Source code for schrodinger.application.desmond.torsion_related

import math
from past.utils import old_div
from typing import List

import numpy as np

from schrodinger import structure
from schrodinger.application.desmond.constants import ORIGINAL_INDEX
from schrodinger.infra import fast3d
from schrodinger.infra import licensing
from schrodinger.infra import mm
from schrodinger.structutils import analyze
from schrodinger.structutils import measure
from schrodinger.structutils import minimize
from schrodinger.utils.env import EnvironmentContext

# ffld might not be installed
    from schrodinger.forcefield.packages import altcap
except ImportError:
    altcap = None

CONF_ANGLE_PROP = 'r_m_conformer_angle'
MIN_ENERGY_PROP = 'r_m_min_energy'
    'max_steps': 150,
    'dielectric_constant': 1.0,
    'energy_criterion': 5e-5,
    'gradient_criterion': 0.1,
    'cleanup': False,
    'honor_pbc': False

[docs]class TorsionPotential: """A class to contain the atom numbers for each torsion""" # Class variable that contains torsion parameters relevant to # ligand torsions. This variable is created once when the first # instance of Torsion class is initialized. dih = None
[docs] def __init__(self, a1, a2, a3, a4, cms, lig_atoms, results=None, calc_tors=True): (self.a1, self.a2, self.a3, self.a4) = (a1, a2, a3, a4) self.cms = cms self.lfrom = None self.lto = None self.col = None self.rb_potential = None self.nbins = 36 self.interval_list = list( np.arange(-180.0, 180.0, old_div(360.0, self.nbins))) # add last bead self.interval_list.append(self.interval_list[-1] + old_div(360.0, self.nbins)) self.results = results self.lig_atoms = lig_atoms # new_lig_atoms contains aid of atoms according to a CT the # ligand is in self.new_lig_atoms = None tmp_list = cms.select_atom_comp(self._convert_index_to_asl(lig_atoms)) for i, alist in enumerate(tmp_list): if alist: self.new_lig_atoms = tmp_list[i] self.atom_dict = {} if len(self.lig_atoms) == len(self.new_lig_atoms): for i, j in zip(self.lig_atoms, self.new_lig_atoms): self.atom_dict[i] = j if calc_tors: self.potential = self._get_utt_potential( [self.a1, self.a2, self.a3, self.a4]) else: self.potential = (self.nbins + 1) * [0.0]
[docs] def set_color(self, col): self.col = col
[docs] def get_color(self): return self.col
[docs] def set_ligand_from(self, lfrom): self.lfrom = lfrom
[docs] def set_ligand_to(self, lto): self.lto = lto
[docs] def get_angles(self): return self.interval_list
[docs] def set_rbpotential(self, rbp): self.rb_potential = rbp
[docs] def get_potential(self): if self.rb_potential: return self.rb_potential else: return self.potential
def __str__(self): ret = 'Torsion:' ret += ' ' + str(self.a1) + '-' + str(self.a2) + '-' + str( self.a3) + '-' + str(self.a4) ret += '\n from:' + str(self.lfrom) + '; to:' + str(self.lto) return ret # functions needed to show torsion potentials on histograms def _convert_index_to_asl(self, index_list): asl = '(atom.num ' for i in index_list: asl += '%s,' % i asl = asl[0:len(asl) - 1] + ')' return asl def _get_utt_potential(self, atom_list): ''' Given atom_list (i,j,k,l), to get a full potential around j-k in st, we need to also look at all the atoms connected to j and k, and reconstruct UTT ''' st = self.cms jatoms = [] katoms = [] # get atoms connected to j for bond in st.atom[atom_list[1]].bond: if bond.atom2.index != atom_list[2] and bond.order: jatoms.append(bond.atom2.index) # get atoms conntecte to k for bond in st.atom[atom_list[2]].bond: if bond.atom2.index != atom_list[1] and bond.order: katoms.append(bond.atom2.index) utt_tor = [] for j in jatoms: for k in katoms: utt_tor.append([j, atom_list[1], atom_list[2], k]) total_utt_potential = np.zeros(self.nbins + 1) for utt in utt_tor: try: total_utt_potential += self._get_potential(st, utt) except: continue return total_utt_potential def _get_energy(self, tor, angle): pot = 0.0 rad = angle / 180. * math.pi pot += tor.c1 / 2. * (1 + math.cos(1 * rad)) pot += tor.c2 / 2. * (1 - math.cos(2 * rad)) pot += tor.c3 / 2. * (1 + math.cos(3 * rad)) pot += tor.c4 / 2. * (1 - math.cos(4 * rad)) return pot def _get_potential(self, st, atom_list): if not TorsionPotential.dih: self.init_ff(st, atom_list) dihed_p = None # dihedral parmeters for e in TorsionPotential.dih: ai = self.atom_dict[atom_list[0]] aj = self.atom_dict[atom_list[1]] ak = self.atom_dict[atom_list[2]] al = self.atom_dict[atom_list[3]] # match forward and backwards if ( == ai and e.aj == aj and e.ak == ak and == al) or \ ( == al and e.aj == ak and e.ak == aj and == ai): dihed_p = e break # check if dihedral parameters are either protected (INVALID) or # all zeros if not dihed_p or dihed_p.funct == 'INVALID' or \ len(set([dihed_p.c1, dihed_p.c2, dihed_p.c3, dihed_p.c4])) == 1: return np.zeros(len(self.interval_list)) tor_potential = [] for a in self.interval_list: tor_potential.append(self._get_energy(dihed_p, a)) return np.array(tor_potential)
[docs] def init_ff(self, st, atom_list): """ This function initializes torsion force field parameters relevant to the ligand. Ligand is defined by a list of atoms. :param st: structure object for all molecules :type st: `structure.Structure` :param atom_list: list of ligand atom indices :type atom_list: list """ selection = st.select_atom_comp(self._convert_index_to_asl(atom_list)) icomp = None for i, element in enumerate(selection): if element: icomp = i break ct = st.comp_ct[icomp] dih = ct.ffio.dihedral TorsionPotential.dih = [] for e in dih: if in self.new_lig_atoms and e.aj in self.new_lig_atoms and \ e.ak in self.new_lig_atoms and in self.new_lig_atoms: TorsionPotential.dih.append(e)
[docs]class BondRotator(object): """ perform RB scan """
[docs] def __init__(self, st, rb_atoms, angle_diff=10, ff=16, debug=False, canonicalize=True, sampling=True): self._fk = 30.0 self._st = st self._rb_atoms = rb_atoms self.dihedral_atoms = [st.atom[i] for i in rb_atoms] self._angle_diff = angle_diff self._ff = ff self._sampling = sampling self._min_opt = MIN_OPT.copy() self._min_opt['ffld_version'] = self._ff self._min_opt['struct'] = self._st # Measure the current dihedral angle: angle = measure.measure_dihedral_angle(*self.dihedral_atoms) self.input_angle = angle self.num_rotamers = 360 // angle_diff self.angles = list(range(-180, 180 + int(angle_diff), angle_diff)) self.writer = None if debug: self.writer = structure.StructureWriter('rotator_%i_%i.mae' % (rb_atoms[1], rb_atoms[2])) with minimize.minimizer_context(**self._min_opt) as self.minimizer: if sampling: # Run with fast3d scan self.search_and_scan(self._st) else: self._scan(self._st, canonicalize=canonicalize) if self.writer: self.writer.close()
[docs] def potential(self, conf=None, degree=True): ''' get potential energy corresponding to 'conf' :param conf: conformation in degrees to get corresponding potential :type conf: float :rtype float ''' if not conf: conf = self.input_angle if not degree: conf = conf * 180 / 3.14159 energy = self.getRotEnergy(offset=True) for i, start in enumerate(self.angles[0:-1]): end = self.angles[i + 1] if start < conf and end > conf: i_start = i break # Interpolate potential at 'conf' using simple line (y=mx+b) equation e1 = energy[i_start] e2 = energy[i_start + 1] ang_diff = self.angles[i_start + 1] - self.angles[i_start] x = (conf - self.angles[i_start]) / ang_diff b = e1 m = e2 - e1 return (m * x) + b
def _generate_conformations(self, max_confs: int = 10 ) -> List[structure.Structure]: """ Run ConfGenX (fast3d) to generate `max_conf` desired cts. """ mode = 'default' optimize = True use_default_fragment_libraries = True custom_fragment_libraries = [] # Set to use the FEP_GPGPU license with EnvironmentContext('SCHRODINGER_CONFGENX_FEPGPGPU_MODE', "1"): engine = fast3d.Engine(mode, optimize, use_default_fragment_libraries, custom_fragment_libraries) engine.setDesiredNumberOfConformers(max_confs) confs = ret_cts = [] for (energy, xyz, _) in confs: ct = self._st.copy() xyz = np.asarray(xyz).reshape(ct.atom_total, 3) ct.setXYZ(xyz) ret_cts.append(ct) return ret_cts
