Source code for schrodinger.test.structurecheck

Custom assertions for "checking" structures.  Uses the Protein Report to
determine whether a structure has (for instance) bad steric clashes, or
unreasonable bond angles.

See for examples.  It is also used extensively in psp.

copyright (c) Schrodinger, LLC. All rights reserved.

from schrodinger.protein.analysis import Report as ProteinReport

__unittest = True
"""Keeps stack trace from including this module."""

[docs]class ProteinReportCheck: """ This is a wrapper for ProteinReport which is used for unittesting and scientific testing. """
[docs] def __init__(self, ct, steric_delta=None, steric_distance=None, bond_length_deviation=0.1, bond_angle_deviation=10.0, peptide_planarity_deviation=15.0, sidechain_planarity_deviation=0.02, improper_torsion_deviation=5.0): """ :param ct: Structure to operate on. :param steric_delta: Provide a buffer of this size(A) between the sum of VdW radii of the two atoms and their distance (non-bonded atoms only) to determine what is a clash. :param steric_distance: Atoms closer than this distance will be counted as a clash atoms only) to determine what is a clash. :param bond_length_deviation: Bond length deviation of more than this will be counted as a bond length problem. :param bond_angle_deviation: Bond angle deviation of more than this (def) will be counted as a bond angle problem. :param peptide_planarity_deviation: Residues where the atoms that make up the peptide plane deviate from planarity more than this (deg) will be considered a problem. :param sidechain_planarity_deviation: Any aromatic residue where the atoms that make up the aromatic unit deviate more than this amount (A) from the plane will be considered a problem. :param improper_torsion_deviation: Any improper torsion which deviates from the canonical amount by more than this (rad) will be considered a problem. """ # Set the structure and the minimum value to report, any value # worse than this will be roprted in reportSet and counted in # assertProteinHealth. self.ct = ct self.steric_delta = steric_delta self.steric_distance = steric_distance self.bond_length_deviation = bond_length_deviation self.bond_angle_deviation = bond_angle_deviation self.peptide_planarity_deviation = peptide_planarity_deviation self.sidechain_planarity_deviation = sidechain_planarity_deviation self.improper_torsion_deviation = improper_torsion_deviation
[docs] def assertProteinHealth(self, name, test_values): """ Raise an assertion error if criteria are not met. :type name: str :param name: Title that is used in output(string) :type test_values: dict :param test_values: Key is the name of the test to perform and the value is the maximum number of exceptions allowed. :raise AssertionError: If the number of exceptions to the criterion exceeds the maximum allowed. """ output = "" for test in test_values: value = test_values[test] title, header, lines = self.reportSet(test) if (len(lines) > value): output += ("Error for %s:\n" % name + " Too many errors for %s (%d>%d)\n" % (title, len(lines), value) + "%s\n%s" % (header, "\n".join(lines))) if (output): raise AssertionError(output)
[docs] def reportSet(self, measurement): """ Return a tuple containing name of the desired measurement of data (string), the a header providing the column titles (list of strings), and the values for that measurement (list of strings). The values will be subset that is worse than the cutoffs provided in the initialized. Any property calculated by protein reports can be selected. :type measurement: str :param measurement: Measurement to check """ if (measurement == 'STERIC CLASHES'): return self._reportSet( measurement, min_values=[None, None, self.steric_delta], max_values=[self.steric_distance, None, self.steric_delta]) elif (measurement == 'BOND LENGTHS'): return self._reportSet(measurement, min_values=[self.bond_length_deviation]) elif (measurement == 'BOND ANGLES'): return self._reportSet(measurement, min_values=[self.bond_angle_deviation]) elif (measurement == 'BACKBONE DIHEDRALS'): return self._reportSet(measurement, in_values=[None, None, "disallowed"]) elif (measurement == 'SIDECHAIN DIHEDRALS'): return self._reportSet(measurement, in_values=[None, None, "disallowed"]) elif (measurement == 'PEPTIDE PLANARITY'): try: value = 180.0 - self.peptide_planarity_deviation except TypeError: value = None return self._reportSet(measurement, max_values=[value]) elif (measurement == 'SIDECHAIN PLANARITY'): return self._reportSet( measurement, min_values=[self.sidechain_planarity_deviation]) elif (measurement == 'IMPROPER TORSIONS'): return self._reportSet(measurement, min_values=[self.improper_torsion_deviation], not_in_values=['-']) elif (measurement == 'CHIRALITY'): return self._reportSet(measurement, not_in_values='L') else: return self._reportSet(measurement)
def _reportSet(self, name, max_values=None, min_values=None, in_values=None, not_in_values=None): report = ProteinReport(self.ct, sets_to_run=[name]) try: pr_set =[0] except IndexError: raise RuntimeError("Set name %s not valid in ProteinReport" % name) point_lines = [] for point in pr_set.points: # Skip over any points with subvalues that are too high or too low skip = False for ivalue, value in enumerate(point.values): if (not_in_values is not None and ivalue < len(not_in_values) and not_in_values[ivalue] is not None): try: if (not_in_values[ivalue] in value): skip = True break except TypeError: pass if ((max_values is not None and ivalue < len(max_values) and max_values[ivalue] is not None and value > max_values[ivalue]) or (min_values is not None and ivalue < len(min_values) and min_values[ivalue] is not None and value < min_values[ivalue])): skip = True break if (in_values is not None and ivalue < len(in_values) and in_values[ivalue] is not None): try: if (in_values[ivalue] not in value): skip = True break except TypeError: skip = True break if (skip): continue # Actually write the formatted strings to output line = "%-30s" % point.descriptor for value in point.values: try: line += "%8.2f" % value except TypeError: line += "%10s" % str(value) point_lines.append(line) # Create the header header_line = "%-30s" % pr_set.fields[0] for header in pr_set.fields[1:]: header_line += "%-10s" % header return pr_set.title, header_line, point_lines
[docs]def assert_no_major_problems(ct): """ :raise AssertionError: If the connection table contains a SEVERE steric clash, bond length or angle deviation. """ pr = ProteinReportCheck(ct, steric_delta=1.0, bond_length_deviation=0.1, bond_angle_deviation=20.0) pr.assertProteinHealth(ct.title, { 'STERIC CLASHES': 0, 'BOND LENGTHS': 0, 'BOND ANGLES': 0 })