Source code for schrodinger.application.matsci.qeschema.qeschema.hdf5.readutils

# Copyright (c), 2021, Quantum Espresso Foundation and SISSA (Scuola
# Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati). All rights reserved.
# This file is distributed under the terms of the MIT License. See the
# file 'LICENSE' in the root directory of the present distribution, or
A collection of functions for reading different files and quantities.
import numpy as np
from xml.etree import ElementTree

    import h5py
except ImportError:
    h5py = None
    H5PY_ERR = 'h5py module is missing'

# TODO update to the new format
[docs]def get_wf_attributes(filename): """ Read attributes from a wfc file. :param filename: the path to the wfc file :return: a dictionary with all attributes included reciprocal vectors """ if not h5py: raise ImportError(H5PY_ERR) with h5py.File(filename, "r") as f: res = dict(f.attrs) mi_attrs = f.get('MillerIndices').attrs bg = np.array(mi_attrs.get(x) for x in ['bg1', 'bg2', 'bg3']) res.update({'bg': bg}) return res
[docs]def get_wavefunctions(filename, start_band=None, stop_band=None): """ Returns a numpy array with the wave functions for bands from start_band to stop_band. If not specified starts from 1st band and ends with last one. Band numbering is Python style starts from 0.abs :param filename: path to the wfc file :param start_band: first band to read, default first band in the file :param stop_band: last band to read, default last band in the file :return: a numpy array with shape [nbnd,npw] """ if not h5py: raise ImportError(H5PY_ERR) with h5py.File(filename, "r") as f: igwx = f.attrs.get('igwx') if start_band is None: start_band = 0 if stop_band is None: stop_band = f.attrs.get('nbnd') if stop_band == start_band: stop_band = start_band + 1 res = f.get('evc')[start_band:stop_band, :] res = np.asarray(x.reshape([igwx, 2]).dot([1.e0, 1.e0j]) for x in res[:]) return res
[docs]def get_wfc_miller_indices(filename): """ Reads miller indices from the wfc file :param filename: path to the wfc file :return: a np.array of integers with shape [igwx,3] """ if not h5py: raise ImportError(H5PY_ERR) with h5py.File(filename, "r") as f: res = f.get("MillerIndices")[:, :] return res
[docs]def read_pseudo_file(xmlfile): """ This function reads a pseudopotential XML-like file in the QE UPF format (text), returning the content of each tag in a dictionary. The file is read in strings and completed with a root UPF tag when it lacks, to avoids an XML syntax error. TODO: add support for UPF-schema files """ def iter_upf_file(): """ Creates an iterator over the lines of an UPF file, inserting the root <UPF> tag when missing. """ with open(xmlfile, 'r') as f: fake_root = None for line in f: if fake_root is not None: line = line.replace('&input', '&amp;input') line = line.replace('&inputp', '&amp;inputp') yield line else: line = line.strip() if line.startswith("<UPF") and line[4] in ('>', ' '): yield line fake_root = False elif line: yield "<UPF>" yield line fake_root = True if fake_root is True: yield "</UPF>" pseudo = {} psroot = ElementTree.fromstringlist(list(iter_upf_file())) # PP_INFO try: pp_info = psroot.find('PP_INFO').text except AttributeError: pp_info = "" try: pp_input = psroot.find('PP_INFO/PP_INPUTFILE').text except AttributeError: pp_input = "" pseudo.update(PP_INFO=dict(INFO=pp_info, PP_INPUT=pp_input)) # PP_HEADER pseudo.update(PP_HEADER=dict(psroot.find('PP_HEADER').items())) # PP_MESH pp_mesh = dict(psroot.find('PP_MESH').items()) pp_r = np.array( [float(x) for x in psroot.find('PP_MESH/PP_R').text.split()]) pp_rab = np.array( [float(x) for x in psroot.find('PP_MESH/PP_RAB').text.split()]) pp_mesh.update(PP_R=pp_r, PP_RAB=pp_rab) pseudo.update(PP_MESH=pp_mesh) # PP_LOCAL