Source code for schrodinger.test.canvas_utils

Container for common test functions used in Canvas tests

import csv
import os
from itertools import zip_longest

from schrodinger.utils import csv_unicode
from schrodinger.utils import subprocess

[docs]def read_csv(filename): """Read a canvasMCS csv formatted file. """ with csv_unicode.reader_open(filename) as csvfile: reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile) yield from reader
[docs]def read_pw(filename): """Read a canvasMCS pw formatted file. (pw stands for pair-wise).""" with csv_unicode.reader_open(filename) as csvfile: reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile) yield from reader
[docs]def run_mcs_pw(inputfile, atom_typing=97): """Run canvasMCS -atomtype 97 on `inputfile`, produces pairwise output.""" outputfile = inputfile.replace('.mae', '.pw') command = [ 'canvasMCS', '-imae', inputfile, '-opw', outputfile, '-atomtype', str(atom_typing), '-silent' ] try: subprocess.check_output(command, universal_newlines=True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as err: print(' '.join(command), 'failed with exit code', err.returncode) print(err.output) raise return outputfile
[docs]def run_mcs(cmd): """ Run a command and check return code and that the phrase "successfully completed" is printed. :return: stdout from the canvasMCS job. """ try: output = subprocess.check_output(cmd, universal_newlines=True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as err: print(' '.join(cmd), 'failed with exit code', err.returncode) print(err.output) raise except OSError as err: if err.errno == 2: raise OSError(2, 'No such file or directory: {}'.format(' '.join(cmd))) if 'successfully completed' not in output: raise AssertionError("") return output
[docs]def get_map(list1, list2): """ Get a map of elements in list1 to elements in list2. Fails if the mapping is not one to one. list1 and list2 are strings of comma separated integers. """ list1 = [int(i) for i in list1.split(',')] if list1 else [] list2 = [int(i) for i in list2.split(',')] if list2 else [] if len(list1) != len(list2): raise ValueError('Lists are not the same length! ' '({} != {})'.format(len(list1), len(list2))) mapping = dict(list(zip(list1, list2))) if len(mapping) != len(list1): raise ValueError('At least one item from list1 is repeated. ' '{}: {}'.format(list1, list2)) return mapping
[docs]def assertAtomMapsEqual(left_map, left_filename, right_map, right_filename): """ Check that two dicts representing atom mappings are equal. Functionally equivalent to assertEqual(left_map, right_map), but more precise error reporting. """ diffs = [] d1, d2 = {}, {} inset = len(left_filename) for k in sorted(set(left_map) | set(right_map)): if left_map.get(k, None) != right_map.get(k, None): left_data = '{k}->{v1}'.format(k=k, v1=left_map.get(k, None)) diffs.append('{left_data:>{inset}} != {k}->{v2}'.format( k=k, left_data=left_data, inset=inset, v2=right_map.get(k, None))) d1[k] = left_map.get(k, None) d2[k] = right_map.get(k, None) if diffs: raise AssertionError( "Atom maps didn't match:\n" + "{} != {}\n".format(left_filename, right_filename) + '\n'.join(diffs))
[docs]def assertEqual(a, b): if a != b: raise AssertionError("Items did not match:\n" + a + " " + b)
[docs]def assertCSVFilesMatch(test_file, reference_file): """ This function considers only the first two records in each file and checks that the pairwise atom mappings are consistent with the reference The current fields in a MCS csv file are: SMILES Name i_canvas_MCS_Match_Count i_canvas_MCS_Size i_canvas_MCS_Group i_canvas_MCS_Atom_Count i_canvas_MCS_Bond_Count s_canvas_MCS_Atom_List s_canvas_MCS_Bond_List s_canvas_MCS_SMARTS This checks that the SMILES, s_canvas_MCS_Atom_List and fields match. Uses assertAtomMapsEqual to check that the mapping is the same on the LHS and the RHS. """ test_data = read_csv(test_file) reference_data = read_csv(reference_file) test_atom_mappings = [] reference_atom_mappings = [] for test, reference in zip_longest(test_data, reference_data): test_atom_mappings.append(test['s_canvas_MCS_Atom_List']) reference_atom_mappings.append(test['s_canvas_MCS_Atom_List']) #note that only the first two records of each file are considered assertAtomMapsEqual( get_map(test_atom_mappings[0], test_atom_mappings[1]), os.path.basename(test_file), get_map(reference_atom_mappings[0], reference_atom_mappings[1]), os.path.basename(reference_file))