Source code for schrodinger.application.desmond.system_builder_util

The script truncates protein beyond truncate_distance from ligand atoms, restrain remaining protein heavy atoms beyond restrain_distance from ligand atoms, and solvate it by solvent_buffer distance. The truncation is done by residue based ASL.

Copyright Schrodinger, LLC. All rights reserved.


# Contributors: Byungchan Kim

import math
import os
import sys

import numpy

import schrodinger.application.desmond.system_builder_inp as system_builder_inp
import schrodinger.structure as structure
import schrodinger.structutils.transform as transform
import schrodinger.utils.cmdline as cmdline
from schrodinger.application.desmond import ffiostructure
from schrodinger.application.desmond.constants import CT_TYPE
from schrodinger.structutils import analyze
from schrodinger.structutils import build

[docs]class DesmondBoxSize:
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.use_buffer = True self.all_equal = True self.a = 5.0 self.b = 5.0 self.c = 5.0 self.alpha = 90.0 self.beta = 90.0 self.gamma = 90.0 self.rotational_matrix = transform.get_rotation_matrix_from_eulers( 0, 0, 0) self.update(**kwargs)
[docs] def update(self, **kwargs): if 'use_buffer' in kwargs: self.use_buffer = kwargs['use_buffer'] if 'all_equal' in kwargs: self.all_equal = kwargs['all_equal'] if 'a' in kwargs: self.a = kwargs['a'] if 'b' in kwargs: self.b = kwargs['b'] if 'c' in kwargs: self.c = kwargs['c'] if 'alpha' in kwargs: self.alpha = kwargs['alpha'] if 'beta' in kwargs: self.beta = kwargs['beta'] if 'gamma' in kwargs: self.gamma = kwargs['gamma']
[docs] def getStructureSize(self, st): """ Returns the a, b, & c absolute coordinates, even when the user specified buffer distances Returns None if there are no atoms in the Workspace """ atom_xyz_array = st.getXYZ(copy=False) xmin, ymin, zmin = numpy.min(atom_xyz_array, 0) xmax, ymax, zmax = numpy.max(atom_xyz_array, 0) a = (xmax - xmin) b = (ymax - ymin) c = (zmax - zmin) return (a, b, c)
[docs] def getBoxVectors(self, st): """ Returns the vectors representing the box. Origin is the back face bottom left. Returns None on error (after displaying a dialog box) """ # Here a, b, and c represent absolute box size system_dimension = self.getStructureSize(st) if self.use_buffer and self.all_equal: max_length = max(system_dimension) a = self.a * 2.0 + max_length + 1.0 c = b = a elif self.use_buffer: a = self.a * 2.0 + system_dimension[0] + 1.0 b = self.b * 2.0 + system_dimension[1] + 1.0 c = self.c * 2.0 + system_dimension[2] + 1.0 elif self.all_equal: c = b = a = self.a else: a = self.a b = self.b c = self.c alpha = math.radians(self.alpha) beta = math.radians(self.beta) gamma = math.radians(self.gamma) cosa = math.cos(alpha) cosb = math.cos(beta) cosg = math.cos(gamma) sing = math.sin(gamma) tmp = 1 - cosa * cosa - cosb * cosb - cosg * cosg + 2 * cosa * cosb * cosg if tmp <= 0: msg = "ERROR: alpha=%f, beta=%f, gamma=%f are inconsistent." \ % (self.alpha, self.beta, self.gamma) raise FloatingPointError(msg) box_vectors = numpy.array( [[a, b * cosg, c * cosb], [0, b * sing, c * (cosa - cosb * cosg) / sing], [0, 0, c * math.sqrt(tmp) / sing]]) return box_vectors
[docs] def calculateVolume(self, st): """ Will return 0 on error (after showing dialog) """ box_vectors = self.getBoxVectors(st) if box_vectors is None: # Error dialog was already shown return 0 col1 = box_vectors[:, 0] col2 = box_vectors[:, 1] col3 = box_vectors[:, 2] return math.fabs(, (numpy.cross(col2, col3))))