[docs] def search_and_scan(self, ct): """ Get best profile by using fast3d to generate multiple initial coordinates. `self.results` to contain the best profile. """ profiles = [] self._scan(ct) profiles.append(self.results) for ist, st in enumerate(self._generate_conformations()): st.title = f'conf_{ist}' self._scan(st, canonicalize=False) profiles.append(self.results) best_profile = [] for i in range(len(profiles[0])): # angles es = [p[i] for p in profiles] best_profile.append(min(es)) self.results = best_profile
def _scan(self, ct, canonicalize=True): self.results = [None] * len(self.angles) st = ct.copy() if canonicalize: # Set to use the FEP_GPGPU license with EnvironmentContext('SCHRODINGER_CONFGENX_FEPGPGPU_MODE', "1"): fast3d.SingleConformerEngine().run(st) self.minimizer.updateCoordinates(st) min_st = self.minimizer.getStructure() angle2idx = {a: index for index, a in enumerate(self.angles)} dihedral_atoms = [min_st.atom[i] for i in self._rb_atoms] diff = np.abs( np.array(self.angles) - measure.measure_dihedral_angle(*dihedral_atoms)) idx = diff.argmin() # Start with the angle closest to original angle of `min_st`. angles = self.angles[idx:] + self.angles[:idx] title = st.title for rt in angles: min_st.adjust(rt, *self._rb_atoms) self.minimizer.addTorsionRestraint(*self._rb_atoms, self._fk, rt, flat_bottom=1.0) min_res = self.minimizer.minimize( ) # min_st's coordinates are updated. self.results[angle2idx[rt]] = min_res.potential_energy if self.writer: min_st.title = f'{title}:{rt}deg'[CONF_ANGLE_PROP] = rt[MIN_ENERGY_PROP] = min_res.potential_energy self.writer.append(min_st) self.minimizer.deleteAllRestraints(rest_type=mm.MMFfldTorsionRest)
[docs] def getRotEnergy(self, offset=False): if offset: res = np.array(self.results) e_min = res.min() return np.round(res - e_min, decimals=3).tolist() return self.results
[docs]def get_old2new(st, prop=ORIGINAL_INDEX): """ Get dictionary for atom-level property 'prop' as a key, and return it's new atom index (aid) """ atom_map = {} for a in st.atom: if prop in old_aid =[prop] atom_map[old_aid] = a.index return atom_map
[docs]class IncompleteFragmentError(Exception): pass
[docs]def get_rb_potential(cms_model, lig_aids, a1, a2, a3, a4): # full_system atoms indices for the torsion tor_sys_idx = [a1, a2, a3, a4] lig_st = cms_model.extract(lig_aids) return rb_potential_from_struct(lig_st, tor_sys_idx)
[docs]def rb_potential_from_struct(lig_st, tor_sys_idx): """ Creates bond rotator object to calculate torsional potential for a given structure. The input structure should have 'ORIGINAL_INDEX' property. :param lig_st: ligand structure :type lig_st: structure.Structure :param tor_sys_idx: list of atom indices to define torsion :type tor_sys_idx: list[int] :return: bond rotator object :rtype: BondRotator """ if not altcap or not licensing.licenseExists(licensing.FFLD_DEVELOPMENT): return None if not analyze.hydrogens_present(lig_st): from import add_hydrogens lig_st = lig_st.copy() add_hydrogens(lig_st) ori2new_dict = get_old2new(lig_st) # extracted ligand atoms indices for the torsion tor_lig_idx = [ori2new_dict[tor_sys_idx[i]] for i in range(4)] rb_key = (tor_lig_idx[1], tor_lig_idx[2]) # get fragment that has equivalent atom-types and preserves UTT type with altcap.Capper() as capper: frag_st = capper.get_fragment(lig_st, rot_bond_atoms=rb_key) old2new_dict = get_old2new(frag_st, altcap.ORIG_ATOM_NUM_PROP) # extracted fragment atoms indices for the torsion tor_frag_idx = [old2new_dict[tor_lig_idx[i]] for i in range(4)] energy_rotamer = BondRotator(frag_st, tor_frag_idx, sampling=True) return energy_rotamer
[docs]def get_rb_torsions_potential(cms_model, lig_aids, a1, a2, a3, a4): t = TorsionPotential(a1, a2, a3, a4, cms_model, lig_aids) return np.round(t.potential, decimals=3).tolist()