Source code for schrodinger.ui.qt.standard.colors

# defined by WCAG 2.0

[docs]class NativeColors: BLACK = '#000000' GRAY = '#808080' GREEN = '#00ff00' ORANGE = '#ffa500' RED = '#ff0000' WHITE = '#ffffff'
[docs]class LightModeColors(NativeColors): INVALID_STATE_BORDER = NativeColors.RED STANDARD_BACKGROUND = NativeColors.WHITE STANDARD_BORDER = NativeColors.WHITE LINK = '#2e9cdc' LINK_HOVERED = '#34b0f8' LINK_DISABLED = '#acb8bf' LINK_PRESSED = '#2e9cdc' EMPHASIZED_TEXT = '#555555' ERROR_TEXT = '#cc0000' HEADER_TEXT = '#666666' GOOD_TEXT = '#336622' INFORMATIONAL_TEXT = '#666666' LONG_ERROR_TEXT = '#990000' STANDARD_TEXT = NativeColors.BLACK SUCCESS_TEXT = '#006633' WARNING_TEXT = '#c87c00' DISABLED_BUTTON_BACKGROUND = '#cccccc' DISABLED_BUTTON_COLOR = '#eeeeee' DISABLED_BUTTON_BORDER = '#cccccc' HIGHLIGHTED_BUTTON_BACKGROUND = 'qlineargradient(x1:0, y1:0, x2:0, y2:1, stop:0 #96b260, stop:1 #87a056)' HIGHLIGHTED_BUTTON_BORDER_DISABLED = '#bbbbbb' HIGHLIGHTED_BUTTON_BORDER_ENABLED = '#989898' HIGHLIGHTED_BUTTON_COLOR = NativeColors.WHITE HIGHLIGHTED_PRESSED_BUTTON_BACKGROUND_COLOR = '#87a056' STANDARD_BUTTON_BACKGROUND = 'qlineargradient(x1:0, y1:0, x2:0, y2:1, stop:0 #dddddd, stop:1 #cccccc)' STANDARD_BUTTON_BORDER_DISABLED = '#bbbbbb' STANDARD_BUTTON_BORDER_ENABLED = '#989898' STANDARD_BUTTON_COLOR = NativeColors.BLACK STANDARD_PRESSED_BUTTON_BACKGROUND_COLOR = '#aaaaaa' PRESSED_BUTTON_COLOR = NativeColors.WHITE
[docs]class DarkModeColors(NativeColors): LINK = '#34b0f8' LINK_HOVERED = '#2e9cdc' LINK_DISABLED = '#798084' LINK_PRESSED = '#34b0f8'
def _convert_color_comp(color_comp): color_comp /= 255 if color_comp < 0.03928: return color_comp / 12.92 return ((color_comp + 0.055) / 1.055)**2.4
[docs]def get_luma(rgb): """ Return the WCAG2 luma value of the given color. See for additional information. :param rgb: Red, green, blue values (range 0-255). Rgba values are allowed but alpha is ignored. :type rgb: tuple[int] or QtGui.QColor :return: Luma value (range 0.0 - 1.0) :rtype: float """ try: rgb = rgb.getRgb() except AttributeError: pass rgb = rgb[:3] # allow rgba 4-tuple r, g, b = (_convert_color_comp(c) for c in rgb) return r * 0.2126 + g * 0.7152 + b * 0.0722
[docs]def get_contrast(rgb1, rgb2): """ Return the contrast ratio for the given colors. See for additional information. :return: Contrast ratio (range 1.0 - 21.0) :rtype: float """ epsilon = 0.05 contrast = (get_luma(rgb1) + epsilon) / (get_luma(rgb2) + epsilon) if contrast < 1: contrast = 1 / contrast return contrast
[docs]def get_contrasting_color(set_rgb, contrast=CONTRAST_THRESHOLD, options=None): """ :param set_rgb: Red, green, blue values (range 0-255). Rgba values are allowed but alpha is ignored. :type set_rgb: tuple[int] or QtGui.QColor :param contrast: Contrast ratio (range 1.0 - 21.0) :type contrast: float :param options: Possible colors to contrast with `set_rgb` :type options: iterable(tuple[int] or QtGui.QColor) """ try: set_rgb = set_rgb.getRgb() except AttributeError: pass if options: # Check whether any option has sufficient contrast contrasts = [get_contrast(rgb, set_rgb) for rgb in options] best_contrast = max(contrasts) if best_contrast >= contrast: idx = contrasts.index(best_contrast) return options[idx] # Otherwise, return most contrasting default color default_options = [(0, 0, 0), (255, 255, 255)] contrasts = [get_contrast(rgb, set_rgb) for rgb in default_options] best_contrast = max(contrasts) idx = contrasts.index(best_contrast) return default_options[idx]
[docs]def is_color_dark(rgb): """ For a given color, return whether it is dark. If a background color is dark, it should have a light foreground color and vice versa. :note: This is determined using the luma value of the given color. The function returns True if the luma is less than 50% (i.e. closer to black than white) and False if the luma is greater than 50% (i.e. closer to white than black). :param rgb: Red, green, blue values (range 0-255). Rgba values are allowed but alpha is ignored. :type rgb: tuple[int] :return: Whether the color is dark :rtype: bool """ return get_luma(rgb) < 0.5