[docs] def findMinVolume(self, st): transform.translate_centroid_to_origin(st) bin = 60.0 / 360.0 * 2 * math.pi # Calculate the original volume: minvol = self.calculateVolume(st) if minvol == 0: return min_st = st for i in range(2, 7, 2): for j in range(2, 7, 2): for k in range(2, 7, 2): phi = bin * i theta = bin * j / 2.0 psi = bin * k rot_matrix = transform.get_rotation_matrix_from_eulers( phi, theta, psi) temp_st = st.copy() transform.transform_structure(temp_st, rot_matrix) volume = self.calculateVolume(temp_st) if volume < minvol: minvol = volume min_st = temp_st self.rotational_matrix = rot_matrix st = min_st return minvol
[docs] @staticmethod def translateCentroidToOrigin(strucs, skip_solvent=True, solvent_asl=None): """ Re-zeros `strucs`. :param skip_solvent: Include solvent positions into centroid. :type skip_solvent: bool :param solvent_asl: Solvent ASL (relevant for truthy `skip_solvent`). :type solvent_asl: str or NoneType """ temp_st = structure.create_new_structure() for st in strucs: temp_st.extend(st) if skip_solvent: solvent_atoms = \ system_builder_inp.SystemBuilderInput.identifySolventAtoms( temp_st, solvent_asl) temp_st.deleteAtoms(solvent_atoms) center = transform.get_centroid(temp_st) for st in strucs: transform.translate_structure(st, -center[0], -center[1], -center[2])
[docs] def minimizeVolume(self, strucs): temp_st = structure.create_new_structure() for st in strucs: temp_st.extend(st) print(" Initial volume: ", self.calculateVolume(temp_st)) min_vol = self.findMinVolume(temp_st) print(" Final volume: ", min_vol) for st in strucs: transform.transform_structure(st, self.rotational_matrix) self.translateCentroidToOrigin(strucs) return min_vol
[docs]def truncateProtein(protein_st, ligand_st, retain_ligand=False, truncate_distance=0, restrain_distance=-1): """ :param restrain_distance: -1 means no restrain, 0 means restrain all atoms """ prot_num = protein_st.atom_total truncated_st = protein_st.copy() truncated_st.extend(ligand_st) # Treat boundary atoms for a in truncated_st.atom:["i_old_bond_total"] = a.bond_total if restrain_distance == 0.0: asl = 'all' elif restrain_distance > 0.0: asl = '(not (fillres within %d (atom.num > %d)))' % (restrain_distance, prot_num) else: asl = 'not (all)' restrained_atoms = analyze.evaluate_asl(truncated_st, asl) for i in restrained_atoms: truncated_st.atom[i].property['i_ffio_restraint'] = 1 # Truncate protein with residue based ASL truncate_asl = '' if truncate_distance > 0.0: truncate_asl = 'not (fillres within %d (atom.num > %d))' % ( truncate_distance, prot_num) if truncate_asl: truncate_asl += ' or ' truncate_asl += 'atom.num > %d' % prot_num if truncate_asl: deleted_atoms = analyze.evaluate_asl(truncated_st, truncate_asl) truncated_st.deleteAtoms(deleted_atoms) # Add hydrogens only if interface residues atom_list = [] for a in truncated_st.atom: if["i_old_bond_total"] != a.bond_total: atom_list.append(a.index) del["i_old_bond_total"] build.add_hydrogens(truncated_st, "All-atom with No-Lp", atom_list) # keep ligand atoms to the end of solute CT if retain_ligand: truncated_st.extend(ligand_st) return truncated_st
