Source code for schrodinger.utils.cgxutils

import os
import re
import sqlite3
from collections import defaultdict
from past.utils import old_div

import numpy

from schrodinger import structure
from schrodinger.infra import canvas
from schrodinger.infra import fast3d
from schrodinger.infra import mm
from schrodinger.utils import log


_LOGGER_NAME = 'cgxutils'


[docs]class SerializationError(Exception): pass
[docs]def serialize_conformations(conformations): ''' Converts conformations into `numpy.ndarray` instance. :param conformations: Iterable over conformations. Each conformation must be an iterable with two elements (energy, coordinates). The "energy" must be convertible to `float` and "coordinates" must be a `numpy.ndarray` of shape (natoms, 3). Number of the "coordinates" must be the same for all "conformations". :type conformations: Iterable of iterables. :return: Serialized conformations. :rtype: `numpy.ndarray` ''' num_confs = len(conformations) if num_confs == 0: raise SerializationError('no conformations') num_atoms = len(conformations[0][1]) if num_atoms < 3: # must be at least 3 atoms raise SerializationError('at least 3 atoms expected (got %d)' % num_atoms) num_float32 = 1 + num_confs * (1 + 3 * num_atoms) outcome = numpy.empty(shape=(num_float32), dtype=numpy.float32) outcome[0] = num_confs pos = 1 for (energy, coordinates) in conformations: outcome[pos] = energy pos += 1 shape = getattr(coordinates, 'shape', None) if shape != (num_atoms, 3): raise SerializationError( 'unexpected shape of the coordinates array') for xyz in coordinates: outcome[pos:pos + 3] = xyz pos += 3 return outcome
[docs]def deserialize_conformations(data): ''' Does the opposite of `serialize_conformations`: converts array of floats (buffer) into a list of conformations. :param data: Serialized conformations. :type data: `buffer` :return: List of conformations. :rtype: list((float, numpy.ndarray)) ''' MIN_NUMBER_OF_FLOAT32_PER_CONFORMATION = 10 # energy + 3 atoms numbers = numpy.frombuffer(data, dtype=numpy.float32) if numbers.size < MIN_NUMBER_OF_FLOAT32_PER_CONFORMATION + 1: raise SerializationError('too little data') num_conformations = int(numbers[0]) if num_conformations <= 0: raise SerializationError('non-positive number of conformations') num_numbers_per_conformation = old_div((numbers.size - 1), num_conformations) if num_numbers_per_conformation < MIN_NUMBER_OF_FLOAT32_PER_CONFORMATION: raise SerializationError('too little data per conformation') if num_numbers_per_conformation % 3 != 1: raise SerializationError('unexpected amount of data per conformation') num_atoms = old_div((num_numbers_per_conformation - 1), 3) outcome = [] pos = 1 while pos < numbers.size: energy = numbers.item(pos) pos += 1 xyz32 = numbers[pos:pos + 3 * num_atoms] pos += 3 * num_atoms coordinates = \ xyz32.astype(dtype=numpy.float64, copy=True).reshape((num_atoms, 3)) outcome.append((energy, coordinates)) return outcome
[docs]class FragmentLibrary: ''' Encapsulates access to CGX fragment library (SQLite3 file). '''
[docs] def __init__(self, filename): ''' Opens existing library, or creates new one if `filename` does not exist. :param filename: File name. :type filename: `str` ''' create = not os.path.exists(filename) if not create and not fast3d.Engine.isFragmentLibraryFile(filename): raise ValueError("'%s' is not a CGX fragments library file" % filename) self.conn = sqlite3.connect(filename) self.conn.text_factory = str if create: self.conn.execute( "CREATE TABLE Conformations(smiles TEXT UNIQUE, confs BLOB)") self.conn.commit()
def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, *a): self.close()
[docs] def close(self): self.conn.close()
def _lookup(self, smiles): cur = self.conn.execute( 'SELECT confs FROM Conformations WHERE smiles=?', (smiles,)) return cur.fetchone() def _insert(self, smiles, blob, replace=False): sql = 'REPLACE' if replace else 'INSERT' sql += ' INTO Conformations VALUES (?, ?)' with self.conn: self.conn.execute(sql, (smiles, sqlite3.Binary(blob)))
[docs] def __contains__(self, smiles): return bool(self._lookup(smiles))
[docs] def __len__(self): cur = self.conn.execute('SELECT Count(smiles) FROM Conformations') return int(cur.fetchone()[0])
def __delitem__(self, smiles): with self.conn: self.conn.execute('DELETE FROM Conformations WHERE smiles=?', (smiles,)) def __missing__(self, smiles): raise KeyError def __getitem__(self, smiles): ''' Returns list of conformations. Each conformations is a (float, numpy.ndarray) tuple holding energy and coordinates. ''' row = self._lookup(smiles) if row is not None: return deserialize_conformations(row[0]) else: return self.__missing__(smiles) def __setitem__(self, smiles, conformations): self._insert(smiles, serialize_conformations(conformations).data, replace=True)
