRBparms(item, mfx, aTypes, RBdata, SGData, atNo, parmDict, varyList): parmDict[mfx + 'MolCent'] = item['MolCent'] parmDict[mfx + 'RBId'] = item['RBId'] pstr = ['Px', 'Py', 'Pz'] ostr = ['Qa', 'Qi', 'Qj', 'Qk'] #angle,vector not quaternion for i in range(3): name = mfx + pstr[i] parmDict[name] = item['Pos'][0][i] if item['Pos'][1][i]: varyList += [ name, ] limits = item['Pos'][2][i] lower.append(limits[0]) upper.append(limits[1]) AV = item['Ori'][0] A = AV[0] V = AV[1:] for i in range(4): name = mfx + ostr[i] if i: parmDict[name] = V[i - 1] else: parmDict[name] = A if item['Ovar'] == 'AV': varyList += [ name, ] limits = item['Ori'][2][i] lower.append(limits[0]) upper.append(limits[1]) elif item['Ovar'] == 'A' and not i: varyList += [ name, ] limits = item['Ori'][2][i] lower.append(limits[0]) upper.append(limits[1]) if 'Tor' in item: #'Tor' not there for 'Vector' RBs for i in range(len(item['Tor'][0])): name = mfx + 'Tor' + str(i) parmDict[name] = item['Tor'][0][i] if item['Tor'][1][i]: varyList += [ name, ] limits = item['Tor'][2][i] lower.append(limits[0]) upper.append(limits[1]) atypes = RBdata[item['Type']][item['RBId']]['rbTypes'] aTypes |= set(atypes) atNo += len(atypes) return atNo def GetAtomM(Xdata, SGData): Mdata = [] for xyz in Xdata: Mdata.append(float(len(list(G2spc.GenAtom(xyz, SGData))))) return np.array(Mdata) def GetAtomT(RBdata, parmDict): 'Needs a doc string' atNo = parmDict['atNo'] nfixAt = parmDict['nfixAt'] Tdata = atNo * [ ' ', ] for iatm in range(nfixAt): parm = ':' + str(iatm) + ':Atype' if parm in parmDict: Tdata[iatm] = aTypes.index(parmDict[parm]) iatm = nfixAt for iObj in range(parmDict['nObj']): pfx = str(iObj) + ':' if parmDict[pfx + 'Type'] in ['Vector', 'Residue']: if parmDict[pfx + 'Type'] == 'Vector': RBRes = RBdata['Vector'][parmDict[pfx + 'RBId']] nAtm = len(RBRes['rbVect'][0]) else: #Residue RBRes = RBdata['Residue'][parmDict[pfx + 'RBId']] nAtm = len(RBRes['rbXYZ']) for i in range(nAtm): Tdata[iatm] = aTypes.index(RBRes['rbTypes'][i]) iatm += 1 elif parmDict[pfx + 'Type'] == 'Atom': atNo = parmDict[pfx + 'atNo'] parm = pfx + 'Atype' #remove extra ':' if parm in parmDict: Tdata[atNo] = aTypes.index(parmDict[parm]) iatm += 1 else: continue #skips March Dollase return Tdata def GetAtomX(RBdata, parmDict): 'Needs a doc string' Bmat = parmDict['Bmat'] atNo = parmDict['atNo'] nfixAt = parmDict['nfixAt'] Xdata = np.zeros((3, atNo)) keys = {':Ax': Xdata[0], ':Ay': Xdata[1], ':Az': Xdata[2]} for iatm in range(nfixAt): for key in keys: parm = ':' + str(iatm) + key if parm in parmDict: keys[key][iatm] = parmDict[parm] iatm = nfixAt for iObj in range(parmDict['nObj']): pfx = str(iObj) + ':' if parmDict[pfx + 'Type'] in ['Vector', 'Residue']: if parmDict[pfx + 'Type'] == 'Vector': RBRes = RBdata['Vector'][parmDict[pfx + 'RBId']] vecs = RBRes['rbVect'] mags = RBRes['VectMag'] Cart = np.zeros_like(vecs[0]) for vec, mag in zip(vecs, mags): Cart += vec * mag elif parmDict[pfx + 'Type'] == 'Residue': RBRes = RBdata['Residue'][parmDict[pfx + 'RBId']] Cart = np.array(RBRes['rbXYZ']) for itor, seq in enumerate(RBRes['rbSeq']): QuatA = AVdeg2Q(parmDict[pfx + 'Tor' + str(itor)], Cart[seq[0]] - Cart[seq[1]]) Cart[seq[3]] = prodQVQ( QuatA, Cart[seq[3]] - Cart[seq[1]]) + Cart[seq[1]] if parmDict[pfx + 'MolCent'][1]: Cart -= parmDict[pfx + 'MolCent'][0] Qori = AVdeg2Q(parmDict[pfx + 'Qa'], [ parmDict[pfx + 'Qi'], parmDict[pfx + 'Qj'], parmDict[pfx + 'Qk'] ]) Pos = np.array([ parmDict[pfx + 'Px'], parmDict[pfx + 'Py'], parmDict[pfx + 'Pz'] ]) Xdata.T[iatm:iatm + len(Cart)] = np.inner(Bmat, prodQVQ(Qori, Cart)).T + Pos iatm += len(Cart) elif parmDict[pfx + 'Type'] == 'Atom': atNo = parmDict[pfx + 'atNo'] for key in keys: parm = pfx + key[1:] #remove extra ':' if parm in parmDict: keys[key][atNo] = parmDict[parm] iatm += 1 else: continue #skips March Dollase return Xdata.T def getAllTX(Tdata, Mdata, Xdata, SGM, SGT): allX = np.inner(Xdata, SGM) + SGT allT = np.repeat(Tdata, allX.shape[1]) allM = np.repeat(Mdata, allX.shape[1]) allX = np.reshape(allX, (-1, 3)) return allT, allM, allX def getAllX(Xdata, SGM, SGT): allX = np.inner(Xdata, SGM) + SGT allX = np.reshape(allX, (-1, 3)) return allX def normQuaternions(RBdata, parmDict, varyList, values): for iObj in range(parmDict['nObj']): pfx = str(iObj) + ':' if parmDict[pfx + 'Type'] in ['Vector', 'Residue']: Qori = AVdeg2Q(parmDict[pfx + 'Qa'], [ parmDict[pfx + 'Qi'], parmDict[pfx + 'Qj'], parmDict[pfx + 'Qk'] ]) A, V = Q2AVdeg(Qori) for i, name in enumerate(['Qa', 'Qi', 'Qj', 'Qk']): if i: parmDict[pfx + name] = V[i - 1] else: parmDict[pfx + name] = A def mcsaCalc(values, refList, rcov, cosTable, ifInv, allFF, RBdata, varyList, parmDict): ''' Compute structure factors for all h,k,l for phase input: refList: [ref] where each ref = h,k,l,m,d,... rcov: array[nref,nref] covariance terms between Fo^2 values ifInv: bool True if centrosymmetric allFF: array[nref,natoms] each value is mult*FF(H)/max(mult) RBdata: [dict] rigid body dictionary varyList: [list] names of varied parameters in MC/SA (not used here) ParmDict: [dict] problem parameters puts result F^2 in each ref[5] in refList returns: delt-F*rcov*delt-F/sum(Fo^2) ''' global tsum, nsum t0 = time.time() parmDict.update(dict(zip(varyList, values))) #update parameter tables Xdata = GetAtomX(RBdata, parmDict) #get new atom coords from RB allX = getAllX(Xdata, SGM, SGT) #fill unit cell - dups. OK MDval = parmDict['0:MDval'] #get March-Dollase coeff HX2pi = 2. * np.pi * np.inner( allX, refList[:3].T) #form 2piHX for every H,X pair Aterm = refList[3] * np.sum(allFF * np.cos(HX2pi), axis=0)**2 #compute real part for all H refList[5] = Aterm if not ifInv: refList[5] += refList[3] * np.sum( allFF * np.sin(HX2pi), axis=0)**2 #imaginary part for all H if len(cosTable): #apply MD correction refList[5] *= np.sum(np.sqrt( (MDval / (cosTable * (MDval**3 - 1.) + 1.))