Source code for schrodinger.protein.helix


Module for converting residue sequences to 3D structures with an a-helix secondary

Copyright Schrodinger, LLC. All rights reserved.

from schrodinger import structure
from schrodinger.protein import buildpeptide
from schrodinger.structutils import analyze
from schrodinger.structutils import build

# For backwards compatability:
get_fragment_structure = buildpeptide.get_fragment_structure

[docs]def process_sequence(line): """ Create a 3D structure with a-helix secondary structure from the given sequence string. """ # TODO: Consider moving most of this code into the module. delete_Ncap = False delete_Ccap = False if line.startswith("NH-"): delete_Ncap = True line = line[3:] if line.endswith("-OH"): delete_Ccap = True line = line[:-3] st = None fromatom = None toatom = None for i, c in enumerate(line): try: fragname = structure.RESIDUE_MAP_1_TO_3_LETTER[c] except KeyError: raise ValueError('Could not get 3-letter code for residue "%s"' % c) if i == 0: # FIXME print this when in debug mode # print "Placing first fragment:", fragname st = buildpeptide.get_fragment_structure(fragname) # Find the NMA cap to replace with the next residue: matches = analyze.evaluate_smarts_canvas(st, "O=CN[C;H3]") m = matches[0] fromatom = m[1] toatom = m[2] else: # FIXME print this when in debug mode # print "Growing:", fragname fromatom, toatom = buildpeptide.grow_fragment( st, fromatom, toatom, "peptide", fragname, "forward(N-to-C)") if delete_Ncap: del_atoms = analyze.evaluate_asl(st, 'res.ptype "ACE "') st.deleteAtoms(del_atoms) build.add_hydrogens(st) if delete_Ccap: del_atoms = analyze.evaluate_asl(st, 'res.ptype "NMA "') st.deleteAtoms(del_atoms) build.add_hydrogens(st) # Locate the aldehyde (there will only be one): matches = analyze.evaluate_smarts_canvas(st, "[#1][C-0X3]=[O-0X1]") if len(matches): # Replace the aldehyde with a hydroxyl m = matches[0] resname = st.atom[m[1]].pdbres resnum = st.atom[m[1]].resnum oxygen, hydrogen = buildpeptide.grow_fragment( st, m[1], m[0], "organic", "Hydroxyl", "forward") # Give it the same resname as the previous residue: st.atom[oxygen].pdbres = resname st.atom[oxygen].resnum = resnum st.atom[hydrogen].pdbres = resname st.atom[hydrogen].resnum = resnum if delete_Ncap: # FIXME renumber residues so that the first residue starts with # 1 instead of 2 (due to deleted ACE cap). pass return st