Source code for schrodinger.application.glide.ligand_designer

This module provides the APIs behind the Ligand Designer panel and workflow.
It combines binding site Phase hypothesis generation with R-group enumeration
and Glide grid generation and docking. The docking uses a Glide HTTP server for

import glob
import hashlib
import json
import os
from pathlib import Path

import schrodinger
from schrodinger import structure
from schrodinger.application.glide import glide
from schrodinger.application.glide import http_client
from schrodinger.application.glide import utils as glide_utils
from schrodinger.models import parameters
from schrodinger.Qt import QtCore
from schrodinger.tasks import jobtasks
from schrodinger.tasks import tasks
from schrodinger.utils import fileutils
from schrodinger.utils import log
from schrodinger.utils import mmutil

# Maximum time in seconds to wait for Glide grid generation to finish
# Default number of workers

logger = log.get_output_logger(__file__)

if schrodinger.in_dev_env():

REFLIG_NAME = 'reflig.maegz'
GRIDFILE_NAME = 'grid.grd'

[docs]def num_glide_workers(): """ Determines number of workers from environment variable. If number of workers is not an integer or <= 0 we use default value of 2. :return: number of workers :rtype: int """ try: nworkers = int(os.environ.get('LIGAND_DESIGNER_PROCESSORS', '2')) if nworkers <= 0: nworkers = DEFAULT_NUM_WORKERS except ValueError: nworkers = DEFAULT_NUM_WORKERS logger.debug(f'Using {nworkers} Glide server workers') return nworkers
[docs]class GridgenRunningException(RuntimeError):
[docs] def __init__(self, message="Grid generation is still running"): super().__init__(message)
[docs]class BuildServerTask(tasks.BlockingFunctionTask): """ Task to set up and start a glide server. The server performs core-constrained Glide docking. The server state and intermediate files are in a scratch directory. A unique subdirectory is created for each ligand-receptor complex; if another object is created for the same complex, it will share the same directory. This allows the reuse of existing grid files, for example. However, only one object at a time can be performing an enumeration because the underlying Glide server process is single-threaded. :ivar gridJobStarted: Signal when grid job has launched. Emitted with task """ gridJobStarted = QtCore.pyqtSignal(jobtasks.CmdJobTask) gg_task = parameters.NonParamAttribute()
[docs] class Input(parameters.CompoundParam): ligand_st: structure.Structure = None receptor_st: structure.Structure = None docking_keywords: dict start_gridgen: bool
[docs] class Output(parameters.CompoundParam): server: http_client.NonBlockingGlideServerManager = None
[docs] def initConcrete(self, tmpdir=None, *args, **kwargs): """ :param tmpdir: Base temporary directory for server directories """ super().initConcrete(*args, **kwargs) self._tmpdir = tmpdir self.gg_task = None
@tasks.preprocessor(order=tasks.BEFORE_TASKDIR) def _initGridgenTask(self): if not self.input.start_gridgen or self.gg_task is not None: return self.gg_task = GridgenTask() self.gg_task.input.ligand_st = self.input.ligand_st self.gg_task.input.receptor_st = self.input.receptor_st @tasks.preprocessor(order=tasks.BEFORE_TASKDIR + 1) def _findTaskDir(self): """ Check existing task dirs to see if any have a grid compatible with the current ligand_st and receptor_st """ if self.taskDirSetting() is not self.DEFAULT_TASKDIR_SETTING: # Skip if we have already set a taskdir return recepname = fileutils.get_jobname(self.input.receptor_st.title) signature = get_structure_digest(self.input.receptor_st) jobname = '-'.join(['ld', recepname, signature]) tmpdir = self._tmpdir or fileutils.get_directory_path(fileutils.TEMP) jobdir_stem = Path(tmpdir) / 'ligand_designer' / jobname jobdir_stem = jobdir_stem.absolute() jobdir = self._checkExistingJobDirs(jobdir_stem) if not jobdir: jobdir = fileutils.get_next_filename(str(jobdir_stem), JOBDIR_SEP) jobdir = Path(jobdir) logger.debug('Jobdir: %s', jobdir) self.specifyTaskDir(jobdir) self.gg_task.specifyTaskDir(jobdir) def _checkExistingJobDirs(self, jobdir_stem): dir_pattern = f"{jobdir_stem}{JOBDIR_SEP}*" for jobdir in glob.iglob(dir_pattern): self.gg_task.specifyTaskDir(jobdir) if self.gg_task.checkGridfile() or self.gg_task.checkReflig(): return jobdir
[docs] def mainFunction(self): self.output.reset() gg_task = self.gg_task grid_ok = gg_task.checkGridfile() if self.input.start_gridgen: if not grid_ok: gg_task.start() self.gridJobStarted.emit(gg_task) else: gg_task.updateReflig() elif grid_ok: self._startServer() else: # Fail if the gridfile isn't acceptable but we aren't supposed to # run gridgen if gg_task.status is gg_task.RUNNING: exc = GridgenRunningException() else: exc = RuntimeError("Gridgen failed") self._recordFailure(exc)