**3), axis=1) / cosTable.shape[1] sumFcsq = np.sum(refList[5]) scale = parmDict['sumFosq'] / sumFcsq refList[5] *= scale refList[6] = refList[4] - refList[5] M = np.inner(refList[6], np.inner(rcov, refList[6])) tsum += (time.time() - t0) nsum += 1 return np.sqrt(M / np.sum(refList[4]**2)) def MCSAcallback(x, f, accept): return not pgbar.Update(min(100., f * 100), newmsg='%s%8.4f%s' % ('MC/SA Residual:', f * 100, '%'))[0] sq2pi = np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) sq4pi = np.sqrt(4 * np.pi) generalData = data['General'] Amat, Bmat = G2lat.cell2AB(generalData['Cell'][1:7]) Gmat, gmat = G2lat.cell2Gmat(generalData['Cell'][1:7]) SGData = generalData['SGData'] SGM = np.array([SGData['SGOps'][i][0] for i in range(len(SGData['SGOps']))]) SGMT = np.array( [SGData['SGOps'][i][0].T for i in range(len(SGData['SGOps']))]) SGT = np.array([SGData['SGOps'][i][1] for i in range(len(SGData['SGOps']))]) fixAtoms = data['Atoms'] #if any cx, ct, cs = generalData['AtomPtrs'][:3] aTypes = set([]) parmDict = {'Bmat': Bmat, 'Gmat': Gmat} varyList = [] atNo = 0 for atm in fixAtoms: pfx = ':' + str(atNo) + ':' parmDict[pfx + 'Atype'] = atm[ct] aTypes |= set([ atm[ct], ]) pstr = ['Ax', 'Ay', 'Az'] parmDict[pfx + 'Amul'] = atm[cs + 1] for i in range(3): name = pfx + pstr[i] parmDict[name] = atm[cx + i] atNo += 1 parmDict['nfixAt'] = len(fixAtoms) MCSA = generalData['MCSA controls'] reflName = MCSA['Data source'] MCSAObjs = data['MCSA']['Models'] #list of MCSA models upper = [] lower = [] MDvec = np.zeros(3) for i, item in enumerate(MCSAObjs): mfx = str(i) + ':' parmDict[mfx + 'Type'] = item['Type'] if item['Type'] == 'MD': getMDparms(item, mfx, parmDict, varyList) MDvec = np.array(item['axis']) elif item['Type'] == 'Atom': getAtomparms(item, mfx, aTypes, SGData, parmDict, varyList) parmDict[mfx + 'atNo'] = atNo atNo += 1 elif item['Type'] in ['Residue', 'Vector']: atNo = getRBparms(item, mfx, aTypes, RBdata, SGData, atNo, parmDict, varyList) parmDict['atNo'] = atNo #total no. of atoms parmDict['nObj'] = len(MCSAObjs) aTypes = list(aTypes) Tdata = GetAtomT(RBdata, parmDict) Xdata = GetAtomX(RBdata, parmDict) Mdata = GetAtomM(Xdata, SGData) allT, allM = getAllTX(Tdata, Mdata, Xdata, SGM, SGT)[:2] FFtables = G2el.GetFFtable(aTypes) refs = [] allFF = [] cosTable = [] sumFosq = 0 if 'PWDR' in reflName: for ref in reflData: h, k, l, m, d, pos, sig, gam, f = ref[:9] if d >= MCSA['dmin']: sig = np.sqrt(sig) #var -> sig in centideg sig = .01 * G2pwd.getgamFW(gam, sig) #sig,gam -> FWHM in deg SQ = 0.25 / d**2 allFF.append( allM * [G2el.getFFvalues(FFtables, SQ, True)[i] for i in allT] / np.max(allM)) refs.append([h, k, l, m, f * m, pos, sig]) sumFosq += f * m Heqv = np.inner(np.array([h, k, l]), SGMT) cosTable.append(G2lat.CosAngle(Heqv, MDvec, Gmat)) nRef = len(refs) cosTable = np.array(cosTable)**2 rcov = np.zeros((nRef, nRef)) for iref, refI in enumerate(refs): rcov[iref][iref] = 1. / (sq4pi * refI[6]) for jref, refJ in enumerate(refs[:iref]): t1 = refI[6]**2 + refJ[6]**2 t2 = (refJ[5] - refI[5])**2 / (2. * t1) if t2 > 10.: rcov[iref][jref] = 0. else: rcov[iref][jref] = 1. / (sq2pi * np.sqrt(t1) * np.exp(t2)) rcov += (rcov.T - np.diagflat(np.diagonal(rcov))) Rdiag = np.sqrt(np.diag(rcov)) Rnorm = np.outer(Rdiag, Rdiag) rcov /= Rnorm elif 'Pawley' in reflName: #need a bail out if Pawley cov matrix doesn't exist. vNames = [] pfx = str(data['pId']) + '::PWLref:' for iref, refI in enumerate(reflData): #Pawley reflection set h, k, l, m, d, v, f, s = refI if d >= MCSA['dmin'] and v: #skip unrefined ones vNames.append(pfx + str(iref)) SQ = 0.25 / d**2 allFF.append( allM * [G2el.getFFvalues(FFtables, SQ, True)[i] for i in allT] / np.max(allM)) refs.append([h, k, l, m, f * m, iref, 0.]) sumFosq += f * m Heqv = np.inner(np.array([h, k, l]), SGMT) cosTable.append(G2lat.CosAngle(Heqv, MDvec, Gmat)) cosTable = np.array(cosTable)**2 nRef = len(refs) # if generalData['doPawley'] and (covData['freshCOV'] or MCSA['newDmin']): if covData['freshCOV'] or MCSA['newDmin']: vList = covData['varyList'] covMatrix = covData['covMatrix'] rcov = getVCov(vNames, vList, covMatrix) rcov += (rcov.T - np.diagflat(np.diagonal(rcov))) Rdiag = np.sqrt(np.diag(rcov)) Rdiag = np.where(Rdiag, Rdiag, 1.0) Rnorm = np.outer(Rdiag, Rdiag) rcov /= Rnorm MCSA['rcov'] = rcov covData['freshCOV'] = False MCSA['newDmin'] = False else: rcov = MCSA['rcov'] elif 'HKLF' in reflName: for ref in reflData: [h, k, l, m, d], f = ref[:5], ref[6] if d >= MCSA['dmin']: SQ = 0.25 / d**2 allFF.append( allM * [G2el.getFFvalues(FFtables, SQ, True)[i] for i in allT] / np.max(allM)) refs.append([h, k, l, m, f * m, 0., 0.]) sumFosq += f * m nRef = len(refs) rcov = np.identity(len(refs)) allFF = np.array(allFF).T refs = np.array(refs).T if start: G2fil.G2Print(' Minimum d-spacing used: %.2f No. reflections used: %d' % (MCSA['dmin'], nRef)) G2fil.G2Print(' Number of parameters varied: %d' % (len(varyList))) start = False parmDict['sumFosq'] = sumFosq x0 = [parmDict[val] for val in varyList] ifInv = SGData['SGInv'] bounds = np.array(list(zip(lower, upper))) if MCSA['Algorithm'] == 'Basin Hopping': # import basinhopping as bs take_step = RandomDisplacementBounds(np.array(lower), np.array(upper)) results = so.basinhopping(mcsaCalc, x0, take_step=take_step, disp=True, T=MCSA['Annealing'][0], interval=MCSA['Annealing'][2] / 10, niter=MCSA['Annealing'][2], minimizer_kwargs={ 'method': 'L-BFGS-B', 'bounds': bounds, 'args': (refs, rcov, cosTable, ifInv, allFF, RBdata, varyList, parmDict) }, callback=MCSAcallback) else: T0 = MCSA['Annealing'][0] if not T0: T0 = None