schrodinger.test.stu.sysinfo module

Access to system information on machine, which could be Linux, Mac or Windows, and could be local or remote. In general, the REMOTE and LOCAL attributes of this module should be used. They contain _SysInfo objects with information about, respectively, the remote and local host. The jobcontrol interface is used to determine the remote host - it is pulled from the HOST argument, and is equivalent to the localhost if no remote host is requested. Because of the reporting that this module is used for, the remote host only cares about the FIRST host supplied to the HOST argument.

Contains the _SysInfo class, which determines a variety of system information and stores it. Information includes: 64/32 bit, OS, mmshare #, and processor details.

Use like this:

>>> import sysinfo


$SCHRODINGER/run python3 -m schrodinger.test.stu.sysinfo -h

Can be called directly to determine system information for all command line arguments.

@copyright: Schrodinger, Inc. All rights reserved.


S.format(*args, **kwargs) -> str

Return a formatted version of S, using substitutions from args and kwargs. The substitutions are identified by braces (‘{’ and ‘}’).

class schrodinger.test.stu.sysinfo.ResourceTags(value)

Bases: str, enum.Enum

An enumeration.

LEGACY_JOBCONTROL = 'legacy_jobcontrol'
JOB_SERVER = 'job_server'
exception schrodinger.test.stu.sysinfo.UnrecognizedPlatform

Bases: Exception

An unrecognized platform was found.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Exception.with_traceback(tb) – set self.__traceback__ to tb and return self.

schrodinger.test.stu.sysinfo.LOCAL = <schrodinger.test.stu.sysinfo._SysInfo object>

Information about the localhost in a _SysInfo object.

schrodinger.test.stu.sysinfo.REMOTE = <schrodinger.test.stu.sysinfo._SysInfo object>

Information about the first remote host supplied to -HOST in a _SysInfo object.


PYTHON-3168: some scipy interpolate functions are broken on certain Darwin platforms.


Assert the LANG used is properly installed and configured for this machine


Return a best guess of a LANG variable from the encoding observed by the running process. Raise RuntimeError if the LANG is not recognized by the system (only check on linux).