[docs] def iteritems(self): cur = self.conn.execute( 'SELECT smiles, confs FROM Conformations ORDER BY smiles') for row in cur: yield (row[0], deserialize_conformations(row[1]))
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------# def _order(i, j): return (i, j) if i < j else (j, i) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# def _get_stereo(st, logger): ''' Extracts and parses mmstereo properties starting with ``s_st_``. :param st: Structure. :type st: `schrodinger.Structure` :return: Dictionaries for chiral atoms and stereo bonds. The chirality dictionary maps chiral atom indices to 4- or 5-tuples `(X, a1, a2, a3, a4)` (4-tuples lack a4) where `X` denotes the "chirality" (R, S, ANR or ANS), and `a1, a2, a3, a4` are bonded atom indices in the appropriate order. The stereo dictionary maps bonds (as ordered 2-tuples of atom indices) to the tuples like `(X, a1, a2, a3, a4)` where `X` is E, Z, P or M and the remaining members are indices of the atoms involved. :rtype: `tuple(dict, dict)` ''' chiral_centers = dict() cistrans_bonds = dict() for (k, v) in if re.match(r'^s_st_Chirality_(\d+)$', k): m = re.match(r'^(\d+)_(R|S|ANR|ANS|\?)_(\d+)_(\d+)_(\d+)(_(\d+))?$', v) if not m: logger.warn('could not parse chirality %s', v) continue atom = int( data = [, int(, int(, int( ] if is not None: data.append(int( chiral_centers[atom] = tuple(data) elif re.match(r'^s_st_EZ_(\d+)$', k): m = re.match(r'^((\d+)_)+(E|Z|P|M|\?)$', v) if not m: logger.warn('could not parse cis/trans %s', v) continue m = v.split('_') if len(m) < 4: logger.warn('too few atoms in cis/trans %s', v) continue data = [m[-1]] + [int(s) for s in m[:-1]] cistrans_bonds[_order(data[2], data[3])] = data return (chiral_centers, cistrans_bonds) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
[docs]def recompute_stereo(st): _discard_stereo(st) _compute_stereo(st)
[docs]def has_undefined_stereo(st, logger): ''' Extracts and parses mmstereo properties (s_st), return True if there is an undefined (labelled as '?') chirality or cis/trans. :param st: Structure :type st: `schrodinger.Structure` ''' chiral_centers, cistrans_bonds = _get_stereo(st, logger) for data in chiral_centers.values(): if data[0] == '?': return True for data in cistrans_bonds.values(): if data[0] == '?': return True return False
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------# def _discard_stereo(st): ''' Deletes mmstereo properties. ''' names = [s_st for s_st in if re.match(r'^s_st_', s_st)] for name in names: del[name] #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# def _compute_stereo(st): handle = mm.mmstereo_new(st) try: mm.mmstereo_add_stereo_information_to_ct(st, handle) finally: mm.mmstereo_delete(handle) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# def _parity(*x): ''' Returns parity of the permutation (O(N^2)). ''' assert len(x) > 1 if len(x) == 2: return x[0] > x[1] else: outcome = _parity(*x[1:]) for y in x[1:]: outcome ^= (y > x[0]) return outcome #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# def _set_stereo(origin_cc, origin_sb, st, logger, i_f3d_origin): ''' Set fragment's ``s_st_`` properties from the origin's data in `origin_cc` and `origin_sb`. :param origin_cc: Chiral centers dictionary returned by `_get_stereo()` for the origin (parent) structure. :type origin_cc: `dict` :param origin_sb: EZPM dictionary returned by `_get_stereo()` for the origin (parent) structure. :type origin_sb: `dict` ''' flip = {'R': 'S', 'S': 'R', 'ANS': 'ANR', 'ANR': 'ANS'} _compute_stereo(st) cc, sb = _get_stereo(st, logger) _discard_stereo(st) # chiralities i = 0 for (atom, data) in cc.items(): oatom = st.atom[atom].property[i_f3d_origin] try: origin_data = origin_cc[oatom] except KeyError: continue # was not annotated in the parent structure if len(data) != len(origin_data): logger.warn('number of chiral center neighbors has ' 'changed after fragmentation') continue # "origin" indices can be negative (implying "cap" atoms) mapped_neighbors = \ [abs(st.atom[j].property[i_f3d_origin]) for j in data[1:]] origin_parity = _parity(*origin_data[1:]) mapped_parity = _parity(*mapped_neighbors) new_chirality = origin_data[0] if origin_parity ^ mapped_parity: # ranking of atoms in the fragment has different parity new_chirality = flip.get(new_chirality, new_chirality) i += 1['s_st_Chirality_%d' % i] = '%d_%s_%s' % (atom, new_chirality, '_'.join( map(str, data[1:]))) # cis/trans i = 0 for (atom1, atom2), data in sb.items(): oatom1 = st.atom[atom1].property[i_f3d_origin] oatom2 = st.atom[atom2].property[i_f3d_origin] try: origin_data = origin_sb[_order(oatom1, oatom2)] except KeyError: continue # was not annotated in the parent structure i += 1['s_st_EZ_%d' % i] = '_'.join(map(str, data[1:])) + '_' + origin_data[0] #------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