results = anneal(mcsaCalc, x0, args=(refs, rcov, cosTable, ifInv, allFF, RBdata, varyList, parmDict), schedule=MCSA['Algorithm'], dwell=MCSA['Annealing'][2], maxiter=10000, T0=T0, Tf=MCSA['Annealing'][1], quench=MCSA['fast parms'][0], c=MCSA['fast parms'][1], lower=lower, upper=upper, slope=MCSA['log slope'], ranStart=MCSA.get('ranStart', False), ranRange=MCSA.get('ranRange', 10.) / 100., autoRan=MCSA.get('autoRan', False), dlg=pgbar) G2fil.G2Print(' Acceptance rate: %.2f%% MCSA residual: %.2f%%' % (100. * results[5] / results[3], 100. * results[1])) results = so.minimize( mcsaCalc, results[0], method='L-BFGS-B', args=(refs, rcov, cosTable, ifInv, allFF, RBdata, varyList, parmDict), bounds=bounds, ) mcsaCalc(results['x'], refs, rcov, cosTable, ifInv, allFF, RBdata, varyList, parmDict) Result = [ False, False, results['fun'], 0.0, ] + list(results['x']) Result.append(varyList) return Result, tsum, nsum, rcov
################################################################################ ##### Quaternion stuff ################################################################################
[docs]def prodQQ(QA, QB): ''' Grassman quaternion product QA,QB quaternions; q=r+ai+bj+ck ''' D = np.zeros(4) D[0] = QA[0] * QB[0] - QA[1] * QB[1] - QA[2] * QB[2] - QA[3] * QB[3] D[1] = QA[0] * QB[1] + QA[1] * QB[0] + QA[2] * QB[3] - QA[3] * QB[2] D[2] = QA[0] * QB[2] - QA[1] * QB[3] + QA[2] * QB[0] + QA[3] * QB[1] D[3] = QA[0] * QB[3] + QA[1] * QB[2] - QA[2] * QB[1] + QA[3] * QB[0] # D[0] = QA[0]*QB[0][1:],QB[1:]) # D[1:] = QA[0]*QB[1:]+QB[0]*QA[1:]+np.cross(QA[1:],QB[1:]) return D
[docs]def normQ(QA): ''' get length of quaternion & normalize it q=r+ai+bj+ck ''' n = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.array(QA)**2)) return QA / n
[docs]def invQ(Q): ''' get inverse of quaternion q=r+ai+bj+ck; q* = r-ai-bj-ck ''' return Q * np.array([1, -1, -1, -1])
[docs]def prodQVQ(Q, V): """ compute the quaternion vector rotation qvq-1 = v' q=r+ai+bj+ck """ T2 = Q[0] * Q[1] T3 = Q[0] * Q[2] T4 = Q[0] * Q[3] T5 = -Q[1] * Q[1] T6 = Q[1] * Q[2] T7 = Q[1] * Q[3] T8 = -Q[2] * Q[2] T9 = Q[2] * Q[3] T10 = -Q[3] * Q[3] M = np.array([[T8 + T10, T6 - T4, T3 + T7], [T4 + T6, T5 + T10, T9 - T2], [T7 - T3, T2 + T9, T5 + T8]]) VP = 2. * np.inner(V, M) return VP + V
[docs]def Q2Mat(Q): ''' make rotation matrix from quaternion q=r+ai+bj+ck ''' QN = normQ(Q) aa = QN[0]**2 ab = QN[0] * QN[1] ac = QN[0] * QN[2] ad = QN[0] * QN[3] bb = QN[1]**2 bc = QN[1] * QN[2] bd = QN[1] * QN[3] cc = QN[2]**2 cd = QN[2] * QN[3] dd = QN[3]**2 M = [[aa + bb - cc - dd, 2. * (bc - ad), 2. * (ac + bd)], [2 * (ad + bc), aa - bb + cc - dd, 2. * (cd - ab)], [2 * (bd - ac), 2. * (ab + cd), aa - bb - cc + dd]] return np.array(M)
[docs]def AV2Q(A, V): ''' convert angle (radians) & vector to quaternion q=r+ai+bj+ck ''' Q = np.zeros(4) d = nl.norm(np.array(V)) if d: V = V / d if not A: #==0. A = 2. * np.pi p = A / 2. Q[0] = np.cos(p) Q[1:4] = V * np.sin(p) else: Q[3] = 1. return Q
