Source code for schrodinger.application.desmond.stage.run_method_parallel

import pickle
import sys
from io import BytesIO

from schrodinger.application.desmond import cmj
from schrodinger.utils import sea

# Certain keys are expected not to match, so ignore them
    "_PREV_STAGE", "_NEXT_STAGE", "_ID", "_is_shown", "_is_packed", "_pre_job",
    "_pre_jobre", "_cap_job", "_rls_job", "_pack_fname", 'NAME',
    '_final_status', '_is_called_prestage', '_start_time', '_param',

[docs]class InconsistentAttributeError(Exception): pass
[docs]def check_stage_attributes(title, ref_attr_dict, stage_attr_dict): err = '' if stage_attr_dict != ref_attr_dict: for k in ref_attr_dict.keys(): if k in IGNORE_KEYS: continue if k not in stage_attr_dict: err += f'missing key: {k}\n' else: v0 = ref_attr_dict[k] v1 = stage_attr_dict[k] if k == 'param': check_stage_attributes(f'{title}: param', v0, v1) continue if v0 != v1: err += f'different values for key "{k}": {v0} != {v1}\n' if err: raise InconsistentAttributeError( f'Inconsistent stage attributes: {title} {err}')
[docs]def main(pkl_fname=None): # Read in the input with open(pkl_fname, 'rb') as f: input_args = pickle.load(f) # Set up the multisim environment sea.set_macro_dict(input_args['macro_dict']) cmj.ENGINE = cmj.Engine.deserialize(fh=BytesIO(input_args['engine'])) cmj.ENGINE.loglevel = "silent" cmj.ENGINE.boot_setup(base_dir=cmj.ENGINE.base_dir) # Only use a single process for any code run here cmj.ENGINE.maxjob = 1 cmj.ENGINE.run_set_family(input_args['stage_idx']) cmj.GENERAL_LOGLEVEL = input_args['loglevel'] # Execute the method stage = cmj.ENGINE.stage[input_args['stage_idx']] # Set up the stage attributes and # copy the tags for GCMC. for k in input_args['param']: if k in input_args['setbyuser_keys']: input_args['param'][k].add_tag('setbyuser') input_args['param'].add_tag('setbyuser', propagate=False) stage.param = input_args['param'] stage.check_param() check_stage_attributes('initial', stage.__dict__, input_args['stage_attributes']) method = getattr(stage, input_args['method']) results = method(input_args['batch'], *input_args['args'], **input_args['kwargs']) check_stage_attributes('final', stage.__dict__, input_args['stage_attributes']) # Write out the results pkl with open(input_args['out_pkl'], 'wb') as f: pickle.dump({'results': results}, f)
if __name__ == '__main__': main(pkl_fname=sys.argv[-1])