Source code for schrodinger.application.desmond.cwidget

Widgets used mainly in Desmond and MCPRO+ panels.

Copyright Schrodinger, LLC. All rights reserved.

import schrodinger.ui.qt.filedialog as filedialog
from schrodinger.Qt import QtWidgets

    import schrodinger.maestro as maestro
    maestro = None

[docs]class AdvLabel(QtWidgets.QLabel): """ A mutli-line label with small, bold text. """
[docs] def __init__(self, text, parent, max_height=None): # FIXME max_height QtWidgets.QLabel.__init__(self, "<b><small>%s</small></b>" % text, parent) self.setWordWrap(True)
[docs]class EntryField(QtWidgets.QWidget): """ A special composite widget which contains a labeled line edit field. """
[docs] def __init__(self, parent, label_text, initial_text=""): """ Create a labeled text entry area with text 'label_text', set the initial text value to 'initial_text' and if 'units_text' is defined then add a label after the editable text to display the lable """ QtWidgets.QWidget.__init__(self, parent) layout = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout(self) layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) layout.setSpacing(3) self.label = QtWidgets.QLabel(label_text, self) layout.addWidget(self.label) self.line_edit = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(self) self.line_edit.setText(initial_text) layout.addWidget(self.line_edit, 10) # Make entry field stretchable
[docs] def setText(self, text): """ Set the text for the QLineEdit part of the entry field """ self.line_edit.setText(text)
[docs] def text(self): """ Returns the text for the QLineEdit part of the entry field """ return str(self.line_edit.text())
[docs] def setValidator(self, validator): self.line_edit.setValidator(validator)
[docs] def hasAcceptableInput(self): return self.line_edit.hasAcceptableInput()
[docs]class FileEntry(QtWidgets.QWidget): """ Class combining a QLabel, QLineEdit, and a QPushButton (Browse...). """
[docs] def __init__(self, parent, label_text, fdlg_title, fdlg_ftypes, initial_dir="", command=None): self._fdlg_title = fdlg_title self._fdlg_ftypes = fdlg_ftypes self.initial_dir = initial_dir self._command = command QtWidgets.QWidget.__init__(self, parent) layout = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout(self) layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) layout.setSpacing(3) self._label = QtWidgets.QLabel(label_text, self) layout.addWidget(self._label) self.entry = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(self) self.entry.setText("") layout.addWidget(self.entry, 10) # Make entry field stretchable self.browse_btn = QtWidgets.QPushButton("Browse...", self) layout.addWidget(self.browse_btn) self.browse_btn.clicked.connect(self.browse)
[docs] def pathModified(self): """ Called when the selected file path is modified. """ val = str(self.entry.text()).strip() self.entry.setText(val) #self.entry.xview_moveto( 1 ) if self._command: self._command(val)
[docs] def browse(self): """ Called when the user clicks on the Browse button """ fname = filedialog.get_open_file_name(self, self._fdlg_title, self.initial_dir, self._fdlg_ftypes) if fname: self.entry.setText(fname) self.pathModified()
[docs] def text(self): """ Get the value of the entry field. """ return str(self.entry.text())
[docs] def setText(self, value): """ Set the value of the entry field. """ self.entry.setText(value)