Source code for schrodinger.structutils.standard_nuclear_orientation

""" transform a Structure into a standard nuclear orientation"""

import numpy as np

from schrodinger.structutils import analyze
from schrodinger.structutils import transform

ZERO_THRESH = 1.0e-4

[docs]def standard_nuclear_orientation(st): """ Transform the structure to a standard nuclear orientation (SNO). SNO means the center of mass is at the origin and the principal moment of inertia axes are aligned with the coordinate (x,y,z) axes. :param st: structure to orient :type st: Structure instance """ # move COM to origin Rcom = analyze.center_of_mass(st) transform.translate_structure(st, x=-Rcom[0], y=-Rcom[1], z=-Rcom[2]) # get moments vals, vecs = analyze.calculate_principal_moments(struct=st) #determine how many degenerate principal spaces there are degen_space_dim = _determine_degen_spaces(vals, vecs) # make sure this is a proper rotation _fix_handedness(vecs) # build the 4x4 transformation matrix used by structutils.transform transform_mat = np.zeros([4, 4]) for i in range(3): transform_mat[0, i] = vecs[0][i] transform_mat[1, i] = vecs[1][i] transform_mat[2, i] = vecs[2][i] transform_mat[3, 3] = 1.0 transform.transform_structure(st, transform_mat) # deal with the degenerate spaces if degen_space_dim > 1: _resolve_degen_spaces(st, degen_space_dim) # deal with negative signs in principal axis system _resolve_180_rotations(st)
def _determine_degen_spaces(vals, vecs): """ Determine if any of the principal axes are in a degenerate space, that is, if they correspond to the same (non-trivial) eigenvalue. (The trivial eigenvalues are also degenerate, but there is also no use in trying to fix them, because being zero means there is nothing to do.) Something must be done to resolve the ambiguity and consistently pick specific axes (as any orthogonal set in the degenerate space are valid) For now, we just find out how big any degenerate spaces are, and ensure that any "special" axis, is given higher priority than degenerate axes. :type vals: list of floats :param vals: the principal moments :type vecs: list of 3 numpy arrays of length 3 :param vecs: the principal axes """ degen_space_dim = 1 special_axis = None if abs(vals[0] - vals[1]) < ZERO_THRESH and abs(vals[0]) > ZERO_THRESH: degen_space_dim += 1 special_axis = 2 if abs(vals[1] - vals[2]) < ZERO_THRESH and abs(vals[1]) > ZERO_THRESH: degen_space_dim += 1 special_axis = 0 if special_axis == 2: vecs.reverse() return degen_space_dim def _fix_handedness(moments): """ Check the handedness of three vectors and try to invert the third vector to make a right handed coordinate system. :param moments: Three vectors which should be orthogonal. :type moments: list of 3 numpy arrays of length 3 """ det = np.linalg.det(moments) # improper rotation if det < 0.0: x = moments[0] y = moments[1] z = moments[2] v = np.cross(x, y) dot =, z) #reflect the z axis if dot < 0.0: for i in range(3): moments[2][i] = -moments[2][i] def _resolve_degen_spaces(st, dg_dim): """ Rotate within 3 (or 2)-dim degenerate subspace to put lowest index, mass-weighted atoms among those closest to the origin to lie along x (or y) axis. If 3-dim, we further rotate in the 2-dim degenerate subspace to lie on the y axis. We assume in this function that the molecule has COM at origin. If a 2D subspace is present, the x axis will already be the unique axis. :type st: Structure instance :param st: the structure to be rotated to unambiguous principal axes :type dg_dim: int :param dg_dim: the dimensionality of the degenerate space """ for i in range(dg_dim, 1, -1): atom_xyz = st.getXYZ() atom_dist = [] for idx, at in enumerate(atom_xyz): atom_dist.append( np.sqrt(sum(at**2)) / st.atom[idx + 1].atomic_weight) cyl_dist = [] if i == 2: for idx, at in enumerate(atom_xyz): cyl_dist.append( np.sqrt(sum(at[1:]**2)) / st.atom[idx + 1].atomic_weight) high_prior_atom = None ## The following loop finds the closest atom to the origin (that is ## not at the origin) with lowest atom index. close_dist = None for idx, at in enumerate(atom_dist): if at > ZERO_THRESH: if close_dist is None or ( at < close_dist and not abs(at - close_dist) < ZERO_THRESH): if i == 3 or cyl_dist[idx] > ZERO_THRESH: close_dist = at high_prior_atom = idx if high_prior_atom is None: break sp_x, sp_y, sp_z = st.atom[high_prior_atom + 1].xyz theta = np.pi / 2 ## We will want a slightly tighter ZERO_THRESH to check for ## zero division if abs(sp_y) > ZERO_THRESH * 1.0e-2: theta = np.arctan(-sp_z / sp_y) rot_decomp1 = transform.get_rotation_matrix(transform.X_AXIS, theta) rot_decomp2 = np.eye(4) if i == 3: alpha = np.pi / 2 if abs(sp_x) > ZERO_THRESH * 1.0e-2: alpha = np.arctan( -(np.cos(theta) * sp_y - np.sin(theta) * sp_z) / sp_x) rot_decomp2 = transform.get_rotation_matrix(transform.Z_AXIS, alpha) transform_mat =, rot_decomp1) transform.transform_structure(st, transform_mat) def _resolve_180_rotations(st): """ We wish to disambiguate amongst 180 degree rotations of the coordinate system (since principal moments are only defined up to a negative sign and two negative signs is a proper 180 degree rotation). We first try to break this symmetry by second atom mass moments, that is, if there is a heavy side and a light side along the first two principal axes, opt for the coordinate system that points these heavier sides toward the positive x and y axes. If there is still a symmetry here, opt for the axes that put larger index atoms along the positive axes. This will make it so that, for example, two H2 molecules (with the same bond length) will have the same SNO all the way to atom numbering. """ mx, my, mz = _compute_weighted_moments(st, SECOND_MASS) if abs(mx) < ZERO_THRESH or abs(my) < ZERO_THRESH: nx, ny, nz = _compute_weighted_moments(st, ATOM_INDEX) if abs(mx) < ZERO_THRESH: mx = nx if abs(my) < ZERO_THRESH: my = ny transform_mat2 = np.eye(4) if mx < -ZERO_THRESH: if my < -ZERO_THRESH: transform_mat2[0, 0] = -1.0 transform_mat2[1, 1] = -1.0 else: transform_mat2[0, 0] = -1.0 transform_mat2[2, 2] = -1.0 else: if my < -ZERO_THRESH: transform_mat2[1, 1] = -1.0 transform_mat2[2, 2] = -1.0 if np.sum(transform_mat2) == 0: transform.transform_structure(st, transform_mat2) def _compute_weighted_moments(st, weighting): """ Computes the weighted distance along x, y, and z. We assume that the molecule's center of mass is already at the origin (and the x, y, and z axes are the principal moments, though this is not strictly required by the code), and so the sum of the mass-weighted x, y, and z components are 0. If we wish to break the symmetry of our principal axis system, we can look at second mass moments. That is, the sum of the x, y and z components of all atoms times the square of the atoms' masses. For all but truly symmetric systems, this breaks principal axis symm. weighting = SECOND_MASS If this is insufficient to break the symmetry, a last ditch effort to break molecular symmetry so that standard nuclear orientation of a highly symmetric molecule (e.g. H2) is the same even up to atom is to use the atom indices as the weights. weighting = ATOM_INDEX :param st: the structure to analyze, with COM at origin :type st: Structure instance :param weighting: the function to weight the coordinates by :type weighting: SECOND_MASS or ATOM_INDEX :return: (weight*x, weight*y, weight*z) :rtype: 3-tuple of floats """ weight = lambda idx, at: 0.0 if weighting == SECOND_MASS: weight = lambda idx, at: at.atomic_weight**2 elif weighting == ATOM_INDEX: weight = lambda idx, at: idx + 1 else: raise ValueError(f"{weighting} is not a valid weighting function") atom_xyz = np.zeros((len(st.atom), 3)) for idx, at in enumerate(st.atom): atom_xyz[idx] = np.array( * weight(idx, at) mx, my, mz = np.sum(atom_xyz, axis=0) return mx, my, mz