def _startServer(self): gg_task = self.gg_task docking_keywords = { 'PRECISION': 'HTVS', 'GRIDFILE': gg_task.getTaskFilename(GRIDFILE_NAME), 'REF_LIGAND_FILE': gg_task.getTaskFilename(REFLIG_NAME), 'CORE_DEFINITION': 'mcssmarts', 'CORE_RESTRAIN': True, 'CORECONS_FALLBACK': True, 'WRITE_RES_INTERACTION': True, 'GEOCHECK_FACTOR': 0.9, } docking_keywords.update(self.input.docking_keywords) kwargs = dict( jobdir=self.getTaskDir(), use_jc=False, ) if kwargs['use_jc']: # Only set jobname for jobcontrol to allow reattaching kwargs['jobname'] = 'glide_server' if mmutil.feature_flag_is_enabled(mmutil.FAST_LIGAND_DESIGNER): ServerCls = http_client.NonBlockingGlideServerManagerZmq kwargs['nworkers'] = num_glide_workers() else: ServerCls = http_client.NonBlockingGlideServerManager kwargs['timeout'] = 1200 # 20 minutes server = ServerCls(docking_keywords, **kwargs) ready = server.isReady() # Check whether server is already running if not ready: try: server.start() except Exception as exc: self._recordFailure(exc) return else: ready = True if ready: self.output.server = server
[docs]class GridgenTask(jobtasks.CmdJobTask): """ Task to run glide grid generation. :cvar RUNNING_MESSAGE: Message for RUNNING status :cvar FAILED_MESSAGE: Message for FAILED status """ RUNNING_MESSAGE = 'Generating grid...' FAILED_MESSAGE = 'Grid generation failed' infile = parameters.NonParamAttribute()
[docs] class Input(parameters.CompoundParam): ligand_st: structure.Structure = None receptor_st: structure.Structure = None
[docs] class Output(jobtasks.CmdJobTask.Output): gridfile: str = None
[docs] def initConcrete(self): super().initConcrete() = os.path.splitext(GRIDFILE_NAME)[0] self.infile = + ".in"
@tasks.preprocessor(order=tasks.AFTER_TASKDIR) def _writeInputs(self): logger.debug("Writing gridgen input files") self._writeReflig() pvfile = + "_in.maegz" with structure.StructureWriter(self.getTaskFilename(pvfile)) as writer: writer.append(self.input.receptor_st) writer.append(self.input.ligand_st) keywords = { 'RECEP_FILE': pvfile, 'LIGAND_INDEX': 2, 'GRIDFILE': GRIDFILE_NAME, } glide_job = glide.get_glide_job(keywords) infile = self.getTaskFilename(self.infile) glide_job.writeSimplified(infile)
[docs] def makeCmd(self): return ['$SCHRODINGER/glide', self.infile]
@tasks.postprocessor def _checkOutput(self): gridfile = self.getTaskFilename(GRIDFILE_NAME) if not os.path.isfile(gridfile): return False, "Gridfile not found" self.output.gridfile = gridfile
[docs] def checkGridfile(self) -> bool: """ Return whether the specified taskdir contains a gridfile compatible with the input ligand. """ taskdir = self.taskDirSetting() if not isinstance(taskdir, (str, Path)): raise ValueError("Can only be used with a specified taskdir") elif not os.path.exists(taskdir): raise ValueError("Can only be used with an existing taskdir") self._createTaskDir() # will be a no-op but allows calling getTaskDir return self._checkGridfile()
def _checkGridfile(self) -> bool: """ Check whether the taskdir contains a gridfile compatible with the input ligand. If so, writes the ref ligand file if it's missing. """ grid_file = self.getTaskFilename(GRIDFILE_NAME) if (glide_utils.check_required_gridfiles(grid_file) and glide_utils.is_grid_good_for_ligand(grid_file, self.input.ligand_st)): self._writeReflig(overwrite=False) return True return False
[docs] def checkReflig(self) -> bool: """ Whether the ref ligand file is equivalent to the input ligand """ ref_lig_file = self.getTaskFilename(REFLIG_NAME) if os.path.isfile(ref_lig_file): ref_lig_st = if ref_lig_st.isEquivalent(self.input.ligand_st): return True return False
def _writeReflig(self, overwrite: bool = True): ref_lig_file = self.getTaskFilename(REFLIG_NAME) if overwrite or not os.path.isfile(ref_lig_file): self.input.ligand_st.write(ref_lig_file)
[docs] def updateReflig(self): """ Overwrite the ref ligand if it isn't equivalent to the input ligand """ if not self.checkReflig(): self._writeReflig()
[docs]def read_json_file(filename): """ Read a JSON file. If there are issues reading it (doesn't exist, syntax errors...) quietly return an empty dict. :type filename: str :rtype: object """ try: with open(filename) as fh: return json.load(fh) except (IOError, ValueError): return {}
[docs]def md5sum(input_str): """ MD5 hex digest of a string. :type input_str: str :rtype: str """ m = hashlib.md5() m.update(input_str.encode('utf-8')) return m.hexdigest()
[docs]def get_structure_digest(st, length=8): """ Return an abbreviated MD5 hex digest given a Structure, considering only element, formal charge, and XYZ coordinates. :param st: input structure (not modified) :type st: schrodinger.structure.Structure :param length: digest length in hex digits :type length: int :return: hex digest :rtype: str """ receptor_str = '\n'.join( '{} {:d} {:.3} {:.3} {:.3}'.format(a.element, a.formal_charge, * for a in st.atom) return md5sum(receptor_str)[:length]