Source code for schrodinger.application.phase.utils

Utility functions for the phase module

[docs]def get_denovo_parameters(slider_level): """ Returns tuple that contains Phase DeNovo distBuff and angleLRC parameters for a given slider level. Both parameters are interpolated between min and max values depending on the slider level. :param slider_level: slider value, which can be between 0 and 1.0. :type slider_level: float :return: tuple that contains DeNovo parameters based on slider level :rtype: tuple """ def linear_f(x, start_point, end_point): """ This function does linear interpolation between given end points. Allowed x values range between 0 and 1.0. :param x: x-value at which function value needs to be determined. :type x: int :param start_point: function value when x=0 :type start_point: float :param end_point: function value when x=max :type end_point: float :return: tuple that contains DeNovo buffer distance and angle parameters :rtype: tuple """ return start_point + (end_point - start_point) * x dist_buff_min = 1.5 dist_buff_max = 0.5 angle_lrc_min = 30.0 angle_lrc_max = 100.0 dist_buff = linear_f(slider_level, dist_buff_min, dist_buff_max) angle_lrc = linear_f(slider_level, angle_lrc_min, angle_lrc_max) return dist_buff, angle_lrc