Source code for schrodinger.infra.mmkv

Wrapper classes and functions for dealing with the MMKV library, which is
used to read & write Epik, LigPrep, and ConfGen input files.

See MMKVSettings documentation for more details.

Copyright Schrodinger, LLC. All rights reserved.


from schrodinger.infra import mm
from schrodinger.infra import mminit

_initializer = mminit.Initializer([mm.mmkv_initialize], [mm.mmkv_terminate])

# The following functions convert the value passed as argument to
# an array of the appropriate type. Since this value will have
# only one element, conversions are straightforward
# NOTE: These functions are also used by

def _convert_to_float_array(value):
        return [float(value)]
    except ValueError:
        # FIXME do we really want to hide any errors this way?
        return []

def _convert_to_string_array(value):
    return [value]

def _convert_to_int_array(value):
        return [int(value)]
    except ValueError:
        # FIXME do we really want to hide any errors this way?
        return []

def _convert_to_bool_array(value):
    value = str(value).lower()
    if value in ['yes', 'true', '1']:
        return [True]
        if value not in ['no', 'false', '0']:
            # FIXME We might want to raise an exception for invalid strings
                'WARNING: invalid bool: "%s"' %
        return [False]

def _convert_to_bool(value):
    This function will convert a boolean represented as string to Python
    "boolean" type.
        # Treat YES/NO/TRUE/FALSE strings specially:
        value = value.lower()
        if value in ['yes', 'true', '1']:
            value = True
        elif value in ['no', 'false', '0']:
            value = False
            # FIXME We might want to raise an exception for invalid strings
            print('WARNING: invalid bool: "%s"' %
            value = bool(value)
    except AttributeError:
        # <value> is not of string type (may be bool already)
        value = bool(value)

    return value

[docs]def get_handlers_for_key(key, arg_handlers): """ Find the data for the specified key in the given argument handlers dictionary. Returns a tuple of the converter, getter, and setter functions. Will raise a KeyError if the wrong key value (or type) is specified, because the exception is passed onto the getter/setter methods. NOTE: Also used in """ arg_type_endpoint = None for endpoint in sorted(arg_handlers): if key < endpoint: arg_type_endpoint = endpoint break if arg_type_endpoint is None: raise KeyError("Argument key %d is of an unsupported type." % key) handlers = arg_handlers[arg_type_endpoint] if key <= handlers[0]: raise KeyError("Argument key %d is not in the " "supported %s range (%d, %d)" % (key, handlers[1], arg_type_endpoint, handlers[0])) return handlers
[docs]class MMKVArgList: """ A class to provide list-like access to MMKV/MMIM array properties. Like an actual Python list, indices start at 0, not 1. Unlike a Python list, at this time negative indices and slices are not supported. Note that while this class requires an MMKV/MMIM handle, it neither initiates nor terminates the mmkv library. """
[docs] def __init__(self, handle, key, converter, getter, setter, get_len, set_len): """ Create an instance from the MMKV/MMIM handle and key (int or string). Takes functions to get and set indexed values, and a function to determine the length. If these are not provided, they are looked up based on the key provided. get_len and set_len methods should be defined for array types only. """ # FIXME add ability to initialize from a Python list of strings, ints, # floats, or booleans. self.handle = handle self.key = key self._converter = converter self._getter = getter self._setter = setter self._get_len = get_len self._set_len = set_len
def __getitem__(self, index): try: return self._getter(self.handle, self.key, index + 1) except mm.MmException: # If an exception is raised, check to see if it was due to an # index error. If it wasn't, just reraise the exception. if index < 0 or index >= len(self): raise IndexError("List index out of range (index " "starts at zero)") else: raise def __setitem__(self, index, value): # Ev:67229 Attempt to convert the value to float in case it was # specified as a string if setting indexed_arg_float type: value = self._converter(value)[0] # Take the first element of the array try: return self._setter(self.handle, self.key, index + 1, value) except mm.MmException: # If an exception is raised, check to see if it was due to an # index error. If it wasn't, just re-raise the exception. if index < 0 or index >= len(self): raise IndexError("List index out of range (index " "starts at zero)") else: raise
[docs] def __len__(self): return self._get_len(self.handle, self.key)
[docs] def setSize(self, size): """ Set the size of the MMKV argument list. """ set_count_function = self._set_len return set_count_function(self.handle, self.key, size)
[docs] def append(self, value): """ Append a new value to the current MMKV arglist. :param value: The new value to append. :type value: str, int, bool, or float depending on the MMKV arglist type """ size = len(self) + 1 self.setSize(size) self.__setitem__(size - 1, value)
def __iter__(self): list_len = len(self) for i in range(list_len): yield self.__getitem__(i)