Source code for schrodinger.livedesign.convert

import enum
from typing import Generator
from typing import Union

import numpy as np
from rdkit import Chem
from rdkit import Geometry

from schrodinger import rdkit_extensions
from schrodinger.infra import structure as infrastructure
from schrodinger.rdkit import rdkit_adapter

BOND_PROP_BOND_STEREO = "_MolFileBondStereo"
MOL_PROP_ATTACHPT = "molAttchpt"
MOL_PROP_R_LABEL = "_MolFileRLabel"

[docs]class Format(enum.Enum): AUTO_DETECT = rdkit_extensions.Format.AUTO_DETECT SMILES = rdkit_extensions.Format.SMILES EXTENDED_SMILES = rdkit_extensions.Format.EXTENDED_SMILES SMARTS = rdkit_extensions.Format.SMARTS MDL_MOLV2000 = rdkit_extensions.Format.MDL_MOLV2000 MDL_MOLV3000 = rdkit_extensions.Format.MDL_MOLV3000 INCHI = rdkit_extensions.Format.INCHI INCHI_KEY = rdkit_extensions.Format.INCHI_KEY PDB = rdkit_extensions.Format.PDB # TODO: deprecate SDF = rdkit_extensions.Format.MDL_MOLV3000 CXSMILES = rdkit_extensions.Format.EXTENDED_SMILES
[docs]def convert(data: str, input_format: Format, output_format: Format) -> str: """ Main entrypoint for converting one serialization to another. A few convience functions are provided below for common LD conversions. :param data: input text string :param input_format: expected format for input string :param output_format: desired format for output string :return: converted text string """ if output_format == Format.AUTO_DETECT: raise ValueError("Output format cannot be autodetected") if _is_reaction(data, input_format): return _from_rdkit_reaction(_to_rdkit_reaction(data, format=input_format), format=output_format) else: return _from_rdkit_mol(_to_rdkit_mol(data, format=input_format), format=output_format)
[docs]def sdf_to_rdkit( molblock: str ) -> Union[Chem.rdchem.Mol, Chem.rdChemReactions.ChemicalReaction]: """ :param molblock: given MDL or MDL RXN :return: corresponding RDKit mol or reaction """ if _is_reaction(molblock, Format.MDL_MOLV3000): return _to_rdkit_reaction(molblock, format=Format.MDL_MOLV3000) else: return _to_rdkit_mol(molblock, format=Format.MDL_MOLV3000)
[docs]def rdkit_to_sdf(mol: Chem.rdchem.Mol) -> str: """ :param input: given RDKit mol :return: corresponding sdf molblock """ return _from_rdkit_mol(mol, format=Format.MDL_MOLV3000)
[docs]def rdkit_to_cxsmiles(mol: Chem.rdchem.Mol) -> str: """ :param mol: given RDKit mol :return: corresponding extended SMILES stripped of coordinates """ return _from_rdkit_mol(mol, format=Format.EXTENDED_SMILES)
[docs]def get_sd_reader(molblocks: str) -> Generator[Chem.rdchem.Mol, None, None]: """ :param molblocks: string of sdf molblocks :return: generator that provides mols from sdf molblcoks """ with infrastructure.TextBlockReader( molblocks, infrastructure.FileFormat.SD) as text_reader: for molblock in text_reader: molblock = molblock.decode() # Fix in SHARED-8782: white space after sdf delimiter causes # TextBlockReader to find an extra text block if molblock.strip() == '$$$$': continue yield _to_rdkit_mol(molblock, Format.MDL_MOLV3000)
[docs]def atom_has_attachment_point(atom): return atom.HasProp(ATOM_PROP_ATOM_LABEL) and atom.GetProp( ATOM_PROP_ATOM_LABEL).startswith("_AP")
