Source code for schrodinger.infra.epydoc_to_sphinx

Code for converting epytext docstrings so they can be used in Sphinx.  This
module may be used as either a Sphinx plugin to allow sphinx-build to parse
epytext, or as a command line program to convert files from epytext to

import argparse
import glob
import os
import re

# A list of Epytext fields to convert to Sphinx fields.  Taken from
# (and listed in the same order as)
    "param", "type", "return", "rtype", "keyword", "raise", "ivar", "cvar",
    "var", "see", "note", "attention", "bug", "warning", "deprecated"
ANY_FIELD = "|".join(FIELDS)

[docs]def setup(app): """ Hook up `process_docstring` so it can convert all docstrings. This function is called automatically by Sphinx. :param app: The currently running Sphinx instance. :type app: sphinx.Sphinx """ app.connect('autodoc-process-docstring', process_docstring) return {"parallel_read_safe": True}
[docs]def process_docstring(app, what, name, obj, options, lines): """ Convert the given docstring from Epytext to Sphinx reST format. :param lines: A list of all lines in the docstring to convert. This list will be modified in place. :type lines: list(str) All other arguments are ignored and are present only for compatibility with the autodoc-process-docstring connection. """ _process_docstring(lines)
def _process_docstring(lines): """ Convert the given docstring from Epytext to Sphinx reST format. :param lines: A list of all lines in the docstring to convert. This list will be modified in place. :type lines: list(str) """ _indent_field_continuations(lines) docstring = "\n".join(lines) # Convert L{...} and C{...} to backticks docstring = re.sub(r"(?:L|C){(.*?)}", r"`\1`", docstring, flags=re.DOTALL) # Remove any U{...} markup for URLs, since sphinx recognizes URLs # automatically without any special markup. We require that URLs start with # "protocol://". docstring = re.sub(r"U{(\w+://.*?)}", r"\1", docstring, flags=re.DOTALL) # Convert I{...} to asterisks (italics) docstring = re.sub(r"I{(.*?)}", r"*\1*", docstring, flags=re.DOTALL) # Convert B{...} to double asterisks (bold) docstring = re.sub(r"B{(.*?)}", r"**\1**", docstring, flags=re.DOTALL) # Convert M{...} to math role backticks (mathematical expressions) docstring = re.sub(r"M{(.*?)}", r":math:`\1`", docstring, flags=re.DOTALL) # convert all fields from @ to colons docstring = re.sub(r"@(%s)" % ANY_FIELD, r":\1", docstring) lines[:] = docstring.split("\n") def _indent_field_continuations(lines): """ Indent any lines that continue a field started on a prior line. :param lines: A list of all lines in the docstring to convert. This list will be modified in place. :type lines: list In the following docstring:: ''' @param arg: This is a very long docstring. It's so long that it continues on a second line. ''' Epydoc recognizes that both sentences are part of the description of C{arg}. However, in this docstring:: ''' :param arg: This is a very long docstring. It's so long that it continues on a second line. ''' Sphinx doesn't consider "continues on a second line" to be part of the description of `arg`. In order for Sphinx to recognize multi-line fields, any continuation lines need to be indented:: ''' :param arg: This is a very long docstring. It's so long that it continues on a second line. ''' This function adds this indentation so that Sphinx will properly recognize multi-line fields. This function adds indentation only where it's required, so it will add indentation to:: ''' @param arg: This is a very long docstring. It's so long that it continues on a second line. ''' and:: ''' @param arg: This docstring has a bulleted list in it: - List item 1 - List item 2 ''' but not:: ''' @param arg: This is a very long docstring. It's so long that it continues on a second line, but the second line has already been indented. So has the third line. ''' """ in_field = False indentation = "" for line_num, curline in enumerate(lines): if in_field: if re.match(indentation + r"(?:\t|(?:\ {0,4}))[^\s@]", curline): # this line continues a field started on a previous line # and needs additional indentation lines[line_num] = " " + curline else: in_field = False if not in_field: match = re.match(r"([\ \t]*)@(?:%s)" % ANY_FIELD, curline) if match: # this line starts a new field (i.e. it starts with an @ sign # and a member of FIELDS in_field = True # store the leading whitespace from this line so we can find out # if the following lines are indented at least this much indentation =
[docs]def convert_file(filename, all_triple_quoted_strings=False): """ Convert the specified file from epytext to reST. :param filename: The name of the file to convert. :type filename: str :param all_triple_quoted_strings: Whether to convert all comments enclosed within triple quotes or only proper doc strings :type all_triple_quoted_strings: bool """ with open(filename) as handle: file_text = file_text = _convert_file_contents(file_text, all_triple_quoted_strings) with open(filename, "wt") as handle: handle.write(file_text)
