Source code for schrodinger.utils.sysinfo

Gather information about current system.

import os
import platform
import re
import sys

import distro
from decorator import decorator

from . import subprocess

EXE = ""
if sys.platform == "win32":
    EXE = ".exe"
LMUTIL = os.path.join(MMSHARE_EXEC, "lmutil" + EXE)
UNKNOWN = "Unknown"

PYTHON_EXE = "python3"
Versioned Python executable to use in calls to Python. Useful when running a
Python command (python3 -c ""). Prefer $SCHRODINGER/run <>

[docs]@decorator def catch_subprocess_errors(f): """ Catches non-zero return code for any operations that might fail. Use this to return UNKNOWN for any values we can't query. """ try: return f() except: return UNKNOWN
[docs]@catch_subprocess_errors def get_glibc_version(): """ Return string of glibc version. """ locations = [ "/lib64/", "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/", ] for location in locations: if os.path.exists(location): glibc = location break else: return output = subprocess.check_output([glibc], universal_newlines=True) if len(output.splitlines()) > 0: tokens = output.splitlines()[0].split() for i, token in enumerate(tokens): if token == "version": return tokens[i + 1].strip(",")
[docs]@catch_subprocess_errors def get_kernel_version(): """ Return string of Linux kernel verison. """ return subprocess.check_output(["uname", "-r"], universal_newlines=True).strip()
[docs]@catch_subprocess_errors def get_cpu(): """ Return a descriptive string of CPU type. """ if sys.platform.startswith("darwin"): command_output = subprocess.check_output( ["sysctl", "-n", "machdep.cpu.brand_string"], universal_newlines=True).strip() elif sys.platform.startswith("linux"): with open("/proc/cpuinfo") as fh: for line in fh: if line.startswith("model name"): command_output = line.split(":")[1].strip() break elif sys.platform == "win32": return os.environ.get("PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER", UNKNOWN) return command_output
[docs]def query_registry(key, value): regquery = os.path.join(os.environ["SCHRODINGER"], "regquery") output = subprocess.check_output([regquery, key, value], universal_newlines=True) return output.replace("Value:", "").strip()
[docs]@catch_subprocess_errors def get_osname(): """ Return descriptive name of OS for reporting. """ if sys.platform.startswith("darwin"): return platform.mac_ver()[0] elif sys.platform.startswith("linux"): return elif sys.platform == "win32": key = "HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion" name = query_registry(key, "ProductName") _, version, service_pack, _ = platform.win32_ver() output = name + " " + service_pack + " (" + version + ")" return output
[docs]@catch_subprocess_errors def get_hostid(): output = subprocess.check_output([LMUTIL, "lmhostid"], universal_newlines=True) for line in output.splitlines(): if"flexnet", line, re.IGNORECASE): # matching first of ""0123456789ab 01333b9414863"" start = output.find('""') end = output.find(" ", start + 1) if start == -1: #matching "0123456789ab" start = output.find('"') end = output.find('"', start + 1) if start == -1 or end == -1: continue hostid = output[start + 1:end] break if start == -1 or end == -1: continue hostid = output[start + 2:end] break else: hostid = UNKNOWN return hostid
[docs]@catch_subprocess_errors def get_hostname(): """ Return the FLEXlm hostname. """ # FLEXlm license administration guide suggest to use # the following to get hostname usable to specify as # server in the license. if sys.platform.startswith(('darwin', 'linux')): output = subprocess.check_output(["uname", "-n"], universal_newlines=True) hostname = output.strip() if hostname == "": hostname = UNKNOWN else: output = subprocess.check_output( [LMUTIL, "lmhostid", "-hostname", "-n"], universal_newlines=True) try: hostname = output.strip().split("=")[1] except: hostname = UNKNOWN return hostname
[docs]@catch_subprocess_errors def get_uname(): if sys.platform != "win32": output = subprocess.check_output(["uname", "-a"], universal_newlines=True).strip() return output
[docs]def is_display_present(): """ Returns TRUE if user can access display. """ if sys.platform.startswith("linux"): if 'DISPLAY' not in os.environ or not os.environ['DISPLAY']: return False elif sys.platform.startswith('darwin'): from schrodinger.test import darwinconsole return darwinconsole.is_console_user(os.environ['USER']) return True