Source code for schrodinger.application.glide.gui

Classes and functions that are shared between the Glide GridGen and Docking

Copyright Schrodinger, LLC. All rights reserved.
#Contributors: Matvey Adzhigirey

import schrodinger
from schrodinger.structutils import analyze
from schrodinger.ui.qt.appframework2.markers import MarkerMixin

maestro = schrodinger.get_maestro()
    from schrodinger.graphics3d import sphere
except ImportError:
    sphere = None

[docs]def find_equivalent_atoms(st, anum): """ Given a structure atom, return a list of atoms that are identical to it. If no identical atoms are found, and empty list is returned. """ for atoms in analyze.find_equivalent_atoms(st, span_molecules=False): if anum in atoms: atoms.remove(anum) return atoms return []
[docs]class GlideWorkspaceMarkers(MarkerMixin): """ Class for marking constraints and excluded volumes in the Workspace. Along with the marker, optional labels are also drawn. """
[docs] def __init__(self): super().__init__() self._shown = True self._labels_shown = True self._marker_group = sphere.Group() # List of (label object, entry ID, atom number by entry). For labels # not associated with atoms, entry ID and atom number are None. self._label_info = [] maestro.workspace_changed_function_add(self._workspaceChangedCallback)
def __del__(self): self.clear() maestro.workspace_changed_function_remove( self._workspaceChangedCallback)
[docs] def clear(self): """ Remove all added labels. """ self._marker_group.clear() # Clear atom markers: self.removeAllMarkers() # Clear labels: for obj_handle, _, _ in self._label_info: maestro.remove_object(obj_handle) self._label_info = []
[docs] def add(self, center=None, radius=None, atom=None, color=None, name=None, opacity=0.8): """ Add another marker to draw. Either center and radius need to be specified (to draw a sphere) or an atom object (to draw atom markers). """ if center is None and not atom: raise ValueError( "Must specify a center coordinate or an atom object.") if center is not None and radius: x, y, z = center[:3] sphere_obj = sphere.MaestroSphere( x=x, y=y, z=z, radius=radius, opacity=opacity, color=color, ) self._marker_group.add(sphere_obj) elif atom: self.addMarker([atom], color=color) # TODO consider using self.addAtomMarker() if name: if center is None: center = obj_handle = maestro.create_single_line_text(name, *center) if atom: self._label_info.append( (obj_handle, atom.entry_id, atom.number_by_entry)) else: self._label_info.append((obj_handle, None, None)) if not self._shown or not self._labels_shown: maestro.hide_object(obj_handle) if self._shown:
[docs] def show(self): """ Show the markers in the Workspace. """ self._shown = True self.showAllMarkers() if self._labels_shown: self._showDesiredLabels()
[docs] def hide(self): """ Hide the markers from the Workspace. """ self._shown = False self._marker_group.hide() self.hideAllMarkers() for obj_handle, _, _ in self._label_info: maestro.hide_object(obj_handle)
[docs] def setVisible(self, visible): """ Show the markers if "visible" is True, hide otherwise. """ if visible: else: self.hide()
[docs] def showLabels(self): """ Enable labels. """ self._labels_shown = True if self._shown: self._showDesiredLabels()
def _showDesiredLabels(self): """ Show labels for markers - except those whose atoms are no longer present in the Workspace. """ # Show atoms for atoms that were included, and hide labels for # atoms that were excluded: st = maestro.workspace_get() for label_obj, eid, anum in self._label_info: if eid is not None: asl = f'( {eid} AND atom.entrynum {anum})' if analyze.evaluate_asl(st, asl): maestro.show_object(label_obj) else: maestro.hide_object(label_obj) else: # This label is not associated with an atom; always show it maestro.show_object(label_obj)
[docs] def hideLabels(self): """ Disable labels. """ self._labels_shown = False for obj_handle, _, _ in self._label_info: maestro.hide_object(obj_handle)
[docs] def setLabelsVisible(self, visible): """ Show the labels if "visible" is True, hide otherwise. """ if visible: self.showLabels() else: self.hideLabels()
def _workspaceChangedCallback(self, what_changed): """ Workspace changed callback for hiding labels when marked atoms are excluded from the Workspace, and re-showing them when the are re-included. This is already done for marker objects themselves by the MarkerMixin. """ if what_changed not in (maestro.WORKSPACE_CHANGED_EVERYTHING, maestro.WORKSPACE_CHANGED_APPEND, maestro.WORKSPACE_CHANGED_CONNECTIVITY): return if self._shown and self._labels_shown: # Show labels, only for those atoms that are still in Workspace: self._showDesiredLabels()