schrodinger.application.matsci.qb_sdk.api module

This module contains all the public methods of the qubec-sdk API covering all most important use cases such as authenticating to the QUBEC platform, launching quantum jobs and retrieving previously completed job information.

schrodinger.application.matsci.qb_sdk.api.enable_account(username: str, password: Optional[str] = None, token: Optional[str] = None) dict

Login into a QUBEC account providing valid user credentials. This function must be called before starting any QUBEC session otherwise the execution of quantum jobs will not be allowed


username (str): The username as registered on the QUBEC platform password (str): The password associated with the username. If no password

is provided, then a valid token must be supplied instead

token (str): An optional previously retrieved JWT token to use for login

A dictionary with token information. Beware that this might contain a password

in clear text, do not store it on disk


QubecSdkError if credentials are invalid or the backed call did not succeed

schrodinger.application.matsci.qb_sdk.api.execute(problem: Optional[dict] = None, algorithm_type: Optional[Union[str, schrodinger.application.matsci.qb_sdk.parameters.QubecAlgorithm]] = None, backend_type: str = 'simulator', provider: str = 'qiskit', simulation_type: str = 'tomography', n_shots: int = 8192, qpu_chip: str = 'ibmq_athens', scf_parameters: dict = {'scf_es': False, 'scf_max_iter': 30, 'scf_n_es': 1, 'scf_spin_treatment': 'unrestricted'}, quantum_parameters: dict = {'circuit_ansatz': 'puccd', 'error_mitigation': False, 'error_rate': 1, 'hamiltonian_dynamics': 'qubitization', 'initial_angles': 'cc', 'max_variational_iter': 30, 'paired_electrons': False, 'qpe_algorithm': 'sparse_qubitization', 'qpe_platform': 'superconducting', 'quantum_es': False, 'quantum_es_algorithm': 'ss_vqe', 'quantum_n_es': 1, 'target_accuracy': 1, 'target_optimiziation': 'physical_qubits', 'variational_proc': True}) schrodinger.application.matsci.qb_sdk.job.QubecJob

Execute a new quantum job on the QUBEC platform. If the QUBEC token in the current session has expired, this function will automatically refresh it

problem (dict): A dictionary containing the problem definition which must contain

at least ‘geometry’ and ‘basis_set’ keys. A full example of this dictionary is:

``` problem = {

“geometry”: [

(“H”, (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)), (“H”, (0.5, 0.5, 0.5))

], “basis_set”: “sto-3g”, “charge”: 1

algorithm_type (Union[str, QubecAlgorithm]): The type of quantum algorithm to execute. Currently

only ‘vqa’ and ‘qpe_re’ are allowed values

backend_type (str): The backend type where the algorithm needs to be executed. Currently one

can choose among ‘simulator’, ‘noisy_simulator’ and ‘qpu’

provider (str): The quantum computing provider to use simulation_type (str): If the algorithm selected is ‘vqa’, this string contains the type of quantum

simulation to execute chosen between ‘wavefunction’ or ‘tomography’

n_shots (int): The number of circuit repetitions, used only if ‘tomography’ is selected as simulation type qpu_chip (str): If ‘qpu’ is selected as backend_type, this parameter specifies the actual quantum chip to use scf_parameters (dict): the parameters of the self-consistent preprocessing calculation. See qb_sdk.parameters documentation

for information on the valid parameters

quantum_parameters (dict): the parameters of the quantum job. See qb_sdk.parameters documentation for information

on the valid parameters

A QubecJob instance with a unique job identifier created by the QUBEC platform and all the relevant

information to retrieve job progress later


QubecSdk if some parameters are wrong or the job has failed to be submitted correctly

schrodinger.application.matsci.qb_sdk.api.new_default_session() schrodinger.application.matsci.qb_sdk.client.QubecClient

Logout from the current QUBEC session and begin a new one

schrodinger.application.matsci.qb_sdk.api.version() str

Get the current package version

schrodinger.application.matsci.qb_sdk.api.get_job(job_id: str) schrodinger.application.matsci.qb_sdk.job.QubecJob

Deserialize and existing QUBEC job into a new QubecJob instance


job_id (str): The unique identifier of the job


A populated instance of QubecJob