Source code for schrodinger.application.phase.hypothesis_binding_modes

Clusters actives and hypotheses into possible binding modes. Actives are
represented by bit strings encoding the hypotheses they match, and
hypotheses are represented by bit strings encoding the actives they match.
Tanimoto similarities between bit strings are computed, and hierarchical,
agglomerative clustering is performed on both actives and hypotheses. The
presence of consistent groupings of actives and hypotheses may indicate the
existence of multiple binding modes.

For example, if there are 10 hypotheses and 8 actives, an idealized clustered
bit matrix for 2 clusters might look like this::

                        Actives                Order

                  H  1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0             7
                  y  1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0             1
                  p  1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0             4
                  o  1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0             0
                  t  1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0             9
                  h  1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0   Cut 0 --- 2
                  e  0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1             6
                  s  0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1             5
                  e  0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1             8
                  s  0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1   Cut 1 --- 3

              Order  3 5 0 2 7 1 5 4
                           |       |
                           |       |
                         Cut 0   Cut 1

Example Usage::

    hypos = hypothesis.extract_hypotheses(phypo_path)
    results = hbm.calculate_binding_modes(hypos, 2)
    cluster_matrix, active_IDs, hypo_IDs, actives_cut, hypo_cut = results

Copyright Schrodinger LLC, All Rights Reserved.

