Source code for schrodinger.application.matsci.qexsd.qespresso.xsdtypes.etree

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c), 2015-2016, Quantum Espresso Foundation and SISSA (Scuola
# Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati). All rights reserved.
# This file is distributed under the terms of the MIT License. See the
# file 'LICENSE' in the root directory of the present distribution, or
# Authors: Davide Brunato
This module contains XMLDocument class for xsdtypes package

import logging
from xml.etree import ElementTree

from ..utils.logger import set_logger

logger = logging.getLogger('qespresso')

[docs]def etree_iter_path(node, tag=None, path='.'): """ A version of ElementTree node's iter function that return a couple with node and his relative path. :param node: :param tag: :param path: :return: """ if tag == "*": tag = None if tag is None or node.tag == tag: yield node, path for child in node: _child_path = '%s/%s' % (path, child.tag) for child, child_path in etree_iter_path(child, tag, path=_child_path): yield child, child_path
[docs]def etree_to_dict(etree, xml_schema, dict_class=dict, spaces_for_tab=4, use_defaults=True): set_logger(1) root_node = etree.getroot() ret_dict = etree_node_to_dict(root_node, xml_schema, dict_class=dict_class, spaces_for_tab=spaces_for_tab, use_defaults=use_defaults) set_logger(1) return ret_dict
[docs]def etree_node_to_dict(root_node, xml_schema, root_path='.', dict_class=dict, spaces_for_tab=4, use_defaults=True): def _etree_node_to_dict(node, node_path): node_dict = dict_class() logger.debug("Decode node '%s' with path '%s'" % (node.tag, node_path)) if node.attrib: # if we have attributes, decode them logger.debug("Decode attributes of element '{0}': {1}".format( node.tag, node.items())) attr_dict = dict([ (attr, xml_schema.get_attribute_type(attr, node_path).decode(value)) for attr, value in node.items() ]) if use_defaults: # Add default values for missing attributes for attr in list( set(xml_schema.get_attributes(node_path)) - set(node.keys())): default_value = xml_schema.get_attribute_default( attr, node_path) if default_value is not None: xsd_type = xml_schema.get_attribute_type( attr, node_path) attr_dict[attr] = xsd_type.decode(default_value) node_dict.update(attr_dict) for child in node: # recursively add the element's children new_item = _etree_node_to_dict(child, node_path='%s/%s' % (node_path, child.tag)) if child.tag in node_dict: # found duplicate tag, force a list if isinstance(node_dict[child.tag], list): # append to existing list node_dict[child.tag].append(new_item) else: # convert to list node_dict[child.tag] = [node_dict[child.tag], new_item] else: # only one, directly set the dictionary node_dict[child.tag] = new_item if node.text is None: if use_defaults: text = xml_schema.get_element_default(node_path) or '' else: text = '' elif spaces_for_tab is None: text = node.text.strip() else: text = node.text.strip().replace('\t', ' ' * spaces_for_tab) # Get the XSD type for node's text decoding xsd_type = xml_schema.get_element_type(node_path) logger.debug("Decode '{0}' to type '{1}'".format( ' '.join(text.replace('\n', r'\n').replace('\t', ' ').split()), if node_dict: # if we have a dictionary add the text as a dictionary value (if there is any) if len(text) > 0: node_dict['_text'] = xsd_type.decode(text) logger.debug("Text decoded to: {0}".format(node_dict['_text'])) else: # if we don't have child nodes or attributes, just set the text node_dict = xsd_type.decode(text) logger.debug("Text decoded to: {0}".format(node_dict)) return node_dict ret_dict = dict_class( {root_node.tag: _etree_node_to_dict(root_node, root_path)}) return ret_dict
# # Two functions to convert an element into a dictionary and back, an adaptation of code taken # from #
[docs]def xml_to_dict(root_node, dict_class=dict, spaces_for_tab=4): """ Converts an XML ElementTree to a dictionary :param root_node: Root node (Element) of the XML ElementTree :param dict_class: Dictionary type subclass to create :param spaces_for_tab: If not None, substitute tab characters with N spaces :return: Dictionary representing the XML document """ def _element_to_dict(node): node_dict = dict_class() if len(node.items()) > 0: # if we have attributes, set them node_dict.update(dict(node.items())) for child in node: # recursively add the element's children new_item = _element_to_dict(child) if child.tag in node_dict: # found duplicate tag, force a list if isinstance(node_dict[child.tag], list): # append to existing list node_dict[child.tag].append(new_item) else: # convert to list node_dict[child.tag] = [node_dict[child.tag], new_item] else: # only one, directly set the dictionary node_dict[child.tag] = new_item if node.text is None: text = '' elif spaces_for_tab is None: text = node.text.strip() else: text = node.text.strip().replace('\t', ' ' * spaces_for_tab) if node_dict: # if we have a dictionary add the text as a dictionary value (if there is any) if len(text) > 0: node_dict['_text'] = text else: # if we don't have child nodes or attributes, just set the text node_dict = text return node_dict # if not isinstance(root_node, etree.Element): # raise TypeError('Expected ElementTree.Element') return dict_class({root_node.tag: _element_to_dict(root_node)})
[docs]def dict_to_xml(xml_dict): """ Converts a dictionary into an XML ElementTree Element """ def _dict_to_element(parent, dictitem): assert not isinstance(dictitem, list) if isinstance(dictitem, dict): for (tag, child) in dictitem.items(): if str(tag) == '_text': parent.text = str(child) elif isinstance(child, list): # iterate through the array and convert for listchild in child: elem = ElementTree.Element(tag) elem.tail = '\n' parent.append(elem) _dict_to_element(elem, listchild) else: elem = ElementTree.Element(tag) elem.tail = '\n' parent.append(elem) _dict_to_element(elem, child) else: parent.text = str(dictitem) root_tag = xml_dict.keys()[0] root_element = ElementTree.Element(root_tag) _dict_to_element(root_element, xml_dict[root_tag]) return root_element