schrodinger.protein.helm.image_generation module

schrodinger.protein.helm.image_generation.get_image_bytes(helm_mol: rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol, options: schrodinger.livedesign.draw.ImageGenOptions) bytes

Get a byte array of the image generated by the helm widget :param helm_mol: a coarse-grained rdkit mol representing a HELM molecule :param format: image format to save as

schrodinger.protein.helm.image_generation.save_image_file(helm_mol: rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol, filename: str) None

Generate and image of a HELM molecule and write it as PNG or SVG to the specified location

  • helm_mol – a coarse-grained rdkit mol representing a HELM molecule

  • filename – the location to save the image to. must be .png or .svg