Source code for schrodinger.test.pytest.fixture

Features that a developer might use when writing tests.
import contextlib
import os
import pathlib
import shutil
import sys
from unittest.mock import patch

import pytest
from rdkit import Chem

from schrodinger import get_mmshare_version
from schrodinger.infra import mmjob
from schrodinger.test import mmshare_testfile
from schrodinger.test.fixtures import safe_patch_os_environ

from . import exetest

[docs]@pytest.fixture def unittest_preset_manager(): """ A fixture that mocks out the PresetManager with a PresetManager that uses the current working directory as the presets directory. This prevents reliance on system state. """ def _getPresetsDirectory(self): return os.path.join('.', 'foo', self._panel_name) with patch('schrodinger.models.presets.PresetManager._getPresetsDirectory', _getPresetsDirectory): yield
[docs]@pytest.fixture def json_version(): """ A fixture that mocks out the version used by schrodinger.models.json.JsonableClassMixin. By default, the version returned will be the current mmshare version. The return_value of the fixture can be adjusted to change the version. Example:: def my_test(json_version): from schrodinger.models import json from schrodinger import get_mmshare_version foo = json.JsonableClassMixin() assert foo.get_version() == get_mmshare_version() json_version.return_value = 10 assert foo.get_version() == 10 """ with patch('schrodinger.models.json.JsonableClassMixin.get_version' ) as get_version_mock: get_version_mock.return_value = get_mmshare_version() yield get_version_mock
[docs]@pytest.fixture def tmp_cwd(tmpdir_factory, request, monkeypatch): nodeid = os.path.basename(request.node.nodeid) # replace special characters that break directory paths for badchar in ':.[]': nodeid = nodeid.replace(badchar, '_') # nodeid = 'sort_test.sdaf' d = tmpdir_factory.mktemp(nodeid) setattr(request.node, 'schro_tmp_cwd', str(d)) cwd = os.getcwd() try: os.chdir(d) yield str(d) finally: os.chdir(cwd)
[docs]@pytest.fixture def log_to_stdout(): """Log to stdout instead of files""" with patch('logging.FileHandler._open', return_value=sys.stdout): yield
class _allow_memtest: """ Run a command from a Python test. For legacy mmlibs tests Raises an exception if the command fails or if memtest fails. """ def __init__(self, request): self.node = request.node def check_call(self, cmd, env=None, stdout=None, stderr=None): # This is all stuff that is required for memtest to accurately # find suppressions, for instance. t = exetest.ExecutableTest.from_parent(name=self.node.fspath.basename, parent=self.node) exe_candidates = [cmd[0], f"{cmd[0]}.exe"] exe_candidates.extend([shutil.which(exe) for exe in exe_candidates]) exe_candidates = [ pathlib.Path(exe) for exe in exe_candidates if exe is not None ] executable = None for cand in exe_candidates: if cand.exists(): executable = os.fspath(cand.absolute()) break if executable is None: raise RuntimeError(f"executable {cmd[0]} not found") cmd = [executable] + cmd[1:] t.command = cmd t.runtest(capture=False, env=env, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr)
[docs]@pytest.fixture def allow_memtest(request): # class-based fixtures are not supported. return _allow_memtest(request)
[docs]@pytest.fixture def fast_jobdj(): """ Use this fixture to make jobDJ use minimal delays in updating, at the expense of throttling the CPU. """ with patch("schrodinger.job.queue.USE_JOB_CONTROL_MESSAGES", False): with patch("schrodinger.job.queue.MONITOR_DELAY", 0.1): yield
[docs]@pytest.fixture def mock_gpgpu_hosts_env(): try: with safe_patch_os_environ({ "SCHRODINGER_HOSTS": mmshare_testfile("job_test_files/gpgpu.hosts") }): mmjob.mmjob_hosts_reload() yield finally: mmjob.mmjob_hosts_reload()
class _MockTaskHelper(contextlib.ExitStack): """ Helper class to mock task methods that are needed for the task to finish. The mocked task will have task.status == task.FAILED """ def patch_run(self, task): """ Patch and force the task to fail :rtype: mock.Mock """ return self._patch_task(task, "run") def patch__launchCmd(self, task): """ Patch task._launchCmd and force the task to fail :rtype: mock.Mock """ return self._patch_task(task, "_launchCmd") def _patch_task(self, task, method_name): patcher = patch.object(task, method_name, side_effect=RuntimeError) return self.enter_context(patcher)
[docs]@pytest.fixture def mock_task_helper(): """ Fixture for mocking task methods that are required for the task to finish without leaving the task with status RUNNING. Usage:: def test_foo_task(mock_task_helper): task = FooTask() mock_task_helper.patch_run(task) task.start() assert task.status is task.FAILED """ with _MockTaskHelper() as helper: yield helper
[docs]@pytest.fixture def no_pandastools_side_effects(): """ If PandasTools from rdkit.Chem is imported into the global namespace it has unexpected results later on. This fixture confirms that before and after the test the default RDKit string rendering is used. """ mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles('C') str_mol = str(mol) assert 'rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol' in str_mol assert 'img data-content' not in str_mol yield str_mol = str(mol) assert 'rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol' in str_mol assert 'img data-content' not in str_mol