Source code for schrodinger.application.matsci.qexsd.qespresso.utils.logger

# Copyright (c), 2015-2016, Quantum Espresso Foundation and SISSA (Scuola
# Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati). All rights reserved.
# This file is distributed under the terms of the MIT License. See the
# file 'LICENSE' in the root directory of the present distribution, or
# Authors: Davide Brunato

import logging

logger = logging.getLogger('qespresso')

[docs]def set_logger(loglevel=1, logfile=None): """ Setup a basic logger with an handler and a formatter, using a corresponding numerical range [0..4], where a higher value means a more verbose logging. The loglevel value is mapped to correspondent logging module's value: LOG_CRIT=0 (syslog.h value is 2) ==> logging.CRITICAL LOG_ERR=1 (syslog.h value is 3) ==> logging.ERROR LOG_WARNING=2 (syslog.h value is 4) ==> logging.WARNING LOG_INFO=3 (syslog.h value is 6) ==> logging.INFO LOG_DEBUG=4 (syslog.h value is 7) ==> logging.DEBUG If a logfile name is passed then writes logs to file, instead of send logs to the standard output. :param loglevel: Simplified POSIX's syslog like logging level index :param logfile: Logfile name for non-scripts runs """ global logger # Higher or lesser argument values are also mapped to DEBUG or CRITICAL effective_level = max(logging.DEBUG, logging.CRITICAL - loglevel * 10) logger.setLevel(effective_level) # Add the first new handler if not logger.handlers: if logfile is None: lh = logging.StreamHandler() else: lh = logging.FileHandler(logfile) lh.setLevel(effective_level) if effective_level <= logging.DEBUG: formatter = logging.Formatter( "[%(levelname)s:%(module)s:%(funcName)s: %(lineno)s] %(message)s" ) elif effective_level <= logging.INFO: formatter = logging.Formatter( "[%(levelname)s:%(module)s] %(message)s") else: formatter = logging.Formatter("%(levelname)s: %(message)s") lh.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(lh) else: for handler in logger.handlers: handler.setLevel(effective_level)