def _is_reaction(data: str, format: Format) -> bool: if format == Format.MDL_MOLV3000: return data.startswith("$RXN") elif format in (Format.SMILES, Format.EXTENDED_SMILES, Format.SMARTS): return ">>" in data else: return False # Unsupported reaction format def _to_rdkit_mol(data: str, format: Format = Format.AUTO_DETECT) -> Chem.rdchem.Mol: with rdkit_adapter.convert_log_to_exception(): mol = rdkit_extensions.text_to_rdmol(data, format.value) # partial sanitization to preserve input molecule ops = (Chem.SANITIZE_ALL ^ Chem.SANITIZE_CLEANUP ^ Chem.SANITIZE_PROPERTIES ^ Chem.SANITIZE_KEKULIZE ^ Chem.SANITIZE_FINDRADICALS ^ Chem.SANITIZE_CLEANUPCHIRALITY) Chem.SanitizeMol(mol, sanitizeOps=ops) mol.UpdatePropertyCache(strict=False) if format == Format.MDL_MOLV3000: mol = clean_up_polymer_brackets(mol, keep_existing_brackets=True) return mol def _from_rdkit_mol(mol: Chem.rdchem.Mol, format: Format) -> str: if format == Format.MDL_MOLV3000: Chem.rdmolops.KekulizeIfPossible(mol, clearAromaticFlags=True) return rdkit_extensions.rdmol_to_text(mol, format.value) def _to_rdkit_reaction( data: str, format: Format = Format.AUTO_DETECT ) -> Chem.rdChemReactions.ChemicalReaction: return rdkit_extensions.text_to_reaction(data, format.value) def _from_rdkit_reaction(rxn: Chem.rdChemReactions.ChemicalReaction, format: Format) -> str: if format == Format.INCHI: raise RuntimeError("Cannot convert reaction to INCHI format") return rdkit_extensions.reaction_to_text(rxn, format.value) def _detect_unkekulized_atoms(m): opts = Chem.SANITIZE_ALL ^ Chem.SANITIZE_PROPERTIES ^ Chem.SANITIZE_CLEANUP ^ Chem.SANITIZE_CLEANUPCHIRALITY ^ Chem.SANITIZE_FINDRADICALS with rdkit_adapter.suppress_rdkit_log(): errs = Chem.DetectChemistryProblems(m, opts) for err in errs: if err.GetType() == 'KekulizeException': return sorted(err.GetAtomIndices()) return None
[docs]def add_hs_to_aromatic_nitrogen(mol): """ Intended to be used with molecules which have kekulization failures due to aromatic system(s) containing Ns where the user hasn't provided the location of the implicit Hs in the system. This picks an arbitrary (but canonical) aromatic N to add an H to in each aromatic system. Returns the original mol if it can't fix it. """ Chem.GetSymmSSSR(mol) tm = Chem.Mol(mol) unkekulized_atoms = _detect_unkekulized_atoms(tm) while unkekulized_atoms: tm, new_unkekulized_atoms = _fix_ring_system(tm, unkekulized_atoms) if new_unkekulized_atoms == unkekulized_atoms: # got stuck, return the original return mol unkekulized_atoms = new_unkekulized_atoms return tm
def _fix_ring_system(m, unkekulized_atoms): m.UpdatePropertyCache(False) # we want to always generate the same result for the same molecule # Which result to return will cause arguments, yay, but we'll # prefer smaller rings, then use the canonical atom ranking to break ties ranks = Chem.CanonicalRankAtoms(m) ri = m.GetRingInfo() atoms_to_check = unkekulized_atoms[:] atoms_to_check.sort(key=lambda x: (ri.MinAtomRingSize(x), ranks[x])) while atoms_to_check: ai = atoms_to_check.pop(0) atom = m.GetAtomWithIdx(ai) if atom.GetAtomicNum() != 7: continue if atom.GetDegree() != 2 or atom.GetNumExplicitHs() != 0: continue tm = Chem.Mol(m) atom = tm.GetAtomWithIdx(ai) atom.SetNumExplicitHs(1) atom.SetNoImplicit(True) # did we fix something? new_unkekulized_atoms = _detect_unkekulized_atoms(tm) if new_unkekulized_atoms != unkekulized_atoms: return tm, new_unkekulized_atoms return m, unkekulized_atoms def _get_perpendicular_bracket(start_xyz, end_xyz): """ Get coordinates for a bracket bisecting bond X. The bracket length will be the same length as the bond that it bisects. """ xy_change = start_xyz - end_xyz opposite_reciprocal = np.array([xy_change[1] / 2, (xy_change[0] * -1) / 2]) midpoint = np.array([(start_xyz[0] + end_xyz[0]) / 2, (start_xyz[1] + end_xyz[1]) / 2]) bracket = [ Geometry.Point3D(*(midpoint + opposite_reciprocal), 0), Geometry.Point3D(*(midpoint - opposite_reciprocal), 0), Geometry.Point3D(0, 0, 0) ] return bracket
[docs]def is_polymer(s_group): if not s_group.HasProp("TYPE"): raise ValueError( f"Substance group {s_group.GetIndexInMol()} does not have the TYPE property" ) return s_group.GetProp("TYPE") in [ "SRU", "MON", "COP", "CRO", "GRA", "MOD", "MER", "ANY" ]
[docs]def clean_up_polymer_brackets(mol, revert_to_mol=None, keep_existing_brackets=False): """ Add polymer brackets back to mol. :param mol: RDKit mol to add polymer brackets to :param revert_to_mol: RDKit mol to revert to if polymer brackets cannot be added correctly to provided mol. This will occur when brackets cross more than one bond. :param keep_existing_brackets: whether to recalculate the positions of brackets that are already present :return: RDKit mol with polymer brackets """ if not revert_to_mol: revert_to_mol = Chem.Mol(mol) substance_groups = Chem.GetMolSubstanceGroups(mol) Chem.ClearMolSubstanceGroups(mol) pos = mol.GetConformer().GetPositions() revert = False for s_group in substance_groups: # We can only calculate brackets for non-empty polymer groups. If that # is not the case, either keep the existing brackets, or clear them. if len(s_group.GetAtoms()) == 0 or not is_polymer(s_group): if not keep_existing_brackets: s_group.ClearBrackets() Chem.AddMolSubstanceGroup(mol, s_group) continue # do not recalculate coordinates for already existing brackets if keep_existing_brackets and len(s_group.GetBrackets()) != 0: Chem.AddMolSubstanceGroup(mol, s_group) continue bond_positions = [(pos[mol.GetBondWithIdx(bnd).GetBeginAtomIdx()], pos[mol.GetBondWithIdx(bnd).GetEndAtomIdx()]) for bnd in s_group.GetBonds()] s_group.ClearBrackets() if (len(bond_positions) == 0): # put brackets around all substance group atoms atom_pos = [pos[a] for a in s_group.GetAtoms()] offset_from_atom = .5 min_x = min([xyz[0] for xyz in atom_pos]) - offset_from_atom min_y = min([xyz[1] for xyz in atom_pos]) - offset_from_atom max_x = max([xyz[0] for xyz in atom_pos]) + offset_from_atom max_y = max([xyz[1] for xyz in atom_pos]) + offset_from_atom left_bracket = [ Geometry.Point3D(min_x, min_y, 0), Geometry.Point3D(min_x, max_y, 0), Geometry.Point3D(0, 0, 0), ] right_bracket = [ Geometry.Point3D(max_x, min_y, 0), Geometry.Point3D(max_x, max_y, 0), Geometry.Point3D(0, 0, 0), ] s_group.AddBracket(left_bracket) s_group.AddBracket(right_bracket) elif (len(bond_positions) == 2): s_group.AddBracket( _get_perpendicular_bracket(bond_positions[0][0], bond_positions[0][1])) s_group.AddBracket( _get_perpendicular_bracket(bond_positions[1][0], bond_positions[1][1])) else: revert = True break Chem.AddMolSubstanceGroup(mol, s_group) if revert: # when brackets have to go through 2 or more bonds, it is unlikely that # the new coordinates will allow a good placement of the polymer # brackets mol = Chem.Mol(revert_to_mol) return mol