Source code for schrodinger.application.desmond.fep_dialog

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
A FEP configuration dialog.  It should not be run directly, but is instead used
by the specific Desmond scripts.

Copyright Schrodinger, LLC. All rights reserved.

import sys

from schrodinger.application.desmond import feputils
from schrodinger.application.desmond import platforms
from schrodinger.Qt import QtGui
from schrodinger.Qt import QtWidgets
from schrodinger.ui.qt import config_dialog
from schrodinger.ui.qt.appframework2 import af2
from schrodinger.ui.qt.appframework2.settings import generate_preference_key


# Which widget to show in config dialog

[docs]class FEPConfigDialog(config_dialog.ConfigDialog): HOST_LABEL_TEXT = "CPU Host:" MAX_SUBJOBS_LABEL_TEXT = "Maximum simultaneous FEP subjobs:"
[docs] def __init__(self, parent, title="", jobname="", checkcommand=None, use_rest=True, per_subjob=None, single_gpu=False, ff_builder_enabled=False, **kw): """ :param use_rest: Specifies whether this is a FEP/REST job or not. Setting this to False will hide "Replica" options. (This was done for backwards compatibility). :type use_rest: bool :param per_subjob: Whether to show per job CPUs field, or Total CPUs field. By default, per_subjob = not use_rest. :type per_subjob: bool :param single_gpu: Whether to allow only a single GPU :type single_gpu: bool """ # Get host list self.hosts = self.getHosts() self.subhost_menu = QtWidgets.QComboBox(parent) self._single_gpu = single_gpu self.setupSubHostCombo(self.subhost_menu) # Establish key for saving subhost selection persistently self.last_subhost_prefkey = generate_preference_key( parent, 'last-subhost') self.use_rest = bool(use_rest) self.num_cpus_sw = None # so we can call the initialize super super().__init__(parent, title, jobname, checkcommand, **kw) self.subhost_menu.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.updateMaxjobsDefault) self.job_group.setTitle("Main Job") self.host_menu_layout.addStretch() self.maxjobs_ef = self.addNumericLineEdit( self.host_menu_layout, value=0, prelabel=self.MAX_SUBJOBS_LABEL_TEXT) self.host_menu_layout.addStretch() self.setupSubHostLayout() # Create a label and keep a reference to it so that we can update it # below self.num_cpus_sb_postlabel = QtWidgets.QLabel("") # If per_subjob is not specified, default to total #cpus if use_rest # is True, and per job #cpus otherwise. if per_subjob is not None: self.per_subjob = per_subjob else: self.per_subjob = not use_rest if use_rest: self.replica_layout = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() self.replica_lbl = QtWidgets.QLabel("Replica:") self.replica_ef = self.addNumericLineEdit(self.replica_layout, prelabel=self.replica_lbl) self.replica_layout.addStretch() cpus_layout = self.replica_layout self.replica_ef.setDisabled(True) self.replica_lbl.setDisabled(True) self.replica_ef.setText('12') else: cpus_layout = self.subhost_layout prelabel = "Use:" if per_subjob else "Total:" self.num_cpus_sw = self.addSubprocessStackedWidget( cpus_layout, prelabel=prelabel, postlabel=self.num_cpus_sb_postlabel) self.num_cpus_sb = self.num_cpus_sw.currentWidget() if use_rest: self.num_cpus_sw.widget(CPU_LAYOUT).setValue(12) self.updateNumCPUsLabel() self.updateMaxjobsDefault() self.ffb_enabled = ff_builder_enabled self.last_ffb_host_prefkey = generate_preference_key(parent, 'ffb-host') self.setupFFBuilderOptions() self.subjob_group = QtWidgets.QGroupBox("Subjob", self.dialog) self.subjob_layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout(self.subjob_group) self.subjob_layout.addLayout(self.subhost_layout) if use_rest: self.subjob_layout.addLayout(self.replica_layout) count = self.main_layout.count() self.main_layout.insertWidget(count - 1, self.subjob_group) self.updateCPULimits()
[docs] def updateCPULimits(self): """ This method is called whenever host selection is changed. It updates maximum number of allowed CPUs as well as GPUs. """ host = self.currentHost() if host and self.num_cpus_sw: self.num_cpus_sw.widget(CPU_LAYOUT).setMaximum(host.processors) num_gpus = 1 if self._single_gpu else host.num_gpus gpus_combo = self.num_cpus_sw.widget(GPU_LAYOUT) gpus_combo.setMaximum(num_gpus)