from collections import OrderedDict
from past.utils import old_div

import numpy

from schrodinger.infra import phase
from schrodinger.structure import Structure

[docs]def calculate_binding_modes(hypotheses, num_modes): """ Clusters actives and hypotheses into possible binding modes. Returns: - clutered bit matrix for actives (columns) and hypotheses (rows) - active IDs in column order - hypothesis IDs in row order - 0-based cluster cutoff indices for actives clusters - 0-based cluster cutoff indices for hypotheses clusters :param hypotheses: list of Phase hypotheses :type hypotheses: list of `hypothesis.PhaseHypothesis` :param num_modes: proposed number of binding modes (i.e. clusters) :type num_modes: int :return: cluster bit matrix (number of hypos x number of actives), active IDs, hypotheis IDs, active cut indices, hypo cut indices :type: tuple, tuple, tuple, tuple, tuple """ # Build list of hypothesis IDs, active IDs, and bit matrix actives_bit_dict = _actives_bit_dict(hypotheses) bit_matrix = numpy.array(list(actives_bit_dict.values()), dtype=bool) validated, msg = _validate_bit_matrix(bit_matrix, num_modes) if not validated: raise phase.PhpException(msg) # Cluster based on distance matrices active_order, active_cuts = _perform_clustering(bit_matrix, num_modes) hypo_bit_matrix = numpy.transpose(bit_matrix) hypo_order, hypo_cuts = _perform_clustering(hypo_bit_matrix, num_modes) # Assemble clustered bit matrix that reflects the clustered order binding_matrix = numpy.zeros(hypo_bit_matrix.shape, dtype=int) for i, hypo_index in enumerate(hypo_order): for j, active_index in enumerate(active_order): binding_matrix[i][j] = bit_matrix[active_index][hypo_index] # Return sorted IDs for row/column titles active_IDs = tuple(list(actives_bit_dict)[i] for i in active_order) hypo_IDs = tuple(hypotheses[i].getHypoID() for i in hypo_order) # Return as tuple binding_tuple = tuple(tuple(row) for row in binding_matrix) return binding_tuple, active_IDs, hypo_IDs, active_cuts, hypo_cuts
def _get_active_IDs(hypothesis): """ Extracts all PHASE_LIGAND_NAME properties from the reference ligand or any actives in the current hypothesis.PhaseHypothesis object. :param hypothesis: hypothesis from which to extract active IDs :type hypothesis: `hypothesis.PhaseHypothesis` :return: list of ligand names for stored actives (expected mol_%d) :rtype: list of str """ if not hypothesis.hasRefCt(): hypoID = hypothesis.getHypoID() raise phase.PhpException("%s does not have reference ligand" % hypoID) actives = [] # Reference Ligand ref_st = Structure(hypothesis.getRefCt()) actives.append([phase.PHASE_LIGAND_NAME]) # Additional Cts for ct in hypothesis.getAddCts(): st = Structure(ct) if[phase.PHASE_HYPO_ROLE] == phase.ROLE_ACTIVE: actives.append([phase.PHASE_LIGAND_NAME]) return actives def _actives_bit_dict(hypotheses): """ Creates bit matrix dictionary from set of hypotheses, where each key is an active ID, and corresponding values are numpy arrays indicating if that hypothesis (array index) includes the given active (1 it true, 0 otherwise). :param hypothesis: list of hypotheses with actives :type hypothesis: list of `hypothesis.PhaseHypothesis` :return: bit matrix dictionary where values are numpy array of 1/0 :rtype: dict """ empty_row = numpy.zeros(len(hypotheses), dtype=int) actives_dict = OrderedDict() for i, hypo in enumerate(hypotheses): for active_ID in _get_active_IDs(hypo): # Add entry if this active has not been encountered before if active_ID not in actives_dict: actives_dict[active_ID] = numpy.copy(empty_row) # Flip the bit for this active on the current hypothesis index actives_dict[active_ID][i] = 1 return actives_dict def _validate_bit_matrix(bit_matrix, num_modes): """ Validates the size and composition of the bit matrix based on the number of proposed binding modes. :param bit_matrix: Bit matrix indicating hypothesis/active intersections :type bit_matrix: `numpy.array` :param num_modes: proposed number of binding modes :type num_modes: int :return: if validate bit matrix, error message :rtype: bool, str """ # Verify dimenions against number of proposed binding modes if num_modes < 2: msg = "The number of proposed binding modes must be 2 or greater" return False, msg if bit_matrix.shape[0] < num_modes or bit_matrix.shape[1] < num_modes: msg = "The number of proposed binding modes must be less than the " + \ " number of hypotheses and the number of actives." return False, msg # Verify all bits are not turned on, otherwise cannot do clustering if numpy.sum(bit_matrix) == msg = "All actives match all hypotheses; cannot cluster binding modes" return False, msg # Assure that all hypotheses have at least one included active, which # should be functionally equivalent to checking phase_hypothesis was run for i in range(bit_matrix.shape[1]): if sum(bit_matrix[:, i]) == 0: msg = "There are hypotheses which contains no actives to cluster" return False, msg return True, "" def _tanimoto_coefficient(bitrow_i, bitrow_j): """ Computes Tanimoto coefficient between two bit arrays. :param bitrow_i: vector of bits :type bitrow_i: list of ints :param bitrow_j: vector of bits :param bitrow_j: list of ints :return: tanimoto coefficient :rtype: float """ intersection = float(sum(a and b for a, b in zip(bitrow_i, bitrow_j))) union = float(sum(a or b for a, b in zip(bitrow_i, bitrow_j))) return old_div(intersection, union) def _distance_matrix(bit_matrix): """ Computes distance matrix to use for clustering, where values are given as (1 - Tanimoto coefficient_ij) between rows i and j of the matrix. :param bit_matrix: Bit matrix indicating row/column intersections :type bit_matrix: `numpy.array` :return: 2D numpy array of bit distances between all row pairs :rtype: `numpy.array` """ distance_matrix = numpy.zeros([bit_matrix.shape[0]] * 2) for i in range(1, distance_matrix.shape[0]): rowi = bit_matrix[i] for j in range(i): rowj = bit_matrix[j] try: distance = 1.0 - _tanimoto_coefficient(rowi, rowj) except ZeroDivisionError as e: distance = 0.0 distance_matrix[i][j] = distance return distance_matrix def _perform_clustering(bit_matrix, num_modes): """ Performs clustering using the PhpHiCluster class on a given bit matrix for an expected number of clustering modes. :param bit_matrix: Bit matrix indicating hypothesis/active intersections :type bit_matrix: `numpy.array` :param num_modes: proposed number of binding modes :type num_modes: int :return: indices sorted by clustering order, indices for cutoff points :rtype: list, list """ cluster = phase.PhpHiCluster() cluster.setDmatrix(_distance_matrix(bit_matrix)) cluster.createClusters() order = cluster.getClusters(1)[0] cut_points = cluster.getClusterCutPoints(num_modes) return (order, cut_points)