Source code for schrodinger.application.matsci.qeschema.qeschema.hdf5.charge

# Copyright (c), 2021, Quantum Espresso Foundation and SISSA (Scuola
# Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati). All rights reserved.
# This file is distributed under the terms of the MIT License. See the
# file 'LICENSE' in the root directory of the present distribution, or
import numpy as np

    import h5py
except ImportError:
    h5py = None
    H5PY_ERR = 'h5py module is missing'

[docs]def read_charge_file_hdf5(filename): """ Reads a PW charge file in HDF5 format. :param filename: the name of the HDF5 file to read. :return: a dictionary describing the content of file \ keys=[nr, ngm_g, gamma_only, rhog_, MillerIndexes] """ if not h5py: raise ImportError(H5PY_ERR) with h5py.File(filename, "r") as h5f: MI = h5f.get('MillerIndices')[:] nr1 = 2 * max(abs(MI[:, 0])) + 1 nr2 = 2 * max(abs(MI[:, 1])) + 1 nr3 = 2 * max(abs(MI[:, 2])) + 1 nr = np.array([nr1, nr2, nr3]) res = dict(h5f.attrs.items()) res.update({'MillInd': MI, 'nr_min': nr}) rhog = h5f['rhotot_g'][:].reshape(res['ngm_g'], 2).dot([1.e0, 1.e0j]) res['rhotot_g'] = rhog if 'rhodiff_g' in h5f.keys(): rhog = h5f['rhodiff_g'][:].reshape(res['ngm_g'], 2).dot([1.e0, 1.e0j]) res['rhodiff_g'] = rhog return res
[docs]def get_minus_indexes(g1, g2, g3): """ Used for getting the corresponding minus Miller Indexes. It is meant to be used for converting Gamma Trick grids and is defined only for the for i >=0, in the i =0 plan is defined only for j >=0 and when i=0 j=0 k must be >=0. Out of this domain returns None. :param g1: rank 1 array containing first Miller Index :param g2: rank 1 array containing second Miller Index :param g3: rank 1 array containing third Miller Index :return: a rank 2 array with dimension (ngm/2,3) containing mirrored Miller indexes """ def scalar_func(i, j, k): """ scalar function to be vectorized :param i: 1st Miller Index :param j: 2nd :param k: 3rd :return: the mirrored mirror indexes """ if i > 0: return -i, j, k elif i == 0 and j > 0: return 0, -j, k elif i == 0 and j == 0 and k > 0: return 0, 0, -k else: return i, j, k vector_func = np.vectorize(scalar_func) res = np.array(vector_func(g1, g2, g3)) return res.transpose()
[docs]def get_charge_r(filename, nr=None): """ Reads a charge file written with QE in HDF5 format. *nr = [nr1,nr2,nr3]* (the dimensions of the charge k-points grid) are given as parameter (taken for the xml output file by the caller). Notes: In the new format, the values of the charge in the reciprocal space are stored. Besides, only the values of the charge > cutoff are stored, together with the Miller indexes. Hence """ cdata = read_charge_file_hdf5(filename) if nr is None: nr1, nr2, nr3 = cdata['nrmin'] else: nr1, nr2, nr3 = nr gamma_only = 'TRUE' in str(cdata['gamma_only']).upper() # Load the total charge rho_temp = np.zeros([nr1, nr2, nr3], dtype=np.complex128) for (i, j, k), rho in zip(cdata['MillInd'], cdata['rhotot_g']): try: rho_temp[i, j, k] = rho except IndexError: pass if gamma_only: rhotot_g = cdata['rhotot_g'].conjugate() MI = get_minus_indexes(cdata['MillInd'][:, 0], cdata['MillInd'][:, 1], cdata['MillInd'][:, 2]) print("MI", MI) for (i, j, k), rho in zip(MI, rhotot_g): try: rho_temp[i, j, k] = rho except IndexError: pass rhotot_r = np.fft.ifftn(rho_temp) * nr1 * nr2 * nr3 # Read the charge difference spin up - spin down if present (for magnetic calculations) if 'rhodiff_g' in cdata.keys(): rho_temp = np.zeros([nr1, nr2, nr3], dtype=np.complex128) for (i, j, k), rho in zip(cdata['MillInd'], cdata['rhodiff_g']): try: rho_temp[i, j, k] = rho except IndexError: pass if gamma_only: rhodiff_g = cdata['rhodiff_g'].conjugate() for (i, j, k), rho in zip(MI, rhodiff_g): try: rho_temp[i, j, k] = rho except IndexError: pass rhodiff_r = np.fft.ifftn(rho_temp) * nr1 * nr2 * nr3 return rhotot_r.real, rhodiff_r.real else: return rhotot_r.real, None
[docs]def write_charge(filename, charge, header): """ Write the charge or another quantity calculated by postqe into a text file *filename*. """ fout = open(filename, "w") # The header contains some information on the system, the grid nr, etc. fout.write(header) nr = charge.shape count = 0 # Loop with the order as in QE files for z in range(0, nr[2]): for y in range(0, nr[1]): for x in range(0, nr[0]): fout.write(" {:.9E}".format(charge[x, y, z])) count += 1 if count % 5 == 0: fout.write("\n") fout.close()