[docs] def onHostMenuChanged(self, index): self.updateNumCPUsLabel()
[docs] def updateNumCPUsLabel(self): """ We update the label here, if present. """ if not hasattr(self, 'num_cpus_sb_postlabel'): return if self.isGPUHost(): label_text = "GPUs" self.num_cpus_sw.setCurrentIndex(GPU_LAYOUT) else: label_text = "processors" self.num_cpus_sw.setCurrentIndex(CPU_LAYOUT) self.num_cpus_sb = self.num_cpus_sw.currentWidget() if not self.per_subjob: self.num_cpus_sb_postlabel.setText(label_text) else: self.num_cpus_sb_postlabel.setText("%s per subjob" % label_text) host = self.currentHost() if host is None: return if host.num_gpus == 0: self.num_cpus_sb.setValue(REST_DEFAULT_NUM_CPUS) else: self.num_cpus_sb.setValue(REST_DEFAULT_NUM_GPUS)
[docs] def setupSubHostCombo(self, combo): """ Add only GPU Hosts to the combo box input. The combo box menu will be cleared first. :param combo: combo box to append to. :type combo: QtWidgets.QComboBox """ combo.clear() all_hosts = self.getHosts(excludeGPGPUs=False) for h in all_hosts: if h.hostType() == config_dialog.Host.GPUTYPE: combo.addItem(h.label(), h)
[docs] def setupFFBuilderOptions(self): """ Set up options for ffbuilder portion of the config dialog. Hidden if we are not enabling ffbuilder. """ self.ffbuilder_layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() self.ffb_host_layout = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() host_label = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.HOST_LABEL_TEXT) self.ffb_host_layout.addWidget(host_label) self.ffb_host_cb = QtWidgets.QComboBox() self.setupHostCombo(self.ffb_host_cb) self.ffb_host_layout.addWidget(self.ffb_host_cb) self.ffb_host_layout.addSpacerItem( QtWidgets.QSpacerItem(40, 0, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.MinimumExpanding)) self.ffbuilder_layout.addLayout(self.ffb_host_layout) self.ffb_subjobs_layout = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() subjob_title = 'Maximum number of concurrent FFBuilder subjobs:' self.ffb_subjobs_le = self.addNumericLineEdit(self.ffb_subjobs_layout, 0, subjob_title) self.ffb_subjobs_layout.addSpacerItem( QtWidgets.QSpacerItem(40, 0, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.MinimumExpanding)) self.ffbuilder_layout.addLayout(self.ffb_subjobs_layout) self.ffbuilder_group = QtWidgets.QGroupBox("Force Field Builder Job", self.dialog) self.ffbuilder_group.setLayout(self.ffbuilder_layout) count = self.main_layout.count() self.main_layout.insertWidget(count - 1, self.ffbuilder_group) # Apply previous host if self.options['save_host']: key = self.last_ffb_host_prefkey host = self._app_preference_handler.get(key, None) if host: self._selectComboText(self.ffb_host_cb, host) self.ffbuilder_group.setVisible(self.ffb_enabled)
[docs] def setupSubHostLayout(self): self.subhost_layout = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() self.subhost_layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.subhost_layout.setSpacing(3) host_label = QtWidgets.QLabel("GPU Host:") self.subhost_layout.addWidget(host_label) self.subhost_layout.addWidget(self.subhost_menu) self.subhost_layout.addStretch() if self.options['save_host']: key = self.last_subhost_prefkey subhost = self._app_preference_handler.get(key, None) if subhost: self._selectComboText(self.subhost_menu, subhost)
[docs] def validate(self): if not self.validateSubjobs(): return False if not self.validatePlatform(): return False if not self.validateSubHost(): return False return super().validate()
[docs] def validateSubjobs(self): """ Validates subjob fields are populated with values that can be cast into an int """ subjob_warning = 'Use a valid integer for the "{}" field' le_to_warning = { self.maxjobs_ef: 'Maximum simultaneous jobs', self.ffb_subjobs_le: 'Maximum number of concurrent FFBuilder subjobs', } for le, field in le_to_warning.items(): try: int(le.text()) except ValueError: self.warning(subjob_warning.format(field)) return False return True
