Source code for schrodinger.test.performance.general

General tools for performance tests.


import functools
import subprocess
import time
import timeit

import psutil

#Default maximum time is 5 minutes.
MAX_TIME = 5 * 60

#Directory where input files are kept, added by test runner.

[docs]def get_process_name(process): """Pretty-print a psutil.Process object.""" cmd = subprocess.list2cmdline(process.cmdline) if not cmd: cmd = f'[{}]' return f'PID{}: {cmd}'
[docs]def wait_for_successful_completion(process, timeout=MAX_TIME): """ Wait until `process` is complete. If recursive is true, also wait for all child processes to complete. If the process is still running after `timeout`, kill it and all its children and raise an exception. If the exit code is not 0, raise an exception. :type process: psutil.Process or pid :param process: Process to watch, waiting for completion. :type timeout: int :param timeout: Duration (in seconds) to wait for the process. :type recursive: bool :param recursive: Should the child processes of `process` be monitored as well? """ if not isinstance(process, psutil.Process): process = psutil.Process(process) try: return_code = process.wait(timeout=timeout) except psutil._error.TimeoutExpired: # If there is an exception, kill all the children. for child in reversed(process.get_children(recursive=True)): print("killing", child.terminate() process.terminate() raise if return_code: name = get_process_name(process) raise Exception('{} exited with return code {}'.format( name, return_code))
[docs]def call_in_loop(func, iterations, *args, **kwargs): """ Calls function repeatedly to normalize test data. """ testable = functools.partial(func, *args, **kwargs) duration = timeit.timeit(testable, number=iterations) return duration / iterations
[docs]def wait_and_monitor_usage(process, timeout=MAX_TIME, timeslice=0.1): ''' Wait until `process` is complete. Query maxrss and cpu time used by the process and its children every so often (let the process to run for `timeslice` seconds between observations). If the process is still running after `timeout`, kill it and all its children and raise an exception. If the exit code is not 0, raise an exception. Returns maxrss (in megabytes) and cpu time (in seconds). :type process: psutil.Process or pid :param process: Process to watch, waiting for completion. :type timeout: float :param timeout: Duration (in seconds) to wait for the process. :type timeslice: float :param timeslice: Interval (in seconds) between observations. :rtype: (int, float) :return: Max RSS (in megabytes) and CPU time (user, in seconds). ''' if not isinstance(process, psutil.Process): process = psutil.Process(process) maxrss = 0 cputime = 0 cmdline = process.cmdline() start_time = time.time() while time.time() - start_time < timeout: try: process.wait(timeslice) if process.returncode: raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(process.returncode, cmdline) return (maxrss / 1024.0 / 1024.0, cputime) except psutil.TimeoutExpired: rss, user = 0, 0 for child in process.children(recursive=True): try: rss += child.memory_info().rss user += child.cpu_times().user except (psutil.NoSuchProcess, psutil.AccessDenied): pass maxrss = max(maxrss, rss) cputime = max(cputime, user) for child in process.children(recursive=True): child.terminate() process.terminate() raise psutil.TimeoutExpired(timeout,