node = psroot.find('PP_LOCAL') if node is not None: pp_local = np.array([x for x in map(float, node.text.split())]) else: pp_local = None pseudo.update(PP_LOCAL=pp_local) # PP_RHOATOM node = psroot.find('PP_RHOATOM') if node is not None: pp_rhoatom = np.array([v for v in map(float, node.text.split())]) else: pp_rhoatom = None pseudo.update(PP_RHOATOM=pp_rhoatom) # PP_NONLOCAL node = psroot.find('PP_NONLOCAL') if node is not None: betas = list() dij = None pp_aug = None pp_q = None for el in node: if 'PP_BETA' in el.tag: beta = dict(el.items()) val = np.array(x for x in map(float, el.text.split())) beta.update(beta=val) betas.append(beta) elif 'PP_DIJ' in el.tag: text = '\n'.join(el.text.strip().split('\n')[1:]) dij = np.array([x for x in map(float, text.split())]) elif 'PP_AUGMENTATION' in el.tag: pp_aug = dict(el.items()) pp_qijl = list() pp_qij = list() for q in el: if 'PP_QIJL' in q.tag: qijl = dict(q.items()) val = np.array(x for x in map(float, q.text.split())) qijl.update(qijl=val) pp_qijl.append(qijl) elif 'PP_QIJ' in q.tag: qij = dict(q.items()) val = np.array(x for x in map(float, q.text.split())) qij.update(qij=val) pp_qij.append(qij) elif q.tag == 'PP_Q': pp_q = np.array(x for x in map(float, q.text.split())) pp_aug.update(PP_QIJL=pp_qijl, PP_QIJ=pp_qij, PP_Q=pp_q) pp_nonlocal = dict(PP_BETA=betas, PP_DIJ=dij, PP_AUGMENTATION=pp_aug) else: pp_nonlocal = None pseudo.update(PP_NONLOCAL=pp_nonlocal) return pseudo
[docs]def create_header(prefix, nr, nr_smooth, ibrav, celldms, nat, ntyp, atomic_species, atomic_positions): """ Creates the header lines for the output charge (or potential) text file as in pp.x. The format is: system_prefix fft_grid (nr1,nr2,nr3) fft_smooth (nr1,nr2,nr3) nat ntyp ibrav celldms (6 real as in QE) missing line with respect to pp.x List of atoms List of positions for each atom """ text = "# " + prefix + "\n" text += "# {:8d} {:8d} {:8d} {:8d} {:8d} {:8d} {:8d} {:8d}\n".format( nr[0], nr[1], nr[2], nr_smooth[0], nr_smooth[1], nr_smooth[2], nat, ntyp) text += "# {:6d} {:8E} {:8E} {:8E} {:8E} {:8E} {:8E}\n".format( ibrav, *celldms) # TODO This line is to be implemented text += "# " + 4 * "XXXX " + "\n" ityp = 1 for typ in atomic_species: text += "# {:4d} ".format(ityp) + typ["@name"] + "\n" ityp += 1 ipos = 1 for pos in atomic_positions: text += "# {:4d} ".format(ipos) coords = [float(x) for x in pos['$']] text += " {:9E} {:9E} {:9E} ".format(*coords) text += pos["@name"] + "\n" ipos += 1 return text
[docs]def read_postqe_output_file(filename): """ This function reads the output charge (or other quantity) as the output format of postqe. """ tempcharge = [] count = 0 nr = np.zeros(3, dtype=int) with open(filename, "r") as lines: for line in lines: words = line.split() if count == 1: nr[0] = int(words[1]) nr[1] = int(words[2]) nr[2] = int(words[3]) if words[0] != '#': # skip the first lines beginning with # for j in range(len( words)): # len(words)=5 except maybe for the last line tempcharge.append(float(words[j])) count += 1 charge = np.zeros((nr[0], nr[1], nr[2])) count = 0 # Loops according to the order it is done in QE for z in range(nr[2]): for y in range(nr[1]): for x in range(nr[0]): charge[x, y, z] = tempcharge[count] count += 1 return charge
[docs]def read_etotv(fname): """ Read cell volumes and the corresponding energies from input file *fname* (1st col, volumes, 2nd col energies). Units must be :math:`a.u.^3` and :math:`Ryd/cell` """ Vx = [] Ex = [] with open(fname, "r") as lines: for line in lines: linesplit = line.split() V = float(linesplit[0]) E = float(linesplit[1]) Vx.append(V) Ex.append(E) return np.array(Vx), np.array(Ex)