Source code for schrodinger.test.hypothesis.hypothesis_profiles

from hypothesis import HealthCheck
from hypothesis import settings as hypothesis_settings
from hypothesis import Verbosity

[docs]def register_profiles(): """Registers hypothesis profiles # See for details Any profile added here will be available to py.test's --hypothesis-profile option Without any profile, Hypothesis will default to the following values: max_examples = 200 stateful_step_count = 50 and will perform health checks by default. As a general rule, developers should use the "dev" profile when running a subset of tests as part of the development process and the "stress" profile when they want to smoke out especially tricky bugs (or in stu tests). Buildbot and the regular unittest process will use the "unittest" profile, which is very lightweight compared to the others. """ hypothesis_settings.register_profile( "dev", hypothesis_settings( max_examples=200, deadline=None, stateful_step_count=50, verbosity=Verbosity.verbose, )) hypothesis_settings.register_profile( "stress", hypothesis_settings(max_examples=500, deadline=None, stateful_step_count=100, verbosity=Verbosity.verbose, suppress_health_check=[HealthCheck.too_slow])) unittest_settings = { 'max_examples': 15, 'deadline': None, 'stateful_step_count': 20, 'suppress_health_check': [ HealthCheck.too_slow, HealthCheck.data_too_large ] } hypothesis_settings.register_profile( "unittest", hypothesis_settings(**unittest_settings))