Source code for schrodinger.application.desmond.repair_cms

Collection of modules to repair structures to be used for desmond simulation

Copyright Schrodinger, LLC. All rights reserved.

# Contributors: Byungchan Kim

import os

import numpy

import schrodinger.application.desmond.smarts as smarts
import as mm
import schrodinger.structure as structure
import schrodinger.structutils.analyze as analyze
from schrodinger.application.desmond import constants

# Define water SMARTS patterns
water_smarts = ["[H]O[H]"]
zob_water_smarts = ["[H]O([H])_[*]", "[H]O[H]_[*]"]

[docs]def create_cms_from_mae(input_fname, output_fname, membrane_asl, solvent_asl): streader = structure.StructureReader(input_fname) full_st = None st_list = [] for st in streader: if (constants.CT_TYPE in and[constants.CT_TYPE] == constants.CT_TYPE.VAL.FULL_SYSTEM): full_st = st break else: st_list.append(st) if full_st: if "i_ffio_num_component" in del["i_ffio_num_component"] if not full_st: for st in st_list: if full_st: full_st.extend(st) else: full_st = st st_list = decompose_to_comp_ct(full_st, membrane_asl, solvent_asl) if os.path.exists(output_fname): os.remove(output_fname) for st in st_list: st.append(output_fname)
[docs]def create_full_system_from_comp(input_fname, output_fname): streader = structure.StructureReader(input_fname) st_list = [] for st in streader: if (constants.CT_TYPE in and[constants.CT_TYPE] == constants.CT_TYPE.VAL.FULL_SYSTEM): continue else: st_list.append(st) full_st = None for st in st_list: if full_st: full_st.extend(st) else: full_st = st.copy()[constants.CT_TYPE] = constants.CT_TYPE.VAL.FULL_SYSTEM full_st.write(output_fname) for st in st_list: st.append(output_fname)
[docs]def decompose_to_comp_ct(in_st, membrane_asl="", solvent_asl=""): """ decompose in_st to component cts, solute, membrane, solvent, if exists any. return list of component cts return full_system ct also if return_full_system is true """ st = in_st.copy() repair_box_vector(st) membrane_st = _extract_membrane(st, membrane_asl) ion_st = _extract_ion(st) solvent_st = _extract_solvent(st, solvent_asl) # add atom group for biasing potential if membrane_st: for a in solvent_st.atom:[constants.FEP_ABSOLUTE_ENERGY] = 1 solute_st = st[constants.CT_TYPE] = constants.CT_TYPE.VAL.SOLUTE if solute_st: full_st = solute_st.copy() else: full_st = structure.Structure() if membrane_st: full_st.extend(membrane_st) if ion_st: full_st.extend(ion_st) if solvent_st: full_st.extend(solvent_st)[constants.CT_TYPE] = constants.CT_TYPE.VAL.FULL_SYSTEM st_list = [full_st] if solute_st: st_list.append(solute_st) if membrane_st: st_list.append(membrane_st) if ion_st: st_list.append(ion_st) if solvent_st: st_list.append(solvent_st) return st_list
[docs]def repair_box_vector(st): """ repair box vectors when they are corrupted. create box vectors based on system size """ for name in constants.SIM_BOX: if name not in print( "WARNING: Property '%s' is missing. Generating box vectors based on system dimension." % name) break else: return for name in constants.SIM_BOX:[name] = 0.0 atom_xyz_array = st.getXYZ(copy=False) xmin, ymin, zmin = numpy.min(atom_xyz_array, 0) xmax, ymax, zmax = numpy.max(atom_xyz_array, 0) vals = (xmax - xmin, ymax - ymin, zmax - zmin) for prop, val in zip(constants.SIM_BOX_DIAGONAL, vals):[prop] = val
def _extract_solvent(st, asl=""): """ extract water molecules """ if not asl: atoms = smarts.evaluate_net_smarts(st, water_smarts, zob_water_smarts) else: atoms = analyze.evaluate_asl(st, asl) if len(atoms) == 0: return None tmp_st = st.extract(atoms, True) st.deleteAtoms(atoms) # reorder atoms such that each all atoms in the same molecule # are together atom_order = [0] + [a.index for m in tmp_st.molecule for a in m.atom] new_st = tmp_st.copy() mm.mmct_ct_reorder(new_st, tmp_st, atom_order) res_name = new_st.atom[1].pdbres new_st.title = res_name + " water box"[constants.CT_TYPE] = constants.CT_TYPE.VAL.SOLVENT["i_ffio_num_component"] = 1 # overwrite residue # with molecule # # viparr fails when two or more molecules have same residue # for a in new_st.atom: a.resnum = a.molecule_number return new_st def _extract_membrane(st, asl=""): """ extract membrane assign reference custom charges for lipid molecules found at system_builder/data/lipid_charge.mae """ if not asl: residue_name = [ "DPPC", "DPPE", "DPPS", "POPC", "POPE", "POPS", "DOPC", "DOPE", "DOPS", "DMPC", "PIP" ] asl = 'res.ptype ' for r in residue_name: asl += '\"' + r + '\" ' atoms = analyze.evaluate_asl(st, asl) if len(atoms) == 0: return None new_st = st.extract(atoms, True) st.deleteAtoms(atoms) resname = new_st.atom[1].pdbres new_st.title = resname + " bilayer"[constants.CT_TYPE] = constants.CT_TYPE.VAL.MEMBRANE homogeneous = set() for a in new_st.atom: homogeneous.add(a.pdbres) if len(homogeneous) == 1:["i_ffio_num_component"] = 1 if resname not in ["DPPC", "POPC", "POPE"]: return new_st return new_st def _extract_ion(st): """ extract ions """ asl = 'm.atoms 1' atoms = analyze.evaluate_asl(st, asl) if len(atoms) == 0: return None new_st = st.extract(atoms, True) st.deleteAtoms(atoms) res_name = new_st.atom[1].pdbres new_st.title = res_name[constants.CT_TYPE] = constants.CT_TYPE.VAL.ION # overwrite residue # with molecule # # viparr fails when two or more molecules have same residue # for a in new_st.atom: a.resnum = a.molecule_number return new_st