[docs]def truncate_solvate_protein(opt): if not os.path.exists(opt.protein): print('%s does not exists.' % opt.protein) print('Use -protein to specify a protein file name.') sys.exit(1) if not os.path.exists(opt.ligand): print('Ligand, %s, does not exists.' % opt.ligand) print('Use -ligand to specify a ligand file name.') sys.exit(1) protein_st = None for st in structure.StructureReader(opt.protein): if protein_st: protein_st.extend(st) else: protein_st = st ligand_st = None for st in structure.StructureReader(opt.ligand): if ligand_st: ligand_st.extend(st) else: ligand_st = st # Truncate protein truncated_st = truncateProtein(protein_st, ligand_st, opt.retain_ligand, opt.truncate_distance, opt.restrain_distance) desmondbox = DesmondBoxSize(use_buffer=True, all_equal=True, a=5.0) print(desmondbox.calculateVolume(truncated_st)) print(desmondbox.getStructureSize(truncated_st)) print(desmondbox.findMinVolume(truncated_st)) print(desmondbox.calculateVolume(truncated_st)) print(desmondbox.getStructureSize(truncated_st)) jobname = opt.jobname if not jobname: jobname = 'desmond_setup' solute_fname = jobname + '-in.mae' # Solvate using system builder truncated_st.write(solute_fname) sys_build_inp = system_builder_inp.SystemBuilderInput() sys_build_inp.setSolute(solute_fname) sys_build_inp.setBoundaryCondition( boundary_condition=opt.boundary_condition, a=5.0), ['-WAIT']) cms_fname = jobname + '-out.cms' if not os.path.exists(cms_fname): print('%s does not exists.' % cms_fname) print('Please check "%s.log" file.' % jobname) sys.exit(1) # Add restraints temp_fname = jobname + '-temp.cms' if os.path.exists(temp_fname): os.remove(temp_fname) for st in ffiostructure.CMSReader(cms_fname): if[CT_TYPE] == CT_TYPE.VAL.SOLUTE: restrained_atoms = [] for a in st.atom: if 'i_ffio_restraint' in and a.atomic_number > 1: restrained_atoms.append(a.index) st.ffio.addRestraints(len(restrained_atoms)) for i in range(len(restrained_atoms)): ai = restrained_atoms[i] r = st.ffio.restraint[i + 1] = ai r.funct = 'harm' r.c1 = 5.0 r.c2 = 5.0 r.c3 = 5.0 r.t1 = st.atom[ai].x r.t2 = st.atom[ai].y r.t3 = st.atom[ai].z for a in st.atom: if 'i_ffio_restraint' in del['i_ffio_restraint'] st.append(temp_fname, format='CMS') os.rename(temp_fname, cms_fname)
[docs]def find_equivalent_st(my_st, st_list, pname): """ Find a equivalent st of my_st from iterable st_list Copy the pname values to 'r_ffio_custom_charge' of my_st """ import pymmlibs from schrodinger.infra import mmlist map_list = [] for st in st_list: (status, equiv_ct, atom_map) = pymmlibs.mmstereo_find_ct_eq_and_map(my_st, st, 1) if equiv_ct: map_list = mmlist._mmlist_to_pylist(atom_map) for i, a in enumerate(my_st.atom): iatom = map_list[i] try:['r_ffio_custom_charge'] = st.atom[ iatom].property[pname] except Exception: raise return print('No matching CT found in a reference file') sys.exit(1)
if (__name__ == "__main__"): usage = ''' %prog [options] Description: %prog is a tool to solvate binding site. Example: %prog -protein protein.mae -ligand ligand.mae ''' parser = cmdline.SingleDashOptionParser(usage) parser.add_option('-JOBNAME', dest='jobname', default='', help='JOBNAME') parser.add_option('-HOST', dest='host', default='', help='host name') parser.add_option('-protein', dest='protein', default='', help='protein file name') parser.add_option('-ligand', dest='ligand', default='', help='ligand file name') parser.add_option('-retain_ligand', action='store_true', dest='retain_ligand', default=False, help='retain ligand') parser.add_option('-truncate_distance', dest='truncate_distance', default=12.0, help='truncate distance') parser.add_option('-restrain_distance', dest='restrain_distance', default=8.0, help='restrain distance') parser.add_option('-boundary_condition', dest='boundary_condition', default='truncated_octahedron', help='boundary condition') parser.add_option('-solvent_buffer', dest='solvent_buffer', default=5.0, help='solvent buffer') options, args = parser.parse_args() truncate_solvate_protein(options)