Source code for schrodinger.application.matsci.qexsd.qespresso.xsdtypes.xmlschema

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c), 2015-2016, Quantum Espresso Foundation and SISSA (Scuola
# Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati). All rights reserved.
# This file is distributed under the terms of the MIT License. See the
# file 'LICENSE' in the root directory of the present distribution, or
# Authors: Davide Brunato
This module contains XMLSchema class for xsdtypes package

import logging
from xml.etree import ElementTree

from .exceptions import FileFormatError
from .exceptions import XMLSchemaValidationError
from .xsdtypes import _ATTRIBUTE_TAG
from .xsdtypes import XSD_NAMESPACE_PATH
from .xsdtypes import XSI_ATTRIBUTES
from .xsdtypes import XSI_NAMESPACE_PATH
from .xsdtypes import add_xsd_types_to_dict
from .xsdtypes import xsd_attribute_type_factory
from .xsdtypes import xsd_complex_type_factory
from .xsdtypes import xsd_element_factory
from .xsdtypes import xsd_get_type
from .xsdtypes import xsd_simple_type_factory

logger = logging.getLogger('qespresso')

[docs]class XMLSchema(object): """ Class to wrap an XML Schema for types lookups. """ XML_SCHEMA_NAMESPACES = { 'xsd': XSD_NAMESPACE_PATH, 'xs': XSD_NAMESPACE_PATH, 'xsi': XSI_NAMESPACE_PATH }
[docs] def __init__(self, xsd_file): self._xsd = None self._xml_schema = None self.namespaces = self.XML_SCHEMA_NAMESPACES.copy() "Namespaces used by XSD file" self.target_namespace = None "Target namespace URI" self.target_prefix = '' "Namespace prefix for declarations" # Temporary mods for preserve types declaration order for Fortran generation from collections import OrderedDict self.types = OrderedDict() # {} "Map XSD global types to XSDType instance" self.attributes = {} "Map XSD global attributes to XSDType instance" self.attribute_groups = {} "Group XSD attributes definitions" self.elements = {} "Map XSD global elements to XSDType instance" self.groups = {} "Group XSD elements definitions" try: self._xsd = ElementTree.parse(xsd_file) except ElementTree.ParseError as e: raise FileFormatError('XML', xsd_file, e.msg) else: self._xsd_file = xsd_file try: self._xml_schema = ElementTree.XMLSchema(self._xsd) except AttributeError:"XSD validation is not available!") except ElementTree.XMLSchemaError as e: logger.error("XSD schema error: %s " % repr(e)) raise # Set the namespaces information schema_elem = self.getroot() self.target_namespace = schema_elem.attrib['targetNamespace'] logger.debug("Target namespace: %s" % self.target_namespace) if hasattr(schema_elem, 'nsmap'): # lxml loaded for prefix, namespace in schema_elem.nsmap.items(): self.namespaces[prefix or ''] = namespace # Change None key with '' else: # xml.etree.ElementTree loaded: need to get namespaces from file for event, node in ElementTree.iterparse(self._xsd_file, events=['start-ns']): self.namespaces[node[0]] = node[1] logger.debug('Namespaces: {0}'.format(self.namespaces)) # Set namespace prefix for schema declarations for prefix in self.namespaces: if self.namespaces[prefix] == self.target_namespace: self.target_prefix = prefix if prefix: prefix = '%s:' % prefix break else: prefix = '' logger.debug("Use prefix '%s' for schema declarations" % prefix) # Build lookup maps using XSD declarations logger.debug("### Add global simple types ###") add_xsd_types_to_dict(self.findall('./xsd:simpleType'), self.types, xsd_simple_type_factory, xsd_types=self.types, prefix=prefix) logger.debug("### Add global attributes ###") counter = 0 for elem in self.findall('./xsd:attributes'): self.attributes.update([ xsd_attribute_type_factory(elem, xsd_types=self.types, prefix=prefix) ]) counter += 1 logger.debug("%d global attributes added" % counter) logger.debug("### Add attribute groups ###") counter = 0 for elem in self.findall('./xsd:attributeGroup'): try: name = elem.attrib['name'] except KeyError: raise XMLSchemaValidationError( "Missing 'name' attribute for {}".format(elem)) if name in self.attribute_groups: raise XMLSchemaValidationError( "Duplicate attributeGroup: {}".format(name)) self.attribute_groups[name] = OrderedDict([ xsd_attribute_type_factory(child, xsd_types=self.types, prefix=prefix) for child in elem if child.tag == _ATTRIBUTE_TAG ]) counter += 1 logger.debug("%d attribute groups added" % counter) logger.debug("### Add global complex types ###") add_xsd_types_to_dict(self.findall('./xsd:complexType'), self.types, xsd_complex_type_factory, xsd_types=self.types, prefix=prefix, xsd_attributes=self.attributes) logger.debug("### Add content model groups ###") counter = 0 for elem in self.findall('./xsd:group'): try: name = elem.attrib['name'] except KeyError: raise XMLSchemaValidationError( "Missing 'name' attribute for {}".format(elem)) if name in self.groups: raise XMLSchemaValidationError( "Duplicate group: {}".format(name)) from .xsdtypes import xsd_group_factory self.groups[name] = xsd_group_factory( elem, xsd_groups=self.groups, xsd_types=self.types, xsd_attributes=self.attributes, xsd_attribute_groups=self.attribute_groups) counter += 1 logger.debug("%d XSD named groups added" % counter) logger.debug("### Add elements starting from root element(s) ###") for elem in self.findall('./xsd:element'): xsd_element_factory(elem, parent_path=None, prefix=prefix, xsd_elements=self.elements, xsd_types=self.types, xsd_attributes=self.attributes, xsd_attribute_groups=self.attribute_groups) logger.debug("%d XSD elements added" % len(self.elements))