[docs] def validatePlatform(self): """ Verify that the current platform is acceptible for the requested action. :return: True if the platform is valid, False otherwise :rtype: bool """ # PANEL-2530 Now validate the main host: main_host = config_dialog.ConfigDialog.currentHost(self) if != 'localhost': return True if sys.platform not in platforms.INCOMPATIBLE_PLATFORMS: return True ra = self.requested_action # FIXME - Consider improving this logic/bookkeeping per PANEL-17859 if ra == config_dialog.RequestedAction.Run: self.warning(platforms.PLATFORM_WARNING) return False if hasattr(self.parent, 'start_mode') and self.parent.start_mode == af2.FULL_START: self.warning(platforms.PLATFORM_WARNING) return False return True
[docs] def validateNumCpus(self, host, editfield, silent=False): if not super().validateNumCpus(host, editfield, silent): return False if not self.use_rest: return True num = int(editfield.text()) replica = int(self.replica_ef.text()) if num % replica != 0: if not silent: self.warning('Number of CPUs must be an integer multiple of ' 'number of replica.') return False return True
[docs] def validateNumGpus(self, host, editfield, silent=False): if not super().validateNumGpus(host, editfield, silent): return False if not self.use_rest: return True num = int(editfield.text()) replica = int(self.replica_ef.text()) if replica % num != 0: if not silent: self.warning('Number of GPUs must be an integer factor of ' 'number of replica.') return False return True
[docs] def validateSubHost(self): """ Checks if the current SUBJOB Host is None - if so a warning dialog is posted to the user. :return: True if a subjob host is chosen, False if not. :rtype: bool """ subjob_host = self.currentHost(self.subhost_menu) if subjob_host is None: self.warning('No GPU host available. FEP+ is only ' 'supported on GPUs - please add a GPU host to your ' 'schrodinger.hosts file.') return False return True
[docs] def currentHost(self, menu=None): """ See ConfigDialog.currentHost() docstring. """ if menu is None: menu = self.subhost_menu if menu.currentIndex() == -1: self.setupSubHostCombo(menu) # Return early if menu is empty - this is necessary as the super # class would otherwise add CPU Hosts to the menu if it's empty. if menu.count() == 0: if self.use_rest and hasattr(self, 'replica_ef'): self.replica_ef.setDisabled(True) self.replica_lbl.setDisabled(True) return return super().currentHost(menu)
[docs] def addNumericLineEdit(self, layout, value=1, prelabel=None, postlabel=None): """Creates a standard line edit used for input, adds it to the provided layout, and then returns the line edit so that it can be stored and its value accessed later. :param value: the initial value for the line edit :type value: int :type prelabel: str or QLabel :type postlabel: str or QLabel If prelabel or postlabel are strings, QLabels with the textual value will be created. """ self.buildLabel(layout, prelabel) line_edit = self.buildLineEdit(value=value) layout.addWidget(line_edit) self.buildLabel(layout, postlabel) return line_edit
[docs] def buildLabel(self, layout, label): """ Build a new QLabel if label is a str, and add the widget to the given layout. :param layout: layout to which the stacked widget should be added. :type layout: QtWidgets.QLayout :param label: the text or widget to add to layout. :type label: string or QLabel """ if isinstance(label, QtWidgets.QLabel): layout.addWidget(label) else: layout.addWidget(QtWidgets.QLabel(label))
[docs] def buildLineEdit(self, value=1): """ Build a QLineEdit with specific width and validator. """ line_edit = QtWidgets.QLineEdit() line_edit.setText(str(value)) line_edit.setValidator(QtGui.QIntValidator(0, 10000)) line_edit.setFixedWidth(40) return line_edit
[docs] def buildComboBox(self): """ Build a QComboBox with specific included options. """ combo_box = CustomGPUComboBox() items = ['1', '2', '4'] combo_box.addItems(items) combo_box.setText('1') # default return combo_box
