Source code for schrodinger.utils.platform

import sys

import inflect

# The values are same as what is returned by sys.platform in version 3.6
# See
LINUX = 'linux'
WINDOWS = 'win32'
DARWIN = 'darwin'


[docs]def validate_localhost_platform_compatibility(compatible_platforms): """ :param compatible_platforms: Compatible platforms. Use LINUX, WINDOWS or DARWIN as values for platforms. :type compatible_platforms: list[str] :raises ValueError: If a value in `compatible_platforms` is not LINUX, WINDOWS or DARWIN. :return: Whether the localhost's platform is in `compatible_platforms`. Also returns a non empty message if platform is incompatible. The return value can be used directly with af2 validators and task preprocessors. :rtype: tuple(bool, str) """ if is_localhost_platform_compatible(compatible_platforms): return True, '' return False, _get_platform_incompatibility_message(compatible_platforms)
[docs]def is_localhost_platform_compatible(compatible_platforms): """ :param compatible_platforms: Compatible platforms. Use LINUX, WINDOWS or DARWIN as values for platforms. :type compatible_platforms: list[str] :raises ValueError: If a value in `compatible_platforms` is not LINUX, WINDOWS or DARWIN. :return: Whether the localhost's platform is compatible. :rtype: bool """ unknown_platforms = [ platform for platform in compatible_platforms if platform not in (LINUX, WINDOWS, DARWIN) ] if unknown_platforms: platform_str = inflect.engine().plural('platform', len(unknown_platforms)) msg = f"Unknown compatible {platform_str} - {', '.join(unknown_platforms)}" raise ValueError(msg) # We use the 'startswith' idiom to ensure backward compatibility as # sys.platform also returned the major version previously. # See return any([ sys.platform.startswith(platform) for platform in compatible_platforms ])
def _get_platform_incompatibility_message(compatible_platforms): """ :param compatible_platforms: Compatible platforms. :type compatible_platforms: list[str] :return: Platform incompatibility message. :rtype: str """ compatible_platforms_str = ' or a '.join([ _PLATFORM_DISPLAY_NAME[platform] if platform in _PLATFORM_DISPLAY_NAME else platform for platform in compatible_platforms ]) return (f"The requested job requires a {compatible_platforms_str} " "host. If your installation has been configured to include a " f"{compatible_platforms_str} server, select that machine " "from the Host list in Job Settings before launching the job.")