[docs] def get_type(self, type_name): """ Return the XSD type instance corresponding to the argument. :param type_name: Name of the type. Types in the schema's namespace have to be provided with namespace URI or prefix. Unqualified names are interpreted as typed of xsd/xs namespace. :return: XSDType or XSDSimpleType instance """ logger.debug("XSD type name: '{0}'".format(type_name)) return xsd_get_type(type_name, self.types)
[docs] def get_element(self, element_path): element_path = element_path.replace('/{%s}' % self.target_namespace, '/')\ .replace('/%s:' % self.target_prefix, '/') try: return self.elements[element_path] except KeyError: raise ValueError("Element '%s' not found in XSD schema!" % element_path)
[docs] def get_element_tag(self, element_path): """ Return the XSD type instance of the element. :param element_path: The absolute path to the element. Schema's namespace prefixes or URIs are stripped from the path. :return: XSDType, XSDSimpleType or XSDComplexType instance """ try: name = self.get_element(element_path).name if self.target_prefix and name.startswith( '%s:' % self.target_prefix): return name.replace('%s:' % self.target_prefix, '') except KeyError: raise ValueError("Element '%s' not found in XSD schema!" % element_path)
[docs] def get_attributes(self, element_path): element = self.get_element(element_path) try: return element.xsd_type.attributes except AttributeError: return dict()
[docs] def get_element_type(self, element_path): """ Return the XSD type instance of the element. :param element_path: The absolute path to the element. Schema's namespace prefixes or URIs are stripped from the path. :return: XSDType, XSDSimpleType or XSDComplexType instance """ try: return self.get_element(element_path).get_type() except KeyError: raise ValueError("Element '%s' not found in XSD schema!" % element_path)
[docs] def get_attribute_type(self, attribute_name, element_path): """ Return the XSD type instance of the attribute. :param attribute_name: The name of the attribute. Schema's namespace prefix or URI is stripped from the name. :param element_path: The absolute path to the element. Schema's namespace prefixes or URIs are stripped from the path. :return: XSDType or XSDSimpleType instance """ attribute_name = attribute_name.replace('{%s}' % self.target_namespace, '/')\ .replace('%s:' % self.target_prefix, '/') try: xsd_type = self.get_element( element_path).xsd_type.attributes[attribute_name].xsd_type except KeyError: try: return XSI_ATTRIBUTES[attribute_name].xsd_type except KeyError: raise ValueError("Attribute '%s' not found in XSD schema!" % attribute_name) else: logger.debug("Map attribute '%s' to type '%s'" % (attribute_name, return xsd_type
[docs] def get_element_default(self, element_path): """ Return the default of the element. :param element_path: The absolute path to the element. Schema's namespace prefixes or URIs are stripped from the path. :return: XSDType, XSDSimpleType or XSDComplexType instance """ return self.get_element(element_path).get_default()
[docs] def get_attribute_default(self, attribute_name, element_path): """ Return the XSD type instance of the attribute. :param attribute_name: The name of the attribute. Schema's namespace prefix or URI is stripped from the name. :param element_path: The absolute path to the element. Schema's namespace prefixes or URIs are stripped from the path. :return: XSDType or XSDSimpleType instance """ try: xsd_attribute = self.get_attributes(element_path)[attribute_name] except KeyError: msg = "Attribute '%s' not found in XSD element '%s'!" raise ValueError(msg % (attribute_name, element_path)) else: return xsd_attribute.get_default()
[docs] def find(self, path, namespaces=None): """ Find first matching element by tag name or path. :param path: is a string having either an element tag or an XPath, :param namespaces: is an optional mapping from namespace prefix to full name. :return: the first matching element, or None if no element was found """ namespaces = namespaces or {} namespaces.update(self.namespaces) return self._xsd.find(path, namespaces)
[docs] def findall(self, path, namespaces=None): """ Find all matching subelements by tag name or path. :param path: is a string having either an element tag or an XPath, :param namespaces: is an optional mapping from namespace prefix to full name. :return: the first matching element, or None if no element was found """ namespaces = namespaces or {} namespaces.update(self.namespaces) return self._xsd.findall(path, namespaces)
[docs] def getroot(self): """Return root element of the XML schema tree.""" return self._xsd.getroot()
[docs] def iselement(self, elem): """ Checks if an element instance appears to be a valid element object. :param elem: """ return self._xsd.iselement(elem)
[docs] def iter(self, tag=None): """ Create and return an iterator that loops over all elements in this tree, in document order. :param tag: is a string with the tag name to iterate over (default is to return all elements). """ if tag is not None and tag[0] != '{': tag = '{%s}%s' % (XSD_NAMESPACE_PATH, tag) return self._xsd.iter(tag)
[docs] def validate(self, xml_config): """ Validate the configuration with XSD and with optional parameter dependencies. :param xml_config: """ try: import lxml.etree as ET except ImportError: logger.debug("") return xsd = ET.parse(self._xsd_file) xml_schema = ET.XMLSchema(xsd) try: xml_schema.assertValid(xml_config.tostring()) except AttributeError: logger.warning("XML Schema validation not available!") except ET.DocumentInvalid as e: raise XMLSchemaValidationError(e)