Source code for

Custom file dialogs for the Jaguar GUIs

from collections import OrderedDict

from schrodinger.Qt import QtWidgets
from schrodinger.Qt.QtCore import Qt
from schrodinger.ui.qt import filedialog

JAG_IN_FILTER = "Jaguar Input (*.in)"

[docs]class FileDialogWithExtraCombo(filedialog.FileDialog): """ A Qt file dialog with an extra combo box about the filename text edit """ _JAG_IN_FILTER = JAG_IN_FILTER _JAG_IN_SUFFIX = JAG_IN_SUFFIX
[docs] def __init__(self, parent, caption, lbl_text, combo_items): """ Create a new file dialog with the specified label text and combo box items. :param parent: The Qt parent widget :type parent: `PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget` :param caption: The title of the dialog :type caption: str :param lbl_text: The label text to display next to the extra combo box :type lbl_text: str :param combo_items: A list of strings to add to the combo box :type combo_items: tuple """ filters = self._JAG_IN_FILTER super(FileDialogWithExtraCombo, self).__init__(parent, caption=caption, filter=filters) # Needed for customization to work, on Qt5: self.setOption(QtWidgets.QFileDialog.DontUseNativeDialog, True) self.setDefaultSuffix(self._JAG_IN_SUFFIX) lbl = QtWidgets.QLabel(lbl_text, self) combo = QtWidgets.QComboBox(self) combo.addItems(combo_items) self._combo = combo self._insertWidgets(lbl, combo)
def _insertWidgets(self, lbl, combo): """ Insert the given widgets above the filename text edit :param lbl: The label to insert :type lbl: `PyQt5.QtWidgets.QLabel` :param combo: The combo box to insert :type combo: `PyQt5.QtWidgets.QComboBox` :note: QFileDialog does not have an API to add widgets, so the Qt FAQ recommends directly adding widgets to the dialog's layout: http://qt- This function will break if the QFileDialog layout ever changes. """ glayout = self.layout() for row in (3, 2): for col in range(3): if col == 2: if row == 3: # There's nothing in (3, 2) because (2, 2) contains a # button box that takes up two rows continue elif row == 2: # (2, 2) contains a button box that spans two rows row_span = 2 else: row_span = 1 widget = glayout.itemAtPosition(row, col).widget() glayout.addWidget(widget, row + 1, col, row_span, 1) glayout.addWidget(lbl, 2, 0) glayout.addWidget(combo, 2, 1, Qt.AlignLeft)
[docs] def selectedOption(self): """ Return the currently selected index for the extra combo box :return: The currently selected index for the extra combo box :rtype: int """ return self._combo.currentIndex()
[docs]class ReadFileDialog(FileDialogWithExtraCombo): """ An Open dialog both with an extra combo box to specify what should be read from the specified file. :cvar GEOM_AND_SETTINGS: The index of the "Geometry and settings" option, as returned by selectedOption(). :vartype GEOM_AND_SETTINGS: int :cvar GEOM_ONLY: The index of the "Geometry only" option, as returned by selectedOption(). :vartype GEOM_ONLY: int :cvar SETTINGS_ONLY: The index of the "Settings only" option, as returned by selectedOption(). :vartype SETTINGS_ONLY: int """ # This class does't implement the "Custom File Filter..." option from the # C++ GUI GEOM_AND_SETTINGS = 0 GEOM_ONLY = 1 SETTINGS_ONLY = 2 OPTION_TEXT = OrderedDict([(GEOM_AND_SETTINGS, 'Geometry and settings'), (GEOM_ONLY, 'Geometry only'), (SETTINGS_ONLY, 'Settings only')])
[docs] def __init__(self, parent, allowed_options=None): caption = "Jaguar Read" lbl_text = "Read as:" if allowed_options: allowed_items = [ self.OPTION_TEXT[x] for x in allowed_options if x in self.OPTION_TEXT ] else: allowed_items = list(self.OPTION_TEXT.values()) super(ReadFileDialog, self).__init__(parent, caption, lbl_text, allowed_items) self.setAcceptMode(self.AcceptOpen) self.setFileMode(QtWidgets.QFileDialog.ExistingFile)