[docs]def AVdeg2Q(A, V): ''' convert angle (degrees) & vector to quaternion q=r+ai+bj+ck ''' Q = np.zeros(4) d = nl.norm(np.array(V)) if not A: #== 0.! A = 360. if d: V = V / d p = A / 2. Q[0] = cosd(p) Q[1:4] = V * sind(p) else: Q[3] = 1. return Q
[docs]def Q2AVdeg(Q): ''' convert quaternion to angle (degrees 0-360) & normalized vector q=r+ai+bj+ck ''' A = 2. * acosd(Q[0]) V = np.array(Q[1:]) V = V / sind(A / 2.) return A, V
[docs]def Q2AV(Q): ''' convert quaternion to angle (radians 0-2pi) & normalized vector q=r+ai+bj+ck ''' A = 2. * np.arccos(Q[0]) V = np.array(Q[1:]) V = V / np.sin(A / 2.) return A, V
[docs]def randomQ(r0, r1, r2, r3): ''' create random quaternion from 4 random numbers in range (-1,1) ''' sum = 0 Q = np.array(4) Q[0] = r0 sum += Q[0]**2 Q[1] = np.sqrt(1. - sum) * r1 sum += Q[1]**2 Q[2] = np.sqrt(1. - sum) * r2 sum += Q[2]**2 Q[3] = np.sqrt(1. - sum) * np.where(r3 < 0., -1., 1.) return Q
[docs]def randomAVdeg(r0, r1, r2, r3): ''' create random angle (deg),vector from 4 random number in range (-1,1) ''' return Q2AVdeg(randomQ(r0, r1, r2, r3))
[docs]def makeQuat(A, B, C): ''' Make quaternion from rotation of A vector to B vector about C axis :param np.array A,B,C: Cartesian 3-vectors :returns: quaternion & rotation angle in radians q=r+ai+bj+ck ''' V1 = np.cross(A, C) V2 = np.cross(B, C) if nl.norm(V1) * nl.norm(V2): V1 = V1 / nl.norm(V1) V2 = V2 / nl.norm(V2) V3 = np.cross(V1, V2) else: V3 = np.zeros(3) Q = np.array([0., 0., 0., 1.]) D = 0. if nl.norm(V3): V3 = V3 / nl.norm(V3) D1 = min(1.0, max(-1.0, np.vdot(V1, V2))) D = np.arccos(D1) / 2.0 V1 = C - V3 V2 = C + V3 DM = nl.norm(V1) DP = nl.norm(V2) S = np.sin(D) Q[0] = np.cos(D) Q[1:] = V3 * S D *= 2. if DM > DP: D *= -1. return Q, D
[docs]def annealtests(): from numpy import cos # minimum expected at ~-0.195 func = lambda x: cos(14.5 * x - 0.3) + (x + 0.2) * x print( anneal(func, 1.0, full_output=1, upper=3.0, lower=-3.0, feps=1e-4, maxiter=2000, schedule='cauchy')) print( anneal(func, 1.0, full_output=1, upper=3.0, lower=-3.0, feps=1e-4, maxiter=2000, schedule='fast')) print( anneal(func, 1.0, full_output=1, upper=3.0, lower=-3.0, feps=1e-4, maxiter=2000, schedule='boltzmann')) # minimum expected at ~[-0.195, -0.1] func = lambda x: cos(14.5 * x[0] - 0.3) + (x[1] + 0.2) * x[1] + (x[0] + 0.2 ) * x[0] print( anneal(func, [1.0, 1.0], full_output=1, upper=[3.0, 3.0], lower=[-3.0, -3.0], feps=1e-4, maxiter=2000, schedule='cauchy')) print( anneal(func, [1.0, 1.0], full_output=1, upper=[3.0, 3.0], lower=[-3.0, -3.0], feps=1e-4, maxiter=2000, schedule='fast')) print( anneal(func, [1.0, 1.0], full_output=1, upper=[3.0, 3.0], lower=[-3.0, -3.0], feps=1e-4, maxiter=2000, schedule='boltzmann'))
if __name__ == '__main__': annealtests()