Source code for schrodinger.application.pathfinder.render

Functions and classes for rendering a Route as an image.

import collections

import numpy
from rdkit import Chem

_Img = collections.namedtuple('_Img', 'size objs')
An _Img has a size tuple (width, height) in pixels, and a list of "objects",
each of which is a 3-tuple (x, y, obj), where obj can be either a QPicture or a

# Special-case strings for _Img rendering.
ARROW = '->'
PLUS = '+'

    "Warning: SMILES pattern is missing for at least one node. Molecules with\n"
    "         missing SMILES will be represented by the '*' placeholder")

[docs]class RouteRenderer(object): """ A class for rendering a Route as an image. Note: this class only supports "specific routes", for which all nodes have a 'mol' attribute. Generic routes, in which nodes might have only a reagent class, are not supported yet. """
[docs] def __init__(self, plus_size=50, arrow_length=250, arrowhead_size=25, label_padding=25, label_font=("helvetica", 30), plus_font=("helvetica", 48), max_scale=0.3, mol_padding=50, scale=0.375, logger=None): """ Configure the RouteRenderer with various optional parameters controlling the layout of the route. All sizes are in pixels. :param plus_size: width (including padding) taken by the plus signs. """ # Import Qt modules here because the import fails if certain libraries # are missing and route rendering is an optional feature. global QtCore, QtGui from schrodinger.Qt import QtCore from schrodinger.Qt import QtGui self.plus_size = plus_size self.arrow_length = arrow_length self.arrowhead_size = arrowhead_size self.label_padding = label_padding self.label_font = QtGui.QFont(*label_font) self.plus_font = QtGui.QFont(*plus_font) self.max_scale = max_scale self.mol_padding = mol_padding self.scale = scale self.logger = logger self.missing_smiles_found = False
[docs] def renderToFile(self, route, filename): """ Render a Route and save the image to a file. :type route: Route :type filename: str """ img = self._arrangeRoute(route) # Paste all the objects into the right locations in a QPicture. painter = QtGui.QPainter() qpic = QtGui.QPicture() painter.begin(qpic) for x, y, obj in img.objs: if obj == ARROW: self._drawArrow(painter, x, y) elif isinstance(obj, str): font = self.plus_font if obj == PLUS else self.label_font painter.setFont(font) painter.drawText(x, y, obj) else: r = obj.boundingRect() painter.drawPicture(x - r.left() + self.mol_padding, y - + self.mol_padding, obj) painter.end() # Rasterize into a QImage and write to file. image_size = [int(s * self.scale) for s in img.size] qimg = QtGui.QImage(QtCore.QSize(*image_size), QtGui.QImage.Format_RGB32) qimg.fill(QtCore.Qt.white) painter.begin(qimg) painter.scale(self.scale, self.scale) painter.end()
def _arrangeRoute(self, route): """ Recursively arrange a route as a tree, from top to bottom. :type route: Route :return: Route image :rtype: _Img """ precursor_imgs = [self._arrangeRoute(p) for p in route.precursors] if route.mol: mol = route.mol elif hasattr(route, 'smiles_list') and route.smiles_list: mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles(route.smiles_list[0]) else: if self.logger and not self.missing_smiles_found: self.missing_smiles_found = True self.logger.warning(MISSING_SMILES_WARNING) mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles('*') pic = mol_to_qpicture(mol) r = pic.boundingRect() mol_size = (r.width() + 2 * self.mol_padding, r.height() + 2 * self.mol_padding) size = self._computeSize(precursor_imgs, mol_size) img = _Img(size, []) img.objs.append(((img.size[0] - mol_size[0]) // 2, 0, pic)) if precursor_imgs: self._arrangePrecursors(img, precursor_imgs, mol_size) img.objs.append((size[0] // 2, mol_size[1], ARROW)) self._addLabel(img,, mol_size) return img def _computeSize(self, precursor_imgs, mol_size): if not precursor_imgs: return mol_size precursor_height = max(i.size[1] for i in precursor_imgs) width = sum(i.size[0] for i in precursor_imgs) + self.plus_size * ( len(precursor_imgs) - 1) height = precursor_height + mol_size[1] + self.arrow_length return (width, height) def _arrangePrecursors(self, img, precursor_imgs, mol_size): # Compute the average height of the immediate precursors, which will # be used to determine the y coordinate of the plus signs. mol_heights = [] for prec_img in precursor_imgs: for o_x, o_y, obj in prec_img.objs: if o_y == 0: # Objects at the top are the depictions of the immediate # precursors. r = obj.boundingRect() mol_heights.append(r.height()) mean_mol_height = int(numpy.mean(mol_heights)) # Translate all precursor objects into the new frame of reference and # add the plus signs. x = 0 y = mol_size[1] + self.arrow_length for prec_img in precursor_imgs: for o_x, o_y, obj in prec_img.objs: img.objs.append((o_x + x, o_y + y, obj)) x += prec_img.size[0] plus_y = y + mean_mol_height // 2 + self.mol_padding if x < img.size[0]: img.objs.append([x, plus_y, PLUS]) x += self.plus_size def _drawArrow(self, painter, x, y): painter.setRenderHint(QtGui.QPainter.Antialiasing) painter.setPen(QtGui.QPen(, 3)) painter.drawLine(x, y, x, y + self.arrow_length) painter.drawLine(x, y, x + self.arrowhead_size, y + self.arrowhead_size) painter.drawLine(x, y, x - self.arrowhead_size, y + self.arrowhead_size) def _addLabel(self, img, label, mol_size): x = img.size[0] // 2 + self.label_padding y = mol_size[1] + self.arrow_length // 2 img.objs.append((x, y, label))
[docs]def mol_to_qpicture(mol): """ Generate a QPicture from an RDKit Mol. :param mol: molecule to render :type target_mol: Mol :rtype: QPicture """ from schrodinger.infra import canvas2d smiles = Chem.MolToSmiles(mol) chmmol = canvas2d.ChmMol.fromSMILES(smiles) render_model = canvas2d.ChmRender2DModel() renderer = canvas2d.Chm2DRenderer(render_model) pic = renderer.getQPicture(chmmol) return pic