[docs] def addSubprocessStackedWidget(self, layout, prelabel, postlabel): """ Add a stacked widget to the given layout with one widget being a lineedit with labels, and the other a combo box with labels. :param layout: layout to which the stacked widget should be added. :type layout: QtWidgets.QLayout :param prelabel: text preceding the widgets added to the stacked widget. :type prelabel: str or QLabel :param postlabel: text following the widgets added to the stacked widget. :type postlabel: str or QLabel :return: the stacked widget containing the lineedit and combobox :rtype: QtWidgets.QStackedWidget """ layout.addStretch(1) self.buildLabel(layout, prelabel) stacked_widget = QtWidgets.QStackedWidget() spin_box = config_dialog.NumProcsSpinBox() stacked_widget.addWidget(spin_box) combo_box = self.buildComboBox() stacked_widget.addWidget(combo_box) layout.addWidget(stacked_widget) self.buildLabel(layout, postlabel) return stacked_widget
[docs] def getSettings(self, extra_kws=None): if not extra_kws: kw = {} else: kw = extra_kws kw['cpus'] = int(self.num_cpus_sb.value()) kw['subjob_host_text'] = self.subhost_menu.currentText() subhost = self.currentHost() subhost_name = if subhost else '' if subhost_name == 'localhost-gpu': kw['subjob_host'] = 'localhost' else: kw['subjob_host'] = subhost_name kw['maxjobs'] = int(self.maxjobs_ef.text()) if self.use_rest: kw['replica'] = int(self.replica_ef.text()) proc_per_replica = max(1, kw['cpus'] // kw['replica']) kw['processors_per_replica'] = proc_per_replica kw[feputils.FFBUILDER_SUBJOBS_SETTING] = int(self.ffb_subjobs_le.text()) ffb_host = self.currentHost(self.ffb_host_cb) ffb_host_name = if ffb_host else '' kw[feputils.FFBUILDER_HOST_SETTING] = ffb_host_name if self.options['save_host']: subhost_pref = kw['subjob_host_text'] self._app_preference_handler.set(self.last_subhost_prefkey, subhost_pref) if self.ffb_enabled: ffb_host_pref = self.ffb_host_cb.currentText() self._app_preference_handler.set(self.last_ffb_host_prefkey, ffb_host_pref) # Will add the "gpus" option: return super().getSettings(extra_kws=kw)
[docs] def applySettings(self, settings): """ See parent class docstring """ super().applySettings(settings) if hasattr(settings, 'subjob_host_text'): subhost_text = settings.subjob_host_text self._selectComboText(self.subhost_menu, subhost_text) if self.use_rest: self._applySetting(self.replica_ef.setText, settings, 'replica') # Important! Maxjobs settings need to be applied after subjob # host since the changing the later would reset maxjobs to zero. # This was done to fix PANEL-2172. self._applySetting(self.maxjobs_ef.setText, settings, 'maxjobs') self._applySetting(self.num_cpus_sb.setValue, settings, 'cpus')
[docs] def updateMaxjobsDefault(self): host = self.currentHost() if host is None: return if host.queue: self.maxjobs_ef.setText("0") if self.num_cpus_sw: num_gpus = 1 if self._single_gpu else host.num_gpus self.num_cpus_sw.widget(GPU_LAYOUT).setMaximum(num_gpus)
[docs]class CustomGPUComboBox(QtWidgets.QComboBox):
[docs] def text(self): """ Wrapper for currentText(). """ return self.currentText()
[docs] def value(self): """ Get the int value of the current text :return: int value of current text :rtype: int """ return int(self.text())
[docs] def setText(self, text): """ Sets text as selected entry in combo box if found, otherwise, the text is added to combo box and set as selected. :param text: set either existing or new entry with given text :type text: str """ index = self.findText(text) if index == -1: self.addItem(text) index = self.findText(text) self.setCurrentIndex(index)
[docs] def setValue(self, val): """ Set the current value of the combobox to the specified value. :param val: Value to be set :type val: int """ self.setText(str(val))
[docs] def setMaximum(self, value): """ Disables combo box entries that are larger than value, adds tje value if it wasn't present, and decrements the index till the selected value is acceptable. :param value: the maximum number of GPUs selectable :type value: int """ idx_ngpu_map = { idx: int(self.itemText(idx)) for idx in range(self.count()) } for idx, n_gpu in idx_ngpu_map.items(): self.model().item(idx).setEnabled(n_gpu <= value) # determine whether value should be added current_idx = self.currentIndex() if value not in idx_ngpu_map.values(): self.addItem(str(value)) self.setCurrentIndex(current_idx) # determine if current index value is too high, go up till we're OK while idx_ngpu_map[current_idx] > value and current_idx > 0: current_idx -= 1 self.setCurrentIndex(current_idx)