def _convert_file_contents(file_text, all_triple_quoted_strings=False): """Convert the specified Python source code from epytext to reST. :param file_text: The source code to convert. :type file_text: str :param all_triple_quoted_strings: Whether to convert all comments enclosed within triple quotes or only proper doc strings :type all_triple_quoted_strings: bool :return: The converted source code. :rtype: str """ if all_triple_quoted_strings: # simply convert all comments enclosed within triple quotes file_text = re.sub(r""" (?P<pre> # capture everything before the docstring (?P<quote>"{3}|'{3})\n?) # opening triple quote (?P<docstring>.+?) # the docstring itself (?P<post> # capture everything after the docstring [\ \t]*(?P=quote)) # closing triple quote """, _replace_docstring, file_text, flags=re.DOTALL | re.VERBOSE) return file_text # convert the module docstring file_text = re.sub(r""" (?P<pre> # capture everything before the docstring ^(?:[\ \t]*(?:\#[^\n]*)?\n)* # blank or comment lines (we intentionally # match entire lines at a time to avoid # catastrophic backtracking) (?P<quote>"{3}|'{3})\n?) # opening triple quote (?P<docstring>.+?) # the docstring itself (?P<post> # capture everything after the docstring [\ \t]*(?P=quote)) # closing triple quote """, _replace_docstring, file_text, flags=re.DOTALL | re.VERBOSE) # convert class or function docstrings file_text = re.sub(r""" (?P<pre> # capture everything before the docstring (?:def|class)\ +\w*\ * # The function or class name (?:\(.*?\))?\ *: # The arguments or inheritance list # (optional because of old-style classes) (?:[\ \t]*(?:\#[^\n]*)?\n)* # blank or comment lines (matching # entire lines at a time to avoid # catastrophic backtracking) \s*(?P<quote>"{3}|'{3})\n?) # opening triple quote (?P<docstring>.+?) # the docstring itself (?P<post> # capture everything after the docstring [\ \t]*(?P=quote)) # closing triple quote """, _replace_docstring, file_text, flags=re.DOTALL | re.VERBOSE) # convert docstrings that are explicitly specified using __doc__ or _doc # assignment. (We assume that the docstring uses triple quotes.) file_text = re.sub(r""" (?P<pre> # capture everything before the docstring \b(__doc__|_doc)\s*=\s* # __doc__ assignment (?P<quote>"{3}|'{3})\n?) # opening triple quote (?P<docstring>.+?) # the docstring itself (?P<post> # capture everything after the docstring [\ \t]*(?P=quote)) # closing triple quote """, _replace_docstring, file_text, flags=re.DOTALL | re.VERBOSE) return file_text def _replace_docstring(match): """ Convert the matched docstring from epytext to reST. :param match: A regular expression match. This match must contain three named groups: pre All matching text before the docsting including the opening triple quotes. docstring The docstring to be converted. post All matching text after the docstring including the closing triple quotes. :type match: re.MatchObject :return: A string to replace the match with. :rtype: str """ docstring_lines ="docstring").split("\n") _process_docstring(docstring_lines) new_docstring = "\n".join(docstring_lines) return"pre") + new_docstring +"post") def _walk_paths(paths, exclusions): """ Generate all filenames referenced by the command-line arguments. :param paths: A list of paths to yield. For any directories, will yield all .py or wscript (waf Python files) files under that directory. :type paths: list :param exclusions: A list of files to exclude. Any file name (excluding path) that exactly matches an element of this list will be skipped. :type exclusions: list """ for cur_path in paths: for filename in glob.iglob(cur_path): if os.path.isdir(filename): for dirpath, dirnames, dirfiles in os.walk(filename): for cur_filename in dirfiles: # wscript files are waf Python files if ((cur_filename == "wscript" or cur_filename.endswith(".py")) and cur_filename not in exclusions): yield os.path.join(dirpath, cur_filename) elif os.path.isfile(filename): yield filename else: raise RuntimeError("Invalid path: %s" % filename)
[docs]def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog="epydoc_to_sphinx") parser.add_argument("--exclude", "-x", action="append", default=[], help="Filenames to exclude from conversion") parser.add_argument("--verbose", "-v", action="store_true", help="Print out filenames as files are converted.") parser.add_argument("paths", nargs="*", default=["."], help="Files or directories to convert") parser.add_argument("--all-triple-quoted-strings", "-s", action='store_true', help="Run on all triple quoted blocks of text") args = parser.parse_args() for filename in _walk_paths(args.paths, args.exclude): if args.verbose: print(filename) convert_file(filename, all_triple_quoted_strings=args.all_triple_quoted_strings)
if __name__ == "__main__": main()