[docs]def chop(engine, st, logger=None, i_f3d_origin='i_f3d_origin'): ''' Chops structure into ConfGenX fragments (side effect: modifies atom properties of the input structure). :param engine: Fast3D engine. :type engine: `schrodinger.infra.fast3d.Engine` :param st: Structure (may include several molecules). :type st: `schrodinger.Structure` :param i_f3d_origin: Name of the atom property to keep track of the original atom indices. :type i_f3d_origin: `str` :return: List of fragments. :rtype: `list(schrodinger.Structure)` ''' if logger is None: logger = log.get_output_logger(_LOGGER_NAME) chiral_centers, stereo_bonds = _get_stereo(st, logger) for atom in st.atom:[i_f3d_origin] = atom.index num_frags, partition = engine.partition(st) frag_atom_indices = [[] for f in range(0, num_frags)] for atom in st.atom: frag_index = partition[atom.index] - 1 frag_atom_indices[frag_index].append(atom.index) for bond in i1 = bond.atom1.index f1 = partition[i1] i2 = bond.atom2.index f2 = partition[i2] if f1 != f2: # inter-fragment bond, keep "cap" atoms frag_atom_indices[f1 - 1].append(i2) frag_atom_indices[f2 - 1].append(i1) frags = [st.extract(i, copy_props=True) for i in frag_atom_indices] # discard s_st_ properties from fragments to avoid low-level warnings for f in frags: _discard_stereo(f) # update the "cap" atoms for (i, f) in enumerate(frags, 1): for atom in f.atom: original_index =[i_f3d_origin] if partition[original_index] != i:[i_f3d_origin] = -original_index atom.atomic_number = 1 atom.formal_charge = 0 atom.retype() # propagate stereochemistry for f in frags: _set_stereo(chiral_centers, stereo_bonds, f, logger, i_f3d_origin) return frags
[docs]def is_builtin_fragment(smiles): ''' Checks whether the smiles is for one of the "built-in" fragments. ''' internal = {'[H]O[H]', '[H]C([H])([H])[H]', 'O=C([H])N([H])[H]'} return smiles in internal
[docs]def uniquesmiler(): ''' Returns unique SMILES generator. ''' adaptor = canvas.ChmMmctAdaptor() generator = canvas.ChmUniqueSmilesGenerator() generator.wantStereo(True) generator.wantCharge(True) generator.wantAllHydrogens(True) def smiler(st): chmol = adaptor.create(st.handle, canvas.ChmMmctAdaptor.StereoFromAnnotation_Safe) return generator.getSmilesAndMap(chmol) return smiler
[docs]def read_structures_as_conformations(source, energy_property, logger=None, engine=None): ''' Gets structures from file/generator, chops them into fragments. Skips the ones that have more than one fragment. Gathers conformations of the "elementary" (indivisible) fragments into a dictionary keyed by unique SMILES. :param source: Structure file name or generator of structures. :type source: `str` or `generator` :param energy_property: Name of the "energy" CT-level property (required). :type energy_property: `str` :param logger: Logger (can be None). :type logger: `log.Logger` :param engine: Fast3D engine (can be None). :type engine: `schrodinger.infra.fast3d.Engine` ''' if logger is None: logger = log.get_output_logger(_LOGGER_NAME) if engine is None: engine = fast3d.Engine('default', False, False, []) outcomes = defaultdict(list) smiler = uniquesmiler() if type(source) is str: reader = structure.StructureReader(source) else: reader = source for (i, st) in enumerate(reader, 1): try: energy =[energy_property] except KeyError: logger.warning('structure %d: no energy (%s)', i, energy_property) energy = 0.0 try: energy = float(energy) except ValueError: logger.warning('structure %d: energy is not float', i) energy = 0.0 num_frags, partition = engine.partition(st) if num_frags != 1: logger.warning('skipping structure %d: multiple (%d) fragments', i, num_frags) continue recompute_stereo(st) # re-compute s_st_ properties from geometry smiles, order = smiler(st) inv_order = [0] + [o + 1 for o in order] st_canon = st.copy() mm.mmct_ct_reorder(st_canon, st, inv_order) # handles s_st_ properties outcomes[smiles].append((energy, st_canon.getXYZ())) return outcomes
[docs]def default_custom_fraglib(): ''' Path to the custom fragments library that is to be used by default. ''' return fast3d.Engine.defaultCustomRepository()